Comparing input time and current time - excel

How do I check if the input time is less than or equal to the current time in Excel VBA?
Below is my code snippet:
time = "11:59:59 AM"
If Format(TimeValue(Now)) <= time Then
test = "Good morning!"
test = "Good Afternoon!"
End If
This always returns "Good Afternoon!"

You need the to convert a string representing time to an actual time value with TimeValue. It seems your process was a little backwards. You wanted to get a true numerical time value to compare against Now; not a string to compare against a string representing Now.
dim tm as date
tm = TimeValue("11:59:59 AM")
If TimeValue(Now) <= tm Then
test = "Good morning!"
test = "Good Afternoon!"
End If
It's never a good idea to work with a variable that has the same name as a reserved word.


Comparing time in ASP classic/VBscript

I am working on a function for an asp page that compares if a time entered is greater than a time with added leeway. I noticed certain times when checked would fail the test when the times are equal. Included is a snip of my function to illustrate. Not sure why equal dates would fail, and would like to know if this is a good way to go about comparing time.
function TimeTest(testTime, checkTime, buffer, try)
checkingTime = FormatDateTime(cdate(DateAdd("n", buffer, cdate(checkTime))),4)
if try = 1 then
testTime = FormatDateTime(testTime, 4)
checktime = FormatDateTime(checkTime, 4)
end if
if cdate(testTime) > DateAdd("n", buffer, cdate(checkTime)) then
TimeTest = "<p class = 'redS'>Fails! testTime: "&testTime&" < checkTime:"&checkingTime&"</p>"
TimeTest = "<p class = 'greenS'>Works! testTime: "&testTime&" > checkTime:"&checkingTime&"</p>"
end if
end function
for i=0 to 23
for j=0 to 59
response.write(TimeTest(i&":"&j&":00", i&":00:00", j, 1))
This problem has earned my attention! I can reproduce the results and it's very unclear what's going on behind the scenes in these comparisons. However, I have a workaround for you
Here is a modified version of the code that I've been using to analyse the issue...
Option Explicit
Function TimeTest(a, b, buffer)
Dim c : c = DateAdd("n", buffer, b)
Dim s : s = Join(Array("a=" & a, "b=" & b, "c=" & c, "buffer=" & buffer), ", ")
Dim passed : passed = a <= c
'Dim passed : passed = DateDiff("s", a, c) <= 0
If passed Then Exit Function
Dim color : color = "red" : If passed Then color = "green"
TimeTest = "<div style='color:" & color & "'>" & s & "</div>"
End Function
Dim i, j, a, b
For i = 0 To 23
For j = 0 To 59
a = CDate(i & ":" & j & ":00")
b = CDate(i & ":00:00")
'a = CDate(Date() & " " & i & ":" & j & ":00")
'b = CDate(Date() & " " & i & ":00:00")
Response.Write(TimeTest(a, b, j))
Note that commenting out line 13 will reveal lines that pass. By default, I'm showing only failures.
The first thing to note is that I have some commented variants on lines 24-25 where I add today's date to the value before casting it. Interestingly, doing this changes the pattern of which times fail the test. There are still roughly the same number of failures but they occur at different buffer values.
This leads me to believe that behind the scenes in VBScript, these datetimes might be cast to floating-point numbers when you use the native < <= > >= comparison operators on them and that's resulting in some precision errors. If they were converted to long integers, then they should surely be correct.
I did a version of the code where instead of using a direct comparison on the VBDateTimes, I compared the integer representation of them (unix time) using this function:
Function date2epoch(myDate)
date2epoch = DateDiff("s", "01/01/1970 00:00:00", myDate)
End Function
When doing that, all tests passed. However, it is an unusual way to do things. I thought there should be a more 'normal' way.
I then went back and replaced the straightforward <= operator with a call to DateDiff instead (comment out line 10, uncomment line 11). Whether I used seconds or minutes, the tests passed. So, I think the takeaway lesson here might be to always use DateDiff when comparing VBDateTimes. As someone who's used VBS for a while and never encountered issues with native comparisons before, this is a revelation and I may need to offer this advice to my colleagues too.

VBA Greater Than Function Not Working

I have an issue where I am trying to compare a values that can be alphanumeric, only numeric, or only alphabetic.
The code originally worked fine for comparing anything within the same 100s group (IE 1-99 with alphabetic components). However when I included 100+ into it, it malfunctioned.
The current part of the code reads:
For j = 1 To thislength
If lennew < j Then
enteredval = Left("100A", lennew)
ElseIf lennew >= j Then
enteredval = Left("100A", j)
End If
If lenold < j Then
cellval = Left("67", lenold)
ElseIf lenold >= j Then
cellval = Left("67", j)
End If
'issue occurs here
If enteredval >= cellval Then
newrow = newrow+1
End If
Next j
The issue occurs in the last if statement.
When cycling through the 100 is greater than the 67 but still skips over. I tried to declare them both as strings (above this part of code) to see if that would help but it didn't.
What I am trying to accomplish is to sort through a bunch of rows and find where it should go. IE the 100A should go between 100 and 100B.
Sorry lennew=len("100A") and lennold=len("67"). And thislength=4or whatever is larger of the two lengths.
The problem is that you're trying to solve the comparison problem by attacking specific values, and that's going to be a problem to maintain. I'd make the problem more generic by creating a function that supplies takes two values returns -1 if the first operand is "before" the second, 0 if they are the same, and 1 if the first operand is "after" the second per your rules.
You could then restructure your code to eliminate the specific hardcoded prefix testing and then just call the comparison function directly, eg (and this is COMPLETELY untested, off-the-cuff, and my VBA is VERRRRRY stale :) but the idea is there: (it also assumes the existence of a simple string function called StripPrefix that just takes a string and strips off any leading digits, which I suspect you can spin up fairly readily yourself)
Function CompareCell(Cell1 as String, Cell2 as String) as Integer
Dim result as integer
Dim suffix1 as string
Dim suffix2 as string
if val(cell1)< val(cell2) Then
result = -1
else if val(cell1)>val(cell2) then
result = 1
else if val(cell1)=val(cell2) then
if len(cell1)=len(cell2) then
result =0
' write code to strip leading numeric prefixes
' You must supply StripPrefix, but it's pretty simple
' I just omitted it here for clarity
suffix1=StripPrefix(cell1) ' eg returns "ABC" for "1000ABC"
if suffix1 < suffix2 then
result = -1
else if suffix1 > suffix2 then
result = 1
result = 0
end if
end if
return result
end function
A function like this then allows you to take any two cell references and compare them directly to make whatever decision you need:
if CompareCell(enteredval,newval)>=0 then
end if

fast way to convert datetime to string

I want to know if there is faster way to convert a datetime to a string besides datestr.
datetime is inserted every other lines in my main function (including all of its dependency). I need time at that line of code is executed.
I think my only option is to convert datetime to string faster.
t = datetime('now');
DateString = datestr(t);
I profiled and it seems it is called 12570846 times. It takes 16030.021s in total.
My goal of doing this is get the current time when the line is executed and to match with other information that I get from other program with timestamps. I match two files (one from this MATLAB code and one from my other program) with time stamps.
One way you could do this would be to compare the current time to the time the previous time through the loop. You should only recompute the datestring value if it's different. But we can actually go a step further, because the output of datestr (as you're calling it) only shows seconds. So we can actually ignore microsecond differences.
Example Using now (~128 Seconds)
Below I have an example loop that caches the date string representation. It compares the serial date (in seconds) to the date for which the last date string was generated. Only if it's different is the date string updated.
% Number of seconds in a day to convert the serial date number
secperday = 60 * 60 * 24;
% Store the current time as a reference
lasttime = now;
datestring = datestr(lasttime);
for k = 1:12570846
N = now;
seconds = round(N * secperday);
if ~isequal(lasttime, seconds)
% Update the cache
lasttime = seconds;
datestring = datestr(N);
% Use datestring however you want
Example using clock (~24 seconds)
Another option is to use clock which will give you the different date components in a vector. You can round the last element which represents seconds and milliseconds. By rounding it you suppress the milliseconds. This method seems to be a faster approach.
N = clock;
% Remove milliseconds
N(end) = round(N(end));
lasttime = N;
datestring = datestr(N);
for k = 1:12570846
N = clock;
% Ignore milliseconds
N(end) = round(N(end));
if ~isequal(N, lasttime)
lasttime = N;
datestring = datestr(N);
Funtion-Based Solution
If you want to get the current time as a date string at several points within your code, it is likely much better to create a function which will wrap this functionality. Here is an example of such a function.
function str = getDateString()
% Use persistent variables to cache the current value
persistent lasttime datestring
% Get the current time
thistime = clock;
% Truncate the milliseconds
thistime(end) = floor(thistime(end));
% See if the time has changed since the last time we called this
if ~isequal(thistime, lasttime)
lasttime = thistime;
% Update the cached string reprsentation
datestring = datestr(thistime);
str = datestring;
You can then call this from anywhere within your code to get the date string and it will only be computed when necessary.
If your loop time is pretty short you might convert the date time every 10th loop or something like that if it will be close enough.

How to improve the speed of STRREAD()?

I have a cell array named 'datetime' as the format below:
2009.01.01 00:00:02.169
this 'datetime' array is 1819833x1 size which is large!!!
I want split it into 2 cell array: 'date' and 'time'.
date='2009.01.01' and time='00:00:02.169'.
So I use the for loop as below:
for i=1:numel(datetime)
[date(i), time(i)] = strread(datetime{i},'%s%s','delimiter',' ');
As you can see, it use a loop and the speed is really slow when process such a big data.
I try the code this afternoon, and almost ONE HOUR past, the job is still not done....
So can anyone give me a advice?
So first I would preallocate the date and time, no mather which solution you pick. Next I did some experiments with the following setup
s = '2009.01.01 00:00:02.169';
S = repmat({s}, 100000, 1);
The results are
Using strread
tic, for i=1:numel(S), [~, ~] = strread(S{i},'%s%s','delimiter',' '); end, toc
Elapsed time is 3.694143 seconds.
Using regexp
tic, for i=1:numel(S), [~] = regexp(S{i},'\s+', 'split'); end, toc
Elapsed time is 1.324754 seconds.
Using cellfun
tic, cellfun(#(x) regexp(x, '\s+', 'split'), S, 'UniformOutput', false); toc
Elapsed time is 2.072437 seconds.
As you can see, most of those approaches are very slow. Fortunately, many functions in MATLAB can use cells directly, watch this:
tic, Sresult = regexp(S, '\s+', 'split'); toc
Elapsed time is 0.253819 seconds.
You can now access the result by Sresult{i}{1} or Sresult{i}{2} or simply
date = cellfun(#(x) x{1}, Sresult, 'UniformOutput', false);
time = cellfun(#(x) x{2}, Sresult, 'UniformOutput', false);
Elapsed time is 0.835277 seconds.
Ultra Fast Method
The fastest method I can think of is requiring, that the format is always the same, i.e. the length of each string is equal. In your case, I can imagine it to be true. Then you can use something like this
tic, Sa = cell2mat(S); Sdate = Sa(:,1:10); Stime = Sa(:, 12:end); toc
Elapsed time is 0.060586 seconds.
Here you get another speed factor of about 20!
Here's one approach. Not sure how fast it will be:
datetime = {'2009.01.01 00:00:02.169'
'2009.01.02 00:01:05.169'}; %// example data. Cell array of strings
datetime_split = regexp(datetime, '\s+', 'split'); %// split according to spaces
%// Alternatively: datetime_split = cellfun(#strsplit, datetime, 'uniformoutput', 0);
datetime_split = [datetime_split{:}];
date = datetime_split(1:2:end);
time = datetime_split(2:2:end);
With the above data, this produces
>> date
date =
'2009.01.01' '2009.01.02'
>> time
time =
'00:00:02.169' '00:01:05.169'
So, thanks Robert...your advice really helpful!!!
First, I did preallocation, and the time for loop + strread() combination is reduced to less than 40s with my 'datetime' array which is 1819833x1 size.
So it is the main improvement, we can see that the reduce of memory re-allocation and memory data copying can speed up the process a lot....especially when you perform on a large size of sample data.

prime number in vba excel 2003

I'm analyzing a code from the website and I tried it on my side as well but seems it doesn't work. Could you please tell me why? would greatly appreciate your help.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim N, D As Single
Dim tag As String
N = Cells(2, 2)
Select Case N
Case Is < 2
MsgBox "It is not a prime number"
Case Is = 2
MsgBox "It is a prime number"
Case Is > 2
D = 2
If N / D = Int(N / D) Then
MsgBox "It is not a prime number"
tag = "Not Prime"
Exit Do
End If
D = D + 1
Loop While D <= N - 1
If tag <> "Not Prime" Then
MsgBox "It is a prime number"
End If
End Select
End Sub
The single biggest problem I see is using Single instead of Integer or Long. Primes are positive integers and are not thought of in the context of decimal values (as far as I know). Thus by using a singles and comparing them to divided ints, you're opening yourself up to nasty edge-case rouding errors.
The line If N / D = Int(N / D) Then is using a poor method to see whether or not the numbers are prime. It's assuming that every time you divide a floating point number (in this case, the single) by the divisor, if it has a decimal remainder, then the integer conversion of that remainder will not be equal. However, I've run into rounding errors sometimes with floating point numbers when trying to compare answers, and in general, I've learned to avoid using floating point to int conversions as a way of comparing numbers.
Here's some code you might try instead. Some things to note:
I've changed the types of N and D so that they are Longs and not Singles. This means they are not floating point and subject to possible rounding errors.
I've also explicitly converted the cell value to a long. This way you know in your code that you are not working with a floating point type.
For the comparison, I've used Mod, which returns the remainder of the N divided by D. If the remainder is 0, it returns true and we know we don't have a prime. (Note: Remainder is often used with \, which only returns the integer value of the result of the division. Mod and \ are commonly used in precise division of integer types, which in this case is very appropriate.
Lastly, I changed your message box to show the actual number being compared. Since the number in the cell is converted, if the user enters a floating point value, it will be good for them to see what it was converted to.
You'll probably also note that this code runs a lot faster than your code when you get to high numbers in the hundreds of millions.
Sub GetPrime()
Dim N As Long
Dim D As Long
Dim tag As String
N = CLng(Cells(2, 2))
Select Case N
Case Is < 2
MsgBox N & " is not a prime number"
Case Is = 2
MsgBox N & " is a prime number"
Case Is > 2
D = 2
If N Mod D = 0 Then
MsgBox N & " is not a prime number"
tag = "Not Prime"
Exit Do
End If
D = D + 1
Loop While D <= N - 1
If tag <> "Not Prime" Then
MsgBox N & " is a prime number"
End If
End Select
End Sub
NOTE: I changed the name of the procedure to be GetPrime. In your code, you had:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
In the line above, you are defining a procedure (also called a method or sometimes just referred to as a sub). The word Sub indicates you are defining a procedure in code that returns no value. (Sometimes you might see the word Function instead of Sub. This means the procedure returns a value, such as Private Function ReturnANumber() As Long.) A procedure (Sub) is a body of code that will execute when called. Also worth noting, an excel macro is stored in VBA as a Sub procedure.
In your line of code, CommandButton1_Click() is the name of the procedure. Most likely, this was created automatically by adding a button to an Excel spreadsheet. If the button is tied to the Excel spreadsheet, CommandButton1_Click() will execute each time the button is pressed.
In your code, Private indicates the scope of the procedure. Private generally means that the procedure cannot be called outside of the module or class in which it resides. In my code, I left out Private because you may want to call GetPrime from a different module of code.
You mentioned in your comments that you had to change the name of my procedure from GetPrime() to CommandButton1_Click(). That certainly works. However, you could also have simply called GetPrime from within CommandButton1_Click(), like below:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'The following line of code will execute GetPrime() '
'Since GetPrime does not have parameters and does not return a value, '
'all you need to do is put the name of the procedure without the () '
End Sub
'Below is the entire code for the Sub GetPrime() '
Sub GetPrime()
'The body of the code goes below: '
' ... '
End Sub
Hopefully this helped to explain a little bit about VBA to further your understanding!
I'm not sure where you copied this code from, but it's terribly inefficient. If I may:
Dim N, D As Long will cause D to be a Long, and N to be a variant. As you may know, variants are one of the slowest data types available. This line should be: Dim N As Long, D As Long
You only need to test every other number as an even number will always be divisible by two. (Therefore can not possibly be prime).
You don't need to test all the way up to N. You only need to test up to the Square Root of N. This is because after the square root the factors just switch sides, so you are just retesting values.
For Loops only evaluate the For-Line once for the life of the loop, but Do and While loops evaluate their conditional on every loop, so N-1 is being evaluated many, many times. Store this value in a variable if you want to use a Do Loop.
Ok, so now that we have dispensed with the blah, blah, blah, here is the code. I structured it so you can use it as a UDF from Excel as well (Ex: =ISPRIME(A2)):
Option Explicit
Sub GetPrime()
Dim varValue As Variant
varValue = Excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(2&, 2&).Value
If IsNumeric(varValue) Then
If CLng(varValue) = varValue Then
If IsPrime(varValue) Then
MsgBox varValue & " is prime", vbInformation, "Prime Test"
MsgBox varValue & " is not prime", vbExclamation, "Prime Test"
End If
Exit Sub
End If
End If
MsgBox "This operation may only be performed on an integer value.", vbCritical, "Tip"
End Sub
Public Function IsPrime(ByVal num As Long) As Boolean
Dim lngNumDiv As Long
Dim lngNumSqr As Long
Dim blnRtnVal As Boolean
''//If structure is to optimize logical evaluation as AND/OR operators do not
''//use short-circuit evaluation in VB.'
If num = 2& Then
blnRtnVal = True
ElseIf num < 2& Then 'Do nothing, false by default.
ElseIf num Mod 2& = 0& Then 'Do nothing, false by default.
lngNumSqr = Sqr(num)
For lngNumDiv = 3& To lngNumSqr Step 2&
If num Mod lngNumDiv = 0& Then Exit For
blnRtnVal = lngNumDiv > lngNumSqr
End If
IsPrime = blnRtnVal
End Function
You can optimise it further (and make it more readable, in my opinion) by making the following changes. First performance:
Use longs, not floats. This will result in a huge speed increase.
You don't need to check up to n-1, only the square root of n. That's because if a factor d greater than sqrt(n) exists, its counterpart n/d would have already been found under sqrt(n). We use a special variable for this so that we don't get overflow by calculating divisor2. It also speeds it up by calculating that once rather than calculating the square every time through the loop (even though getting the square root is undoubtedly slower than squaring, it only happens once).
Do a special check first for multiples of two then you need only check that your number is a multiple of an odd number, effectively doubling the speed (not checking if you're a factor of a multiple of two).
Use the modulo operator rather than division/multiplication.
Now readability:
Use descriptive variable names.
Use a boolean for boolean values (not a string like tag).
Move the message box logic down to the bottom, based on the isPrime boolean, rather than scattering the messages amongst your code.
With all those changes, the following code can detect a 9-digit prime number (795,028,841) in well under a second. In fact, we can detect the largest 31-bit prime (2,147,483,647) in the same time.
Based on benchmarks (putting a 10,000-iteration for loop around the select), it takes 35 seconds on my box to detect that 31-bit prime. That's about 285 times per second - hopefully that'll be fast enough for you :-)
Option Explicit
Public Sub Go()
Dim number As Long
Dim divisor As Long
Dim maxdivisor As Long
Dim isPrime As Boolean
number = CLng(Cells(2, 2))
Select Case number
Case Is < 2
isPrime = False
Case Is = 2
isPrime = True
Case Is > 2
isPrime = True
If number mod 2 = 0 Then
isPrime = False
maxdivisor = CLng(Sqr(number)) + 1
divisor = 3
If number mod divisor = 0 Then
isPrime = False
Exit Do
End If
divisor = divisor + 2
Loop While divisor <= maxdivisor
End If
End Select
If isPrime Then
MsgBox "Number (" & number & ") is prime"
MsgBox "Number (" & number & ") is not prime"
End If
End Sub
