After installing Emacs via sudo apt-get install Emacs on a Linux Mint machine, I'm getting to the xwindow version of Emacs every time I start 'Emacs' from the terminal emulator in my window/tile manager.
I'm interested in the command-line version. Did I do something wrong so far?
If you remove the GUI version and install emacs-nox it will give you the command line only version.
Alternatively, you could also keep what you have and open it with emacs -nw. The nw means "No Window".
have any of you tried compile and executing SFML c++ project output on wsl?
I tried and got
Failed to open X11 display; make sure the DISPLAY environment variable is set correctly
Is it possible at all to execute GUI applications through wsl?
(I've installed ubuntu's for wsl)
Linux distributions set up for WSL 1 will not function with Linux GUI applications, which are only supported with WSL 2.
Due to the official documentation from Microsoft regarding WSL, you might need to check these steps:
Select Start, type PowerShell, right-click Windows PowerShell, and then select Run as administrator.
after that type this command and then press enter:
wsl --update
You will need to restart WSL for the update to take effect. You can restart WSL by running the shutdown command in PowerShell.
wsl --shutdown
now, once again open powershell and type in this command:
wsl --list --verbose
You should see the number 2 for your installed distro under the heading VERSION in the response.
If everything went as planned until this point, see if your distro can open any windows by installing a GUI app like gedit and trying to open it:
sudo apt update
now install gedit:
sudo apt install gedit -y
After the installation has finished, launch gedit by typing gedit in your wsl terminal. A window from wsl inside of Windows should now open, and the issue should now be resolved.
find more information here:
If you had the same problem
first, you need to install VcXsrv and X11 for executing GUI applications through wsl
then you have to add these 2 to your environment variables:
export DISPLAY=:0
I installed Vim on my MacBook today (using brew install vim), but I am having a problem: vim --version tells me that there is no Python 3, which I need. I already reinstalled the newest version of Python from their website, then did brew delete vim and brew cleanup and reinstalled Vim, but I'm still having the same problem. Online, I saw the option to use the flag --with-python3 when installing, but when I try that, I get told that this flag doesn't exist. Now I don't know what to do. Do I need to install Python via Homebrew? I also found some people online saying that there are versions of Vim compiled without Python, and that you can compile Vim yourself. Do I need to do that? How?
I should add: I'm very new to this, so if you post your answers or maybe need some more information from me, please explain in detail so I can understand.
I'm a new too.
First, use brew to remove vim you should input brew uninstall vim.Then try to reinstall vim.
For instance, if you wanted to recompile Vim 8 with Python 3 support on Linux, you can try do the following:
$ git clone
$ cd vim/src
$ ./configure --with-features=huge --enable-python3interp
$ make
$ sudo make install
I include this answer to "Way 0" and "Way 1".
_______________________________________________________________---Way 0 Begin---(:
Way 0:
we should reinstall python3 and VIM, the below on terminal
brew reinstall python3
the upstairs shows that we reinstall python3 to make sure that needed by VIM.
2.continue run on terminal
brew uninstall vim
the upstairs shows that uninstall vim only if you previously installed it on terminal
brew install vim
the upstairs shows that reinstall vim via Homebrew on terminal
4.1 directly use $SHELL command
alias vim=/usr/local/bin/vim
4.2 or bash 's profile(if you use bash as SHELL)
echo 'export PATH="/usr/local/opt/vim/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
4.3 OR zsh configuration file(if you use zsh as SHELL)
edit your zsh configuration file ~/.zshrc via
vim ~/.zshrc
and add the below to TOP line(just use i to enter editing status,
then use ":wq" to quit editing status and save file):
export VIM_HOME=/usr/local/Cellar/vim/8.2.2100/
export PATH=$PATH:$VIM_HOME/bin
and active that config
source ~/.zshrc
(Both 4.1 or 4.2 or 4.3 are the same function.)
the upstairs 4.1/4.2/4.3 shows that we let shell command vim using HomebrewVIM not the defaultVIM.
We know the default VIM functional file is located at /usr/bin/vim,
while homebrew VIM functional file is located at /usr/local/bin/vim;
And default VIM support Python2 with not supporting Python3,
but homebrew VIM support Python3(That's also we needed!).
Let's look at Homebrew VIM:
Homebrew will install VIM vim at /usr/local/Cellar/vim,
create soft link vim under /usr/local/opt,
and Homebrew VIM 's functional file vim is located at /usr/local/bin/vim, also linked to /usr/local/Cellar/vim.
5.exit terminal and restart terminal or even restart mac, input
the below on terminal
vim --version | grep "python3"
checkout whether the symbol bdfore "python3" is + or Not?
"+" means VIM support python3, but "-" Not.
____________________________________________________________---Way 0 END---:)
____________________________________________________---Way 1 Start---(::
Way 1:
First, you need to use this to checkout whether VIM support Python3 or not?
vim --version | grep python
you may see the terminal output liking:
+conceal +linebreak -python3 +visual
as the upstairs shows: that Mac default installed VIM DO NOT SUPPORT Python3.
And that default installed VIM of Mac is not been installed via "brew".
Now, we could not use liking "brew remove" to delate that default installed VIM of Mac,
and it's also why your action
"brew delete vim and brew cleanup and reinstalled Vim"
we need to know where that fu-king default installed VIM with not supporting python3,
which vim
mostly shows like the upstairs(depends default macOS).
Even we use "--with-python3 " to install VIM with supporting
Python3at a long time, but Now Homebrew ONLY recognize "python -V"'s version.
SO we NEED to manually let default python to be python3.
Open your terminal and input:
alias python="python3"
then checkout python that that version whether is python3 or not:
python -V
then, we found that "python -V" shows "Python 3.9.12".
That's time to use Homebrew to install VIM.
brew install vim
After installing HomebrewVIM, we need to make sure where is HomebrewVIM,
differ from that default installed VIM of Mac:
which vim
Please restart Your Mac, restart Your Terminal and reenter your terminal!!!
Please restart Your Mac, restart Your Terminal and reenter your terminal!!!
Please restart Your Mac, restart Your Terminal and reenter your terminal!!!
then, we need to checkout whether that HomebrewVIM supports Python3 or Not:
vim --version | grep python
+conceal +linebreak +python3 +visual
__________________________________________________---Way 1 Terminal---::)
On a M1 MacBook Air i installed node 14.x and 16.x by NVM (NVM was installed by homebrew)
If I run node -v on iTerm or OS terminal I always get zsh: killed node -v
But if I run the same command within the integrated terminal of either VSCode, Rubymine or Marta, node runs fine yielding version number. (And I can develop using node, too)
Can someone explain why this is happening. What are the differences between the different terminals? Don't the all use same zsh in the background?
Since I had a bunch of other problems with killed processes that where installed by homebrew (and then only run after reinstalling) I decided to completely uninstall and reinstall homebrew. Not sure if it helps, but others noted this as some solution to the problem.
another helpful post:
Why does zsh kills my process every time I enter a git command
same issue, similar solution.
The below command will help in identifying which kernel you are using.
ps -p $$
Try executing the above command and compare the kernels.
If in case you wish to change your system's default kernel, you can follow below steps: -
Change the default shell to Bash by running the following command:
chsh -s /bin/bash
You’ll have to enter your user account’s password. Finally, close the Terminal window and reopen it. You’ll be using Bash instead of Zsh.
If this doesn't resolve your issue, and if you have used brew to install node and it can be related to brew installation as mentioned in the below post:
I am running a RHEL 7.2 (Maipo) on an AWS instance with commandline access. To my greatest surprise, vim needs to be installed and as I am fairly new to RedHat, I was at a loss initially as to the easiest way to install it, so I am adding it below for future reference so beginners like myself can just crack on with it.
As root user issue the following command to install the vim editor on RedHat linux:
sudo yum install vim
I ran brew install macvim, and I'm wondering if there's a way to access it outside of the terminal? I know I can create a link in my applications folder, but is there more native support for this? Or is my best bet just to download this guy ?
MacVim is actually a GUI application first, that comes with a CLI executable that you can run in your shell.
You can find the bundle in /usr/local/Cellar/, where Homebrew puts all the programs you install with it.
It is also possible to launch the MacVim GUI with:
$ mvim -g filename
Installing MacVim with Homebrew makes sense if you already use Homebrew to install the UNIX programs that you use regularly but installing Homebrew just to get MacVim is a pointless waste of time. Downloading MacVim from the official source is a much better idea IMO: simpler, quicker…