Saving textbox value from a test execution in Ranorex - sharepoint

I am automating Sharepoint list testing, filling up some field with values,
and like to save data I supplied to the field after.
Is there a way to automate saving the field value in a excel or csv?

In order to keep it simple, I would create two recordings and write to a text file (csv).
The first one would get the text values from the desired fields and return them in bound variables using Ranorex GetValue action.
The second recording would write the content of the bound variables to a text file, separating fields with ',' (or any other character that is suitable for the kind of data that is present in the fields) in a user code function.
If you have no idea how to write to a file in .NET, take a look at System.IO.File.AppendAllLines or similar functions.
You could also combine the 2 recordings in one, but then, re-useability would be limited the scope of the SharePoint page you are testing.
Do not forget that since Ranorex is using the .NET framework, you have access to all the functions provided by the framework in user code. With Ranorex, the usual question is not ask if something is possible. The real question is "how can it be done" and is the solution simple enough for testers to be able to use it!
Hope this helps!


Cache and Read Files in Specific Order

I'm creating an application in which users can create notes that are displayed in a grid. When a note is created, a corresponding text file is also created. When a user opens the application, the application reads the directory of note files, retrieves the content of each note file, and then displays it in the grid.
The idea is to make the grid of notes rearrangeable via drag-and-drop.
I've never done anything this before, so I'm struggling to devise an efficient way to cache or remember the order in which the user has arranged the notes. I thought of storing the position of each note in the filename itself.
This doesn't seem like a good approach since, anytime the the notes are rearranged, I'll have to rename a bunch of the files. For example, say the user creates a new note — which would be inserted as the first child of the grid for the sake of user experience — all of the filenames would have to be renamed.
Further, say a user now rearranges the notes by moving the first note to the fourth position in the top row. I'd now have to rename that file and all of the following files.
I could also store the order or arrangement in a separate file, and exclusively manipulate the content of this file instead of the actual filenames.
Although this may be superior to the last approach, it also doesn't seem that great since there is still additional overhead. For instance, when the application is launched, I'll first have to read that file in order to obtain the user arrangement before sorting files accordingly.
Does anybody have any experience implementing something like this? Is there a better way to go about it?
You may like to maintain state of your note grid in a key-value map data structure. you can cache this map in-memory or persist it in a separate file. This key-value map will store note grid data where "Key" will have position order in the grid and "Value" will have name of the corresponding text file. In case notes are rearranged you only need to update value of two keys.

Controlling an NSArrayController and Core data relations

I am new to stackoverflow because I almost never ask questions in forums as there are plenty of questions out there already answered. However my head is about to explode from trying to figure out how to do this app.
First I do this using XCode 4.5.2 for OSX 10.8 deployment of a personal (that is for my use only) double entry accounting software.
Each accounting entry consists of a header of various text fields such as the entry date, a serial number, etc. which I created an Entity called "Entry". Also each such entry has multiple lines such as the various accounts related to that entry, amounts, etc. called an Entity "EntryLine" linked in the model nice and easy.
The thing is that I intended to use text field for the basic header info and below it a linked Table View for each of the line. Being an accounting software there are several checks (validations) that I need to make and I need full control of what is going on. Already tried binding two array controllers, one for each entity and linking the two and saving them to the sqlite file but to no avail!
Now I have an app with just the header up and running by manually getting and setting the info in the top text fields as I please and saving them to the file. But I have no idea how to do the part with the Entry Lines in the Table view. Can I do that manually too or is it better to do bindings through an array controller?
Also tried already with array controller but I get "Table View Cell" when I add a new line in the table. Any ideas on that?
In the Table View there is also an "Account Name" part that is NOT part of the EntryLine entity but my intention is to obtain this information from another entity called "Account" that stores the Account Number and Account Name. On input of the account number that is, the app would skip the name field and move to particulars for input but also bring up the name of the account already inputted. Is this even possible?
Sorry for being a bit vague in my questions but I come from routine program oriented languages and not object oriented one, though I have some Java experience. Any help would be appreciated. No screenshot sorry as I am not yet allowed:(

How do I store this external data in SharePoint?

I am using Visual Studio 2010, SharePoint 2010 with custom document content types and forms. And plan to also use jquery to build the document add/edit/view forms.
I am developing a solution where I want to have a document library where each document uploaded also has a number of external data elements added as metadata.
The tricky part I'm trying to figure out is I want the user to be able to specify and add a multiple number of those same external data elements.
I'm trying to figure out how I represent the data internally in SharePoint. My initial thought is to programmaticly add hidden external fields as the users adds those external selections. But then I also think of simply storing those external elements as non-external text fields but have my own code which performs the external data lookup and validation.
I'm not adverse to significant custom coding, as I'm probably going to need to do a lot anyway since even the user interface is going to be a jquery tabbed form to enable all the external data the user will be able to associate with each SP document.
I've made an attempt to hopefully further explain what I'm trying to do and included that image. Essentially I'm wanting to add 1+ external data relationships to each document, as desired by the user.
It uses just example data. I'll actually have 4-7 different complex relationships much like the example. And the user is permitted to drilldown and select 1, 2 or all 3 of the dropdowns.
Think of it as similar to how here on Experts-Exchange we can add multiple zones to a question.
An example illustration is here:
Could you simply add a multi-line text column and have the user input the metadata with comma's, then use your code to seperate the data and do what you want with it?
You said you were not adverse to significant custom coding :)
One solution is to use SharePoint content types. The trick is that not all items in a list need to have the same content type.
Therefore, you can do the following:
As the user is selecting the fields he wants to use you generate or select a content type that matchs those fields.
You then add your document to the document list using the content template
You then have all your information strongly typed in SharePoint lists.
We have previously built a system where we generate content types based on xsd files, this worked very well.

Creating Lotus Notes documents with specific created/modified/last accessed dates for testing

I'm currently writing an application that moves Notes documents between databases based on the amount of days that have elapsed from the creation/modified/last accessed dates. I would just like to get ideas on a simple and convenient way to create documents with specific dates, without having to change the time on the Domino server, so that I could test out my application.
The best way I found so far was to create a local replica and change the system clock to the date I want. Unfortunately there are problems associated with this method. It does not work on the modified date - I'm not sure how it is getting the modified date information when the location is set to Island (Disconnected) - and it also changes the modified and last accessed dates when the documents are replicated to the server replica.
Someone suggested trying to create a DXL of the document, modify the date time in the DXL file, then import it back into the database as a Notes document; but that does not work. It just takes on the date-time that it was created.
Can anyone offer any other suggestions?
You can set the created date for a document by setting the UNID (which is fundamentally a struct of timestamps, although the actual implementation has changed in recent versions). Accessed and modified times, though, would be unsettable from within the Notes/Domino environment, since the changes you make would be overwritten by the process of saving the changes. If you have a flair for adventure and a need to run with scissors, you could make the changes in the database file itself either programmatically from an external application, or manually with a hex editor. (Editing the binary will work -- folks have been using hex editors to clear the "hide design" flag safely for years. Keep in mind that signed docs will blow up badly, and that you need to ensure that local encryption is off for the database file.)
There's actually a very simple way to spoof the creation date/time: just add a field called $Created with whatever date/time you want. This is alluded to in the Notes C API header file nsfdata.h:
Time/dates associated with notes:
OID.Note Can be Timedate when the note was created
(but not guaranteed to be - look for $CREATED
item first for note creation time)
Obtained by NSFNoteGetInfo(_NOTE_OID) or
Unfortunately, there's no analogous technique for spoofing the mod or access dates. At least none that's ever been documented, as far as I know.
I imagine given how dependent Lotus Notes is on timestamps (for replication, mainly), there isn't an API call that allows you to change the modified, created, or last access dates of a note. (More on the internals of Lotus Notes can be found here.)
I dug around the Notes C API documentation, and found only one mention on how to get/set information in the note's header, including the modified date. However, the documentation states that when you try to update that note (i.e. write it to disk), the last modified date will be overwritten with the date/time it is written to disk.
As an alternative, I would suggest creating your own set of date items within the documents that only you control, for example MyCreated, MyModified, and MyAccessed, and reference those in your code that moves documents based on dates. You would then be able to change these dates as easily as changing any other document item (via agents, forms, etc.)
For MyCreated, create a hidden calculated form field with the formula of #CREATED or #NOW. Set the type to computed when composed.
For MyModified, create a hidden calculated form field with the formula #NOW, and set the type to computed.
MyAccessed gets a bit tricky. If you can do without it, I suggest you live work with just the MyCreated and MyModified. If you need it, you should be able to manage it by setting a field value within the QueryOpen or PostOpen events. Problems occur if your users have only read access to a document - the code to update the MyAccessed field won't be able to store that value.
Hope this helps!

Passing form data to another form via url in lotus

I am working on a new web app in lotus/domino. I am newer to lotus/domino programming, so forgive me for not knowing something simple.
What I am trying to do is display a table of information, with one of the columns containing a link. The link is formatted like [http://server/app.nsf/form?openform&ideaNum=1&var2=foo2]
How can I retrieve the information from the url, to get information from a view or a document?
So far I have tried to access the query string in the webQueryOpen event, but lotus runs the agent before the DOM writes to the browser, the query_string isn't available.
I am not sure how else to get information from one form to another in lotus.
Thanks for the help.
If you're passing multiple params in the query_string, you can get Domino to do a bit more of the work for you. There's an Function command - UrlQueryString - that can format the params into a list, delimiting at the "&".
E.g. server/app.nsf/form?openform&ideaNum=1&var2=foo2
becomes a list:
To use it, on the destination form create a multi-value text field called something like "QryStringList".
Set it to be computed when composed, and set it's value to #UrlQueryString.
In your WebQueryOpen agent, you can access the params as doc.QryStringList(0), docQryStringList(1) and so on, if you're using Lotusscript.
I'm fairly sure I put this together using info from the IBM/ldd forum, but the exact source is lost in the mists of time and memory, so apologies if I've copied someone's post.
Just as a follow up, I found that you are able to specify an on form variable named the same as QUERY_STRING. The variable is actually a reserved term for Lotus, so Lotus pre-fetches the variable before running the information out the browser.
Due to the pre-fetching, you are able to access the url information during the webQueryOpen event.
I hope this helps someone else looking for the same type of functionality.
