How to set root directory in dreamweaver to access /home/<user>/public_html/ - dreamweaver

I'm using cpanel for the first time on a new site. In dreamweaver if I leave the "root directory" blank dreamweaver will write to /home/username/ with no problems.
However if I try to set the root directory to /home/username/public_html/ (or just /public_html) as the documentation insists I cannot connect.
I would switch to standard linux but the hosting company insists I use cpanel

Thanks to a guy on youtube I have set this up. The link to the video is here


How to add the dot to htaccess when setting up MAMP?

I set up MAMP so I can set up extensionless URLs on a client site, which I've never done before. I'm using MAC OS 10.7.x. I set up the ports as 80, 7888 and 3306. I use Fetch for FTP and have show hidden files turned on. I write html but not php or any other scripting language.
I have a static HTML client site loaded into the MAMP/htdocs folder and the website is working except for the includes because I can't add the dot to the htaccess. I do this all the time on web servers.
I opened the current htaccess located in my client file (not in MAMP), with my text editor (BBedit) then tried to save it with the dot and the finder will not let me do it.
As a test, I then opened Mamp/htdocs/client and at the same time opened the active website via FTP and drug the current htaccess file with the dot into that folder. However I can't tell that it did anything. And even if it did, it would be invisible and then I couldn't edit it.
I've spent about 8 hours searching the internet for a solution to this problem, and discussing the same issue in a well known apache forum, and nobody seems to know how to do this (other than telling me to open in text editor and resave, which isn't working).
I hope someone here can steer me in the right direction.
I'm not sure if I understand your problem completely, but I know 2 ways to have more control in Mac OSX concerning file naming:
This software allows you to set some hidden setting, like show all hidden files
Open a terminal and use something like:
$ sudo mv htacces .htaccess
Good luck
Use a better editor, which shows hidden files on its file browser, e.g. SublimeText 3 or go to the Finder preferences and show hidden files in general.

Where to look in my Joomla installation for the pharmacy hack?

We've discovered today that our Joomla website has been hacked by a pharmacy trojan.
It was difficult to discover because most users don't see it when visiting our website.
One user reported about 2 weeks ago that our site contains viagra/pharmacy spam.
We've looked into it, but found nothing. The conclusion was that the users computer was infected.
Yesterday another user reported this problem, so I've started to investigate again.
One hour later I've discovered that the site is indeed infected.
When I visit this webpage with my web browser all if fine:
But, if I do a google translate of this webpage I see the infection (viagra and cialis links):
The same happens if I use curl:
curl -L -A "Googlebot/2.1 (+"
As a next step I made a backup (Akeeba) of the website and transferred it to a local xampp installation for further investigation.
The local xampp installation with the website has also the same problem, so indeed the Joomla installation is infected.
a visit of
shows no problems, but a
curl -L -A "Googlebot/2.1 (+" http://localhost/en/bookmark-manager
contains the viagra links.
I've looked for hours at the (mostly php) files, did a lot of greps etc, but I cannot find anything suspicious.
Virus Total and Google Webmaster report the site as clean.
I did an audit on, but no malware was found.
I would be really grateful if someone could point me in the right direction.
Where to look inside my Joomla installation for this hack?
I've restored an older backup that was not infected to a local Xampp installation. Did a backup of the current site and installed into to another local Xampp instanced. Made a diff of all files between the two installations and found the hack in the application.php file (it was only one line). Removed the line and the hack died. I still don't know how the site got infected (all addons are the latest versions). I've changed the password as a security measure and monitoring for this hack once a week.
edit: report did actually find the hack, I didn't read the report carefully enough.
We recently recovered and migrated a Joomla 1.5 site to 2.5 and the hack was found in the template files (index.php and various override files in the templates html/ directory).
The surprising thing was we also found that about 1 in 10 of the articles had been infected. i.e. when we searched the jos_content table we found the fulltext column had Javascript embedded in it. So, I would suggest also looking there.
Your best bet is to use a tool like myJoomla as it was specifically created for this sort of thing for Joomla.
I also had this problem where if I'm visiting a sub page, the home page would load instead and show a lot of Pharmacy gibberish. But this only happened when I had Firefox Firebug opened. It turned out in my template under /html there was a mysql.php file that shouldn't be there. Luckily, I created this template so I deleted the template on the server and uploaded my original version and the problem went away. Hope this helps.

Dreamhost - mirror site while in development

new to dreamhost here and have followed the wiki on this but still need some additional help if possible. I want to be able to preview a site while I work on it, before I point the live domain to my dreamhost server. I've added the domain via the Control Panel, and all my files sit in the directory, /home/user/ - which is correct I think. When trying to follow the wiki with regards the mirroring details, I find that the only option I have is as follows, where I can't change any of these details:
Create the mirror at:
Mirror this site:
The is just a live site sitting on the same server space. Is there something I'm missing here? Probably a newb mistake no doubt :)
Mirroring is for you to point a domain to an existing site. Hence this means you can mirror on 1 site. ie. both and points to the same server space.
If you want to create a development site, you probably are talking about 2 installations.
In this case, a quick and dirty trick I use is to create a development subdomain, and fully host it. You normally get a /home/user/ folder with this. When your site is fully ready, you can edit your fully hosted and point the web directory to A better way is to SSH in and move the files.
There's an option copy files over in the settings page. Anyway dreamhost live help is pretty good. This is definitely something they will answer.

Is there a website level setting in IIS that would prevent an ASP page from being served?

Trying to copy a website to a new server as the old one is dying. :(
I tried copying over the files and setting it up manually, but some specific user accounts needed to be used and the guy who set all this up left the company nearly 5 years ago. And is even worse at documentation than I am.
Anyway, at that point the ASP pages were serving, but getting errors. Ok, fine... I went back and exported the configuration from the old server (lucky that worked at all) and created a new website from that config on the new server. On the new website, from the config file, the ASP pages are giving 404 errors.
The Active Server Pages extension is enabled, and I can actually get the asp pages to serve from another website on the server... so I'm thinking it's something at the website level. No idea what though.
Any ideas?
Back when I was doing classic ASP development we used Parent Paths. This is at the top of your ASP file you'll see something like;
<!--#include file="../../resource/includes/MSSQLconnection.asp"-->
This isn't enabled by default in IIS. It may not be answer but worth looking at. But was a long time ago now.
Hope this helps,
404 is a file not found error.
Start by checking you can access a 'hello world' HTML file in the folder using http: //localhost/path/toyour/HelloWorldFile.htm
Hello World
is all you need in the file = you don't need to bother with any HTML markup to test what we're interested in.
This will check that your virtual directories, application settings etc are correct before you move on to the Active Server Page settings.
Once you've got your paths sorted out and you know you are looking for your application in the correct place move on to a 'hello world' ASP file
<%="Hello World"%>
is all you need in that file!
You ask about settings in IIS which will stop ASP from working. These come to mind as the most obvious.
Depending on the OS (or more specifically the IIS version) you may also need to activate ASP pages.
These instructions from msdn cover Windows 2003 (IIS6) and Windows 2008(IIS 7.x)
If you can get your hello world script working you can move on to debugging your application.
It will be a great help when debugging the application if you can see what's going wrong so I recommend that you turn off friendly error messages if you are using Internet Explorer. Also set IIS to pass error messages on to the browser
http: // --excuse the link formatting but SO's newbies can't post more than 2 hyperlinks in a message was getting in the way of me trying to be helpful and earning enough rep to post more!
(that may only be relevant to IIS 7.x I don't have an IIS6 installation lying around to refresh my memory.
Make sure you are browsing your application on the server using http: //localhost - this should ensure you see any errors
Good luck

Launch local folder from XPSP2+ / IE8

We've got an intranet which normally serves all info/documents that appl to the whiole company (employee handbooks, minutes, etc...)
Most of these work by having the web server parse a folder and present the files to the user.
The problem in this case is that the latest folder is restricted to cerain users. As Kerberos is not currently an option, I was planning to side-step the issue and just insert a link which opens up a UNC path:
I've just found out that since XPSP2 this hasn't been possible with standard HTML/JS.
Does anyone know of a nother way this can be done? It's internal so I've got a lot of control over the webserver (but domain config changes will have to be justified)
I'm wondering if there's something like .Net or an ActiveX [shudder] solution or similar?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Seems the solution was to do it without Javascript and without the file://
The following works:
