Spark mllib shuffling the data - apache-spark

Does spark mllib package shuffle the data. I have been using randomSplit on the data, however, looking at the splits it looks like that it has the same order.
Is there a way to shuffle data before splitting it?

I think that you are confusing actual data shuffling with the random seed when splitting. If you set your split seed to a constant, let's say 11L per example, you'll always get the same splits.
And as stated by #zero323 Mllib simply takes a random sample by traversing each partition.
Is there a way to shuffle data before splitting it?
It depends on a context. You can always repartition or sort by random value but it is
Requires some effort to avoid caching if you want to get different result each time
It is harder to get reproducible sample if you need one.
Thus my approach is to iterate and yield on the split seed. Which is the main principle of cross-validation. This way you can get the best seed according to evaluation step you are performing. And you have your reproducible sample, but this approach is quite expensive.
I hope this helps.


Can we refit or fit in in parts clustering algorithms?

I want to cluster big data set (more than 1M records).
I want to use dbscan or hdbscan algorithms for this clustering task.
When I try to use one of those algorithms, I'm getting memory error.
Is there a way to fit big data set in parts ? (go with for loop and refit every 1000 records) ?
If no, is there a better way to cluster big data set, without upgrading the machine memory ?
If the number of features in your dataset is not too much (below 20-25), you can consider using BIRCH. It's an iterative method that can be used for large datasets. In each iteration it builds a tree with only a small sample of data and put each instance into clusters.

Is it inefficient to use a UDF to calculate the distance between two vectors?

I have implemented a classification algorithm in Spark that involves calculating distances between instances. The implementation uses dataframes (and raw SQL where possible). I transform the features of the instances into a vector so I can apply a Scaler and to end up with a uniform schema regardless of how many features my dataset happens to have.
As far as I understand, Spark SQL can't do calculations with vector columns. So in order to calculate the distance between instances, I've had to define a python function and register it as a UDF. But I see warnings against using UDFs because the dataframe engine "can't optimise UDFs".
My questions are:
Is it correct that there is no way to calculate the distance between two feature vectors within SQL (not using a UDF)?
Can the use of a UDF to calculate the distance between vectors have a large impact on performance, or is there nothing for Spark to optimise here anyway?
Is there some other consideration I've missed?
To be clear, I'm hoping the answer is either
"You're doing it wrong, this is indeed inefficient, here's how to do it instead: ...", or
"UDFs are not intrinsically inefficient, this is a perfectly good use for them and there's no opimisation you're missing out on"
UDF are not efficient nor optimized, and are not transferred to jvm code especially if you use PySpark, there is pickle object created, OS spent lots of resources to transfer from jvm in/out. I have implemented something in pyspark using udf for geolocation and it would never finish in a few days on the other hand implemented in scala it has finished in a few hours.
Do it in scala if you have to do it.
Maybe that can help

Efficient implementation of SOM (Self organizing map) on Pyspark

I am struggling with the implementation of a performant version of a SOM Batch algorithm on Spark / Pyspark for a huge dataset with > 100 features.
I have the feeling that I can either use RDDs where I can/have to specifiy the parallization on my own or I use Dataframe which should be more performant but I see no way how to use something like a local accumulation variable for each worker when using dataframes.
Using Accumulators. Parallelize the calculations by creating a UDF which takes the observations as input, calculates the impacts on the net and sends the impacts to an accumulator in the driver. (Implemented this version already, but seems rather slow (I think accumulator updates take to long))
Store results in a new column of Dataframe and then sum it together in the end. (Would have to store a whole neural net in the each row (e.g. 20*20*130) tho) Are spark optimization algorithms realizing, that it does not need to save each net but only sum them together?
Create an custom parallized algorithms using RDDs similar to that: (but with more performant calculation algorithms). But I would have to use some kind of loop to loop over each row and update the net -> sounds like that would be rather unperformant.)
Any thoughts on the different options? Is there an even better option?
Or are all ideas not that good and I should just preselect a maximum variety subset of my dataset and train a SOM locally on that.
This is exactly what I have done last year, so I might be in a good position to give you an answer.
First, here is my Spark implementation of the batch SOM algorithm (it is written in Scala, but most things will be similar in Pyspark).
I needed this algorithm for a project, and every implementation I found had at least one of these two problems or limitations:
they did not really implement the batch SOM algorithm, but used a map averaging method that gave me strange results (abnormal symmetries in the output map)
they did not use the DataFrame API (pure RDD API) and were not in the Spark ML/MLlib spirit, i.e. with a simple fit()/transform() API operating over DataFrames.
So, there I went on to code it myself: the batch SOM algorithm in Spark ML style. The first thing I did was looking how k-means was implemented in Spark ML, because as you know, the batch SOM is very similar to the k-means algorithm. Actually, I could re-use a large portion of the Spark ML k-means code, but I had to modify the core algorithm and the hyperparameters.
I can summarize quickly how the model is built:
A SOMParams class, containing the SOM hyperparameters (size, training parameters, etc.)
A SOM class, which inherits from spark's Estimator, and contains the training algorithm. In particular, it contains a fit() method that operates on an input DataFrame, where features are stored as a in a single column. fit() will then select this column and unpack the DataFrame to obtain the unerlying RDD[Vector] of features, and call the run() method on it. This is where all the computations happen, and as you guessed, it uses RDDs, accumulators and broadcast variables. Finally, the fit() method returns a SOMModel object.
SOMModel is a trained SOM model, and inherits from spark's Transformer/Model. It contains the map prototypes (center vectors), and contains a transform() method that can operate on DataFrames by taking an input feature column, and adding a new column with the predictions (projection on the map). This is done by a prediction UDF.
There is also SOMTrainingSummary that collects stuff such as the objective function.
Here are the take-aways:
There is not really an opposition between RDD and DataFrames (or rather Datasets, but the difference between those two is of no real importance here). They are just used in different contexts. In fact, a DataFrame can be seen as a RDD specialized for manipulating structured data organized in columns (such as relational tables), allowing SQL-like operations and an optimization of the execution plan (Catalyst optimizer).
For structured data, select/filter/aggregation operations, DO USE Dataframes, always.
...but for more complex tasks such as a machine learning algorithm, you NEED to come back to the RDD API and distribute your computations yourself, using map/mapPartitions/foreach/reduce/reduceByKey/and so son. Look at how things are done in MLlib: it's only a nice wrapper around RDD manipulations!
Hope it will solve your question. Concerning performance, as you asked for an efficient implementation, I did not make any benchmarks yet but I use it at work and it crunches 500k/1M-rows datasets in a couple of minutes on the production cluster.

Using RDD transformation and converts it to a Dataset before an action VS using Dataset and its API

Consider the two scenarios:
A) If I have a RDD and various RDD transformations are called on it, and before any actions are done I create a Dataset from it.
B) I create a Dataset at the very beginning and calls various Dataset methods on it.
Question: If the two scenarios produce the same outcome logically - one uses RDD transformation and converts it to a Dataset right before an action vs just using Dataset and its transformation - do both scenarios goes through the same optimizations?
No they do not.
When you do RDD and RDD transformation on them, no optimization is done. When you transform it to dataset in the end, then and only then conversion to tungsten based representation (which takes less memory and doesn't need to go through garbage collection) is performed.
When you use dataset from the beginning then it will use the tungsten based memory representation from the beginning. This means it will take less memory, shuffles will be smaller and faster and no GC overhead would occur (although conversion from internal representation to case class and back would occur any time typed operations are used). If you use dataframe operations on the dataset then it may also take advantage of code gen and catalyst optimizations.
See also my answer in: Do I have to explicitly use Dataframe's methods to take advantage of Dataset's optimization?
They don't. RDD API doesn't use any of the Tungsten / Catalyst optimizations and equivalent logic is not relevant.

How to get the partition results of machine learning in spark

I know that when I execute the, this operation will split the data automatically in spark MLlib.
My first question :
For example: I want to split the data to 10 sets. Then, they are run a learning algorithm parallel. Then, I can get ten hypotheses, which can do the other algorithm to find a final better hypothesis.
The idea is that I split the data 10 sets randomly. Then I run in each fold (for-loop?). Therefore, I can the each fold's results. However, I think it may not be a good way because of spending more time.
What is the better way when I want to get the each partition's results?
The other question is:
In LogisticRegressionModel class, can I say "the val weights is the hypothesis of the model." ?
