Screen orientation in editor in Android Studio - android-studio

In android studio, when run, my program is displayed in landscape mode and works perfectly well. However, when viewing the xml design, the virtual device is displayed in portrait mode. How do I display the xml in landscape mode?

Short Cut
Ctrl+F11 Switch layout orientation portrait/landscape backwards [AVD]
The screenOrientation is the attribute of activity element. The
orientation of android activity can be portrait, landscape, sensor,
unspecified etc. You need to define it in the AndroidManifest.xml
You can add
Your screen will always display in Landscape mode, when you rotate
your device, no changes will apply for the current activity.
android:screenOrientation="landscape" />
Please check official Guideline:

Click that button next to "Nexus 5".


How do I preview the action bar menu items in landscape orientation?

I am working on my UI design and want to preview my main menu icons. I can change my menu_main display to design and preview them but there does not seem to be an option to change the orientation to landscape.
When I preview activity_main I can rotate the view to the landscape but it does not have the menu items.
How can I preview the design of the menu in landscape mode in Android Studio 3.4.2?

Android Studio (3.3.1). Layout decorations are not visible

Im learning Android studio now and encounter this problem with Layout Preview. I cant see phone frame.Ok, it's not big deal, but in result I see that the toolbar was not counted in design. For better understanding look at picture Virtual Device and Layout preview comparison. For layout preview and virtual device I picked Nexus 6. Screen sizes should be exactly the same. In the picture you can see the button in the layout preview. But in the virtual device the button is almost completely out of the screen bounds.
This is a link to my app
Click that 'eye' icon and select the 'Show layout decorations'. Done.
Try this,
Click on Preview-> Visibility Symbol which named as view options
There is one option, Show Layout Decorations , Select this options.
For reference find below image:
I hope its work for you.
You can try to select device and theme for your preview window see attached image
In the new version, you can see this feature in the 'layout validation' vertical bar on the right.

In Android Studio What's use of "Layout Captures" tool

"Layout Captures" tool in Android Studio showing nothing to show , how can i use this tool ?
and what's use of that ?
"Layout Captures" shows you all layout that were captured by the "Layout Inspector." Yours is empty since you have not captured any layouts. See Layout Inspector documentation.
To see how this works, capture a layout from a running emulator or attached device using the Layout Inspector which is invoked from the menu:
Here is an example of a layout that was captured. Various aspects of the layout can be inspected from this screen and can be very useful when debugging a layout.
You can now see this layout in "Layout Captures." All captures will be displayed in this tab so you can refer to them. You can also delete old layout capture files from this screen.

iOS8--After changing Orientation Keyboard Disappeared

I'm running iOS8, iPhone-6 simulator, Xcode-6.0.1, ViewDeck version-2.2.11.
I have a textField on "RightViewController", It works great in portrait mode,
but as I change the orientation to Landscape and go back to portrait mode after
clicking in textfield the Keyboard is disappeared and also its layout is disturbed.
This problem is also explained in more detail on GitHub,
It seems that you try to build old project in new xCode6.
So the problem can be in the incorrect migration of old projects to new xCode.
Check if you have Launch screen interface file base name key in Info.plist file.
If it is the case please find the full answer here.

How to make full screen in Android 4.0

Android 4.0 phones only have virtual buttons, which actually go invisible when playing youtube/video at fullscreen (the video portion takes over where the buttons are).
I want to do this, but haven't found a way.
this.getWindow().setFlags(WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN, WindowManager.LayoutParams.FLAG_FULLSCREEN);
do not cover the virtual buttons.
Here is an example that shows the type of full screen I'm talking about:
Okay, I added this SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_HIDE_NAVIGATION flag to my video activity and that hid the virtual buttons.
WebView view = new WebView(this);
Another choice is to use the SYSTEM_UI_FLAG_LOW_PROFILE flag. This doesn't hide the buttons though. Instead it makes the buttons go to "Low Profile" mode (basically turns them into little dots)
This works on my device but not in the emulator. Add this tho your activity in AndroidManifest.xml:
<activity ...
android:theme="#android:style/Theme.DeviceDefault.NoActionBar.Fullscreen" >
Inside the onCreate() of your Activity, add this:
Worked well for me (but is not Honeycomb-compatible).
To make the buttons completely invisible, you should do
The buttons would not use any space on the screen, unless you swipe up from the bottom of the screen. Notice that you need to target at SDK version 19 for this to work.
