This is my first question on stackoverflow. Hope your eyes won't be bleeding too much from my English.
Long story short: I can't stop my custom windows service via gitlab-runner.
What I'm trying to achieve during gitlab CI\CD is:
send a signal to my service to stop doing his job
periodically check this service status to determine whether it is stopped or not
So, I've install shell gitlab-runner locally for ease and gitlab server sees my local runner.
My windows service has name in the following format: "My.Service.Name".
gitlab-ci.yml contains job <my_job_name> with following command inside script section sc.exe queryex My.Service.Name (trying to get service status).
Command execution gives me error [SC] EnumQueryServicesStatus:OpenService FAILED 1060: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
Basically, sc.exe stop My.Service.Name also failed with error [SC] OpenService FAILED 1060: The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
My service was created this way: sc create My.Service.Name binPath= "path\to\exe\My.Service.Name.exe -service" DisplayName= My.Service.Name start= delayed-auto depend= MSMQ.
Local query result of sc.exe queryex My.Service.Name call.
I was already checked this:
my service exists and has same service and display names in services.msc (My.Service.Name)
service name didn't contain any spaces (in case of missing quotes)
simple command sc.exe queryex (via gitlab-runner) gives me not all services, that I can see in services.msc locally
alternative command also not giving me all services from services.msc Get-Service -ComputerName . (via gitlab-runner)
same commands executed locally gives me desired result via both sc.exe sc.exe queryex My.Service.Name and
Get-Service in PowerShell Get-Service | where {$ -like "*My.Service.Name*"} or Get-Service -ComputerName .
both services gitlab-runner and My.Service.Name are running with my local administrator account
local run gitlab-runner.exe exec shell my_job_name gives me desired result also, so I can query service information and even stop service
based on similar questions, I also checked that windows RPC services are enabled and currently running
So, why some services, including my service, are not listed in results of sc.exe and Get-Service (via gitlab-runner)? I suspect some permission issues here.
Any help will be appreciated.
I finally get what is wrong - I messed up with gitlab-ci.yml job tags and in fact, another gitlab-runner processed incoming build. Now it's working as expected.
This error is really driving me crazy. (Terminal running in administrator mode)
Initialization of azure storage emulator in sql server 2014:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\Storage Emulator>.\wastorage
emulator init -server MY-PC
Windows Azure Storage Emulator command line tool
The storage emulator was successfully initialized and is ready to use.
Error when starting server:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\Storage Emulator>.\wastorage
emulator start
Windows Azure Storage Emulator command line tool
Unhandled Exception: System.TimeoutException: Unable to open wait handle.
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Emulator.Controller.EmulatorProcessControll
er.InternalWaitForStorageEmulator(Int32 timeoutInMilliseconds)
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Emulator.Controller.EmulatorProcessControll
er.EnsureRunning(Int32 timeoutInMilliseconds)
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Emulator.StartCommand.RunCommand()
at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Emulator.Program.Main(String[] args)
Check if you are running BitTorrent/uTorrent or similar software using port 10000.
Check Steve Marx' blog post about the issue.
In case that post disappears, the command to check if any other software is using that port is:
C:\Users\smarx>netstat -p tcp -ano | findstr :10000
Summarizing and adding additional points to other answers to this question.
Open C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Storage Emulator\AzureStorageEmulator.exe file in a notepad or a notepad++ editor.
Look at the services section.
<service name="Blob" url=""/>
<service name="Queue" url=""/>
<service name="Table" url=""/>
Try to open URL for "Blob" in a web browser.
In my case it is
If you are unable to open the URL or if there is a error, this is the reason why you are not unable to start Azure Storage Emulator.
Try below steps to resolve the issue.
1) Check if the port 10000 is busy or used by any other process.
To know this you can type the below command in the command prompt
netstat -na | find "10000"
Kill the process.
Now start the Azure Storage Emulator in -inprocess mode
In the Azure Storage Emulator's command prompt type
AzureStorageEmulator.exe start -inprocess
Ctrl+c and then
AzureStorageEmulator.exe start
If this did not resolve the issue try second step.
2) Run this
netsh http add iplisten
and then in the Azure Storage Emulator's command prompt type
AzureStorageEmulator.exe start -inprocess
Ctrl+c and then
AzureStorageEmulator.exe start
I have same issue after Azure tools update (2.3 version). After hours of research I found strange solution - set 'Start Windows Azure storage emulator' to 'False' (in properties of Azure project).
The issue maybe port 10000 is being occupied. Storage emulator runs on port 10000. So you need to kill that process. On windows, open cmd as admin and run following commands.
First find the process occupying port 10000
netstat -ano | findstr :10000
kill the process
taskkill /PID <process id> /F
Now try starting emulator again.
In the file C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Storage Emulator\AzureStorageEmulator.exe.config
you need to change port numbers:
Make sure the user that initialized the emulator is the same as the user that is starting the emulator. Note that if you elevate as a different user to run initialization, then the initialization only applies to that user.
If that doesn't help, you can try to launch the emulator with the -inprocess flag to get a more detailed error message:
WAStorageEmulator start -inprocess
Run Microsoft Azure Command Prompt as administrator and try to first initialize using AzureStorageEmulator.exe init and then start using AzureStorageEmulator.exe start commands. It worked for my case.
I had same issue since I had to rejoin my machine to the domain and the user profile got recreated.
I noticed that it was starting with option -inprocess from elevated cmd.
Then I realized that it has to do with urlac and I solved deleting old ones with following commands:
(from elevated cmd)
netsh http delete urlacl url=
netsh http delete urlacl url=
netsh http delete urlacl url=
After that simply start as usual, the tool will recreate what necessary.
Now I can use it without elevation.
It is also worth to try to run the command prompt with: "Run As Administrator"
and then run the command:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Storage Emulator>AzureStorageEmulator.exe start
That did the trick for me!
Another option is to change the ip binding that the emulator uses in the config file located in the storage emulator directory.
Find wastorageemulator.exe.config
and change
<service name="Blob" url=""/>
<service name="Queue" url=""/>
<service name="Table" url=""/>
This would be usefull if another application is already using that port and you cannot uninstall.
if you are trying to start "Azure storage emulator" through Visual Studio=>Server explorer, make sure that you are starting visual studio as an administrator.
I was able to get this issue fixed by running the "Azure storage emulator" on the command prompt, by running the command prompt as an administrator.
open command prompt as administrator
run command: cd C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Storage Emulator
run command: AzureStorageEmulator start
There is some info here that might help:
AzureStorageEmulator.exe init –server MyMachine –sqlinstance **.** –forcecreate –inprocess
See this link.
I just hit this, and it turns out that Microsoft Teams was using port 10000. Forcing teams to quit resolved the issue. 🤷
For me there was nothing running on the needed ports, the issue was that Visual Studio was not started in Administrator mode so the process couldn't be started.
When I went to the Azure Storage Emulator CLI from "Start" that launches a command shell that is also not in Administrator mode which obviously produces the same result.
Opening a command shell in Admin mode did the job.
Windows Backup Agent was running on my VM box on port 10000 - moving to 10003 (via the .exe.config file worked)
First you should initialize the emulator database and configuration be starting
AzureStorageEmulator.exe as administrator with a key init:
AzureStorageEmulator.exe init
Then, if you still receive an error:
Service Status: Blob False
The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
Error: Unable to start the storage emulator.
try to change to localhost for all services in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Storage Emulator\AzureStorageEmulator.exe.config
It worked for me:
Press the Windows key and search "Azure Storage Emulator"
It shows me an error message "..Cannot create the database "AzureStorageEmulatorDb510"
I opened the SSMS and looked for that database but I found "AzureStorageEmulatorDb59"
I renamed the database to "AzureStorageEmulatorDb510"
Try again run "Azure Storage Emulator"
The reason for me was Hyper-V. It reserves a lot of ports. You can check reserved ports netsh int ip show excludedportrange protocol=tcp. Easiest solution - change ports in config file.
I had the same problem, I tried many ways, nothing was blocking port 10000. I tried updating the emulator config to Localhost instead of here
<service name="Blob" url=""/>
<service name="Queue" url=""/>
<service name="Table" url=""/>
but I had the timeout issue again.
Finally, I had to uninstall my IIS. and problem solved. there should be a way to make them work together.
I have had this happen recently, and it was because I'd recently installed the HDInsight emulator. It appears this was auto-starting the storage emulator causing an error when VS attempted to start it resulting in an error.
Setting the "Start Microsoft Azure storage emulator" value to False worked in this case also.
I encountered the same problem. I found out that, the port 10000 is being used by another process. In my case, utorrent was using it. It could be Bittorrent if that's what you are using. After uninstalling it, it started smoothly with altering my data.
If your torrent downloader means so much to you, you can consider solving your issue from that angle. I hope this works.
For users of the newly released documentdb emulator...Microsoft thought it is a good idea that the documentdb emulator uses the same port as the Storage emulator ;) The only way you can access your storage is by shutting down documentdb emulator and restart Visual Studio and voila you can use it again :facepalm:
I got similar issue with visual studio while trying to run Azure Functions. AzureStorageEmulator.exe init worked for me
I experienced a power outage and after rebooting received the Unhandled Exception: System.TimeoutException message attempting to launch and debug an Azure Functions project from Visual Studio 2019. I tried many (if not all) of the other suggested answers on this thread to no avail. Including but not necessarily limited to ...
Checking for processes using ports 10000-10002, (none were)
Running Visual Studio and/or AzureStorageEmulator as administrator
Deleting / recreating the storage database
Attempted netsh http add iplisten etc. from #Ram Pratap's answer
Changed hostname and port number bindings
Tried AzureStorageEmulator init and AzureStoreEmulator start -inprocess
What finally worked for me was ...
Installing the Storage Emulator using the standalone installer
This then allowed me to fully uninstall just the Storage Emulator using Add & Remove Programs, followed by a restart.
Next I reinstalled the Storage Emulator using the standalone installer, followed by a restart.
Finally I ran AzureStorageEmulator start it worked!
Had the same issue, deleting the AzureStorageEmulatorDb510* files in my user folder(C:\Users{UserName}) and running C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Azure\Storage Emulator>AzureStorageEmulator.exe init /forceCreate solved it for me. I was then able to start with AzureStorageEmulator.exe start.
Also ran the Cmd.exe in administrator mode.
Had the same issue, node.exe is usually the one using port to 10003, which are used for StorageEmulator as well. so easy solution to try is, kill the node process from task manager,
Also test by stopping the IIS (if on windows) and test if everything works fine.
In my case AzureStorageEmulator.exe was throwing this error because i updated my VS 2022 and it installed azurite with it which was holding the port :10000.
I solved this by ending the task in Task Manager
As pointed out by Dale Francis in one of the comments of top answer
IDK but none of the solutions work for me. Then accidently I noticed an icon in my taskbar hidden items. It was showing me that my computer emulator is shutdown. Once I start the emulator by following the shown steps it is working fine.