Can I map (CNAME) a custom domain to a subdomain that is part of a Wildcard on Azure Web Apps? - azure

I have a website on Azure Cloud Services, and I have enabled a wildcard for my website like: *
Then if a customer registers and select as his subdomain:, I only save the subdomain associated with my customer in the database. I don't need to do anything on the portal. This works as well on Azure Web Apps (Azure Websites).
Now, if my client goes to his domain provider and sets a DNS entry like: CNAME
I can handle that correctly in Cloud Services without having to register "" in the Azure Portal. Is that possible in Azure Websites without having to add to the Azure Portal?

Short answer, no, it is not possible.
What you type in the address bar is the name that is presented to a web server in the HTTP request. Regardless of the underlying DNS responses. If a DNS look up of provides an IP Address, whether a CNAME or an A record, that is where it will go and get data from. The only way to change that is with a HTTP Redirect.
In Azure the incoming server name is used to direct traffic to the correct web app (On the same set of IP Addresses there might be thousands of other websites registered) The only way it knows how to distinguish where to send the request is from the incoming server name.
Why this worked on Cloud Services.
Behind a cloud service was an IP Address that was unique to your servers behind it. When a cloud service got a HTTP request, it would process it, because there was nowhere else to send it.


Map two different subdomains to a one Azure App Service Plan (with two different App Service inside)

Let me get this out of the way, I am not that familiar with DNS setup. But I am wondering if I can have this setup. I cannot test this right now because I control the our Azure portal but not the domain name provider.
We will have 2 subdomains. For example, and
We currently have a single Azure App Service Plan with two apps inside. One is the frontend SPA, and the other is the backend.
Checking the IP address and Custom Domain Verification ID of the two services, they are the same! So I am wondering if the setup of the two subdomains is possible. If not I'll consider moving out one of the App Service to its own App Service Plan or maybe Just map a single custom domain to the frontend. Any tips or suggestion?
Yes this is completely possible and a very standard setup. You will use CNAME records in your DNS setup which means you won’t use the IP address of the VM that your app service plan is on. Instead a CNAME DNS record maps your custom domain to another domain - in this case the domain name of an app service.
You will configure a different custom domain on each app service (and ideally a certificate to protect it).
E.g. your DNS might look like this: CNAME CNAME
I.e. when a request is made for a domain on the left it will be forwarded to the domain on the right.
When a request is made for either of your custom domains the custom domain will be in the host header. This request will be routed to the app service gateway which will look at the host header in order to know which VM to route the request to and once on the correct VM which app service to serve the actual request.
Once you have the above setup you can query the DNS system to see the complete route that a request would take, e.g.:
may return:
With this command you'll see the actual VM that your app service plan is on (I've made up the IP and VM name here!).

Why is inbound IP for Azure webapp returning 404 for endpoints but using url works fine?

I have an .Net Core app published on Azure, the webapp has an endpoint that is publicly accesible.
When creating an HTTP POST request using the full url {azure-url}/results it works as expected. However a client needs to use this endpoint but his system transforms urls into IP addresses before creating a request (not sure why to be honest).
I've checked through Azure properties which is the IP address of the webapp which also matches when doing a nslookup. Problem is that when I replace the url with the IP address and make a request it returns 404.
Has anyone experienced something like this? I wonder if it's related to some Azure configuration I'm not aware of.
Azure App Service is a multi-tenant service. Meaning that other apps may share the same servers and thus the same inbound IPs. In order for your request to be routed properly to your app, it needs the domain name, not just the IP.
There is a way to get a static inbound IP by using a custom domain. I haven't tried that but I would assume even then you will not be able to call the service on that IP.

Azure Traffic Manager for switching to different API Management Service

So I'm working on building scripts to deploy Azure resources using the Az modules in PowerShell. I am new to Azure Traffic Manager, so I'm wondering if what we are looking to do is even possible, and if so, how.
We have an API Management Service (APIMS) with a handful of APIs in it that point to a few different web apps within Azure. So the way it works currently is we have a client application that will post to a specific API operation via its APIMS URL.
We are looking at the idea of using Traffic Manager purely for moving traffic from one APIMS to a another in the event that we need to create a new APIMS. I can add the existing APIMS as an endpoint to the Traffic Manager as an external endpoint using its public IP address. But beyond that, here's what I'm unsure of:
How exactly would traffic actually get routed through the traffic manager, through the APIMS, to the specific API post? (as in, what would the client application need to specify as where it's sending its post?). Or would this even work??
If we create a new APIMS, can we then simply add that as a new endpoint to the traffic manager (again, as an external endpoint via its IP address), and then delete the old APIMS endpoint?
I did find this question that's similar, but that answer is using Add-AzureTrafficManagerEndpoint as opposed to New-AzTrafficManagerEndpoint, which is what I'm using and apparently does not support -DomainName as a parameter.
Traffic manager does not route traffic, it only does domain name resolution. You could use TM for that. For your custom domain in traffic manager (say you can add CNAME record pointing to (it's preferable to use CNAME instead of A and APIM service IP may change in certain scenarios). And add SSL certificate in APIM for What will happen in that setup:
Client wants to make request to
Client will perform DNS lookup for and see CNAME record pointing to
Client will perform DNS lookup for and see APIM IP address
Client will try to open SSL connection to APIM
APIM having SSL certificate available will accept the connection
Client will send request.
All this does not require any special configuration from your client apart from setting it up to use "" as a hostname for your API. Later if you want to switch to a different APIM service you could go and update TM. Client will not require any changes.
The one thing to know is that this particular setup does not require TM per se. As all you really need is a custom domain from any DNS provider because all you need to do to switch traffic from one APIM to another is update CNAME record.

Azure Traffic Manager with OpenId Connect

I have a Azure cloud service ( which has authentication enforced using OpenId-Connect. Recently I decided to put it behind a Traffic Manager ( for maintenance reasons. After reading about how Traffic Manager works on Microsoft docs, my understanding (as per the flow diagram below) was that when someone hits the TM, it will simply do the DNS look-up for my cloud service and return a 302 with the location as (or IP may be) and then the client follows the redirect. The documentation clearly says so :
The most important point to understand is that Traffic Manager works at the DNS level. Traffic Manager uses DNS to direct clients to specific service endpoints based on the rules of the traffic-routing method. Clients connect to the selected endpoint directly. Traffic Manager is not a proxy or a gateway. Traffic Manager does not see the traffic passing between the client and the service.
But what I am seeing (through Fiddler/Chrome dev-tools) is that TM seems to be hitting the actual cloud service endpoint causing authentication issues as the redirect URL in my cloud service doesn't match the TM URL and so forth.
Is TM supposed to do this? Or am I missing something crucial here. Below is a related thread.
RequireNonce is 'true' (default) but validationContext.Nonce is null in Azure Traffic Manager , OpenIdConnectAuthentication
Traffic manager operates at DNS level, there is no 302 since it does not operate using HTTP. When a client makes a DNS query for your domain name, traffic manager will send back a DNS reply that the service is over there.
The client will then connect to the Traffic Manager URL/your custom domain using the IP address given by traffic manager.
So the URL the user sees doesn't change, traffic manager just tells them where the service is.

Custom domains for Azure Web App

I'm trying to set up multiple custom domains for our web app.
Basically it's a dynamic website that checks the url and displays specific content based on the customer determined by the url.
Let's say we have our customer.
In order for the website to work we need and A record poiting to our server ip provided by Azure and a TXT record poiting to
But this is not enough, we also have to go to Azure portal, and add the Hostname there, '', otherwise our customer will get a 404 error.
My question is, can we tell Azure, our web app, to accept any hostname, not only the ones defined in the Azure portal?
I know we can add hostnames via powershell or rest api, but we have thousands of customers and is just too much to maintain.
No that's not possible. Just think, you can have multiple sites running on the same VM and they'll all have the same IP address. The service requires each site to register it's hostname ahead of time so that when a request comes in, the service knows which site the request should be routed to.
