Making authenticated requests - node.js

I am using form authentication and role based access.
I want to make all the subsequent request as an authentication request using the access token.
I refer Loopback-example-access-control example, but not get a clear idea.
In this example, they pass access token using query string. My question is I want to make all the request as authenticated using access-token without pass query string or header.
Any other alternative way is available?
I need demo application that includes authentication and authorization, except loopback-example-access-control example.
Please help me, I am new to strong loop.

There are only three ways to send data to a server: path/query string, headers, and the request body. Since you don't want to use the query string (which is good, you really shouldn't) and you don't want to use a header (which is the most common and currently the industry standard) then you are left with only the request body. That's not a great choice either, and not supported by default in LoopBack, you would have to code that up yourself.
The right solution here is to use the Authorization header and send the access token in there with each request.
And just to be clear, this really has nothing to do with LoopBack, this is just token-based authentication basics. You must pass the token with each request, that's how the system works, there is no alternative.


Is it necessary to generate anti-XSRF/CSRF token in server side?

Almost all doc about anti-CSRF mechanism states that CSRF token should be generated in server side. However, I'm wondering whether it is necessary.
I want to implement anti-CSRF in these steps:
There is no server-side-generated CSRF token;
In browser side, on every AJAX or form submission, our JavaScript generates a random string as token. This token is written into cookie csrf before actual AJAX or form submission happens; and the token is added to parameter as _csrf.
In server side, each request is supposed to have cookie csrf and submitted argument _csrf. These two values are compared. If they are different, it means it is a CSRF attack.
The server side doesn't need to issue CSRF token, just do the checking; and the token is totally generated in browser side. Of course, this is only for anti-CSRF. There should be authentication process in server side to validate user id.
It sounds a valid solution for CSRF, but I'm not sure why there is no documentation about this approach.
Is there any fault in this anti-CSRF mechanism?
As far as I understood, what you want to do is to create your anti-CSRF on the client side, store it in a cookie and also add it as a request parameter, so when the server reads your request, just verifies that your CSRF token cookie and parameter matches, and it decides if it's a valid request or not.
The reason to generate the anti-forgery token on the server side, is that the server will create that token and only the server will know the correct value, so if that parameter is slightly tampered on the client side, it will not be identical to the one stored in the server, and that will be enough to flag the request as a cross site request forgery attack.
Any client-side generated data can be tampered by an attacker and because of that, you can't rely on that information, for example, in your approach, you create a random value in your client side and you assign that value to your CSRF cookie and to your _csrf parameter, let's say that your value is "h246drvhd4t2cd98", but since you're only verifying that your 2 variables from the client side have the same value, an attacker can easily just create his CSRF cookie and variable with a value like "I'mByPassingThis" on both of them and your server will flag it as a valid request, so you're not getting security at all.
On the other hand, if the token is generated in the server, the attacker has no way to know the expected value, and that value will be different on every request, so the attacker's best approach will be just to try to guess it, which should be virtually impossible, unless you're using a predictable random number generator on the server side.
Also, if you want to create your own anti-forgery token mechanism, you need to take into consideration to use a cryptographically secure pseudo random number generator, but honestly, you should not bother with that, since the current server-generation process is just what you need (assuming that your framework has a built-in mechanism for this, if not, then you still need to make sure that you're using a cryptographically secure pseudo random number generator to generate your anti-forgery tokens).
Remember to never trust user's submitted information. Since it can always can be tampered, you always need to perform a double-check in the server side, and in this case, generating your anti-forgery token in the server is what allows you to double-check to verify the integrity of the submitted anti-forgery token.
I suggest to use this approach, I have used on a large scale project:
Use of Custom Request Headers
Adding CSRF tokens, a double submit cookie and value, an encrypted token, or other defense that involves changing the UI can frequently be complex or otherwise problematic. An alternate defense that is particularly well suited for AJAX or API endpoints is the use of a custom request header. This defense relies on the same-origin policy (SOP) restriction that only JavaScript can be used to add a custom header, and only within its origin. By default, browsers do not allow JavaScript to make cross origin requests with custom headers.
If this is the case for your system, you can simply verify the presence of this header and value on all your server side AJAX endpoints in order to protect against CSRF attacks. This approach has the double advantage of usually requiring no UI changes and not introducing any server side state, which is particularly attractive to REST services. You can always add your own custom header and value if that is preferred.
This technique obviously works for AJAX calls and you have to still need protect tags with approaches described in this document such as tokens. Also, CORS configuration should also be robust to make this solution work effectively (as custom headers for requests coming from other domains trigger a pre-flight CORS check).
So, instead of sending the token through a request body parameter, you could store and send to the server with a request header parameter.

Is it safe to put a jwt into the url as a query parameter of a GET request?

Is it safe to put a jwt (json web token) into the url as a query parameter of a GET request?
It can be safe under the following circumstances:
the JWT is one-time time usage only
the jti and exp claims are present in the token
the receiver properly implements replay protection using jti and exp
but in case it is used as a token that can repeatedly be used e.g. against an API then supplying it as a query parameter is less preferred since it may end up in logs and system process information, available to others that have access to the server or client system. In that case would be better to present it as part of a header or a POST parameter.
Besides that, by using it in the query parameters you may run in to URL size limitations on browsers or servers; using it in a header provides some more space, using it as a POST parameter would work best.
Is it safe to put a jwt (json web token) into the url as a query parameter of a GET request?
Yes, insofar that a JSON Web Token (JWT) is encoded in a way that it is transparent with the encoding of a query parameter in an URL:
A JWT is URL-encoding-safe. There will be no data-loss when used in-place; no additional encoding is required; it is even URL encoding safe inherently, applying url-encoding (percentage-encoding) on the JWT multiple times will not destroy it.
This safety is limited:
There can be a data-leak when used in-place if the URL itself is part of such a data-leak. By how URLs are commonly in use, you should treat any JWT in an URL query parameter as-if the data-leak already happened and therefore prepared the JWT for it already (e.g. prevent replay attacks).
And it will be at best as safe as the transport of the URL information is, and never more safe.
And if the transport of the URL information is not safe, everything in the URL can never be more safe either, which includes the JWT when used as a GET parameter.
Apart from using it in an URL (which looks to me as a mechanism of transport), you may want to consider additional data-retention, protocol and even your own systems properties, including those of the JWT in question itself.
For all these it depends.
For some of those considerations, please see the other answer and JSON Web Token (JWT) - RFC-7519 incl. the referenced updates there.

XSS Protection in Express Apps

I am developing an express app which serves as a REST api with web client and may be future mobile clients. I am using a Oauth 2.0 token authentication for both clients. This gives a good deal of security against CSRF. I want to know How to provide security against XSS.
*I made the tokens validity period very less, requiring the client to request with refresh_tokens and other client details for access_tokens. This makes it a bit safe but not entirely*.
I am concerned with the with client_id and client_secret being stolen since its present in the front-end javascript code and it being used by other client to validate. I am thinking of using a JWT for the client authentication, will this be helpful?
Data Sanitisation is another which I am confused about. There are modules like validator, express-validator which give regex validation. According to this blog post JSON Schema validations are fast. In the REST Api JSON will used for data exchange so I was wandering why can't I use modules like tv4 or any other JSON Schema validators for data validations?? I am not asking for suggestions to use what, I just want to know the basic difference in the kind of validations each provide and specially from a point of view of XSS protection and sanitisation.
So you have three separate questions here:
1) How to protect against XSS: As long as you use JSON to share data between the client & server and use standard libraries/methods for encoding/decoding JSON, you are mostly protected. After this, you only need to worry about DOM Based XSS, which is harder to be protected. But basically you need to be careful for not using any user supplied input that can be interpreted as anything other than "string" you intended. (please visit for more information)
2) client_id and client_secret being stolen: This does not seem to be possible in the way you require. In your scenario (where you distribute clientid&secret in javascript code) there is no way on server side to know whether the request is coming from your client or a fake one.
3) Data Sanitisation: I see two levels of sanitisation in the libraries you & blogpost mentioned. validator or express-validator is mostly used to validate individual data fields. Whereas others can validate a JSON object structure in addition to what "validator" does. If you require all exchanged data is in JSON format (as suggested for XSS protection as well) then you can use json object validators like tv4. (the only drawback of tv4 seems to be allowing latest json spec, which should not be a problem for you)
BTW: It would be easier if you specified your client application is purely client-side javascript (angularjs). I could not understand your question until I found this info in comments.
I have developed Restful Authentication System same as your case with NodeJS, MongoDB, ExpressJS in order to provide flexible authentication system for multiple clients like web, mobile. Let me summarize you the important points.
I have used html5 localstorage to keep user token after first time login by using login form. When user click login button, username and password sent to server and validated. After successfull validation, unique access token sent to client and stroed in local sotrage. If you have vulnerability on your client application, anyone can get your access token and make request by using your token. In order to prevent this, you need to use ssl connection for your app. This problem does not exists only restful auth systems, this can be happen in server side session storage. Let me explain this. I am using PHP for session. When user logs in, user session saved in to temp file on server and that session id sent to client browser. Somehow, if I can get that id, I can make request with header that contains someone's session id. When you compare, restful auth seems more flexible to me. I suggest you to ;
Use SSL connection prevent your access_token from to be stolen
Generate access token with powerfull encryption methods(SHA-256)
Small expire time for access_token the better
Implement a middleware for token validation for backend service usage. I mean make your requests like;
with custom headers contains your user token.
Design 5 attempt failed system for your backend. If user cannot success at 5 time try, this means someone tries to send random tokens in order to get in to system. Detect and block that IP
You can also deny requests other than browser clients.
Those are the informations that I have learnt while implementing the project.

How to set up XSRF protection in web apps?

I am a web application newbie. I know that XSRF protection questions have been asked in SO but the questions have been specific to a particular language (RoR/Python for example) or a library (jQuery). I would like to know how I can implement XSRF protection in my web application.
My understanding is that XSRF protection relies to using a unique random token that must be authenticated when a HTTP request is made. I have the following questions:
When should the authentication token be initialized? Should it be set on page load (i.e. GET request)?
Where should the token be initialized? Should they be set in input fields, cookies or request headers? How is this random value generated? How do I persist this value in order to be used for comparison?
When should the authentication token be verified? How does I compare authentication tokens? How do I compare these tokens with the token that I have persisted?
Is there a difference in the set up for a synchronous form request versus an AJAX request?
When should the authentication token be initialized?
The first time, during a session, that the user arrives at a page containing any form that you wish to protect from CSRF attacks.
Should it be set on page load (i.e. GET request)?
It should be embedded in the form when the HTML for it is generated.
Should they be set in input fields, cookies or request headers?
Hidden inputs.
Using a cookie would miss the point (which is that it comes from the page and does not persist in the browser). Extra headers can only work when using XHR, use a general approach.
How is this random value generated?
With a random number generator
How do I persist this value in order to be used for comparison?
When should the authentication token be verified?
As part of the authorization step.
How does I compare authentication tokens? How do I compare these tokens with the token that I have persisted?
if ( $request->paramaters->{csrf} eq $session->data->{csrf} )
Is there a difference in the set up for a synchronous form request versus an AJAX request?
No. You still have a session and you still have a piece of the POST data being the token.
I'm not going to talk about a specific solution that you must follow as there are many, I'll talk about the main idea instead and you could implement it however you want.
The key idea to prevent XSRF is to store a random token in a place where code from other domains cannot access (such as a cookie). You could generate this token on server side and instruct the browser to store it locally for the entire session. (don't need to persist anything on server side)
Whenever you perform a request, send:
the token in your storage (if you use cookie, the browser will send it automatically).
the same token as the stored one in your request (whether as a header or in body using hidden field depending on how server code gets it)
On server side, the server will check for a match.
A sample code in jquery (with jquery cookie plugin):
The ability to read the cookie proves that this is from your domain, not external domains
There are various ways to implement this mechanism (don't need to stick to a specific solution) as long as they stick the the main idea:
Storing a secret token on browser in a place code from other domains cannot read it.
Send the secret token and the same token from browser to your server. The ability to send that same token proves that this is not a XSRF request.
How do I persist this value in order to be used for comparison?
We could store it as a cookie or as a session variable. Personally, I prefer cookie because:
Reduce memory consumption on server side.
We don't need to include that token in every generated HTML file in order for the browser to send it back.
Is there a difference in the set up for a synchronous form request
versus an AJAX request?
No, as long as you could prove this is not a XSRF request by sending the same token in the request. It does not matter where token is (a hidden field, a custom header,..). In case of Form, people usually send it as a hidden field.

How to make an API call on my server accessible only from one URL

I don't know if the title is clear enough, anyway what I need to do is quite simple: I have some content you can access by an API call on my server; this content is user-related so when you request access to it, you must first wait for the owner to authorize you. Since this content will be probably embedded into blog articles or form posts I want it to be accessible only from the URL the user authorized to.
The only way that came to my mind is to check in some secure way where the request is coming from: the problem with this approach is that anybody could create a fake request, using a valid URL but coming from a non-authorized URL actually.
I'm looking for a way to solve this problem, even if this doesn't involve checking the actual URL but using some other approach or whatever. Feel free to ask any questions if this is not clear enough.
With Sessions:
If you generate a secure token, most languages have libraries to do such a thing, you will have to persist it probably in a session on your server. When you render the page which will access the other content you can add that token to the link/form post/ajax request on the page you wish to be able to access it from.
You would then match that token against the value in the user session if the token doesn't match you return an error of some sort. This solution relies on the security of your session.
Without Sessions:
If you don't have sessions to get around server persistance, you can use a trick that amazon s3 uses for security. You would create something like a json string which gives authorization for the next 30 seconds, 5 minutes, whatever is appropriate. It would need to include a timestamp so that the value changes. You would use a secret key on your sever that you combine with the JSON string to create a hash value.
Your request would have to include the JSON string as one request parameter. You would need to base64 encode it or some other means so that you don't run into special characters not allowed over http. The second parameter would be the output of your hash operation.
When you get the request you would decode the JSON string so it was exactly the same as before and hash it with your secret key. If that value matches the one sent with the request it means those are the two values you sent to the page that ultimately requested the content.
You need to make sure you're using up to date algorithms and properly audited security libraries to do this stuff, do not try to write your own. There may be other ways around this depending on what context this ultimately ends up in but I think it should be relatively secure. Also I'm not a security expert I would consult one if you're dealing with very sensitive information.
