I m trying to understand one in terms of how it compares to the other.
Is grey box testing where you can see the code and black box testing where you don't look at the code?
Black box testing is when you know nothing about the system. You know the input and you check the output without knowing anything about the process in between input and output.
Grey box testing is almost the same but you know some things about the internals of the system. For example you have knowledge about the architecture or you have some implementation documents. It is actually a mix of white (see further) and black box testing (it's in between).
White box testing is when you know everything about the system. Source code, architecture. You test the program completely, check if it is doing what is expected, check for exceptions or errors. For this you have to really understand how the code works.
So to answer your question, with both black box and grey box testing you don't really check the code. In grey box testing it's more about the internal structure and architecture you have knowledge, sometimes in some algorithms used.
You can find info on Wikipedia or this url that explains white, grey and black box testing.
gray is where you have some hints on the system you're testing not the source code though.eg if you knew what CMS and version the site is running,what server side lanuage it implemented php,.Net,Java.The latter one is where you have no prior information like what OS it's running on,with what programming language its written about the system you're testing and you're given just the target.
I'm doing research about a schoolproject. The project is to develop a program that can change the colors of the screen (of the OS aswell of all programs that run on it). The endproduct is supposed to be a single program that is able to change the colors by input (i.e. increasing the presentness of a primary color, for instance add 10% RED), and is an experimental approach to manipulating color blindness. I've already done the theoretical biological research, now I'm looking into the practical deployment of such an application.
I have not set on a single programming language, as I do not know which ones would be the best for, let's say, the windows 7 environment. (which language features the easiest/fastest function calls, for example)
Some examples of function calls I intend to program:
GetColorValues (return data about the current colors the pixels of the screen are displaying)
ProcessColorValues (A simple modification of all respective colors returned by the function above)
SetColorValues (Return the modified colors back to their respective places on the screen)
I would prefer being able to intercept the data whilst it is being pipelined to the screen, in order to keep the processing smooth.
Technically now, I don't really know where to start. I don't even know if I'm supposed to look into the OS, or the drivers of the graphics card.
I was hoping someone could guide me and tell me what I should look for, or where I could find these.
Thanks for reading.
The Windows Monitor Configuration Functions could be a starting point - for example the SetMonitorRedGreenOrBlueGain function to boost specific colors. You should be able to call these functions from C# or VB.Net using PInvoke
I need to write a small application in C/C++ to implement a panel task bar like thing to display information along the top of a desktop window (specifically an xorg desktop on a Linux system). I need to avoid bloat and steep learning curves for the GUI programming.
My research is pointing me at GTK+/GTKmm or FLTK. It looks like FLTK is probably the simpler to get to grips with and the most likely to provide a small clean package with minimal dependencies. So I've based my research on FLTK so far.
I've been doing some reading and am struggling to find out how to write a basic program that will create a narrow undecorated window that covers the width of a monitor in such a way that maximising other applications would not obscure it. The FLTK tutorials I have found so far (including the FLTK documentation) only implement standard windows with borders that can be moved around the screen.
I'd like to start by writing a simple program in FLTK (or GTK+/GTKmm) that creates a 20 pixel deep bar across the with of the screen containing a "hello world" message. The bar's area would be reserved outside the area that other programs can access so that maximising another application would not hide the "hello world" message. I think this has something to do with a WM_STRUT_PARTIAL property but I can't find information about this in FLTK.
Doing this is partially to understand how to write a simple GUI program and partially to solve a specific need that I have.
I'm looking for any help/guidance to put me in the right direction to get started. Many thanks.
starfry, it is not a trivial task I believe. The problem is that your desktop (say GNOME2/Metacity) reserved that space, and paints its panel in the area where you want your bar. -
If you really want your tray-bar applet to be based on FLTK, the you would have to "embed" it in a (GNOME) applet. It was long ago when I did similar thing with SDL application, but I am afraid I forgot how to do it. The first thing that comes to my mind is to use somehow get the XID from the GNOME applet and somehow pass it to the FLTK part of it, and then let FLTK do the rest...
Sure, you may use another desktop, like KDE, or i3 or IceWM, they ALL have their own ways of dealing with the tray bar (there is no standard for it!) so, pardon my "French" - it is going to be a PITA to support all environments...
If I was on GNOME, i would write the applet entirely using GNOME/GTK. Forget FLTK in that case. That is my recommendation. If you target KDE, then do it using KDE/QT libraries (Plasma widget would be what to look for).
However, if you still want to use FLTK, start with the fltk::draw_into() function (it is probably called fl_draw_into() in FLTK 1.x), fltk::xid() and related functions.
Given two seperate computers, how could one ensure that colours are being projected roughly the same on each screen?
IE, one screen might have 50% brightness more than another, so colours appear duller on one screen. One artist on one computer might be seeing the pictures differently to another, it's important they are seeing the same levels.
Is there some sort of callibration technique via software you can do? Any techniques? Or is a hardware solution the only way?
If you are talking about lab-critical calibration (that is, the colours on one monitor need to exactly match the colours on another, and both need to match an external reference as closely as possible) then a hardware colorimeter (with its own appropriate software and test targets) is the only solution. Software solutions can only get you so far.
The technique you described is a common software-only solution, but it's only for setting the gamma curves on a single device. There is no control over the absolute brightness and contrast; you are merely ensuring that solid colours match their dithered equivalents. That's usually done after setting the brightness and contrast so that black is as black as it can be and white is as white as it can be, but you can still distinguish not-quite-black from black and not-quite-white from white. Each monitor, then, will be optimized for its own maximum colour gamut, but it will not necessarily match any other monitor in the shop (even monitors that are the same make and model will show some variation due to manufacturing tolerances and age/use). A hardware colorimeter will (usually) generate a custom colour profile for the device under test as it is at the time of testing, and there is generally and end-to-end solution built into the product (so your scanner, printer, and monitor are all as closely matched as they can be).
You will never get to an absolute end-to-end match in a complete system, but hardware will get you as close as you can get. Software alone can only get you to a local maximum for the device it's calibrating, independent of any other device.
What you need to investigate are color profiles.
Wikipedia has some good articles on this:
The basic thing you need is the color profile of the display on which the color was seen. Then, with the color profile of display #2, you can take the original color and convert it into a color that will look as close as possible (depends on what colors the display device can actually represent).
Color profiles are platform independent and many modern frameworks support them directly.
You may be interested in reading about how Apple has dealt with this issue:
Color Programming Topics
You'd have to allow or ask the individual users to calibrate their monitors. But there's enough variation across monitors - particularly between models and brands - that trying to implement a "silver bullet" solution is basically impossible.
As #Matt Ball observes calibrating your monitors is what you are trying to do. Here's one way to do it without specialised hardware or software. For 'roughly the same' visual calibration against a reference image is likely to be adequate.
Getting multiple monitors of varying quality/brand/capabilities to render a given image the same way is simply not possible.
IF you have complete control over the monitor, video card, calibration hardware/software, and lighting used then you have a shot. But that's only if you are in complete control of the desktop and the environment.
Assuming you are just accounting for LCDs, they are built different types of panels with a host of different capabilities. Brightness is just one factor (albeit a big one). Another is simply the number of colors they are capable of rendering.
Beyond that, there is the environment that the monitor is in. Even assuming the same brand monitor and calibration points, a person will perceive a different color if an overhead fluorescent is used versus an incandescent placed next to the monitor itself. At one place I was at we had to shut off all the overheads and provide exact lamp placement for the graphic artists. Picky picky. ;)
I assume that you have no control over the hardware used, each user has a different brand and model monitor.
You have also no control over operating system color profiles.
An extravagant solution would be to display a test picture or pattern, and ask your users to take a picture of it using their mobile or webcam.
Download the picture to the computer, and check whether its levels are valid or too out of range.
This will also ensure ambient light at the office is appropiate.
I especially hear it from those advocates of "business" notebooks manufactured by IBM/Lenovo, HP, Dell (maybe) that "business users do not need quality screens". They stick in the worst possible LCDs out there (even if with a high resolution) and dare to sell that crap. You can't even distinguish hue variations like light-yellow vs. light-grey.
I really miss it - do all of you agree color reproduction of a developer display is irrelevant, be it even a grayscale display it will do?
I understand most of developers work with text but... at times there is some design work to be done which is not doable on cheap LCDs.
And besides - wouldn't you enjoy fresh saturated colors even in a development environment? Bright cheerful icons on menus? Isn't it better to sit in a sunny office with green trees and flowers out of the window than in a garage with dark colors and weak artificial lighting?
P.S. Inspired by the topic about keyboards: Keyboard for programmers
The question about displays and developers really interests me since a very long time.
Even though I don't need a high quality screen, I appreciate the difference, and like esnoeijs said, an occasion will arise where I'll need to critique some graphic design work where the quality monitor will make a difference.
I think, "developer" is too broad to give a precise answer.
If you are a code-crafter of programs reading text emitting text, without the need to make some colors look nice, then yes, then you really can go with a monochrome screen. you need black as a background, white as the foreground and some reversing to highlight matching braces. In this particular case, I would value high resolutions far far more important than colors, since usually it is about seeing more code (and especially, more things about and around the current piece of code, like documentation, tests, a quick interpreter loop, some research paper, you name it).
If you are a developer just learning a language and if you have an editor with syntax highlighting, then color is a massive, massive usability leap. I would not want to miss the ability to display keywords in a bright pink, strings in a brigt cyan and similar things (all on a black background)
If you are a frontend-designer, then it is a completely different story. If you are a frontend designer, you will need a high quality display with good color display abilities. You do not need the best one possible, but your display should at least be able to display the colors your regular user will use, so you will not put in green, because you wanted blue and your users see yellow (or other nonsenses).
if you use tools that require the use of colors in order to encode information, color is crucial, because you might be unable to see the additional information.
So, I think, most programmers do not need some ridiculous color displaying abilities, even though, most of the time, a good solid color display is helpful, because they need to work on some frontend or because they want to learn some language.
Better quality color monitors can come in handy in a lot of ways. The first way that comes to mind is if you are using a code development tool that has the capability of highlighting keywords such as Zend does.
I once spent half a day trying to add zebra striping to a table in my company's webapp that already had it because both my screen and QA's screen were unable to display the different colors of the zebra stripes (they rendered as the same color). Likewise, I once had my boss ask me to change the color of part of an icon, and to me it made the icon look like a uniform blue, but on his much better monitor, you could clearly see both shades of blue and it looked really nice... it was hard to make that edit without being able to see what I was doing.
I guess the developers in my company end up doing some design work in addition to real dev. I do spend most of my time in the shell though, so aside from the constant flickering that gives me headaches (yes, it's an LCD), a low-qual monitor is OK.
I'm a developer but being in webdev land i've picked up enough design stuff to be critical about it, so i mostly try to get samsung screens with a good colour range.
With a good monitor, you can adjust it to your likings.
Personally, I have a $700-Fujitsu Siemens monitor bought in (afaik) 2000, and a $340-BenQ bought in 2005, and I prefer coding on the first monitor, as I don't have to crank up the brightness (reducing headaches) and can still see everything I want to see (subpixelhinted 6 point fonts, subtle variations in syntax highlightings etc.).
At least one author would disagree. He ranked color accuracy on four notebooks:
Lenovo ThinkPad W700
IBM/Lenovo ThinkPad T60
Dell Inspiron Mini 9
Apple late-2008 MacBook Pro 15 inch
I'm less picky about the actual monitor I have and more picky that I have two monitors that are exactly the same model and use the same video connector.
As a web developer, it can be frustrating to have colors that don't match because one of your monitors is VGA and the other is DVI.
Possibly the sort of "business user" who works on invoices all day does not need a very good display, but anyone who works on anything whose appearance counts, from software developers to business users who need to make Powerpoint presentations, does.
If you are a hardcore terminal+vim user like me, they color quality and fidelity are almost irrelevant, except for the quality of blue (which I use in some situations, like directory names) which tends to be too faint to be seen on my black background. Nothing that cannot be fixed with some tinkering though, but I am used to blue.
That said, I actually have a couple of things to say about the new screen on the macbook unibody. The glossy finish is a real pain. So annoying. And the color fidelity is very low. I spent an evening trying to understand why on a gradient from light green to white I had a pinkish stripe. Turns out that the pink is an artifact of the macbook screen. Another screen does not show the issue. On the plus side, the LED backlight is very powerful and nice, making the colors very vibrant.
This to say that color fidelity is fundamental if you use color-intensive stuff like eclipse (which communicates a lot also through different shades of colors), and of course for web frontend development. If you just need a terminal and a vim running, I don't think color fidelity makes a real difference, once you have a comfortable setup with low reflections, and a good contrast.
(note: it's been a few years since I've shopped for a monitor. this may be out of date)
I find it interesting that nobody has really defined "quality" yet, other than to say more vibrant colors. Generally, LCD panels fall into one of two tracks:
Good color/image reproduction (S-IPS panels and similar)
Good response time ( TN panels )
I consider SIPS and similar panels a must for development for one crucial reason: look angle. The image doesn't change colors or do other weird things as you angle to the screen changes. Very important for collaboration.
At the high end of this scale are monitors that are designed to perform will with color calibration. Most developers won't need anything this fancy.
TN panels are decent for gaming, movies, and other things featuring fast motion. They are optimized for pixel response time, and it's usually the main feature touted for these panels. Many cheaper panels are going to be of this variety.
In a monitor, I look for four things:
panel type (S-IPS or similar)
brightness (no more than 300cd/m2)
dot pitch (for good text, go with a small dot pitch: 0.27 is too big)
good contrast/ light leakage/ etc. (how black is black, and how uniform)
Although I love S-IPS panels, I must admit that any LCD monitor that can meet criteria 2-4 above would be a good choice, even if it's a cheaper TN panel.
It depends what you're doing.
If you're dealing processing images, yes, a good "quality" monitor is important.. but equally (or more) important to have it set-up correctly and calibrated.
If you're doing web-design, having a decent monitor is important, but again only if it's setup correctly (contrast/brightness/colour-balance).
If you're just "writing code", having a monitor your eyes like is important, the colour replication isn't important. A monochrome monitor might be stretching it, syntax-highlighting is nice, but even vim and it's 16 colours is "enough"
The term quality is also a bit "it depends" also.. CRT's have far better colour replication than TFT's, but I wouldn't recommend them (I always found reading text on them difficult, and they are hard to find, bulky and generally deprecated now).
For web-design, pretty much any monitor will be fine as long as it's not a 10 year old CRT with a broken red cathode-tube.. Again, as long as it's set-up correctly, most monitors are capable of displaying colour "good enough"
For "writing code", I think size/resolution/number-of-screens is more important than colour replication, as shown by most answers to any of these questions
Like any responsible developer, I'd like to make sure that the sites I produce are accessible to the widest possible audience, and that includes the significant fraction of the population with some form of colour blindness.
There are many websites which offer to filter a URL you feed it, either by rendering a picture or by filtering all content. However, both approaches seem to fail when rendering even moderately complex layouts, so I'd be interested in finding a client-side approach.
The ideal solution would be a system filter over the whole screen that can be used to test any program. The next best thing would be a browser plugin.
I came across Color Oracle and thought it might help. Here is the short description:
Color Oracle is a colorblindness simulator for Windows, Mac and Linux. It takes the guesswork out of designing for color blindness by showing you in real time what people with common color vision impairments will see.
Color Oracle is great, but another option is KMag, which is part of KDE in Linux. It's ostensibly a screen magnifier, but can simulate protanopia, deuteranopia, tritanopia and achromatopsia.
It differs from Color Oracle by requiring an additional window in which to display the re-coloured image, but an advantage is that one can modify the underlying image at the same time as previewing the simulation.
Here is a screenshot showing the original figure on the left, and the KMag window on the right, simulating protanopia.
Here's a link to a website that simulates various kinds of color blindness:
They let you check URL's and Screenshots with three kinds of different color blindness types (URL checking is a bit dated though. Image-check works better).
I'd encourage everyone to check their applications btw. Seeing your own app with others eyes may be an eye opener (pun intended).
I know this is a quite old question, but I've recently found an interesting solution to transparently simulate color blindness.
When working with Linux, you can simulate color blindness using the Color Filter plugin for Compiz. It comes with profiles for deuteranopia and protonopia und changes the colors of the whole screen in real-time.
It's very nice because it works transparently in all applications (even within Youtube-Videos), but it will only work where Compiz is available, e.g. only under Linux.
Here's an article that has some guidelines for optimizing UI for color blind users:
Particletree ยป Be Kind to the Color Blind
It contains a link to another article with the kind of tools you were asking for:
10 colour contrast checking tools to improve the accessibility of your design | 456 Berea Street
A great paper that explains a conversion that preserves color differences is:
Detail Preserving Reproduction of color images for Monochromats and Dichromats.(PDF)
I haven't implemented the filter, but I plan to when I have some more free time.
I found Colour Simulations easy to use on Windows 10. This software can apply a color-blind filter to a part of the screen or the whole screen. And what's great is it allows me to interact with my PC normally as if it doesn't exist in fullscreen mode. It runs quite slow in my 4K screen using an integrated graphics card, though.