In Haxe, how do you pass Enum values in functions, and then convert them to Strings within the function? - string

I can't seem to get this working, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't possible in Haxe.
I'm trying to pass a couple of Enum values defined in my game to a function, so that it can then concatenate them as String types and pass that to other functions.
// In a general Entity class:
public override function kill():Void {
messages.dispatchCombined(entityType, ListMessages.KILLED);
And in my Messages.hx class:
package common;
import msignal.Signal.Signal1;
* A Message / Event class using Signals bound to String names.
* #author Pierre Chamberlain
class Messages{
var _messages:MessagesDef;
public function new() {
_messages = new MessagesDef();
public function add(pType:String, pCallback:FuncDef) {
if (_messages[pType] == null) {
_messages[pType] = new Signal1<Dynamic>();
var signals = _messages[pType];
signals.add( pCallback );
public function dispatch(pType:String, pArg:Dynamic):Bool {
var signals = _messages[pType];
if (signals == null) return false;
return true;
//Compiler doesn't like passing enums :(
public inline function addCombined(pSource:Enum, pEvent:Enum, pCallback:FuncDef) {
add( combine(pSource, pEvent), pCallback );
public inline function dispatchCombined(pSource:Enum, pEvent:Enum, pArg:Dynamic):Bool {
return dispatch( combine(pSource, pEvent), pArg);
//How can I just pass the enum "names" as strings?
static inline function combine(a:Enum, b:Enum):String {
return String(a) + ":" + String(b);
typedef MessagesDef = Map<String, Signal1<Dynamic>>;
typedef FuncDef = Dynamic->Void;
Note how addCombined, dispatchCombined and combine expect an "Enum" type, but in this case I'm not sure if Haxe actually expects the entire Enum "class" to be passed (ie: ListMessages instead of ListMessages.KILLED) or if a value should work. Anyways, compiler doesn't like it - so I'm assuming another special Type has to be used.
Is there another way to go about passing enums and resolving them to strings?

I think you need EnumValue as parameter type (if it is only for enum values), and use Std.String to convert to String values.
static inline function combine(a:EnumValue, b:EnumValue):String {
return Std.string(a) + ":" + Std.string(b);
Of course that can be written smaller using String interpolation:
static inline function combine(a:EnumValue, b:EnumValue):String {
return '$a:$b';
Of course that can be 'more dynamic' using type parameters:
static inline function combine<A, B>(a:A, b:B):String {
return '$a:$b';
There is totally no need to use Dynamic as suggested. If you use Dynamic, you basically turn off the type system.
live example:

Use Dynamic instead of Enum or pass them as Strings right away since you can always convert to enum from String if you need it later.
Anyway pass the enum as enum:Dynamic and then call Std.string(enum);
EDIT: Using EnumValue is definitely better approach than Dynamic, I use Dynamic in these functions because I send more than just Enums there and I am not worried about type safety in that case.


Implementing Set<T>

I'm trying to wrap my head around abstract by implementing a Set data-type, like so:
abstract Set<T>(Map<T, Bool>) {
public inline function new() {
this = new Map<T, Bool>();
public inline function has(item:T):Bool {
return this.exists(item);
public inline function add(item:T):Set<T> {
this.set(item, true);
return null;
public inline function remove(item:T):Set<T> {
return null;
public inline function iterator():Iterator<T> {
return this.keys();
The compiler doesn't like this, though. It tells me Set.hx:8: characters 11-29 : Abstract Map has no #:to function that accepts IMap<util.Set.T, Bool>
I don't really understand this at all, since if I change the constructor to
public inline function new(val:Map<T, Bool>) {
this = val;
and then instantiate with var set = new Set(new Map());, it works.
That's pretty gross, though. I'd like the ability to instantiate Sets without exposing the underlying implementation. Ultimately, I'd prefer a constructor with the signature new(?initial:Iterable<T>). Is this possible? Am I misunderstanding something?
The problem is that currently it's impossible to instantiate Map without they key type being known (and since Set.T is a free type parameter, this doesn't work). However since the constructor is inline, T may well be known at the call site. The problem is that the compiler still tries to generate You can avoid this by prefixing it with #:extern. Working example:

Assigning default value to T:Float type parameter

I have a class that I wanted dynamic on what type to accept, but still be of type float. I have added an example class below. Simply put, I want a class that can contain either Ints or Floats (or abstracts(Float)), but the type parameter doesn't like being assigned something that should actually fit it.
class Container<T:Float>
public function new(aValue:T = 0.0)
public function example():T
return 16.0;
In this example, I get two compiler errors. The fist one is the default value of the constructor new(aValue:T = 0.0. A simple fix is to set the value as dynamic, but I like my code neater than this. The second error is in the return value of example(). It won't let me return 16.0, as it is not a T instance.
My question: Is this doable and, if not, should I either use different class definitions for every type?
I think the issue here is that you don't really need the generic type "T".
Here's what I came up with given your constraints. The class "Container" is not generic, and merely contains a Float constructor. This still allows it, however, to accept any value that can be implicitly cast to Float, which includes any abstract as long as they define casting rules.
package ;
class Main
public static function main()
new Container(); // default
new Container(1); // Int
new Container(2.3); // Float
new Container(new UnifiesWithFloat(4.5)); // Float abstract
class Container
public function new(aValue:Float = 0.8)
trace('aValue is $aValue');
abstract UnifiesWithFloat(Float) from Float to Float
inline public function new(value:Float)
this = value;
The only way I could come up for this issue with a cast and with own resolving of the optional parameters.
class Test {
static function main() {
$type(new Container(1));
$type(new Container(1).example());
new Container(1).example();
$type(new Container(1.0));
$type(new Container(1.0).example());
new Container(1.0).example();
class Container<T:Float> {
public var value:T;
public function new(aValue:T) {
this.value = cast (aValue != null ? aValue : 0);
public function example():T {
return cast 16;
This logs:
Test.hx:3: characters 14-30 : Warning : Container<Int>
Test.hx:4: characters 14-40 : Warning : Int
Test.hx:7: characters 14-32 : Warning : Container<Float>
Test.hx:8: characters 14-42 : Warning : Float

Overriding parent methods with contravariant arguments

Basically, I want to override a parent class with different arguments. For example:
class Hold<T> {
public var value:T;
public function new(value:T) {
public function set(value:T) {
this.value = value;
Then override that class, something like:
class HoldMore extends Hold<T> {
public var value2:T;
public function new(value:T, value2:T) {
set(value, value2);
override public function set(value:T, value2:T) {
this.value = value;
this.value2 = value2;
Obviously this will return an error, Field set overloads parent class with different or incomplete type. Is there a way around this? I tried using a public dynamic function, and then setting set in the new() function, but that gave a very similar error. Any thoughts?
This is just a complement to #stroncium's answer, which is totally correct.
Here is an example how it could look like:
class Hold<T> {
public var value:T;
public function new(value:T) {
public function set(value:T) {
this.value = value;
class HoldMore<T> extends Hold<T> {
public var value2:T;
public function new(value:T, value2:T) {
setBoth(value, value2);
// you cannot override "set" with a different signature
public function setBoth(value:T, value2:T) {
this.value = value;
this.value2 = value2;
alternatively, you could use an array as parameter or a dynamic object holding multiple values in order to "set" them using the same method, but you loose some of the compiler's type checking.
If you wrote the base class you could add an optional argument to it, this would be a workaround though, not directly what you want to do.
In the current state it totally won't work. There is not only 1 problem, but few of them:
Type T is meaningless in context of this new class, you should either use some concrete type or template this class over T.
You can not change the number of arguments of function when overriding it. However you can add another function(with a different name) to accept 2 arguments and do what you want (which is the way you would use in most languages, by the way).
I don't really understand how you see a contravariance problem there. The actual problem is that haxe doesn't support function overload. (It actually does, the function signature is name + full type, but that's not what you would want to write nor support, and is mostly used for js/java externs.)
Unfortunately the language doesn't allow it.

Overloading a method which accepts `object` as default parameter type

I need to be able to call a method and pass in an object of an unknown type
but then have the correct overload called. I also need a default implementation that accepts
object as its parameter type. What I'm seeing is that the default overload is the only one that ever gets used.
Here's the gist of what I'm trying to do:
class Formatter
private object Value;
public Formatter(object val){
Value = val;
public override string ToString()
return Format(Value);
private string Format(object value)
return value.ToString();
private string Format(DateTime value)
return value.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
Ok, so far so good. Now I want to be able to do this:
public static class FancyStringBuilder()
public static string BuildTheString()
var stringFormatter = new Formatter("hello world");
var dateFormatter = new Formatter(DateTime.Now);
return String.Format("{0} {1}", stringFormatter, dateFormatter);
The result of FancyStringBuilder.BuildTheString() is "hello world 2012-12-21 00:00:00.000", when I expected "hello world 20121221"
The problem is that the overload that accepts a DateTime is not being called, instead defaulting to the overload which accepts an object. How can I call the proper method without resorting to a messy switch statement?
In Formatter.ToString(), the override Formatter.Format(object) is always called. This is because the overload resolution happens at compile-time, not run-time. At compile-time, the only thing known about Value is that it's an object.
If you really want to distinguish incoming types, you'll need to do so in Formatter's constructor. In this case, rather than hanging on to the object, you could just call ToString() immediately and only store the formatted result:
class Formatter
string formattedValue;
public Formatter(object value)
formattedValue = value.ToString();
public Formatter(DateTime value)
formattedValue = value.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
public string ToString()
return formattedValue;
Note that this does assume that your object isn't changing between the time you create the Formatter object and the time Formatter.ToString() is called, or at the very least that it's okay to take a snapshot of the string representation at the time the Formatter is created.
This also assumes that you know the incoming types at compile-time. If you want a truly run-time-only solution, you'll have to use the "is" operator or a typeof() comparison.
If your goal is just to provide custom ToString() formatting based on the incoming type, I'd probably do it using a list that maps from types to format strings:
static class Formatter
private static List<Tuple<Type, string>> Formats;
static Formatter()
Formats = new List<Tuple<Type, string>>();
// Add formats from most-specific to least-specific type.
// The format string from the first type found that matches
// the incoming object (see Format()) will be used.
AddMapping(typeof(DateTime), "yyyyMMdd");
// AddMapping(typeof(...), "...");
private static void AddMapping(Type type, string format)
Formats.Add(new Tuple<Type, string>(type, format));
public static string Format(object value)
foreach (var t in Formats)
// If we find a type that 'value' can be assigned to
// (either the same type, a base type, or an interface),
// consider it a match, and use the format string.
if (t.Item1.IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType()))
return string.Format(t.Item2, value);
// If we didn't find anything, use the default ToString()...
return value.ToString();
With that, calling code then looks like:
"{0} {1}",
I think this is because the class constructor takes an object as parameter, and then assign that object to variable Value which is also an object. There for calling Format(object) since Value is of type object
Try this
public override string ToString()
if(Value is DateTime)
return Format(Convert.ToDateTime(Value)); //this should call the right method
return Format(Value); //works for other non-custom-format types e.g. String

C# shift operator overload

is there a reason for the type of the second operand must be int?
// I would like to do this
public static StringList operator<<(StringList list, string s) {
return list;
// but only int is supported...
Just for sure... I can overload operator* for get (for example) List of string
class MyString {
string val;
public MyString(string s) {
val = s;
public static List<string> operator*(MyString s, int count) {
List<string> list = new List<string>();
while (count-- > 0) {
return list;
foreach (var s in new MyString("value") * 3) {
s.print(); // object extension (Console.WriteLine)
// output:
// value
// value
// value
but cannot overload left shift, well known from C++ std (overloaded for output), because it was unclear?
Of course, it's just a decision of C# designers.
Still it can be overloaded on something unexpected/unclear (with int).
Really the reason is that it was made an unclear code?
Yes. It's because the language specification requires it:
When declaring an overloaded shift operator, the type of the first operand must always be the class or struct containing the operator declaration, and the type of the second operand must always be int.
The language designers didn't have to make that decision - it would have been possible for them to remove that restriction if the wanted to - but I think this part of the specification explains their reasoning for this (and other) restrictions on operator overloading:
While it is possible for a user-defined operator to perform any computation it pleases, implementations that produce results other than those that are intuitively expected are strongly discouraged.
They probably wanted the bitshift operators to always behave like bitshift operators, and not as something completely surprising.
Because you want your code to look like c++? Why not an extension method .Append( item ) that returns the source list.
public static class ListExtensions
public static List<T> Append<T>( this List<T> source, T item )
if (source == null)
throw new NullArgumentException( "source" );
return source;
Used as:
var list = new List<string>();
list.Append( "foo" )
.Append( "bar" )
.Append( "baz" );
