Cannot set/change default icon for a Chrome webapp (created using Apps Script) in Chrome desktop launcher - google-chrome-extension

I wrote a simple Google Apps script and published it in the Chrome Web Store as an app (I guess "hosted" app. You can find the link here: I followed the instructions mentioned here:
I specified all the required items in the checklist, AFAIK, including icons of the required size. The item is listed and I can download it. However, when it is added in the Chrome desktop launcher, it has the default "apps script" blue icon:
I want to change this but can't find any way to do so. The link above specifies that there is a way to do this for a new tab page (sec. Updating a web app's icon on the New Tab Page). First of all, I cannot see any link that says "specify an alternative image" anywhere as they say. Could someone elaborate on this. Secondly, is there a similar way to change the launcher icon for apps script webapps?

Ok, I found it. Here's the info for someone else who may have the same question: The link appears in the window just after you click "Publish>Register in Chrome Web Store..." in the apps script editor itself. It's not there in the developer dashboard. You can host the image publicly on any site which provides direct links, like imgur.
This will change the icon in the Chrome new page tab (or in "chrome://apps/") as well as the desktop launcher. Cheers :)


How to change the content and size of the app window that installs the extension

I created a Safari Web Extension using the script that generates the project from a Chrome extension.
My users are confused by the process of buying the app and then running it which just opens a window that does nothing (they keep asking for refunds saying the app doesn't work). So I want to add some more text into the app window that tells them they have to look for the extension in Safari.
I can see how to add the text in the html file called "Main". But in my Mac app this means that the content no longer fits within the apps window. I'm trying to figure out how to change the size of the app window.
Also, the script generates a Mac app with a help menu but it just says that help is not available. How do I go about adding some help to explain that this App does nothing and that the extension is in Safari?
It seems like the script does a lot of the work for you but you still have to learn a bit about developing an App (rather than an extension) to make it a polished experience.

Adding Support Page to Web Store Extension Page

I'm trying to add a support page right in the extension window but all that I can find is adding a link to another page. I've included some pictures, as I don't know how to really describe the feature.
that's what I have currently, and below is what I want to have-
This is a screenshot of what I have on the dev page, concerning the support feature-
I'm not sure what I need to change, so any help would be appreciated! (Directed here from this chrome forum thread)
Go to
Click "Edit your User Feedback preferences"
Check the "Enable User Feedback for all my apps in Chrome Webstore." box.
Note that neither you nor your users will get notified of new posts made in the webstore support section, so you probably want to direct users to a third party support platform, such as issues on the project's Github repo.

Lightbox Enable in Chrome App/Extension

I have created my first Chrome extension/app and found out that lightboxes do not function inside the app. I created the app from the Google example kiosk app. I'm only using webview in the app and have no other customizations. It just points to a link.
I want to use the app as an auto-launch Kiosk app on a Chromebox. Via this website I found that 'alert' and 'confirm' are a disabled web feature on chrome web apps.
I am wondering if it is possible to enable alert and confirm in the Chrome app so that lightboxes will work when interacting with a website.
Thanks in advance.
Yes you can definitely call alert box inside a chrome extension, just like you would in a normal javasript file as stated in this thread.
alert("Im an alert box triggered by Chrome Extension")
The link you provided suggests that you can create a custom popup/lightbox as a workaround. There's a complete tutorial here.
Happy coding! :)

Can my chrome extension open a link in a different profile?

I use two different Chrome profiles (users) on my laptop: one for my work stuff and one for my personal browsing.
Sometimes I click a link from HipChat and it opens it in the personal profile even though it's for work (e.g. (This is because I happen to have been in my personal chrome window most recently.)
I'd like to make a chrome extension I can install in my personal profile to match the URLs of * and send these over to the work profile window.
I haven't found a way to open a url into a different profile. Anyone know of a way?
(A hacky idea I got from reading is maybe I could shell out to something along the lines of google-chrome --user-data-dir=$work_profile, but I'd be happier if there was a JS API and I didn't have to ask permission to run programs on the user's computer.)
Dropping an answer in case it's still useful to anyone.
I built my chrome extension CopyTabs ( to do something similar. It is able to open links, current tabs, selected tabs or windows, in the current chrome user profile, another chrome user profile or another browser entirely.
I made use of chrome.exe --profile-directory="profileName" to open URLs in a selected profile, but this has a handler that runs on the user's machine, with profileName being the internal name of the chrome profile, for example --profile-directory="Profile1" instead of --profile-directory="My Name As Profile".
So to answer your question, no I don't think there's anyway around a local handler on the user's machine to achieve this functionality.
Though the question is an old one but maybe someone is looking for an answer.
In the new versions of chrome when you right click on a link, in the pop-up menu, there is an option to open the link in another profile. For this to work, ofcourse, there need to be multiple user profiles in Chrome.
Works like a charm!
Hope it helps.
There is no solution for this. It would need a handler, a separate program, that captures the URL before it reaches Chrome, parses your preferences for which URLs go to which profile and then starts the specified Chrome installation with specified profile flags.
However, afaik, such a program does not exist (at least on Windows).
Further, Chrome cannot even select which profile out of many is selected, when Chrome is started from the OS "call URL to be opened" function and NOT started by user-activated clicking on a Chrome application shortcut (with specific profile selection instructions).
Naturally, the latter works 100% wonderfully on Firefox, which has built-in profile selector after the browser has been started, and regardless of which method was used to start Firefox (user click on Firefox icon or OS pipe of "open URL" to Firefox).
So; no solution in Chrome.
I believe that Account Surfer should be able to do the things that you're looking for. Here's an overview from Windows store:
Quickly switch between accounts and browsers with Account Surfer.
Decide what account or browser to use when opening the link.
Read more:
Yes u can:
install extension like this
copy address of profile (for example: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --profile-directory="Profile 2)
Insert it in settings of extension
Use Browser Chooser 2
The app finicky did the trick for me. You can check out this link for installation and configuration for the same.
Finicky example configuration

How is the panel displayed when launching Chrome Hangout extension made to be always on top and pinned?

When launching the Chrome Extension Google-Hangouts, a panel initially appears that lists members and a link/button to create a new Hangout.
This panel is initially pinned to the bottom right of the browser window. When pinned like this, it remains always on top as a browser navigation session continues: users can go to different URLs, change tabs, etc. and that panel stays at the bottom right and stays on top of all other windows (or at least on top of the main browser window).
Once it's unpinned, you can drag it around the window, but it no longer stays always on top.
My question is, how was that achieved - what code, or what functions, do i need to call to create that window/panel so that it stays initially pinned and always on top? Is there some binding to some native code that's involved? Some other approach?
If anyone know and can show or explain, i would be hugely grateful as this feature is key to an extension i'm trying to build.
Thanks a lot!
This may not be an answer but to get a clue of what is happening I extracted the crx file to view its content there are a few OS specific files : ace.dll , and ace. After researching a bit i found this. This is a plugin. Hangouts extension is using ace plugin which is actually running on your desktop(i'm not sure about this). You can check this article
I found this related post: How to build an chrome extension like Google Hangouts
ACE is actually not what makes the window, Chrome has that capability built in, apparently. Even if you don't enable panels, extensions from Google can still make them, provided your OS is capable.
