Android Studio not changing API version - android-studio

Whenever I go and try to click to change the API version, it stays the same and will not switch to the one I choose. Do I need to add something for it to change?
Here is a picture of my IDE:
As you can see, it is on API 15.
I have several different API's listed but it will not change to them if I click on one.

There is two different api, first one is Viewing api, it's shows on editing xml, in this case it's shown as your photo. Second one is real one. Its building api. You can reach them from "Gradle" -> "Build Gradle". There is 2 different API's min sdk and target sdk. You can change api from there. And don't forget to sync your Gradle


Configure Kotlin Notification In Android Studio made rendering preview

I applied this notification without knowing what it does. Now UI is missing. It says "Some issues were found while trying to render this preview" while preview and when I run app, It shows a blank surface. How and Where can I configure this?
Finally I find what the notification changes in the project.
when I apllied notificitaion , it adds build.gradle:app to this twice like below.
implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:+'
implementation 'androidx.core:core-ktx:+'
Although I have already implemented this
This leads rendering problem.

Acumatica 2018 R2 Mobile - Locks up when attempting to add a new screen

After Summit 2019, we were excited to start working on updates for 2018R2, and I practiced adding mobile screens for our custom modules in my sandbox.
We decided to fully refresh our DEV instance and reapply our customizations. No problem there, but when I try "Add New Screen" in the mobile section and then try to enter my screen number, the mouse goes to "waiting" and I can't add my new screen. Eventually, I get a "timed out" message. Same problem even when trying to add a standard Acumatica screen. Everything else in the project and Acumatica web interface seems to work fine.
Any ideas on where to look for what is preventing adding a new screen?
I'm on Build 18.209.0021.
It seems like an Ajax issue in the customization project editor. After callback to server the client page javascript is stuck waiting on the server response. You can try using Chrome browser which has less of those Ajax hangs and update Chrome if you're already using it.
There is also a known issue specifically affecting 2018 R2 Mobile that leads to generic error Sequence contains no matching element on mobile detail page. Based on your question this doesn't seem to be the issue you are having but you can give the workaround to this bug a try:
Open Generic Inquiry screen (SM208000)
Select FS-ServiceOrder inquiry, uncheck Expose to mobile and save
On Apply Updates screen (SM203510), click on Restart Application
This was identified by Acumatica support as a bug. Upgrade to a new release for the fix.

Where does secondary image in (node.js) Windows 8 toast notification come from?

I'm using node-notifier (link) in node.js to show a toast notification in Windows 8. I have it working and I'm able to adjust the title, text, and main image in the notification just fine. However, in a Windows 8 toast notifications, there is a secondary (smaller) image. See below:
So, node-notifier uses toaster, which in turn uses ToastNotificationManager. But, I cannot find any reference anywhere to this secondary image. I've looked here and here on Microsoft's site.
This secondary image also shows in other notifications I receive from applications like Outlook, Slack, etc.
Where is this secondary image coming from? Is the documentation just out of date? Can Toaster be modified to access this secondary image?
The secondary image is the icon for the shortcut in the Start Menu folder for the program registered to raise a toast. To change it, you'll need to modify the icon on the shortcut.
For a desktop application to use the ToastNotificationManager class, it is required to have a shortcut in the start menu, and an AppUserModelId associated with that shortcut. At ToastNotificationManager creation time, the caller passes in the same AppUserModelId, which ties back to the associated icon for the shortcut. More about registering desktop applications to raise toasts this can be found on this MSDN documentation page.
Looking at the toaster code here, it is installing the shortcut to a file called toast.lnk in the Start Menu:
String shortcutPath =
Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData) +
"\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\toast.lnk";
And, it is creating the shortcut targeting the initial calling process:
String exePath = Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName;
Updating the icon in the shortcut manually should verify that you can change what is shown locally, but an update to toaster to set the icon location is likely required (to support multiple callers with different shortcuts, or by having it call IShellLink::SetIconLocation).

Upsource installation - features from tutorial are missing

I am using upsource latest (
A lot of things are differnet than what I see in this tutorial.
for instance:
When I click over a line in the code (browser) I dont get the option 'Start a code review'
Browsing repository - When I hover over an entity in the code I don’t see documentation, I can’t browse to its hierarchy. When I click it I only get two actions to choose (‘comment on selection’ and ‘link to selection’)
I can’t browse revsions – I don’t have the link when I hover revision number.
My users are all granted with admin role (amnd developer, and viewer)
What am I missing?
Looks like you are referring to the video with Upsource 1.0 which is a bit different from the latest version. How to code review with Upsource - the latest one
This features are only available for Java projects, with IDEA, Maven or Gradle build systems. Corresponding settings should be also set on Upsource side, in project administration.
It might happen if revision is not indexed by Upsource yet

custom controls added as OSGI plugin appear twice

I added a couple of custom control into a plugin and imported them on the server using the update site. They are working quit well so far but when i open an application in the designer client i can see the custom control from the plugin twice.
I tried to add them the same way bootstrap4xpages is adding a plugin but mine is duplicated.
One entry is without any icon the other has the standard grey cc icon. Not the end of the world but i must have done something wrong. Any idea why that happens?
It's a known issue with 9.0 and 9.0.1, specific to components that are Custom Controls. I encountered it quite a while ago. Mark Leusink had the same problem for Debug Toolbar and discussed it with the IBM developers at IBM Connect last year. So I would hope it will be addressed in the next point release, 9.0.2.
It still works fine though, regardless of which one you select.
