I am searching for a command, that separates all given parameters with a specific delimiter, and outputs them quoted.
Example (delimiter is set to be a colon :):
somecommand "this is" "a" test
should output
"this is":"a":"test"
I'm aware that the shell interprets the "" quotes before passing the parameters to the command. So what the command should actually do is to print out every given parameter in quotes and separate all these with a colon.
I'm also not seeking for a bash-only solution, but for the most elegant solution.
It is very easy to just loop over an array of these elements and do that, but the problem is that I have to use this inside a gnu makefile which only allows single line shell commands and uses sh instead of bash.
So the simpler the better.
How about
somecommand () {
printf '"%s"\n' "$#" | paste -s -d :
Use printf to add the quotes and print every entry on a separate line, then use paste with the -s ("serial") option and a colon as the delimiter.
Can be called like this:
$ somecommand "this is" "a" test
"this is":"a":"test"
apply_delimiter () {
(( $# )) || return
local res
printf -v res '"%s":' "$#"
printf '%s\n' "${res%:}"
Usage example:
$ apply_delimiter hello world "how are you"
"hello":"world":"how are you"
As indicated in a number of the comments, a simple "loop-over" approach, looping over each of the strings passed as arguments is a fairly straight-forward way to approach it:
delimit_colon() {
local first=1
for i in "$#"; do
if [ "$first" -eq 1 ]; then
printf "%s" "$i"
printf ":%s" "$i"
printf "\n"
Which when combined with a short test script could be:
delimit_colon() {
local first=1
for i in "$#"; do
if [ "$first" -eq 1 ]; then
printf "%s" "$i"
printf ":%s" "$i"
printf "\n"
[ -z "$1" ] && { ## validate input
printf "error: insufficient input\n"
exit 1
delimit_colon "$#"
exit 0
Test Input/Output
$ bash delimitargs.sh "this is" "a" test
this is:a:test
Here a solution using the z-shell:
# this is "somecommand"
echo '"'${(j_":"_)#}'"'
If you have them in an array already, you can use this command
MYARRAY=("this is" "a" "test")
joined_string=$(IFS=:; echo "$(MYARRAY[*])")
echo $joined_string
Setting the IFS (internal field separator) will be the character separator. Using echo on the array will display the array using the newly set IFS. Putting those commands in $() will put the output of the echo into joined_string.
I'm stuck in the following task: Lets pretend we have an .ini file in a folder. The file contains lines like this:
I had to choose the biggest subnet mask. So my attempt was:
declare -A data
for f in datadir/name
while read line
r=(${line//=/ })
let data[${r[0]}]=${r[1]}
done < $f
This is how far i got. (Yeah i know the file named name is not an .ini file but a .txt since i got problem even with creating an ini file,this teacher didn't even give a file like that for our exam.)
It splits the line until the =, but doesn't want to read the IP number because of the (first) . character.
(Invalid arithmetic operator the error message i got)
If someone could help me and explain how i can make a script for tasks like this i would be really thankful!
Both previously presented solutions operate (and do what they're designed to do); I thought I'd add something left-field as the specifications are fairly loose.
$ cat freasy
I'd argue that the biggest subnet mask is the one with the lowest numerical value (holds the most hosts).
$ sort -t/ -k2,2nr freasy| tail -n1
Don't use let. It's for arithmetic.
$ help let
let: let arg [arg ...]
Evaluate arithmetic expressions.
Evaluate each ARG as an arithmetic expression.
Just use straight assignment:
declare -A data
for f in datadir/name
while read line
r=(${line//=/ })
done < $f
$ declare -p data
declare -A data=([tun0]="" [eno1]="" [eno2]="" [eno3]="" )
awk provides a simple solution to find the max value following the '/' that will be orders of magnitude faster than a bash script or Unix pipeline using:
awk -F"=|/" '$3 > max { max = $3 } END { print max }' file
Example Use/Output
$ awk -F"=|/" '$3 > max { max = $3 } END { print max }' file
Above awk separates the fields using either '=' or '/' as field separator and then keeps the max of the 3rd field $3 and outputs that value using the END {...} rule.
Bash Solution
If you did want a bash script solution, then you can isolate the wanted parts of each line using [[ .. =~ .. ]] to populate the BASH_REMATCH array and then compare ${BASH_REMATCH[3]} against a max variable. The [[ .. ]] expression with =~ considers everything on the right side an Extended Regular Expression and will isolate each grouping ((...)) as an element in the array BASH_REMATCH, e.g.
[ -z "$1" ] && { printf "filename required\n" >&2; exit 1; }
declare -i max=0
while read -r line; do
[[ $line =~ ^(.*)=(.*)/(.*)$ ]]
((${BASH_REMATCH[3]} > max)) && max=${BASH_REMATCH[3]}
done < "$1"
printf "max: %s\n" "$max"
Using Only POSIX Parameter Expansions
Using parameter expansion with substring removal supported by POSIX shell (Bourne shell, dash, etc..), you could do:
[ -z "$1" ] && { printf "filename required\n" >&2; exit 1; }
while read line; do
[ "${line##*/}" -gt "$max" ] && max="${line##*/}"
done < "$1"
printf "max: %s\n" "$max"
Example Use/Output
After making yourscript.sh executable with chmod +x yourscript.sh, you would do:
$ ./yourscript.sh file
max: 32
(same output for both shell script solutions)
Let me know if you have further questions.
I'm using below script to generate json data from comma separated values to feed zabbix.
but i'm getting one extra comma symbol. please try to optimize the comma in the end line.
IFS=':, ' read -r -a array <<< "$1"
echo {\"data\":[
while [ -n "${array[$idx]}" ]; do
echo -n \{\"{#R_IP}\":\""${array[$idx]}"\"}
let idx=$idx+1
[ -n "$array[idx]}" ] && echo "," || echo
echo ]}
./test.sh embimsrv.exe,emcms.exe,emcmsg.exe,emforecastsrv.exe,emgtw.exe,emguisrv.exe,emmaintag.exe,emselfservicesrv.exe,Naming_Service.exe,p_ctmce.exe,p_ctmcs.exe,p_ctmrt.exe,p_ctmtr.exe,p_ctmwd.exe
Use a proper tool, like jq, to generate your JSON.
printf '%s' "$1" | jq -R 'split(",") | map({"{#R_IP}": .}) | {data: .}'
Manually piecing together JSON like this is pretty brittle. But here goes. A very common trick is to prefix each string except the first with a comma.
IFS=':, ' read -r -a array <<< "$1"
printf '%s' '{"data":['
for item in "${array[#]}"; do
printf '%s%s' "$prefix" "{\"{#R_IP}\":\"$item\"}"
printf '%s\n' ']}'
Notice also how no explicit exit is required at the end of a script. The shell stops executing the script and terminates when it reaches the end of the script.
Also, the shebang needs to start with exactly the two single-byte characters #!.
Finally, a much better overall design is probably to not require the arguments to be comma-separated; but I won't try to fix that here.
This is my code:
echo "ARGUMENTS COUNT : " $#
echo "ARGUMENTS LIST : " $*
dictionary=`awk '{ print $1 }'`
for i in dictionary
for j in $*
if [ $j = $i ]
ls $j > dictionary1.txt
I need using unix shell functions make "dictionary". For example: I write in arguments default word, example hello. Then my function checks the file dictionary1 if that word is existing in the file. If not - append that word in file, if it's already exist - do nothing.
For some reason, my script does not work. When I start my script, it waits for something and that's it.
What I am doing wrong? How can I fix it?
An implementation that tries to care about both performance and correctness might look like:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# ^^^^- NOT sh; sh does not support [[ ]] or <(...)
addWords() {
local tempFile dictFile
tempFile=$(mktemp dictFile.XXXXXX) || return
dictFile=$1; shift
[[ -e "$dictFile" ]] || touch "$dictFile" || return
sort -um "$dictFile" <(printf '%s\n' "$#" | sort -u) >"$tempFile"
mv -- "$tempFile" "$dictFile"
addWords myDict beta charlie delta alpha
addWords myDict charlie zulu
cat myDict
...has a final dictionary state of:
...and it rereads the input file only once for each addWords call (no matter how many words are being added!), not once per word to add.
Don't name a function "function".
Don't read in and walk through the whole file - all you need is to know it the word is there or not. grep does that.
ls lists files. You want to send a word to the file, not a filename. use echo or printf.
sh isn't bash. Use bash unless there's a clear reason not to, and the only reason is because it isn't available.
Try this:
#! /bin/env bash
checkWord() {
grep -qm 1 "$1" dictionary1.txt ||
echo "$1" >> dictionary1.txt
for wd
do checkWord "$wd"
If that works, you can add more structure and error checking.
You can remove your dictionary=awk... line (as mentioned it's blocking waiting for input) and simply grep your dictionary file for each argument, something like the below :
for i in "$#"
if ! grep -qow "$i" dictionary1.txt
echo "$i" >> dictionary1.txt
With any awk in any shell on any UNIX box:
awk -v words="$*" '
while ( (getline word < "dictionary1.txt") > 0 ) {
for (i in tmp) {
word = tmp[i]
if ( !dict[word]++ ) {
newWords = newWords word ORS
printf "%s", newWords >> "dictionary1.txt"
This function works:
source foo.bash && foo -n "a b c.txt"
The problem is, no matter what I've tried, I couldn't get the last line echo "$CMD" (or echo $CMD) to generate exactly this output:
cat -n "a b c.txt"
How to achieve that?
# foo.bash
function foo() {
local argv=("$#");
local OUT=`cat "${argv[#]}"`
local CMD=`echo cat "${argv[#]}"`
echo "--------------------------"
echo "$OUT"
echo "--------------------------"
echo "$CMD"
The output is instead:
cat -n a b c.txt
With this command: foo -n \"a b c.txt\" it does work for the display of the command, but it gives errors for the execution via the backtick.
The file "a b c.txt" is a valid, small, text file.
You need to escape quotes inside of the assignment:
local CMD="cat \"${argv[#]}\""
Also, echo is not needed to concatenate strings.
There you go, with the help of number of tokens in bash variable I've come up with the right solution.
I've almost forgot WHY we actually need quoting for one argument, it's because it has multiple words!
function foo() {
local argv=( "$#" );
local OUT=`cat "${argv[#]}"`
echo "--------------------------"
echo "$OUT"
echo "--------------------------"
local CMD="cat"
for word in "${argv[#]}"; do
words="${word//[^\ ]} "
if [[ ${#words} > 1 ]]; then
local CMD="$CMD \"${word}\""
local CMD="$CMD $word"
echo "$CMD"
Hope it helps someone.
I'm trying to write a shell script which will compare two files, and if there are no differences between then, it will indicate that there was a success, and if there are differences, it will indicate that there was a failure, and print the results. Here's what I have so far:
result = $(diff -u file1 file2)
if [ $result = "" ]; then
echo It works!
echo It does not work
echo $result
Anybody know what I'm doing wrong???
result=$(diff -u file1 file2)
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "It works!"
echo "It does not work"
echo "$result"
No spaces around "=" in the variable assignment for results
Use $? status variable after running diff instead of the string length of $result.
I'm in the habit of using backticks for command substitution instead of $(), but #Dennis Williamson cites some good reasons to use the latter after all. Thanks Dennis!
Applied quotes per suggestions in comments.
Changed "=" to "-eq" for numeric test.
First, you should wrap strings being compared with quotes.
Second, "!" cannot be use it has another meaning. You can wrap it with single quotes.
So your program will be.
result=$(diff -u file1 file2)
if [ "$result" == "" ]; then
echo 'It works!'
echo It does not work
echo "$result"
Since you need results when you fail, why not simply use 'diff -u file1 file2' in your script? You may not even need a script then. If diff succeeds, nothing will happen, else the diff will be printed.
bash string equivalence is "==".
-n is non-zero string, -z is zero length string, wrapping in quotes because the command will complain if the output of diff is longer than a single string with "too many arguments".
if [ -n "$(diff $1 $2)" ]; then
echo "Different"
if [ -z "$(diff $1 $2)" ]; then
echo "Same"