Spotify AndroidSDK - No logout callback - spotify

When calling Player.logout(), while logged in using Facebook, PlayerNotificationCallback.onLoggedOut() is called.
When calling Player.logout(), with a non-premium user that has logged in using Spotify credentials, PlayerNotificationCallback.onLoggedOut() is not called.
I don't have a premium account with Spotify credentials to test.
Is this behaviour expected?
I am using the latest Android SDK, 1.0.0-beta12#aar


Getting Facebook permissions in Google Action

I am currently building a Google Assistant App/ Action using API.AI and node.js. My application needs to get permissions from the user, to get his Facebook likes and make FB Graph API calls from node.js. How can I do that? Do I need to build an android/ ios app for that?
You will need to implement account linking. However, you will not be able to use the Facebook OAuth directly but have to implement your own OAuth server. Your service will independently need to get the user to provide the Facebook OAuth credentials so you can use their API.

[Azure Mobile App Service]How to login without password on Facebook sign-in?

I activated Facebook sign-in with Azure's Mobile App Service, but the service asked to enter an ID and password.
Instagram or other famous application can login without entering the password as "Continue as a Name" if it is already logged in to FaceBook.
I would like to authenticate Facebook on Azure without entering ID or password, how can I do it?
For Server-managed authentication, your app would authenticate the user through a web view. I checked the server-flow in my Xamarin.Forms app, and found you need to enter the Facebook account info for logging. While browsing the mobile app via the browser, the login page would show "Continue as a Name" if I have already logged in to FaceBook (
Note: When using sever-flow, the page asking for Facebook account is under Facebook domain, Azure would not peek or save your Facebook account info.
I would like to authenticate Facebook on Azure without entering ID or password, how can I do it?
Based on your scenario, you need to leverage Client-managed authentication in your mobile app, and you need to install the Facebook app on the device for test. Additionally, you cannot install other apps on the iOS simulator and there may be restrictions on the Android Emulator. So, you generally need to test client flow for social providers on an actual device.
If you integrate the Facebook SDK, then your app will automatically switch to the Facebook app and ask you to approve the authentication request there. For how to integrate the Facebook SDK, you could refer to Facebook login for iOS and Facebook login for Android.

Not be able to register on spotify tool

I'm trying to register on spotify either create an account or facebook login. But not get login.
When I try login by facebook then return message
You do not have a Spotify account connected to your Facebook account. If you have a Spotify account, please log in with your Spotify credentials. If you do not have a Spotify account, sign up.
When I create an account by register
It takes more time but returns nothing
If you are in a region where Spotify is not supported, this often is the case, try using VPN.

Servicestack facebook auth via mobile

I've read through every resource our there on the servicestack wiki, examples on github, forums and stackoverflow to figure out implementing facebook integration with a mobile app and servicestack backend. However, none of them have the answer or I'm missing something basic.
In our workflow, a user decides to Register on through the mobile app using Facebook:
We contact Facebook requesting permissions to the user's account
User grants permissions (let's not worry about denied for now)
We get a user access token and everything is good so far
Next, we want to access our ServiceStack backend (using the Facebook Auth Provider) to create an account and automatically log the user in the first time. The examples refer to the method where a web browser is used. What if I want to pass the user auth token from my mobile app to the server to fetch the user permissions and create an account if it doesn't exist and then log the user in?
The existing endpoint seems to work only for a browser app because it also does a redirect. We need a way to pass in the user auth token and log the user in (or create an account if it doesn't exist). Any idea how this can be accomplished?
To login via OAuth in Mobile Apps, you'd typically launch a browser control to have it redirect to the remote OAuth site where it gets the users permission and captures their credentials just as it would with a website.
If you're developing a Mobile App using Xamarin the TechStacksAuth shows an example on how you can use Xamarin.Auth control to authenticate with a ServiceStack back-end via OAuth.

Libstpotify API - How can I login with my Facebook credentials?

Old-school* Spotify pseudo/password credentials work with Libspotify-based apps while Facebook credentials don't.
So how do users login to a Libspotify-based app with their Facebook account ?
*Before Facebook accounts became mandatory...
As of libSpotify 11 Facebook login should work fine — just have the user login with their Facebook email address and password.
If you're on iOS, you must use the login flow supplied with the library (SPLoginViewController and friends) - see the sample applications for how to do this.
