setup azure server for outside access - azure

How do you deploy a website in Windows Azure so that it can have outside access? I'm not that familiar with it and I have no idea where to start.
All the info I have is that I have a website. I can access my remote desktop through And I have an IIS Manager.
This all sounds stupid, but I need to start somewhere. And I need help. Thanks.
EDIT: More info. From my extensive search, I found that endpoints might do the trick. I want the website to be accessed through a port ( I did some tinkering on it but I couldn't make it work.

If you already have a website, it means that you have a cloud service for your website. You could take a simpler approach and set up a Web App instead, which would give you an domain. Either way, the full domain name will be a public URL for your website available at port 80.
If you prefer to stick with a cloud service, check out the official documentation:
If you opt for a simpler Web App (my recommendation for beginners), the following URL contains links to documentation and a short video to get started with Web Apps:
Web Apps can be deployed in multiple ways, including Visual Studio, FTP or Continous Integration directly from source control. If you need help with deploying the web app, I have a step by step guide and video tutorial:
Hope that helps! :)


How to use same custom domain for Web app hosted on Azure and web application hosted on window's IIS server?

I have a application which is hosted in IIS on window server and application URL is "". Now i am going to add new feature(sub application) for example "Candidate Hub" so
I am planning to created separate code-base and host that application in Azure as Web App but i want to use the same parent domain of my original application. my sub application's URL will be a "".
Is there any way that even if my application hosted in differently environment, I will be able to use same domain?If yes then could you please recommend me any tutorial, blog or any thing which help me to resolve my problem.
I search a lot on google but nothing find useful.
Thanks in-advance for help.
Note : Mentioned URLs are just for example. Those are not exist.
this is usually done with the URL Rewrite Module in IIS.
Don't be surprised that the docs are quite old. They are still valid for latest Win Server and IIS.
for external routing you also may need the ARR feature which should be downloaded via the Web Platform Installer.

IIS binding migration azure

We are trying to migrate our ASP.NET web apps to an Azure VM. We have about 5 apps under our website, but we need to do these one by one. The problem is when we migrate one app to an Azure VM IIS, we need to maintain the URL and not disturb the 4 remaining web apps. Below is an image better explaining what I need to do:
See Image
Notice I need to maintain the original URL ( when moved to the Azure VM. We had thought about doing a reverse proxy for that one app, but I think that would put too much extra traffic going back and forth.
I know this is probably not the best way of migrating things to Azure. Refactoring the app is slated for the future. This is a "lift and shift" interim solution. Any suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated!
You can do something like:
Migrated the app to Azure VM and test it first to confirm it working
Configure the custom DNS entry to point to the app in Azure. You can read more here
Switch off the app from the local server once DNS entry in Azure is active.
Migrate other apps

How to host a .com or a .net website in Windows Azure?

I am new to Windows Azure, and from what I have read online it appears that any website hosted in Windows Azure needs to be a website. So, if I had a website hosted elsewhere, then it seems I cannot host this same site in Windows Azure, since I would have to use as the website url.
Question: Is above fact true? I could not find any documentation or any online article on this.
You can certainly host your own domain using Azure, as detailed in this support article (which links to a walk-through).
You can bind your domain to a website or cloud service, just I believe this is only something available in a paid tier. (Follow-up: Using a domain is only available in Shared, Basic or Standard mode.)
No, this is not true. You can have other domains, but in the background it will always has a See my blog as an example: (This is only an example of the hosting.)
Here is an article how to do it:

What is the exact difference between Windows Azure and Windows IIS?

I have finished developing a webapplication on Visual Studio 2012 along with Microsoft SQL 2008. I'm trying to make it a "live" webapp which can be accessed through the phone rather than a localhost.
I researched and found 2 solutions which are
I have been looking all over the net for various clear explaination of the main difference between IIS and Azure. From my understanding, IIS is a web server application that comes with Windows Server and is used to serve up web sites while Azure is a Windows hosting solution that utilizes IIS. In that case why do people still uses IIS while Azure provide both a cloud platform and IIS?
Which is also better to host any typical web-application that used to run on the localhost?
I can't seems to find any thread in SO or ASP.Net forum which can clearly explain the main difference between the two along with the advantage and disadvantage.
Here are some of the link1, link2 i have found that provide brief information about the two.
What you are looking for is actually a place to run your web application, Teo.
As you've found, you can do that in IIS if you have a server that is connected to the Internet. A way to get such a server is to either got to a hosting company or just use the Windows Azure cloud as you've found as well.
One of the simplest ways for you to do this right now and for free is to sign up for a Windows Azure trial account. As part of that account you get a basic, shared Windows Azure Website for free.
Here are the links you need:
I would strongly recommend that you go through the entire tutorial (1) step-by-step before trying to do this with your own application. Before you start, sign up for a trial account (2). You will not be charged in the first month and you will not be charged if you stick with the free website.
Comparing IIS to Azure is irrelevant. Those are two different concepts, which are vaguely related to each other. You lack some very basic understanding of what each one means, and I recommend you to go and read about each them from scratch.
IIS is indeed a web server application. That means, for example, that it can rout HTTP request and responds to and from the web site application that you have created.
To keep it simple, let's say that IIS can run on any Windows machine, which makes the machine a Web Server.
If you want to have your web site up and running, you need either have your own machine that acts as a web server, or either upload your web site application to some other machine.
Azure is a group of cloud services. One of the services is a Web Site Host, that allows you to use cloud computers to run the IIS that hosts your web site.
As part of the service, Azure will take care of installing and using the IIS server for you.
Bottom line, if you are going the Windows path, you will probably end up using Both Azure and IIS (unless you will want to self host your web site...)

Can I have an azure website be a virtual in the same domain as my azure cloud service

Hope I explain this clearly enough. I am migrating a web application to azure. I have it setup so far as an aspx web application and a sql server database. The site is hosted (don't know if that's the correct term) in a cloud service (which I deployed using Visual Studio). Everything works great so far. What I want to do now is add a WP blog. I have created on as a test and it's really easy as an azure website.
What I want to do is this: If my custom domain is and that points to the cloud service web role, can I create a WP blog as a separate azure website at and somehow point a virtual at that so that will point to the blog website? I know how to add a domain to the website, just not sure how to do the virtual part...
Thanks for any suggestions!
As far as I know, NO, unless you can modify the BLOG's code to keep rewriting URL's to make it look like
Simpler alternative: implement a instead of and map it to your blog on Azure sites. You can also setup a redirect to work from to go to
