Does a Tickless Linux Kernel Introduce Benchmark Timing Variations? - linux

I'm running some benchmarks and I'm wondering whether using a "tickless" (a.k.a CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL_ALL) Linux kernel would be useful or detrimental to benchmarking.
The benchmarks I am running will be repeated many times using a new process each time. I want to control as many sources of variation as possible.
I did some reading on the internet:
From these sources I have learned that:
In the default configuration (CONFIG_NO_HZ=y), only non-idle CPUs receive ticks. Therefore under this mode my benchmarks would always receive ticks.
In "tickless" mode (CONFIG_NO_HZ_FULL_ALL), all CPUs but one (the boot processor) are in "adaptive-tick" mode. When a CPU is in adaptive-tick mode, ticks are only received if there is more than a single job in the schedule queue for the CPU. The idea being that if there is a sole process in the queue, a context switch cannot happen, so sending ticks is not necessary.
On one hand, not having benchmarks receive ticks seems like a great idea, since we rule out the tick routine as a source of variation (we do not know how long the tick routines take). On the other hand, I think tickless mode could introduce variations in benchmark timings.
Consider my benchmarking scenario running on a tickless kernel. Suppose we repeat a benchmark twice.
Suppose the first run is lucky, and gets scheduled onto an adaptive-tick CPU which was previously idle. This benchmark will therefore not be interrupted by ticks.
When the benchmark is run a second time, perhaps it is not so lucky, and gets put on a CPU which already has some processes scheduled. This run will be interrupted by ticks at regular intervals in order to decide if one of the other processes should we switched in.
We know that ticks impose a performance hit (context switch plus the time taken to run the routine). Therefore the first benchmark run had an unfair advantage, and would appear to run faster.
Note also that a benchmark which initially has an adaptive-tick CPU to itself may find that mid-benchmark another process gets thrown on to the same CPU. In this case the benchmark is initially not receiving ticks, then later starts receiving them. This means benchmark performance can change over time.
So I think tickless mode (under my benchmarking scenario at-least) introduces timing variations. Is my reasoning correct?
One solution would be to use an isolated adaptive-tick CPU for benchmarking (isolcpus + taskset), however we have already ruled out isolated CPUs since this introduces artificial slowdowns in our multi-threaded benchmarks.

For your "unlucky" scenario above, there has to be an active job scheduled on the same processor. This is not likely to be the case on an otherwise generally idle system, assuming that you have multiple processors. Even if this happens on one or two occasions, that means your benchmark might see the effect of one or two ticks - which hardly seems problematic.
On the other hand if it happens on many more occasions, this would be a general indication of high processor load - not an ideal scenario for running benchmarks anyway.
I would suggest, though, that "ticks" are not likely to be a significant source of variation in your benchmark timings. The scheduler is supposed to be O(1). I doubt you will see much difference in variation between tickless and non-tickless mode.


The number of times to run a profiling experiment

I am trying to profile a CUDA Application. I had a basic doubt about performance analysis and workload characterization of HPC programs. Let us say I want to analyse the wall clock time(the end-to-end time of execution of a program). How many times should one run the same experiment to account for the variation in the wall clock time measurement?
How many times should one run the same experiment to account for the
variation in the wall clock time measurement?
The question statement assumes that there will be a variation in execution time. Had the question been
How many times should one run CUDA code for performance analysis and workload characterization?
then I would have answered
Let me explain why ... and give you some reasons for disagreeing with me ...
Fundamentally, computers are deterministic and the execution of a program is deterministic. (Though, and see below, some programs can provide an impression of non-determinism but they do so deterministically unless equipped with exotic peripherals.)
So what might be the causes of a difference in execution times between two runs of the same program?
Do the bits move faster between RAM and CPU as the temperature of the components varies? I haven't a clue but if they do I'm quite sure that within the usual temperature ranges at which computers operate the relative difference is going to be down in the nano- range. I think any other differences arising from the physics of computation are going to be similarly utterly negligible. Only lesson here, perhaps, is don't do performance analysis on a program which only takes a microsecond or two to execute.
Note that I ignore, for the purposes of this answer, the capability of some processors to adjust their clock rates in response to their temperature. This would have some (possibly large) impact on a program's execution time, but all you'd learn is how to use it as a thermometer.
Contention for System Resources
By which I mean matters such as other processes (including the operating system) running on the same CPU / core, other traffic on the memory bus, other processes using I/O, etc. Sure, yes, these may have a major impact on a program's execution time. But what do variations in run times between runs of your program tell you in these cases? They tell you how busy the system was doing other work at the same time. And make it very difficult to analyse your program's performance.
A lesson here is to run your program on an otherwise quiet machine. Indeed one of the characteristics of the management of HPC systems in general is that they aim to provide a quiet platform to provide a reliable run time to user codes.
Another lesson is to avoid including in your measurement of execution time the time taken for operations, such as disk reads and writes or network communications, over which you have no control.
If your program is a heavy user of, say, disks, then you should probably be measuring i/o rates using one of the standard benchmarking codes for the purpose to get a clear idea of the potential impact on your program.
Program Features
There may be aspects of your program which can reasonably be expected to produce different times from one run to the next. For example, if your program relies on randomness then different rolls of the dice might have some impact on execution time. (In this case you might want to run the program more than once to see how sensitive it is to the operations of the RNG.)
However, I exclude from this third source of variability the running of the code with different inputs or parameters. If you want to measure the scalability of program execution time wrt input size then you surely will have to run the program a number of times.
In conclusion
There is very little of interest to be learned, about a program, by running it more than once with no differences in the work it is doing from one run to the next.
And yes, in my early days I was guilty of running the same program multiple times to see how the execution time varied. I learned that it didn't, and that's where I got this answer from.
This kind of test demonstrates how well the compiled application interacts with the OS/computing environment where it will be used, as opposed to the efficiency of a specific algorithm or architecture. I do this kind of test by running the application three times in a row after a clean reboot/spinup. I'm looking for any differences caused by the OS loading and caching libraries or runtime environments on the first execution; and I expect the next two runtimes to be similar to each other (and faster than the first one). If they are not, then more investigation is needed.
Two further comments: it is difficult to be certain that you know what libraries and runtimes your application requires, and how a given computing environment will handle them, if you have a complex application with lots of dependencies.
Also, I recommend avoiding specifying the application runtime for a customer, because it is very hard to control the customer's computing environment. Focus on the things you can control in your application: architecture, algorithms, library version.

What's the difference between interactive and non-interactive thread? And performance in different CPU Scheduler?

A scheduler that approximates SRTF, like a multi-level feedback queue design, will tend to favor interactive programs that perform short CPU bursts. Linux's Completely Fair Scheduler sometimes does so, but since it has a different scheduling goal, it often wil not. In which of the following scenarios is CFS likely to result in much worse performance for the interactive thread than an MLFQ-like scheduler that approximates SRTF?
running one interactive thread with short CPU bursts that, if running alone, would use very little CPU time and one very CPU-intensive thread that never does I/O
running one interactive thread with short CPU bursts that, if running alone, would use very little CPU time and one non-interactive thread with much longer CPU bursts that performs disk I/O frequently
running one interactive thread with frequent short CPU bursts that, if running alone, would use most of the available CPU time, and one very CPU-intensive thread that never does I/O
running one interactive thread with short CPU bursts and a very large number of CPU-intensive threads that never do I/O
The correct answers are 3 and 4.
Why 3 & 4 are correct? What's the difference between interactive and non-interactive thread?
In this context, an interactive thread is one that tends to spend most of its time waiting for I/O, only doing small amounts of computation in between. That is, it mostly responds quickly to inputs rather than doing longer computations.
More broadly speaking, when we speak of interactive programs, we usually mean ones that are primarily responding to some external input. A common scheduling goal is to provide programs like these with higher priority than normal programs to provide at least the appearance of better performance to users waiting for the machine to do something. When thinking about interactivity this way, exact definitions vary --- there are different notions of what counts as an "external input".
For answering this question in particular, we don't actually need to use any definition of "interactive". The reason the question specifies that one thread is interactive is to motivate the question --- this is a case where SRTF-like schedulers can do better than CFS by identifying interactive threads by their tendency to have short CPU bursts. Rather than relying on us saying the thread is "interactive", we can understand how the SRTF scheduling policy will work based on the CPU burst lengths, which we are told explicitly. We can understand how the CFS policy will apply by considering that it splits the CPU time approximately fairly between the available threads.
For 1 and 2:
since the interactive thread doesn't use much CPU time overall, it will tend to be run first by CFS, but it will also tend to be run first by SRTF since it has the shortest CPU bursts
For 3:
CFS will end up giving the interactive thread about half the available CPU time (fairly splitting CPU time between the two available threads), but under SRTF, it would would always be run first (whenever it could run) because of its shorter CPU burst and would end up getting much more than half the time (since "running alone, [it] would use most of the available CPU")
For 4:
CFS will end up giving the interactive thread about 1/N of the available CPU time where N is the total number of threads and we are told that N is very large. Under SRTF, the thread would always run first, so it would almost certainly get more than the small sliver of CPU time that 1/N represents
--answer from my professor

Linux' hrtimer - microsecond precision?

Is it possible to execute tasks on a Linux host with microsecond precision? I.e., I'd like to execute a task at a specific instant of time. I know, Linux is no real-time system but I'm searching for the best solution on Linux.
So far, I've created a kernel module, setup hrtimer and measured the jitter when the callback function is entered (I don't really care too much about the actual delay, it's jitter that counts) - it's about 20-50us. That's not significantly better than using timerfd in userspace (also tried using real-time priority for the process but that did not really change anything).
I'm running Linux 3.5.0 (just an example, tried different kernels from 2.6.35 to 3.7), /proc/timer_list shows hrtimer_interrupt, I'm not running in failsafe mode which disables hrtimer functionality. Tried on different CPUs (Intel Atom to Core i7).
My best idea so far would be using hrtimer in combination with ndelay/udelay. Is this really the best way to do it? I can't believe it's not possible to trigger a task with microsecond precision. Running the code in kernel space as module is acceptable, would be great if the code was not interrupted by other tasks though. I dont' really care too much about the rest of the system, the task will be executed only very few times a second so using mdelay/ndelay for burning the CPU for some microseconds every time the task should be executed would not really matter. Altough, I'd prefer a more elegent solution.
I hope the question is clear, found a lot of topics concerning timer precision but no real answer to that problem.
You can do what you want from user space
use clock_gettime() with CLOCK_REALTIME to get the time-of-day with nano-second resolution
use nanosleep() to yield the CPU until you are close to the time you need to execute your task (it is at least milli-second resolution).
use a spin loop with clock_gettime() until you reach the desired time
execute your task
The clock_gettime() function is implemented as a VDSO in recent kernels and modern x86 processors - it takes 20-30 nanoseconds to get the time-of-day with nano-second resolution - you should be able to call clock_gettime() over 30 times per micro-second. Using this method your task should dispatch within 1/30th of a micro-second of the intended time.
The default Linux kernel timer ticks each millisecond. Microseconds is way beyond anything current user hardware is capable of.
The jitter you see is due to a host of factors, like interrupt handling and servicing higher priority tasks. You can cut that down somewhat by selecting hardware carefully, only enabling what is really needed. The real-time patchseries to the kernel (see the HOWTO) might be an option to reduce it a bit further.
Always keep in mind that any gain has a definite cost in terms of interactiveness, stability, and (last, but by far not least) your time in building, tuning, troubleshooting, and keeping the house of cards from falling apart.

Multi-threaded performance and profiling

I have a program that scales badly to multiple threads, although – theoretically – it should scale linearly: it's a calculation that splits into smaller chunks and doesn't need system calls, library calls, locking, etc. Running with four threads is only about twice as fast as running with a single thread (on a quad core system), while I'd expect a number closer to four times as fast.
The run time of the implementations with pthreads, C++0x threads and OpenMP agree.
In order to pinpoint the cause, I tried gprof (useless) and valgrind (I didn't see anything obvious). How can I effectively benchmark what's causing the slowdown? Any generic ideas as to its possible causes?
— Update —
The calculation involves Monte Carlo integration and I noticed that an unreasonable amount of time is spent generating random numbers. While I don't know yet why this happens with four threads, I noticed that the random number generator is not reentrant. When using mutexes, the running time explodes. I'll reimplement this part before checking for other problems.
I did reimplement the sampling classes which did improve performance substantially. The remaining problem was, in fact, contention of the CPU caches (it was revealed by cachegrind as Evgeny suspected.)
You can use oprofile. Or a poor man's pseudo-profiler: run the program under gdb, stop it and look where it is stopped. "valgrind --tool=cachegrind" will show you how efficiently CPU cache is used.
Monte Carlo integration seems to be very memory-intensive algorithm. Try to estimate, how memory bandwidth is used. It may be the limiting factor for your program's performance. Also if your system is only 2-core with hyperthreading, it should not work much faster with 4 threads, comparing with 2 threads.

Can a multi-threaded program ever be deterministic?

Normally it is said that multi threaded programs are non-deterministic, meaning that if it crashes it will be next to impossible to recreate the error that caused the condition. One doesn't ever really know what thread is going to run next, and when it will be preempted again.
Of course this has to do with the OS thread scheduling algorithm and the fact that one doesn't know what thread is going to be run next, and how long it will effectively run.
Program execution order also plays a role as well, etc...
But what if you had the algorithm used for thread scheduling and what if you could know when what thread is running, could a multi threaded program then become "deterministic", as in, you'll be able to reproduce a crash?
Knowing the algorithm will not actually allow you to predict what will happen when. All kinds of delays that happen in the execution of a program or thread are dependent on environmental conditions such as: available memory, swapping, incoming interrupts, other busy tasks, etc.
If you were to map your multi-threaded program to a sequential execution, and your threads in themselves behave deterministically, then your whole program could be deterministic and 'concurrency' issues could be made reproducible. Of course, at that point they would not be concurrency issues any more.
If you would like to learn more, is very interesting reading.
My opinion is: technically no (but mathematically yes). You can write deterministic threading algorithm, but it will be extremely hard to predict state of the application after some sensible amount of time that you can treat it is non-deterministic.
There are some tools (in development) that will try to create race-conditions in a somewhat predictable manner but this is about forward-looking testing, not about reconstructing a 'bug in the wild'.
CHESS is an example.
It would be possible to run a program on a virtual multi-threaded machine where the allocation of virtual cycles to each thread was done via some entirely deterministic process, possibly using a pseudo-random generator (which could be seeded with a constant before each program run). Another, possibly more interesting, possibility would be to have a virtual machine which would alternate between running threads in 'splatter' mode (where almost any variable they touch would have its value become 'unknown' to other threads) and 'cleanup' mode (where results of operations with known operands would be visible and known to other threads). I would expect the situation would probably be somewhat analogous to hardware simulation: if the output of every gate is regarded as "unknown" between its minimum and maximum propagation times, but the simulation works anyway, that's a good indication the design is robust, but there are many useful designs which could not be constructed to work in such simulations (the states would be essentially guaranteed to evolve into a valid combination, though one could not guarantee which one). Still, it might be an interesting avenue of exploration, since large parts of many programs could be written to work correctly even in a 'splatter mode' VM.
I don't think it is practicable. To enforce a specific thread interleaving we require to place locks on shared variables, forcing the threads to access them in a specific order. This would cause severe performance degradation.
Replaying concurrency bugs is usually handled by record&replay systems. Since the recording of such large amounts of information also degrades performance, the most recent systems do partial logging and later complete the thread interleavings using SMT solving. I believe that the most recent advance in this type of systems is Symbiosis (published in this year's PLDI conference). Tou can find open source implementations in this URL:
This is actually a valid requirement in many systems today which want to execute tasks parallelly but also want some determinism from time to time.
For example, a mobile company would want to process subscription events of multiple users parallelly but would want to execute events of a single user one at a time.
One solution is to of course write everything to get executed on a single thread. Another solution is deterministic threading. I have written a simple library in Java that can be used to achieve the behavior I have described in the above example. Take a look at this-
Now, having said that, the actual allocation of CPU to a thread or process is in the hands of the OS. So, it is possible that the threads get the CPU cycles in a different order every time you run the same program. So, you cannot achieve the determinism in the order the threads are allocated CPU cycles. However, by delegating tasks effectively amongst threads such that sequential tasks are assigned to a single thread, you can achieve determinism in overall task execution.
Also, to answer your question about the simulation of a crash. All modern CPU scheduling algorithms are free from starvation. So, each and every thread is bound to get guaranteed CPU cycles. Now, it is possible that your crash was a result of the execution of a certain sequence of threads on a single CPU. There is no way to rerun that same execution order or rather the same CPU cycle allocation order. However, the combination of modern CPU scheduling algorithms being starvation-free and Murphy's law will help you simulate the error if you run your code enough times.
PS, the definition of enough times is quite vague and depends on a lot of factors like execution cycles need by the entire program, number of threads, etc. Mathematically speaking, a crude way to calculate the probability of simulating the same error caused by the same execution sequence is on a single processor is-
1/Number of ways to execute all atomic operations of all defined threads
For instance, a program with 2 threads with 2 atomic instructions each can be allocated CPU cycles in 4 different ways on a single processor. So probability would be 1/4.
Lots of crashes in multithreaded programs have nothing to do with the multithreading itself (or the associated resource contention).
Normally it is said that multi threaded programs are non-deterministic, meaning that if it crashes it will be next to impossible to recreate the error that caused the condition.
I disagree with this entirely, sure multi-threaded programs are non-deterministic, but then so are single-threaded ones, considering user input, message pumps, mouse/keyboard handling, and many other factors. A multi-threaded program usually makes it more difficult to reproduce the error, but definitely not impossible. For whatever reasons, program execution is not completely random, there is some sort of repeatability (but not predictability), I can usually reproduce multi-threaded bugs rather quickly in my apps, but then I have lots of verbose logging in my apps, for the end users' actions.
As an aside, if you are getting crashes, can't you also get crash logs, with call stack info? That will greatly aid in the debugging process.
