In Kotlin, how do I add extension methods to another class, but only visible in a certain context? - dsl

In Kotlin, I want to add extension methods to a class, for example to class Entity. But I only want to see these extensions when Entity is within a transaction, otherwise hidden. For example, if I define these classes and extensions:
interface Entity {}
fun {}
fun Entity.delete() {}
class Transaction {
fun start() {}
fun commit() {}
fun rollback() {}
I now can accidentally call save() and delete() at any time, but I only want them available after the start() of a transaction and no longer after commit() or rollback()? Currently I can do this, which is wrong: // DO NOT WANT TO ALLOW HERE
val tx = Transaction()
tx.start() // YES, ALLOW
someEntity.delete() // DO NOT WANT TO ALLOW HERE
How do I make them appear and disappear in the correct context?
Note: this question is intentionally written and answered by the author (Self-Answered Questions), so that the idiomatic answers to commonly asked Kotlin topics are present in SO. Also to clarify some really old answers written for alphas of Kotlin that are not accurate for current-day Kotlin. Other answers are also welcome, there are many styles of how to answer this!

The Basics:
In Kotlin, we tend to use lambdas passed into other classes to give them "scope" or to have behaviour that happens before and after the lambda is executed, including error handling. Therefore you first need to change the code for Transaction to provide scope. Here is a modified Transaction class:
class Transaction(withinTx: Transaction.() -> Unit) {
init {
try {
// now call the user code, scoped to this transaction class
catch (ex: Throwable) {
throw ex
private fun Transaction.start() { ... }
fun Transaction) { ... }
fun Entity.delete(tx: Transaction) { ... }
fun Entity) { }
fun Transaction.delete(entity: Entity) { entity.delete(this) }
fun Transaction.commit() { ... }
fun Transaction.rollback() { ... }
Here we have a transaction that when created, requires a lambda that does the processing within the transaction, if no exception is thrown it auto commits the transaction. (The constructor of the Transaction class is acting like a Higher-Order Function)
We have also moved the extension functions for Entity to be within Transaction so that these extension functions will not be seen nor callable without being in the context of this class. This includes the methods of commit() and rollback() which can only be called now from within the class itself because they are now extension functions scoped within the class.
Since the lambda being received is an extension function to Transaction it operates in the context of that class, and therefore sees the extensions. (see: Function Literals with Receiver)
This old code is now invalid, with the compiler giving us an error:
fun changePerson(person: Person) { = "Fred" // ERROR: unresolved reference: save()
And now you would write the code instead to exist within a Transaction block:
fun actsInMovie(actor: Person, film: Movie) {
Transaction { // optional parenthesis omitted
if (actor.winsAwards()) {
} else {
The lambda being passed in is inferred to be an extension function on Transaction since it has no formal declaration.
To chain a bunch of these "actions" together within a transaction, just create a series of extension functions that can be used within a transaction, for example:
fun Transaction.actsInMovie(actor: Person, film: Movie) {
Create more like this, and then use them in the lambda passed to the Transaction...
Transaction {
actsInMovie(harrison, starWars)
actsInMovie(carrie, starWars)
directsMovie(abrams, starWars)
rateMovie(starWars, 5)
Now back to the original question, we have the transaction methods and the entity methods only appearing at the correct moments in time. And as a side effect of using lambdas or anonymous functions is that we end up exploring new ideas about how our code is composed.

See the other answer for the main topic and the basics, here be deeper waters...
Related advanced topics:
We do not solve everything you might run into here. It is easy to make some extension function appear in the context of another class. But it isn't so easy to make this work for two things at the same time. For example, if I wanted the Movie method addActor() to only appear while inside a Transaction block, it is more difficult. The addActor() method cannot have two receivers at the same time. So we either have a method that receives two parameters Transaction.addActorToMovie(actor, movie) or we need another plan.
One way to do this is to use intermediary objects by which we can extend the system. Now, the following example may or may not be sensible, but it shows how to go this extra level of exposing functions only as desired. Here is the code, where we change Transaction to implement an interface Transactable so that we can now delegate to the interface whenever we want.
When we add new functionality we can create new implementations of Transactable that expose these functions and also holds temporary state. Then a simple helper function can make it easy to access these hidden new classes. All additions can be done without modifying the core original classes.
Core classes:
interface Entity {}
interface Transactable {
fun Transactable)
fun Entity.delete(tx: Transactable)
fun Transactable.commit()
fun Transactable.rollback()
fun Entity) { }
fun Transactable.delete(entity: Entity) { }
class Transaction(withinTx: Transactable.() -> Unit) : Transactable {
init {
try {
} catch (ex: Throwable) {
throw ex
private fun start() { ... }
override fun Transactable) { ... }
override fun Entity.delete(tx: Transactable) { ... }
override fun Transactable.commit() { ... }
override fun Transactable.rollback() { ... }
class Person : Entity { ... }
class Movie : Entity { ... }
Later, we decide to add:
class MovieTransactions(val movie: Movie,
tx: Transactable,
withTx: MovieTransactions.()->Unit): Transactable by tx {
init {
fun swapActor(originalActor: Person, replacementActor: Person) {
// `this` is the transaction
// `movie` is the movie
// ...and other complex functions
fun Transactable.forMovie(movie: Movie, withTx: MovieTransactions.()->Unit) {
MovieTransactions(movie, this, withTx)
Now using the new functionality:
fun castChanges(swaps: Pair<Person, Person>, film: Movie) {
Transaction {
forMovie(film) {
swaps.forEach {
// only available here inside forMovie() lambda
swapActor(it.first, it.second)
Or this whole thing could just have been a top level extension function on Transactable if you didn't mind it being at the top level, not in a class, and cluttering up the namespace of the package.
For other examples of using intermediary classes, see:
in Klutter TypeSafe config module, an intermediary object is used to store the state of "which property" can be acted upon, so it can be passed around and also changes what other methods are available. config.value("something").asString() (code link)
in Klutter Netflix Graph module, an intermediary object is used to transition to another part of the DSL grammar connect(node).edge(relation).to(otherNode). (code link) The test cases in the same module show more uses including how even operators such as get() and invoke() are available only in context.


How to make a local extension method avaiable in a function with receiver?

I found an interesting thing, but I couldn't do it. Is there any way to make the local extension method available in a function with receiver.
val list = ArrayList<Any>();
fun <T> Array<T>.bind(context: MutableList<in T>, block: Array<T>.() -> Unit) {
fun Array<T>.save() {
arrayOf(1, 2, 3).bind(list) {
save(); //todo: how to bind extension in execution scope
I know there is an alternative way by introducing another type for the receiver, but I want to avoid it. for example:
interface Savable {
fun save();
fun <T> Array<T>.bind(context: MutableList<in T>, block: Savable.() -> Unit) {
val proxy = object : Savable {
override fun save() {
context += this#bind;
There is no such feature yet, and I think in near future it won't be added either. You should just use your second version. Don't care about adding an wrapper class. The idea of avoiding introducing a wrapper class is actually, as long as you are using JVM backend, just nonsense, because by using local function you are actually adding a local class.
This is the equivalent Java code of your kotlin function, after fixing as you have suggested, with the assumption that your bind function lives in file bind.kt:
public final class BindKt {
public static <T> void bind(T[] receiver, List<? super T> context, Function1<T> block) {
class Local { // the name of local class is unimportant, as it's generated by compiler. It should looks like "$bind$X" where X is a number.
public void save(T[] receiver) {
block.invoke(this); // this won't compile. Neither will yours.
As you can see save is NOT compiled to a static method, which means, if your block somehow ever called that save, an instance of Local must be fist created. So, no matter what you do, as long as you used a local function, there is basically no point in avoiding introduing a wrapper class. Your second solution is good, and just use it. It's both elegant and efficient enough.
If you really don't want add a class/object creation, move these extension functions to a package scope, and let clients import them.

how to create models in nodejs

I am a .net developer, trying my hands on nodejs web api development.
I was wondering that whether we can create models in nodejs same as we create in web api.
For example
public class BaseResponse
public bool Success { get; set; }
public string ErrorMessage { get; set; }
public class MovieResponse : BaseResponse
public int MovieId { get; set; }
public string MovieName { get; set; }
This is how we do it in c#.
How can i create such models in nodejs.
Any npm package available?
There's good news and there's bad news. The bad news is the concept of classes and inheritance as you know it from other languages is not supported. The good news, JavaScript attempted to do something along that idea (although it did a miserable job implementing it). Below is an example of the code you provided using JavaScript:
function BaseResponse(success, errorMessage) {
this.success = success;
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
function MovieResponse(success, errorMessage, movieId, movieName) {, success, errorMessage); // Call the base class's constructor (if necessary)
this.movieId = movieId;
this.movieName = movieName;
MovieResponse.prototype = Object.create(BaseResponse);
MovieResponse.prototype.constructor = MovieResponse;
* This is an example of an instance method.
MovieResponse.prototype.instanceMethod = function(data) { /*...*/ };
* This is an example of a static method. Notice the lack of prototype.
MovieResponse.staticMethod = function(data) {/* ... */ };
// Instantiate a MovieResponse
var movieResInstance = new MovieResponse();
Mozilla has really good documentation on JavaScript and classes. In the code above, you are creating two functions BaseResponse and MovieResponse. Both of these functions act as constructors for an object with the appropriate "class" when you use the new keyword. You specify that MovieResponse inherits from BaseMovie with MovieResponse.prototype =Object.create(BaseResponse). This effectively sets MovieResponse's prototype chain equal to BaseResponse's prototype chain. You'll notice that immediately after setting MovieResponse's prototype chain I have to set its constructor to point to MovieResponse. If I didn't do this, every time you tried to initialize a MovieResponse, JavaScript would try to instead instantiate a BaseResponse (I told you they did a horrible job).
The rest of the code should be relatively straightforward. You can create instance methods on your brand new, shiny class by defining them on the prototype chain. If you define a function on BaseResponse that is not defined on MovieResponse but call the function on an instance of MovieResponse, JavaScript will "crawl" the prototype chain until it finds the function. Static methods are defined directly on the constructor itself (another weird feature).
Notice there is no concept of types or access modifiers (public/private). There are runtime tricks that you can implement to enforce types, but it's usually unnecessary in JavaScript and more prone to errors and inflexibility than adding such checks may justify.
You can implement the concept of private and protected members of a class in a more straightforward method than types. Using Node's require(), and assuming you wanted a private function called privateMethod you could implement it as:
function privateMethod() { /* privateMethod definition */ }
// Definition for MovieResponse's constructor
function MovieResponse() { /*...*/ }
module.exports = MovieResponse;
I will add a somewhat required commentary that I do not agree with: it is unnecessary to use inheritance in JavaScript. JavaScript uses a notion coined "duck typing" (if it looks like a duck and sounds like a duck, its a duck). Since JavaScript is weakly typed, it doesn't care if the object is a BaseResponse or MovieResponse, you can call any method or try to access any field you want on it. The result is usually an error or erroneous/error-prone code. I mention this here because you may come across the notion and its supporters. Know that such programming is dangerous and results in just bad programming practices.

Template methode in threaded contexts

Let's say we have a template method that looks like this
abstract class Worker
public void DoJob()
abstract void DoRealJob();
subclasses that inherit from the Wroker classe should implemente the DoRealJob() method,
when the implementation is running under the same thread everything is fine, the three part of the DoJob() method get executed in this order
but when DoRealJob() runs under another thread, AfterJob() may get executed before DoRealJob() is completed
my actual solution is to let the subclasses call AfterJob() but this doesn't prevent a subclass from forgetting to call it, and we loose the benefit of a template method.
are there other ways to get consistent call order despite the fact the DoRealJob() is blocking or not?
You can't get both the simple inheritance(signature and hooking) and support asynchronous operations in your code.
These two goals are mutually exclusive.
The inheritors must be aware about callback mechanisms in either direct (Tasks, async) or indirect (events, callback functions, Auto(Manual)ResetEvents or other synchronization constructs). Some of them new, some old. And it is difficult to say which one will be better for the concrete case of use.
Well, it may look like there is a simple way with multithreaded code, but what if your DoRealJob will actually run in another process or use some remote job queuing, so the real job will be executed even outside your app?
If you really consider that your class will be used as the basis for some
async worker, then you should design it accordingly.
If not - do not overengineer. You can't consider any possible
scenario. Just document your class well enough and I doubt that
anyone will try to implement the DoRealJob asynchronously,
especially if you name it DoRealJobSynchronously. If someone tries to
do it then in that case your conscience can be pristinely clean.
Do you think it would be correct if I provide both versions, sync and
async, of DoRealJob and a flag IsAsynchronous so I can decide which
one to call
As I have already said I don't know your actual usage scenarios. And it is unrealistic to consider that the design will be able to effectively handle all of them.
Also there are two very important questions to consider that pertain to your overall Worker class and its DoJob method:
1) You have to determine whether you want the DoJob method to be synchronous or asynchronous, or do you want to have both the synchronous and asynchronous versions? It is not directly related to your question, but it is still very important design decision, because it will have great impact on your object model. This question could be rephrased as:
Do you want the DoJob method to block any actions after it is called until it does its job or do you want to call it as some StartJob method, that will just launch the real processing but it is up to other mechanisms to notify you when the job has ended(or to stop it manually):
//----------------Sync worker--------------------------
SyncWorker syncWorker = CreateSyncStringWriter("The job is done");
Console.WriteLine("SyncWorker will be called now");
syncWorker.DoJob(); // "The job is done" is written here
Console.WriteLine("SyncWorker call ended");
//----------------Async worker--------------------------
Int32 delay = 1000;
AsyncWorker asyncWorker = CreateAsyncStringWriter("The job is done", delay);
Console.WriteLine("AsyncWorker will be called now");
asyncWorker.StartDoJob(); // "The job is done" won't probably be written here
Console.WriteLine("AsyncWorker call ended");
// "The job is done" could be written somewhere here.
2) If you want DoJob to be async(or to have async version) you should consider whether you want to have some mechanisms that will notify when DoJob finishes the processing - Async Programming Patterns , or it is absolutely irrelevant for you when or whether at all it ends.
Do you have the answers to these two questions?
If yes - that is good.
If not - refine and consider your requirements.
If you are still unsure - stick with simple sync methods.
If you, however, think that you need some async based infrastructure, then, taking into account that it is C# 3.0, you should use Asynchronouse Programming Model.
Why this one and not the event based? Because IAsyncResult interface despite its cumbersomeness is quite generic and can be easily used in Task-based model, simplifying future transition to higher .NET versions.
It will be something like:
/// <summary>
/// Interface for both the sync and async job.
/// </summary>
public interface IWorker
void DoJob();
IAsyncResult BeginDoJob(AsyncCallback callback);
public void EndDoJob(IAsyncResult asyncResult);
/// <summary>
/// Base class that provides DoBefore and DoAfter methods
/// </summary>
public abstract class Worker : IWorker
protected abstract void DoBefore();
protected abstract void DoAfter();
public IAsyncResult BeginDoJob(AsyncCallback callback)
return new Action(((IWorker)this).DoJob)
.BeginInvoke(callback, null);
public abstract class SyncWorker : Worker
abstract protected void DoRealJobSync();
public void DoJob()
public abstract class AsyncWorker : Worker
abstract protected IAsyncResult BeginDoRealJob(AsyncCallback callback);
abstract protected void EndDoRealJob(IAsyncResult asyncResult);
public void DoJob()
IAsyncResult asyncResult = this.BeginDoRealJob(null);
P.S.: This example is incomplete and not tested.
P.P.S: You may also consider to use delegates in place of abstract(virtual) methods to express your jobs:
public class ActionWorker : Worker
private Action doRealJob;
public ActionWorker(Action doRealJob)
if (doRealJob == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException();
this.doRealJob = doRealJob;
public void DoJob()
DoBefore and DoAfter can be expressed in a similar way.
P.P.P.S: Action delegate is a 3.5 construct, so you will probably have to define your own delegate that accepts zero parameters and returns void.
public delegate void MyAction()
Consider change the DoRealJob to DoRealJobAsync and give it a Task return value. So you can await the eventual asynchronous result.
So your code would look like
abstract class Worker
public void DoJob()
await DoRealJobAsync();
abstract Task DoRealJob();
If you don't have .net 4.0 and don't want to us the old 3.0 CTP of async you could use the normale task base style:
abstract class Worker
public void DoJob()
var task = DoRealJobAsync();
.ContinueWith((prevTask) =>
abstract Task DoRealJob();

Code Contracts in C# 4.0

I made a method like this
class PersonCollection
[Contracts.CanReturnNull] //dont know if something like this exists?
IPerson GetPerson(Guid personId)
if (this.persons.Contains(personId))
return this.persons[personId];
return null;
Now the calling code needs to handle the null value properly. Is there a way to express a contract for all callers that they need to be able to handle the null value returned by this method?
PersonCollection pc = new PersonCollection();
IPerson p = pc.GetPerson(anyId);
p.Name = "Hugo"; // here I want to have a curly line
What I want is that the p gets marked as potential problematic.
I just modified the code and added the calling code and the expcected behaviour. Also I added an attribute that probalbly does not exists on the method GetPerson
Code Contract does not provide such a feature, nor does C#
Code Contracts only requires from the caller to comply to certain constraints at the start of the called method. These are the so-called preconditions.
The postconditions are the responsibility of the callee, and defines what the state of the program will be on exit of the called method.
Design by Contract is a way to define these responsibilities, not to tell callers how they should handle certain conditions caused by the called method.
What you seem to want (after reading the comments) will happen by default:
If you enable Code Contracts in the calling code, the verifier will consider that the return of GetPerson() can be null. So:
IPerson GetPerson(Guid personId)
// no pre/post conditions
void PrintPerson(IPerson p)
Contract.Requires(p != null);
void Foo()
var p = GetPerson(id);
PrintPerson(p); // a warning here: can not verify p != null
And, totally irrelevant to the question, this will usually be more efficient if persons is (like) a Dictionary:
IPerson GetPerson(Guid personId)
Person p = null;
this.persons.TryGetValue(personId, out p);
return p;

avoiding type switching

If you're in a team and a programmer gives you an interface with create, read, update and delete methods, how do you avoid type switching?
Quoting Clean Code A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship:
public Money calculatePay(Employee e)
throws InvalidEmployeeType {
switch (e.type) {
return calculateCommissionedPay(e);
case HOURLY:
return calculateHourlyPay(e);
return calculateSalariedPay(e);
throw new InvalidEmployeeType(e.type);
There are several problems with this function. First, it’s large, and when new
employee types are added, it will grow. Second, it very clearly does more than one thing.
Third, it violates the Single Responsibility Principle7 (SRP) because there is more than one reason for it to change. Fourth, it violates the Open Closed Principle8 (OCP) because it must change whenever new types are added. But possibly the worst problem with this
function is that there are an unlimited number of other functions that will have the same
structure. For example we could have
isPayday(Employee e, Date date),
deliverPay(Employee e, Money pay),
or a host of others. All of which would have the same deleterious structure.
The book tells me to use the Factory Pattern, but in way that it makes me feel that I shouldn't really use it.
Quoting the book again:
The solution to this problem (see Listing 3-5) is to bury the switch statement in the
basement of an ABSTRACT FACTORY,9 and never let anyone see it.
Is the switch statement ugly?
In reality, the employee object should have its own calculate pay function that will give you the pay. This calculate pay function would change based on what type of employee it was.
That way it is up to the object to define the implementation, not the user of the object.
abstract class Employee
public abstract function calculatePay();
class HourlyEmployee extends Employee
public function calculatePay()
return $this->hour * $this->pay_rate;
class SalariedEmployee extends Employee
public function calculatePay()
return $this->monthly_pay_rate;
When you build the Factory, THEN you do the switch statement there, and only once, to build the employee.
Lets say Employee was in an array, and the type of employee was held in $array['Type']
public function buildEmployee($array)
case 'Hourly':
return new HourlyEmployee($array);
case 'Salaried':
return new SalariedEmployee($array);
Finally, to calculate the pay
Now, there is no need for more than one switch statement to calculate the pay of the employee based on what type of employee they are. It is just a part of the employee object.
Disclaimer, I'm a minor, so I'm not completely positive on how some of these pays are calculated. But the base of the argument is still valid. The pay should be calculated in the object.
Disclaimer 2, This is PHP Code. But once again, the argument should be valid for any language.
You can totally remove the switch by using a Map of some kind to map the type of an employee to it's corresponding pay calculator. This depends on reflection and is possible in all languages I know.
Assuming the pay calculation is not a responsibility of an employee, we have an interface PayCalculation:
interface PayCalculation {
function calculatePay(Employee $employee);
There's an implementation for each category of employee:
class SalariedPayCalculator implements PayCalculation {
public function calculatePay(SalariedEmployee $employee) {
return $employee.getSalary();
class HourlyPayCalculator implements PayCalculation {
public function calculatePay(HourlyEmployee $employee) {
return $employee.getHourlyRate() * e.getHoursWorked();
class CommissionedPayCalculator implements PayCalculation {
public function calculatePay(CommissionedEmployee $employee) {
return $employee.getCommissionRate() * $employee.getUnits();
And the pay calculation would work something like this. Reflection becomes important for this to look at an object and determine it's class at run-time. With this, the switch loop can be eliminated.
public class EmployeePayCalculator implements PayCalculation {
private $map = array();
public function __construct() {
$this->map['SalariedEmployee'] = new SalariedPayCalculator();
$this->map['HourlyEmployee'] = new HourlyPayCalculator();
$this->map['CommissionedEmployee'] = new CommissionedPayCalculator();
public function calculatePay(Employee $employee) {
$employeeType = get_class($employee);
$calculator = $this->map[$employeeType];
return $calculator->calculatePay($employee);
Here we are initializing the map in the constructor, but it can easily be moved outside to an XML configuration file or some database:
I read it somewhere, that if you're using a switch, then it's suspect that there's too much variation. And when we have too much variation, we should try to encapsulate the variation behind an interface, thereby decoupling the dependencies between objects. Having said that, I think that you should try to create an SalaryType lightweight base class object that will encapsulate this type of logic. Then you make it a member of class Employee and rid yourself of the switch construct. Here's what I mean in a nutshell:
abstract class SalaryType
function calculatePay() {}
class CommissionedType extends SalaryType
function calculatePay() {}
class HourlyType extends SalaryType
function calculatePay() {}
class SalaryType extends SalaryType
function calculatePay() {}
class Employee
private $salaryType;
public function setType( SalaryType emp )
$this->salaryType = emp;
public function calculatePay()
Btw, a lot of your example code does not seem very "PHP-ish". There are no return types in PHP nor is there really any type safety. Keep in mind also that PHP is not truly polymorphic, so some of the polymorphic behavior found in typical type-safe languages may not work as expected here.
