Averaging over window function leads to StackOverflowError - apache-spark

I am trying to determine the average timespan between dates in a Dataframe column by using a window-function. Materializing the Dataframe however throws a Java exception.
Consider the following example:
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.sql import HiveContext, Window, functions
from datetime import datetime
sc = SparkContext()
sq = HiveContext(sc)
data = [
df = sq.createDataFrame(data, schema=['ts'])
ts = functions.col('ts')
w = Window.orderBy(ts)
diff = functions.datediff(
functions.lag(ts, count=1).over(w)
avg_diff = functions.avg(diff)
While df.select(diff.alias('diff')).show() correctly renders as
| 31|
| 28|
| 5|
| 170|
| 39|
doing df.select(avg_diff).show() gives a java.lang.StackOverflowError.
Am I wrong to assume that this should work? And if so, what am I doing wrong and what could I do instead?
I am using the Python API on Spark 1.6
When I do df2 = df.select(diff.alias('diff')) and then do
there's no error. Unfortunately that is not an option in my current setup.

It looks like a bug in Catalyst but. Chaining methods should work just fine:
Nevertheless I would be careful here. Window functions shouldn't be used to perform global (without PARTITION BY clause) operations. These move all data to a single partition and perform a sequential scan. Using RDDs could be a better choice here.


PySpark UDF issues when referencing outside of function

I facing the issue that I get the error
TypeError: cannot pickle '_thread.RLock' object
when I try to apply the following code:
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
data_1 = [('James','Smith','M',30),('Anna','Rose','F',41),
data_2 = [('Junior','Smith','M',15),('Helga','Rose','F',33),
columns = ["firstname","lastname","gender","age"]
df_1 = spark.createDataFrame(data=data_1, schema = columns)
df_2 = spark.createDataFrame(data=data_2, schema = columns)
def find_n_people_with_higher_age(x):
return df_2.filter(df_2['age']>=x).count()
find_n_people_with_higher_age_udf = udf(find_n_people_with_higher_age, IntegerType())
Here's a good article on python UDF's.
I use it as a reference as I suspected that you were running into a serialization issue. I'm showing the entire paragraph to add context of the sentence but really it's the serialization that's the issue.
Performance Considerations
It’s important to understand the performance implications of Apache
Spark’s UDF features. Python UDFs for example (such as our CTOF
function) result in data being serialized between the executor JVM and
the Python interpreter running the UDF logic – this significantly
reduces performance as compared to UDF implementations in Java or
Scala. Potential solutions to alleviate this serialization bottleneck
If you consider what you are asking maybe you'll see why this isn't working. You are asking all data from your dataframe(data_2) to be shipped(serialized) to an executor that then serializes it and ships it to python to be interpreted. Dataframes don't serialize. So that's your issue, but if they did, you are sending an entire data frame to each executor. Your sample data here isn't an issue, but for trillions of records it would blow up the JVM.
What your asking is doable I just need to figure out how do it. Likely a window or group by would be the trick.
add additional data:
from pyspark.sql import Window
from pyspark.sql.types import *
from pyspark.sql.functions import *
data_1 = [('James','Smith','M',30),('Anna','Rose','F',41),
# add more data to make it more interesting.
data_2 = [('Junior','Smith','M',15),('Helga','Rose','F',33),('Gia','Rose','F',34),
('Mike','Williams','M',77), ('John','Williams','M',77), ('Bill','Williams','F',79),
columns = ["firstname","lastname","gender","age"]
df_1 = spark.createDataFrame(data=data_1, schema = columns)
df_2 = spark.createDataFrame(data=data_2, schema = columns)
# dataframe to help fill in missing ages
ref = spark.range( 1, 110, 1).toDF("numbers").withColumn("count", lit(0)).withColumn("rolling_Count", lit(0))
countAges = df_2.groupby("age").count()
#this actually give you the short list of ages
rollingCounts = countAges.withColumn("rolling_Count", sum(col("count")).over(Window.partitionBy().orderBy(col("age").desc())))
#fill in missing ages and remove duplicates
filled = rollingCounts.union(ref).groupBy("age").agg(sum("count").alias("count"))
#add a rolling count across all ages
allAgeCounts = filled.withColumn("rolling_Count", sum(col("count")).over(Window.partitionBy().orderBy(col("age").desc())))
#do inner join because we've filled in all ages.
df_1.join(allAgeCounts, df_1.age == allAgeCounts.age, "inner").show()
| Anna| Rose| F| 41| 41| 0| 3|
| Robert|Williams| M| 62| 62| 0| 3|
| James| Smith| M| 30| 30| 0| 5|
I wouldn't normally want to use a window over an entire table, but here the data it's iterating over <= 110 so this is reasonable.

Why few partitions are processed twice if mapPartitions is used with toDF()

I need to process partition per partition (long story).
Using mapPartitions is working fine when using RDDs. In the example, when using rdd.mapPartitions(mapper).collect() all work as expected.
But, when transforming to DataFrame, one partition is processed twice.
Why this is happening and how to avoid it?
Following, the output of the next simple example. We can read how the function is executed 3 times, when there are only two partitions. One of the partitions [Row(id=1), Row(id=2)] is processed two times.
It is courious that one of the executions is ignored, as we can see in the DataDrame resulted.
size: 2 > values: [Row(id=1), Row(id=2)]
size: 2 > values: [Row(id=1), Row(id=2)]
size: 2 > values: [Row(id=3), Row(id=4)]
| id|
| 1|
| 2|
| 3|
| 4|
> Mapper executions: 3
Simple example used:
from typing import Iterator
from pyspark import Row
from pyspark.sql import SparkSession
def gen_random_row(id: str):
return Row(id=id)
if __name__ == '__main__':
spark = SparkSession.builder.master("local[1]").appName("looking for the error").getOrCreate()
executions_counter = spark.sparkContext.accumulator(0)
rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([
], 2)
def mapper(iterator: Iterator[Row]) -> Iterator[Row]:
lst = list(iterator)
print(f"size: {len(lst)} > values: {lst}")
for r in lst:
yield r
# rdd.mapPartitions(mapper).collect()
print(f"> Mapper executions: {executions_counter.value}")
The solution is passing the schema to toDF
Looks like Spark is processing one partition to infer the schema.
To solve it:
schema = StructType([StructField("id", IntegerType(), True)])
With this code, every partition is processed one time.

Spark SQL not recognizing \d+

I am trying to use the regex_extract function to get the last three digits in a string ABCDF1_123 with:
regexp_extrach('ABCDF1_123', 'ABCDF1_(\d+)', 1)
and it does not capture the group. If I change the function call to:
regexp_extrach('ABCDF1_123', 'ABCDF1_([0-9]+)', 1)
it works. Can anyone give me some insight in to why? I am also grabbing the data from a Postgres database using a JDBC connection.
I ran the regexp_extract and both of them are giving the same output as shown below
from pyspark.sql import Row
from pyspark.sql.functions import lit, when, col, regexp_extract
l = [('ABCDF1_123')]
rdd = sc.parallelize(l)
sample = rdd.map(lambda x: Row(name=x))
sample_df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(sample)
not_working = r'ABCDF1_(\d+)'
working = r'ABCDF1_([0-9]+)'
| 123| 123|
Is this what you are looking for?

Running a high volume of Hive queries from PySpark

I want execute a very large amount of hive queries and store the result in a dataframe.
I have a very large dataset structured like this:
| visid_high| visid_low|visit_num|genderid|count(1)|
|3666627339384069624| 693073552020244687| 24| 2| 14|
|1104606287317036885|3578924774645377283| 2| 2| 8|
|3102893676414472155|4502736478394082631| 1| 2| 11|
| 811298620687176957|4311066360872821354| 17| 2| 6|
|5221837665223655432| 474971729978862555| 38| 2| 4|
I want to create a derived dataframe which uses each row as input for a secondary query:
result_set = []
for session in sessions.collect()[:100]:
query = "SELECT prop8,count(1) FROM hit_data WHERE dt = {0} AND visid_high = {1} AND visid_low = {2} AND visit_num = {3} group by prop8".format(date,session['visid_high'],session['visid_low'],session['visit_num'])
result = hc.sql(query).collect()
This works as expected for a hundred rows, but causes livy to time out with higher loads.
I tried using map or foreach:
def f(session):
query = "SELECT prop8,count(1) FROM hit_data WHERE dt = {0} AND visid_high = {1} AND visid_low = {2} AND visit_num = {3} group by prop8".format(date,session.visid_high,session.visid_low,session.visit_num)
return hc.sql(query)
test = sampleRdd.map(f)
causing PicklingError: Could not serialize object: TypeError: 'JavaPackage' object is not callable. I understand from this answer and this answer that the spark context object is not serializable.
I didn't try generating all queries first, then running the batch, because I understand from this question batch querying is not supported.
How do I proceed?
What I was looking for is:
Querying all required data in one go by writing the appropriate joins
Adding custom columns, based on the values of the large dataframe using pyspark.sql.functions.when() and df.withColumn(), then
Flattening the resulting dataframe with df.groupBy() and pyspark.sql.functions.sum()
I think I didn't fully realize that Spark handles dataframes lazily. The supported way of working is to define large dataframes and then the appropriate transforms. Spark will try to execute the data retrieval and the transforms in one go, at the last second and distributed. I was trying to limit the scope up front, which led to unsupported functionality.

Spark 1.6: filtering DataFrames generated by describe()

The problem arises when I call describe function on a DataFrame:
val statsDF = myDataFrame.describe()
Calling describe function yields the following output:
statsDF: org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame = [summary: string, count: string]
I can show statsDF normally by calling statsDF.show()
|summary| count|
| count| 53173|
| mean|104.76128862392568|
| stddev|3577.8184333911513|
| min| 1|
| max| 558407|
I would like now to get the standard deviation and the mean from statsDF, but when I am trying to collect the values by doing something like:
val temp = statsDF.where($"summary" === "stddev").collect()
I am getting Task not serializable exception.
I am also facing the same exception when I call:
statsDF.where($"summary" === "stddev").show()
It looks like we cannot filter DataFrames generated by describe() function?
I have considered a toy dataset I had containing some health disease data
val stddev_tobacco = rawData.describe().rdd.map{
case r : Row => (r.getAs[String]("summary"),r.get(1))
}.filter(_._1 == "stddev").map(_._2).collect
You can select from the dataframe:
from pyspark.sql.functions import mean, min, max
df.select([mean('uniform'), min('uniform'), max('uniform')]).show()
| AVG(uniform)| MIN(uniform)| MAX(uniform)|
You can also register it as a table and query the table:
val t = x.describe()
select * from dt
Another option would be to use selectExpr() which also runs optimized, e.g. to obtain the min:
This worked quite nicely on Spark 2.3.0
