SharePoint 2013 Dynamic Data on all pages - sharepoint

If I have a requirement of displaying the a content on all the pages inside a header, Whats the best way to do that in an SharePoint 2013?
I am working on a master page that will be using the design manager and there is possibility of using the same master page in the SharePoint online too. The reason why I want to know what is the best way, when I use this same master page in SharePoint online I would like avoid redoing that entire coding for getting a dynamic data from the web service.
Several ways that I have been planning is below
- User control method
- Web part method, but requires server side coding which I doubt can used in online version
This is a complete dynamic data that will be retrieved by a web service and no internal SharePoint data be used.
Thanks for reading

If its possible to consume web-service using jQuery/Ajax call you can go with that
Or else if you want to use c#, might need to go with provider hosted app feature (sharepoint 2013)
You can create a Visual Web Part for SharePoint 2013 Online.
Your web part will be contained in a Sandbox Solution which you will develop locally. Once development is complete you will upload the Solution Package created by Visual Studio to SharePoint Online.


What is the suggested approach to build custom UI views by querying web services in Dynamis CRM 2013?

This could have been already discussed but in context of Dynamics CRM 2013, I am wondering what is the recommended and easiest approach (mine is a on-premise deployment) :
Problem :
May be a known pain point with 2013 - Users want to see 'All Activities' of a Company and related Contacts, Child Companies but
excluding few activities (like campaign emails).
Solution :
Thinking to create a custom form or a web resource which can use CRM web services to query for this data and make it part of the Company form.
Question is :
What is an easy way to do a custom page where I can use CRM web
services to query for all activities data and filter campaign
emails and display it like a grid ? I see two options :
Develop a separate aspx web application(using SDK binaries as references and crm web services) and host that outside of CRM (in IIS) and
use that url in an IFrame within company form.
Develop this as a html webresource (with a grid) and somehow make crm web services call from java script and display as a web resource (If so, is this
easy in CRM 2013, since web api is only present in 2016 ?)
Or something else ? (like a SSRS report may be but I think it will
be too slow)
Many thanks for your advise on this.
Thank you.
I work for an organization where most of the times requirements is like yours, so i have already done a separate aspx web application like your option 1.
Following are the few things to keep in mind:
If you go with Option 1 and develop a custom aspx web application and host it in IIS, it will be alot easier to maintain in future and easy to customize based on new requirements. If you have any new requirements like this in future, it will be easy to add a new aspx WebForm to the existing site and refer that new url. You can have common classes for Connection and authentication stuff in your web-application, which is almost re-usable.
I have used the same approach as described here: Best Practices for Working with Custom ASP.NET Pages and Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011
In case of Option 2, i have tried this once but it is a bit more complex than the Option 1 because it involves more JavaScript code than C#. It is difficult to maintain although will be a bit-fast than the Custom Web App, but not re-usable code in case new requirements. Also Queries in C# (QueryExpression) is way more easy to write than writing Odata Queries in JavaScript.

what's the correct way to get all lists of a site

I need to get all the lists used in my site and render theire items. Since i'm not allowed to use code i have to rely on something like xlst. However after several days of searching i haven't come up with a solution yet. Any idea on how to do this?
Alex depending on what you are trying to do using the client object model may work. This allows you to access SharePoint objects without writing code on the server itself. This does require writing some code but usually a farm admin won't mind it since it doesn't affect SharePoint in any way.
The javascript object model may provide you with what you want.
Here is a link that gets all lists in a SharePoint site
Then to get items from a list
You can using *.asmx Sharepoint services SharePoint 2010 Web Services. Example from Visual Studio: Connecting to SharePoint Online Web Services
from Sharepoint Designer: Connect to another library in SharePoint Designer 2010
Good luck!

Does SharePoint Online (Office 365 Cloud) support inline code blocks? SharePoint Designer code view?

Will we be able to add .NET code blocks to a page in SharePoint 365 - the cloud version of SharePoint? If so, how do we allow code blocks in the web.config?
Will we be able to use SharePoint designer to customize forms and create dataviews with external datasources?
Can we have codebehind files and class references? (I suspect not)
.NET code blocks (server-side scripts) are not supported in Office 365. You should build your ASPX page purely from controls and web parts, which would contain the code. Solutions for the SharePoint Online share their restrictions with sandboxed solutions for SharePoint 2010. The solution scope is a site collection; not a web application and thus you cannot access the web.config. However, you may not need to; you're bound only to a single site collection and the most usual task - adding SafeControls - is supported, although the SharePoint engine does not use web.config to maintain them. You can see an example of deploying a web part.
You can use the Designer to customize pages, forms and views. External data sources (entity types) - BCS - were added to SharePoint Online by the end of the last year. I haven't checked what connector types are supported; I presume SQL and WS sources, at least.
You cannot have the code-behind in ASPX pages. There is no ASP.NET compilation of pages and user controls available; that's why you have to compose your pages of coded controls and web parts only. However, there is a trick to circumvent this - the Visual Web Part. The original visual web part could not be used in a sandboxed solution because it relied on the ASP.NET compilation. There is a template available in Visual Studio 2010 SharePoint Power Tools that packages pre-compiled code to the solution and is friendly to the sandbox.
You can develop and test your sandboxed solutions on your local SharePoint 2010 prior deploying them to the SharePoint Online. Although I was surprised that deployng a solution to the SharePoint Online was kind of faster than to my local farm :-) MSVS makes the development really comfortable.
--- Ferda
Not being a .NET developer, here is my limited knowledge. Office 365 is a multi-tenant implementation of SharePoint and you you should have the following capabilities:
upload code blocks as sandboxed solutions
ability to customize forms and data views with SharePoint Designer
Note that Office 365 offers 30 day trials that would allow you to test drive it. Let me know if you need more details as there are a couple caveats to be aware of when you start a trial.
This question relates to how to implement what Mr Prantl suggested.
Where to write C# code for office365 sharepoint site
Hope this helps.

Help me understand Sharepoint

We've been asked to create a web application. One part of the specification is that in future, it can be integrated into Sharepoint. The last version of this app was written in PHP and "integrated" by means of an iframe embedded into Sharepoint; not ideal.
I'm looking to understand the use of Sharepoint in this context. I believe that you can write Sharepoint Applications which are more "native" to Sharepoint than the rough-and-ready iframe approach I discussed before. How easy is it to take a standard ASP.NET MVC application and fully integrate it into Sharepoint?
Does anyone have any thoughts, experiences, or resources on this matter?
I think the first question is what kind of integration with SharePoint are you trying to accomplish? The simplest is to use the Page Viewer webpart (i.e. iframe) method. You can also write custom webparts that show data from your custom application. That's a form of integration. The ultimate form of integration, of course, is to make your application run inside of SharePoint. That leads to my next point.
SharePoint (as of version 2007) is essentially a giant ASP.NET framework. So you can theoretically use it to host any ASP.NET web application. I have actually done it before and it works. However, that was a plain old ASP.NET webforms application (not MVC). If this is what you are trying to do, you definitely would need to rewrite your php application in ASP.NET.
In Sharepoint there is a Page Viewer webpart using which you can load a different url. This way you can easily "integrate" your application to sharepoint site ;-)
But if you are really looking at Re Engineering the application in SharePoint then its a different story. You have to study the current application and then develop it in SharePoint.
This fellow has an approach to writing PHP for SharePoint. A key statement:
There are two big tricks – getting the
XML right and using NTLM

MOSS 2007: Displaying data from SQL Server Database

I have a requirement to select some data from a table in a database (SQL Server) and display it on a page in a SharePoint site (MOSS 2007).
I have a little bit of experience of MOSS, so I know I have a couple of options:
or possibily even a custom ASPX page.
I've never really worked with any of these. Can anyone advise on the +/-'s of each?
It all depends on what functionality is required once the table is displayed in SharePoint. Do you need extra bells and whistles or is a dump of the data adequate? (Think about the future as well.) Here's some thoughts...
Business Data Catalog (BDC)
If you want to nicely integrate the SharePoint look and feel with your data as well as get some cool functionality, BDC is a good solution. There is no need to program anything and these are the features you get. However if this data will only be used once in one way then it is probably overkill.
You would need to roll your own XML description of the data so SharePoint knows how to pull it from the database (or use something third party like Lightning Tools). As Colin mentioned it requires the Enterprise license of MOSS.
SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS)
If Reporting Services is already available for use then this is the quickest and simplest solution. It works well but can get painful as more advanced features are required in your reports.
You should be able to use the Report Designer wizard to point to your table and set everything up for you. There are SSRS web parts that can be used within SharePoint, or indeed you can run SSRS inside SharePoint using SharePoint integration mode.
Application Page
This method Steven mentioned lets you integrate an ASP.NET application into SharePoint (such that it can be accessible by a URL within your SharePoint site). This allows anything that ASP.NET does, and the code-behind will be aware of SharePoint so you can tap into that if needed as well. The cons here are code access security and deployment.
See this webcast for how to do it.
Web Part
Similar to developing an application page but much more integrated with SharePoint. A custom web part is very powerful and allows you to integrate ASP.NET code on a SharePoint page. As you would know web parts can be dragged to whatever location and give a consistent properties pane. Again, code access security and deployment needs to be considered.
If you like designer view in Visual Studio then be aware this isn't the approach that Microsoft push. You can however use something like SmartPart where you would develop your custom app as a user control and the SmartPart wraps it into a web part. I'm used to doing it the MS way now and actually prefer the additional control this gives, however it can take more time.
Page Viewer Web Part
If you don't want to touch your SharePoint installation at all then have a look at this web part. It takes a URL as parameter and displays an IFrame containing the page that would be your report, either in SSRS or standard ASP.NET.
The downside from this lack of integration is problems with sizing the IFrame, and possible security warnings from the browser if accessing the URL in a different domain.
Don't forget the DataView Webpart. It has a pretty small developement footprint and works really well as a first "cut" if you are unsure as to how hardcore you need the final result to be.
It renders using XSLT, giving you full control of the final HTML, so it can do some pretty things with Javascript and co.
For a very simple example of charting.
Have you ever used the .NET Framework do develop webpages?
MOSS 2007 uses this framework for master / template files.
So your best choice would be to create an ASPX template file to display the results on the webpage.
BDC is the way to go if you want to keep it "strictly Sharepoint". The problem is, it is only included in the Enterprise edition of SharePoint. If you have the Standard edition, you could go for SSRS and the SSRS webpart, or, create your own webpart. That way you can use your data display anywhere in your site and it's also ASP.NET compatible.
As Nat said - if all that is needed is to display some data from a database on a page - the DVWP is a great solution. Just open your page in SharePoint Designer, add the database connection, and drop the web part on your page. You can use any of the several pre-formatted layouts, or design/tweak your own so the data is displayed as you need.
Relatively straightforward, lots of HowTos online, and far faster/easier to setup than something like BDC.
