Database Functions Working Until Deployed on Azure - azure

I have an MVC application that I've deployed to Azure. Offline it works with no issue with the code first development. However when deployed to Azure it just gives me a non-de-script Error advising me that there's been an error.
I have a look on the management console for further information but was only able to find an error telling me a fatal error had occurred causing a 500 error. Everything else works on the site with no issue it's just when I'm trying to do anything with the database attached to it.
To publish the app I used the downloaded publish settings from the server so I know connection string and what not are all fine. I've also set up code migrations to fill in gaps in the code first dev work so I can see what I'm missing and I don't know where to go now without a more detailed error message?
Any ideas on where I can possibly look next to try and solve this?


dot net core app 3.1 - Error 500 when IIS

Here again because I need some help again and again….
Let me explain you, I have developed an .net core 3.1 API, and everything works well on my environment and in another computer when (in this computer) deployed in IIS.
However, when I deploy on Azure or in Another IIS in a different environment, I’m able to navigate over my API on localhost, but, when I’m try to do the same using the dns I got a 500 http error.
I have done other tests and when my ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT = Development (on web.config) everything works well from nowhere, however when this value is ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT = Release I got again the 500. And the following message on my logs: “[Debug] The request path "" does not match the path filter”. And I did not get no other errors, in logs or in events nothing only this message.
I’ve spent a lot of time with this issue without finding a solution, someone could help me on that please?
Thanks a lot
Best regards
Joao Fernandes

Powerapps to Azure SQL Server connection sudden error Bad Data source Inner exception, Not a valid data Source

I've been working with Powerapps for about 3 to 4 months now, and this particular app I've created connects to 3 tables in an Azure SQL Server Database. It's been working great until today. This morning I logged in to edit a feature on the app and my galleries were empty with an error message saying: "Bad Data source Inner exception, Not a valid data Source".
My first thought was, something is off on the database, some planned work possibly during the night, but that's not the case, and the DB is working perfectly as I also use it in PowerBI.
I googled for the error and found several people with a similar issue, and most of them reported that deleting the Data Source connections from power apps and adding them again would fix the issue, as well as deleting and creating the Galleries again. I've performed both actions, and the same error returns. I tried creating a fresh new canvas app, with a gallery and a brand new connection to the Azure Sql DB and still got the same error. I've also tried to restore one of the oldest versions of the app, and I still got the same error. This to me all indicates there's a problem with the DB, but...when I publish the APP, and run the app after publishing, It works perfectly, and I have full usability of the app, which means the connection to the DB is actually working.
It feels like a bug to me. I'll share the screenshot of the error:
Error Message
I'm worried I will lose all my work, so if someone could help me, that would be great.
Finally, I got the solution for this issue. This are the steps I followed to solve the issue.
Remove all the Database connectors from your app.
Go to File -> Settings -> Advanced Settings -> Disable enhanced Microsoft SQL Server Connector.
Add all your Database connectors back again.

How to further debug a 500 Internal Server Error after upgrade to ASP.NET 5 beta5

I had a site running 5 beta4, and decided to upgrade to beta5. The site runs locally fine. I pushed the changes to master and it was picked up from bitbucket and deployed successfully.
When I try to hit the site in azure, I get a 500 Internal Server Error. I've tried a number of things, but can't seem to track down the root cause of the failure. I'm looking for suggestions as I'm hitting a wall. From what I've tried below it seems like some fundamental initialization is failing.
Here's what I've tried:
Enabling customerrors="off". I added a web.config to the wwwroot folder with system.web/customErrors mode="Off". I've verified that the web.config is populated correctly in the deployed wwwroot and had the appsettings containing the dnxversion etc merged correctly.
Customizing the custom error page, adding runtimeinfo. I have the following set in my Startup.cs:
app.UseErrorHandler("/Home/Error");. I also have set the error page to display the exception. This doesn't seem to be hit.
Attached to the remote process to debug. Visual studio eventually freezes, so haven't gotten anywhere with this.
Enabled application insights. This registers events when I debug locally, but doesn't capture anything from the azure instance.
Enabled application logs and request failure tracing. The detailed errors show a 500.0, without much detailed information.
I've also verified through the console that the runtime is set correctly to beta5.
I set the ASPNET_ENV to Development and it loaded with appsettings loaded via the azure portal. Setting ASPNET_ENV to something else isn't working. I also removed any custom code from startup.cs pertaining to the non-development environments, with no help. I'm still looking for a means of capturing the original error.
Assuming you are targeting DNX451 and not dnxcore50, there is a good chance Azure it still trying to run it against the beta4 runtime instead of beta5. If that's the case, you won't get a decent error message.
Try adding an environment variable in Azure "SCM_DNX_VERSION" and set it to 1.0.0-beta5. It looks like kudu was recently upgraded to support beta5, so you might want to try to redeploy from bitbucket in the case that the Kudu team has already deployed this change.
For a little more detail, you can check out my previous answer (although it is very dated and references the old "K" names) here:
Deploying ASP.NET vNext beta 2 on Azure with Kudu
Every time you update to a new beta, you will have to update your SCM_DNX_VERSION environment variable.

No error code during Deploy using Web Deploy 3.5

I'm totally new to web deployement. I did set up a deploy on one of my project, I did the same thing on another one. But when I try to publish my website, I have this error with no code.
I don't even know where to search for the log file on the IIS server. Can you tell me, Everything is running with default configuration. I just need to know where to find the information so I can publish my website.
I finally found this blog where the solution is explained :
I didn't know where to look for the logs but once I found the right log, the error is : System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation. at System.Security.AccessControl.Win32.SetSecurityInfo

Error in deployment (operation timed out)

I have an Office365 accout. I'm developing autohosted app for sharepoint using VS2012. When starting application by F5, installation is successful and after redirect from to localhost works well. But when I try to deploy it to Azure (rightclick on solution -> deploy), I'm always getting:
Error occurred in deployment step 'Install app for SharePoint': The operation has timed out.
I'm new to developing this kind of apps, so it might be a stupid mistake with configuration.
Any ideas, what could be wrong?
Was just a matter of connection speed. Seems 2Mbit is a little slow and deployment times out. With faster connection it worked without a problem
In case someone else facing this issue and cannot resolve slow connection, I was able to avoid this error by changing ChannelOperationTimeout and HostProcessStartupTimeout config values in registry. Please check below post for details of it.
