Why does visual studio need a solution file for nodejs projects? - node.js

I wanted to make a nodejs application that could be edited using IDEs/editors other than visual studio, and was wondering why a solution file was needed, as dependencies are managed by npm.

The solution file holds a lot of data to setup your IDE. Most IDE's store some project specific data in your project root. The solution will just map out the actions of the run/debug actions, and specify other project specific parameters.

Because solution file contains reference of assembly files and other dependencies. You can check it by opening solution file in notepad.


Excel add-in Shared runtime configuration, webpack.config.js is not present in project

I created an Excel Add-in project few months back using Visual Studio 2019. Now I am facing some issues and came to conclusion that Shared Runtime might not be configured correctly. So I followed this tutorial to update manifest of the project.
However after that It is mention to update webpack.config.js, but this file is not present in project. Even if I create a new project using VS2019, this file is not there. Can anyone guide me how to add this file like its location, contents etc so that I can add it and follow next steps to configure Shared Runtime correctly.
You need to use the VSCode with yeoman generator to scaffold an add-in project which uses webpack for bundling. For example, the Build an Excel task pane add-in page contains guides for Visual Studio and Yeoman generator (as a rule VSCode or WebStorm developers).
Reply from Rick Kirkham on Github page is below.
This tutorial creates an add-in project with Yo Office. That kind of
project runs in Node.js. WebPack is a tool for bundling multiple
JavaScript files into one. WebPack is only relevant to Node.js based
projects. Since you created your project in VS 2019, your project uses
C# or VB.NET on the server side and runs in an IIS server. WebPack is
not used in that environment. That's why there is no webpack.config.js
file. Whatever problems you are having with the shared runtime, you're
not going to solve it with WebPack.
Consider raising your problem on Microsoft Q&A. Be sure to
Alternatively, consider recreating your project as a Node.js project.
You can use this tutorial as a good place to start.

Is it possible to create an MSI file from a Windows 8.1 Store Application?

I am trying to create an MSI file format from a Windows 8.1 store application in visual studio instead of the standard APPX file format it usually creates using the create app packages function in visual studio.
I have tried using the visual studio installer project but when the MSI file is created. I have tried to use the file to install the application then when I try to run the file it does not run.
There is no documentation on this. So is it possible to do so and if so how can I do this?
There are two approaches you can take in this case:
Figure out what dependencies your app requires and include them in the setup.
Put enough debugging in your program to tell you what's failing. If the first code you run is (fort example) a messagebox and it never shows then you know your code isn't being loaded, probably because of a missing dependency.
Your question is currently to general to be specific about an answer.

Get intellisense data for uncompiled projects

I inherited a project setup from a previous programmer. He used to develop for linux, but instead of coding directly in ubuntu, he shared the drives with samba and used Visual Studio to edit the files.
Now I can't compile this project in Visual Studio directly obviously, so I can't get data for intellisense and such. Would it be possible to associate symbols without compiling?
I know that what I ask seems counter intuitive, but Vim plugin OmniCPP does not come with a compiler and yet, is able to provide code completition up to a certain degree.
The commercial addin Visual Assist X can help. How well it helps is dependent upon how much information it can get from the project (if one exists): things like source files, header files and include directories. If no project is being used, you can create a dummy project just as a container to associate source and header files (not for compiling).

How create a lib file while creating exe file

I have an legacy application which builds into exe.
I am using Visual Studio 6.0 and the application is an c++ application. It used many lib files, built in VS6.0. Now i need to use the api's which in the executable. I want to create a lib file while it is creating an exe. I cannot change the code of the legacy application.
Any help is highly appreciated.
Create a separate library project and add any source files with APIs you want to reuse into it. It's probably cleaner to also remove those files from the exe project and make the exe project depend on the library project, but this isn't strictly necessary.

Subsonic in a VS2008 Add-In woes

I am writing a VS2008 add-in that connects to a remote database blah blah.
I am having a problem with the app.config in this project. When I use SubSonic in my code, it moans that is cannot find the SubSonicServer section. This is because the .config file cannot be found.
This appears to a problem with paths as the add-in is a DLL running in the context of VS2008 and the working directory is C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 9.0\Common7\IDE.
Is there a way to get the app.config to deploy properly with the application so my add-in (and SubSonic) can find what it needs in the .config file, or is there a way to get SubSonic to work without the need for the .config?
I am very experienced in SubSonic projects now, but only winforms, web, web service, and WPF applications. This is the first time I have tried to use SubSonic in a VS2008 Add-In project. I also have AppSettings in the config file which the ConfigurationManager cannot read because it cannot see the .config file.
2AM now and brain is tired of trying to figure this one out. Hopefully there is an answer when I wake up :)
My suggestion would be to not use the app.config file and inject the parameters at runtime.
I use this approach in my Subsonic 2.2 project:
You might want to have a look at the answer to this question which deals with configuration for add-ins:
How to use app.config with Visual Studio add-in?
