Error when uninstalling composite c1 blog package - azure

I setup a composite c1 website on Azure using the app market place.
I installed the blog package some time ago but never used it.
I would like to remove the package but when I try to do so, I receive an error stating that the Entries.xml file can not be located and the uninstall exits.
I have manually created the Entries.xml file in my system folder, in the correct place, but I still get the same message.
How can I uninstall this package that is failing to uninstall?
Any help would be appreciated.

Credit to Inna on codeplex for this answer
Please note that Composite C1 was moved to
Composite C1 Packages -
I reported the Blog package issue here -
Please try next workaround how to delete the package from the console:
1) make sure that package files are deleted form the site folder . I think that all files were deleted when you was trying to uninstall package first time, just re-check, if not, then delete.:
locate folder \App_Data\Composite\Packages\303b7865-055b-4fe7-a429-907b32bb6776
locate file uninstall.xml
make sure that files listed in node deleted from the site folder.
go to Data perspective -> Global Datatypes and make sure that datatypes with namespace "Composite.Community.Blog" deleted.
go to Layout perspective -> Page Types and make sure that Blog pagetype is deleted.
2) Delete folder \App_Data\Composite\Packages\303b7865-055b-4fe7-a429-907b32bb6776


InstallShiled2011+Install Folder Getting Deleted

I have an application, which is getting installed C:\ProgramFiles\RootFolder\InstallDir.
I have another application which is also getting installed in same root folder , eg:
Here when I am trying to reinstall my application, it is deleting the entire Root Folder, It doesn't mind about the another installation of the other one.
So, it is deleting C:\ProgramFiles\RootFolder
Is there any setting to do like that? This is a legacy project and I am new to this. Unable to fine the cause
What type of projects are these applications (basic MSI, or InstallScript)? Check [INSTALLDIR] (General Information -> INSTALLDIR) in both packages; if these properties are different, see if there is any custom action that perhaps delete some files/directories.

Where should I put the nuspec file

I've searched the entire stackoverflow community but I couldn't find an answer for this...
I have a .nuspec file and I have no idea where I have to put it. Some topics say that I have to put it in the project directory and include in version control. Others say that its just keep the file in the same directory that the .nupkg file... but it doesn't worked to me. Any idea?
Thanks in advance.
A NUSpec file contains package metadata and is used to create a package.
A package is created from your project, which is why it would make sense to place the NUSpec file in the project folder.
It makes sense because it can then be committed to your source control as part of that project and this keeps everything in one place, it makes it easier to create the package automatically using your CI / CD pipeline.
You could, of course, do other things like create a NUSpec folder on the same level with your project folder and you could put your file there. Nuget.exe accepts a path to your NUSpec file so the actual location is irrelevant.
However, always consider your source control and how you manage / create this package, as long as you can do that easily, then place it wherever it makes sense to you.
You mentioned NPE, that doesn't really matter as behind the scenes it will more than likely call nuget.exe anyway. If you want to learn how to use it, have a look here :
They also recommend, as a convention, to have the nuspec file in the same location as the proj file.
As i understand from on of you comments you construct the package with the NPE.
As far as I remember the NPE was a ClickOnce application which opens up packages and you can put or even create packages there.
When the question is: Where do i put the nuspec within the package? the answer is: In the root folder of the package:
Otherwise the answer is already answered by the other answer.
nuget packages are zip files
To get an idea where the nuspec resides in other packages just open one with NPE or 7zip
I had a look into the newtonsoft.json package
Unzipped it and it's obviously in the root folder of the package

ProGet not importing npm packages from Drop Path

I am in the process of migrating to the latest version of ProGet. I'm currently using version 3.8.6, so am quite far behind the stable release.
I decided to start fresh, moving to a brand new Windows Server 2016 box in AWS, and using RDS for the SQL database.
The new setup is working perfectly, I have imported our NuGet packages by creating a feed, entering a Drop Path and dropping all of the packages there. ProGet picked up on this and moved them all to the Feed.
However, I am now trying to import our npm packages. I've created the feed, added a drop location and moved all the npm packges over. On the old server, they're all already in subfolders. ProGet seems to refuse to add them unless they're in the root folder specified as the Drop Path. So I've moved some packages there (inconveniently they're all called package.tgz...) and it picks them up, moves them to /ProgramData/ProGet/Packages/.npm/F5/ puts them in folder too but then does not become visble in the feed on the web interface.
The package number increases, and if I click packages I can see them all, then click into them and download the package, but it doesn't show up on the main Feed 'Page'.
On the other hand, if I manually upload a package via the web interface, it doesn't put the packages in the same location as above, but it is visible on the main feed page... Is this a bug or am I doing something wrong? The NuGet packages work perfectly using the same method, so I'm confused as to why npm isn't working.
I noticed this same behavior when using the bulk upload utilizing the drop path. From what I can tell, you must have at least one version with the "latest" tag on the details for it to show anything in the Feeds view.

Orchard 1.8 Package Installation Failure

I am trying to install a package (oForms) with a new Orchard 1.8 installation, but receiving the following error:
"Package installation failed: There was an error installing the requested package. This can happen if the server does not have write access to the '~/Modules' or '~/Themes' folder of the web site. If the site is running in shared hosted environement, adding write access to these folders sometimes needs to be done manually through the Hoster control panel. Once Themes and Modules have been installed, it is recommended to remove write access to these folders."
This seemed rather straightforward, however my host has confirmed permissions are fine (and even added Everyone/Full Control to the folder), so I'm lost and appears to be happening with all modules from the Gallery, not just oForms. I changed the Config/log4net.config file to log everything, and I don't see anything specific in there except where it logs the same message above. Nothing outside of that stands out at all.
Is there a way to see why this is failing? Or, if not, is there a way to get the module and install it manually? I tried to download from the gallery, but it's just a NuGet package so I'm not sure how to take that and grab the raw module files.
You can use a program like 7zip to unzip the nuget package, then copy in the module manually yourself.
As for the permissions, when adding a new permission to the folder use:
IIS AppPool\name of your application pool
I also had this exact error message when installing modules from the gallery, and it took me a while to figure out what was happening. I made new installations, copying over files one-by-one, and eventually found the culprit. For my case anyways...
For me, it was all due to a bad formatting in my custom Theme. Specifically the Theme.txt file. The line where is says Version:, I had it formatted without any "."
Version: 1.0
Version: 1
Yes, doing this simple mistake prevented me from installing Modules.

NuPeek Symbols doesn't download source in Visual Studio 2012

We recently installed NuPeek for our NuGet repository and NuPeek as symbols server.
NuGet works (above) fine. It was set up within an hour.
The Symbols Server on the other hand is a different story. Packages are pushed to NuPeek (normal packages and symbol packages). I see on the server that both are picked up and placed in the correct folder (source files too, .cs in this case).
I have set up Visual Studio so it can find the correct symbols server. When I create a new project, install the package (that also has a symbols package), use the code from that package and try to debug it, the following happens:
In the cache folder the "package" is downloaded
The cache folder also has a src folder. Within a source folder which has a folder with the same name as the package -> version.
The version folder is empty
The folder cache/ packagename.pdb/guid/ packagename.pdb is present
Still, Visual Studio cannot find the correct CS file to show. After some digging in the NuPeek server folders I noticed the folder symbolsPath -> temp -> PackageName -> lib -> net45 is empty, while the symbols.nupkg clearly has sources (one cs-file to be excact).
I had this working before, but we switched servers (Azure website to Azure CloudService), but I'm 99% sure this is not the problem.
Am I missing something? Does anyone has any clue?
Thanks in advance!
Does anyone has any clue?
If anyone does then the author of the project, Jérémie Chassaing, would be the most likely candidate. Don't hesitate to add an issue to the issue tracker. Not much there right now and he looks pretty responsive so worth your time.
Do run through the setup checklist first:
Tools + Options, Debugging, Symbols, add http://myserver/NuPeek/symbols to the Symbol file locations list. Ensure that you have a valid Cache symbols directory selected
Tools + Options, Debugging, General, tick the "Enable source server support" option
Untick the "Enable Just My Code" option.
Tick the "Print source server diagnostics" option. Update your question with what you see in the Output window so we'll have a better shot at figuring out the real problem
Ok, this is an old question but as i found the solution today i'll post it here.
This is probably because you instaled NuPeek too deep in your website structure.
A bug in Nupeek requires that it is installed at the root level of your site (for ex:, and not
Else you can fix the bug in SymbolTools.cs, replace the SourceBaseUri getter code by this :
private static string SourceBaseUri
var httpRequest = HttpContext.Current.Request;
var applicationUri = new Uri(new Uri(httpRequest.Url.GetLeftPart(UriPartial.Scheme | UriPartial.Authority)), Path.Combine(httpRequest.ApplicationPath, "source"));
return applicationUri.ToString();
Hope this helps.
