Extract the ANOVA table to Excel/.csv - excel

I'm wondering if it's possible to extract the table that results when running ANOVA to an Excel or .csv file. I'm running a repeated measures two-way ANOVAs with RMAOV2 (http://uk.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/5578-rmaov2). Here is the code I'm using, which works fine, and it produces a table with the ANOVA results.
dir ='/Users/Documents/folder';
file = readtable('file.csv');
toAnalyse = table2array(file);
However, when I tried to save the ANOVA results in order to then export them to Excel or in a .csv file, this doesn't work:
ANOVAresults = RMAOV2(toAnalyse);
Output argument "RMAOV2" (and maybe others) not assigned during call to "RMAOV2".
Any suggestion would be very appreciated.

If you take a look into the source code of the file, you will notice that it never assigns anything to the return variable. Instead it only prints data to the command window.
To resolve this problem you have to edit the source code and assign the data you want to return. Alternatively you can contact the Autor.


Matlab writematrix in Excel gives error: Name cannot be the same as built-in name

I want to copy an Excel file to a different path through Matlab and then write in it also using Matlab. Somehow I get the error: Name cannot be the same as built-in name.
As I want to write multiple times in the file, I don't want to solve this problem manuelly each time, I want the code to run through without me having to do something constantly.
Is there any way I can solve this problem all at once through code? Does this happen because I copy the Excel file first?
The code looks like this:
path_source_template1 = 'Blabla1\Template1.xlsx';
timestamp = datestr(now);
timestamp = strrep(timestamp, ':', '-');
timestamp = strrep(timestamp, ' ', '-');
path_output = fullfile('Blabla2\',timestamp);
path_output_template1 = strcat(path_output,'\Template1.xlsx');
Then I want to write in the Template1.xlsx:
Then I get this error:
enter image description here
The input to the writematrix file uses the name, value format, so in this line:
you should have:
..., 'Sheet','Test','Range','A1','UseExcel', true,'AutoFitWidth', false);
Disclaimer: I haven't tested this, but I'm fairly certain this will fix your problem.
The correct call to the writematrix would be:
writematrix(test,path_output_template1, 'Sheet','Test','Range','A1', 'UseExcel', true,'AutoFitWidth',false);
When writing datetime data to a spreadsheet file, you must set both 'PreserveFormat' and the 'UseExcel' Name-Value pair to true to preserve the existing cell formatting. You can check the documentation writematrix.
In order to answer to the error I tested the code locally in Matlab 2019b and works well setting the test variable in this example way: test = magic(5);.
Maybe the error could be in the data that you use in test variable or in that if you run the code iteratively very fast the path_output could exist, One way to improve this could be with a more accurate timestamp.

Unable to copy file from SFTP in Azure Data Factory when using wildcard(*) in the filename

I am unable to copy csv files from an SFTP connection to blob storage when using the wildcard(*) in the filename.
More specifically, I receive csv files in the SFTP on a daily basis, and they are of the format: "ddMMyyyyxxxxxx.csv", where "xxxxxx" is the timestamp. More concretely, my csv file for the 13th of March is: "13032019083647.csv", while for the 14th of March: "14032019083556.csv". Obviously, the timestamp is different for every day, thus I want to copy the file independently of whatever strings exists between the date and the the file extenstion.
In the "File" subfield of the "File path" of the "Connection" tab of my subset, I give as input: "13032019*.csv", as instructed by the help icon next to the field:
When I do so, my Debug run fails with:
{"errorCode": "2200", "message":
adopt copy behavior PreserveHierarchy when copying from folder to a
single file.,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary}
I receive a similar error no matter which type of copy behaviour I choose. I have also tried experimenting with the fileFilter parameter (even though ADF warns that the same behaviour can be achieved with the fileName option), but I still end up getting the same error.
For further clarification, I am attaching the Code segment that ADF produces for this configuration:
I should also mention, that when using the full fileName in the corresponding field, namely the value: "13032019083647.csv", copying works normally.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
My guess it might get two files with wildcard operation.
In such cases we need to use metadata activity, filter activity and for-each activity to copy these files.
1.Metadata activity : Use data-set in these activity to point the particular location of the files and pass the child Items as the parameter.
2.Filter activity : Use filter to filter the files based on your needs.
3.For-each activity : In the For-each activity get Items from the previous activity and add copy activity inside the for-each.
In copy activity the source data set should be #item().name.
I hope this will solve your issue.
What worked for me was the following: I kept the same regex for the input file, but I defined as "Copy behaviour: Merge Files". Since as mentioned, there is only 1 file that satisfies the regex condition, only 1 file was created as output. I am aware that this is a sort of "dirty" solution, but it did the trick for me.

Attempting to append all content into file, last iteration is the only one filling text document

I'm trying to Create a file and append all the content being calculated into that file, but when I run the script the very last iteration is written inside the file and nothing else.
My code is on pastebin, it's too long, and I feel like you would have to see exactly how the iteration is happening.
Try to summarize it, Go through an array of model numbers, if the model number matches call the function that calculates that MAC_ADDRESS, when done calculating store all the content inside a the file.
I have tried two possible routes and both have failed, giving the same result. There is no error in the code (it runs) but it just doesn't store the content into the file properly there should be 97 different APs and it's storing only 1.
The difference between the first and second attempt,
1 attempt) I open/create file in the beginning of the script and close at the very end.
2 attempt) I open/create file and close per-iteration.
First Attempt:
#Beginning of code
File = open("All_Possibilities.txt", "a+")
#End of code
Second Attempt:
#Per function
File = open("All_Possibilities.txt", "a+")
#per function
If I'm not suppose to reference other websites, please let me know and I'll just paste the code in his post.
Rather than close(), please use with:
with open('All_Possibilities.txt', 'a') as file_out:
file_out.write('some text\n')
The documentation explains that you don't need + to append writes to a file.
You may want to add some debugging console print() statements, or use a debugger like pdb, to verify that the write() statement actually ran, and that the variable you were writing actually contained the text you thought it did.
You have several loops that could be a one-liner using readlines().
Please do this:
$ pip install flake8
$ flake8 *.py
That is, please run the flake8 lint utility against your source code,
and follow the advice that it offers you.
In particular, it would be much better to name your identifier file than to name it File.
The initial capital letter means something to humans reading your code -- it is
used when naming classes, rather than local variables. Good luck!

Proc Data sets argument error- Error 22-322 expecting a name

I'm not sure how to use proc datasets statement. Here is the error and code attached as a picture.
I just don't know what it wants when it says error 22-322 expecting a name. A simple example or solution would be great thanks.
There are several issues with your syntax:
Proc datasets expects a library name, but you've given it a dataset name. Try using library = work;.
In conjunction with the above, you need to add the line modify passengers; before the format statement so that proc datasets knows which dataset to modify. Otherwise, it will run without errors, but it won't apply the format.
You need a quit; after the run; when using proc datasets, as mentioned in your log output. This is because a proc datasets call can contain multiple run; groups, so you need to indicate that you've got to the last one.
You also have the option to put the format statement somewhere else, which would avoid having to use proc datasets at all:
The data step where you're creating work.passengers, or
The proc print where you're viewing it, if you don't want to apply the format permanently.

Not using colnames when reading .xls files with RODBC

I have another puzzling problem.
I need to read .xls files with RODBC. Basically I need a matrix of all the cells in one sheet, and then use greps and strsplits etc to get the data out. As each sheet contains multiple tables in different order, and some text fields with other options inbetween, I need something that functions like readLines(), but then for excel sheets. I believe RODBC the best way to do that.
The core of my code is following function :
.read.info.default <- function(file,sheet){
fc <- odbcConnectExcel(file) # file connection
x <- sqlFetch(fc,
error = function(e) {stop(e)},
Yet, whatever I tried, it always takes the first row of the mentioned sheet as the variable names of the returned data frame. No clue how to get that solved. According to the documentation, colnames=FALSE should prevent that.
I'd like to avoid the xlsReadWrite package. Edit : and the gdata package. Client doesn't have Perl on the system and won't install it.
I gave up and went with read.xls() from the xlsReadWrite package. Apart from the name problem, it turned out RODBC can't really read cells with special signs like slashes. A date in the format "dd/mm/yyyy" just gave NA.
Looking at the source code of sqlFetch, sqlQuery and sqlGetResults, I realized the problem is more than likely in the drivers. Somehow the first line of the sheet is seen as some column feature instead of an ordinary cell. So instead of colnames, they're equivalent to DB field names. And that's an option you can't set...
Can you use the Perl-based solution in the gdata instead? That happens to be portable too...
