clustering strings - what algorithm is suitable? - string

I have some strings and characters will not be repeated in a single string.
for example: "AABC" is not possible.
I want to cluster them into sets by their common sub-strings.
for example: "ABC, CDF, GHP" will be cluster into two sets
several strings with one or more common sub-strings will be in one set.
a string which has no common sub-string with any other strings will be a set itself.
so keep the number of sets smallest.
for example:
1. "ABC, AHD,AKJ,LAN,WER" will be two sets {ABC, AHD,AKJ,LAN},{WER}.
2. "ABC,BDF, HLK, YHT,PX" will be 3 sets {ABC,BDF}.{HLK, YHT},{PX}.
Finding a string which has nothing common with others is easy I think;
for(i=0; i< strings.num; i++)
{ str1 = strings[i];
bool m_com=false;
for(j=0;j < strings.num; j++ )
str1 has no common substring with any string,
now I am thinking about others, how to classify them, is there any algorithm suitable for this?
strings (characters are not be repeated)
sets (keep number of sets as small as possible)
I know this involves with finding common sub-string problem and clustering.
but I am not familiar with clustering techniques, so I am hoping some one
could recommend me such algorithm.
while I am looking for good ways to do this, I also appreciate suggestions from others.
Tip: actually these strings are simple paths between two points in a graph. I want to find the edge whose removal cuts all these paths. the number of such edges should be minimum. so, for AB,BC,CD, it means a single path ABCD exist.
and I write down a algorithm to find common substrings in my case(my case much simpler). I think I might use this algorithm during the clustering to measure similarities.
I might have two paths, {ABC, ADC}, both removing A or removing B could split the paths.
or I could have {ABC, ADC,HG}, so removing {A,H}, or {CH}, or {CG},or {AG} all works.
I thought I could solve this by finding common subs-strings, then I decide where to remove edges.

One thing should be pointed out first:
For any two strings, "having common substring" is really equivalent to "having common letter". Thus we can replace the condition by "having common letter".
Consider the graph G whose vertices are the strings, and two strings are connected by an edge if and only if they have a common letter. Then you are really asking for separate the graph G into connected components. This can be done easily, using standard graph operation algorithms, c.f. the wiki page here.
What remains is the task of establishing the graph. This is also easy: first, create 26 boxes, labelled A to Z, and read each string once. If the string contains letter A, then put it (or its index) into box A, etc. Finally, those strings inside one box have edges connecting to each other.
There can be further optimizations, but I guess it will depend on the nature of your input data.

You have to use Heap's algorithm for your job to create permutations's_algorithm

As opposed to WhatsUp, I assume you want any two strings in a subset to have a common substring. This means that for AB, BC, CD, {AB, BC, CD} is not a valid solution, because AB and CD do not have a common substring.
As Whatsup already pointed out, you can represent your strings as a graph, where vertices are the strings and and edge goes from one to the other if they have a common character.
If we are not accepting chains (as described at the beginning), the problem becomes finding a minimum clique cover, which is unfortunately NP-complete.


Longest common substring via suffix array: do we really need unique sentinels?

I am reading about LCP arrays and their use, in conjunction with suffix arrays, in solving the "Longest common substring" problem. This video states that the sentinels used to separate individual strings must be unique, and not be contained in any of the strings themselves.
Unless I am mistaken, the reason for this is so when we construct the LCP array (by comparing how many characters adjacent suffixes have in common) we don't count the sentinel value in the case where two sentinels happen to be at the same index in both the suffixes we are comparing.
This means we can write code like this:
for each character c in the shortest suffix
if suffix_1[c] == suffix_2[c]
increment count of common characters
However, in order to facilitate this, we need to jump through some hoops to ensure we use unique sentinels, which I asked about here.
However, would a simpler (to implement) solution not be to simply count the number of characters in common, stopping when we reach the (single, unique) sentinel character, like this:
set sentinel = '#'
for each character c in the shortest suffix
if suffix_1[c] == suffix_2[c]
if suffix_1[c] != sentinel
increment count of common characters
Or, am I missing something fundamental here?
Actually I just devised an algorithm that doesn't use sentinels at all:
When concatenating the strings, also record the boundary indexes (e.g. for 3 string of length 4, 2, 5, the boundaries 4, 6, and 11 will be recorded, so we know that concatenated_string[5] belongs to the second original string because 4<= 5 < 6).
Then, to identify which original string every suffix belongs to, just do a binary search.
The short version is "this is mostly an artifact of how suffix array construction algorithms work and has nothing to do with LCP calculations, so provided your suffix array building algorithm doesn't need those sentinels, you can safely skip them."
The longer answer:
At a high level, the basic algorithm described in the video goes like this:
Construct a generalized suffix array for the strings T1 and T2.
Construct an LCP array for that resulting suffix array.
Iterate across the LCP array, looking for adjacent pairs of suffixes that come from different strings.
Find the largest LCP between any two such strings; call it k.
Extract the first k characters from either of the two suffixes.
So, where do sentinels appear in here? They mostly come up in steps (1) and (2). The video alludes to using a linear-time suffix array construction algorithm (SACA). Most fast SACAs for generating suffix arrays for two or more strings assume, as part of their operation, that there are distinct endmarkers at the ends of those strings, and often the internal correctness of the algorithm relies on this. So in that sense, the endmarkers might need to get added in purely to use a fast SACA, completely independent of any later use you might have.
(Why do SACAs need this? Some of the fastest SACAs, such as the SA-IS algorithm, assume the last character of the string is unique, lexicographically precedes everything, and doesn't appear anywhere else. In order to use that algorithm with multiple strings, you need some sort of internal delimiter to mark where one string ends and another starts. That character needs to act as a strong "and we're now done with the first string" character, which is why it needs to lexicographically precede all the other characters.)
Assuming you're using a SACA as a black box this way, from this point forward, those sentinels are completely unnecessary. They aren't used to tell which suffix comes from which string (this should be provided by the SACA), and they can't be a part of the overlap between adjacent strings.
So in that sense, you can think of these sentinels as an implementation detail needed to use a fast SACA, which you'd need to do in order to get the fast runtime.

Finding the most similar string among a set of millions of strings

Let's say I have a dictionary (word list) of millions upon millions of words. Given a query word, I want to find the word from that huge list that is most similar.
So let's say my query is elepant, then the result would most likely be elephant.
If my word is fentist, the result will probably be dentist.
Of course assuming both elephant and dentist are present in my initial word list.
What kind of index, data structure or algorithm can I use for this so that the query is fast? Hopefully complexity of O(log N).
What I have: The most naive thing to do is to create a "distance function" (which computes the "distance" between two words, in terms of how different they are) and then in O(n) compare the query with every word in the list, and return the one with the closest distance. But I wouldn't use this because it's slow.
The problem you're describing is a Nearest Neighbor Search (NNS). There are two main methods of solving NNS problems: exact and approximate.
If you need an exact solution, I would recommend a metric tree, such as the M-tree, the MVP-tree, and the BK-tree. These trees take advantage of the triangle inequality to speed up search.
If you're willing to accept an approximate solution, there are much faster algorithms. The current state of the art for approximate methods is Hierarchical Navigable Small World (hnsw). The Non-Metric Space Library (nmslib) provides an efficient implementation of hnsw as well as several other approximate NNS methods.
(You can compute the Levenshtein distance with Hirschberg's algorithm)
I made similar algorythm some time ago
Idea is to have an array char[255] with characters
and values is a list of words hashes (word ids) that contains this character
When you are searching 'dele....'
search(d) will return empty list
search(e) will find everything with character e, including elephant (two times, as it have two 'e')
search(l) will brings you new list, and you need to combine this list with results from previous step
at the end of input you will have a list
then you can try to do group by wordHash and order by desc by count
Also intresting thing, if your input is missing one or more characters, you will just receive empty list in the middle of the search and it will not affect this idea
My initial algorythm was without ordering, and i was storing for every character wordId and lineNumber and char position.
My main problem was that i want to search
with ee to find 'elephant'
with eleant to find 'elephant'
with antph to find 'elephant'
Every words was actually a line from file, so it's often was very long
And number of files and lines was big
I wanted quick search for directories with more than 1gb text files
So it was a problem even store them in memory, for this idea you need 3 parts
function to fill your cache
function to find by char from input
function to filter and maybe order results (i didn't use ordering, as i was trying to fill my cache in same order as i read the file, and i wanted to put lines that contains input in the same order upper )
I hope it make sense

Algorithm to un-concatenate words from string without spaces and punctuation

I've been given a problem in my data structures class to find the solution to this problem. It's similar to an interview question. If someone could explain the thinking process or solution to the problem. Pseudocode can be used. So far i've been thinking to use tries to hold the dictionary and look up words that way for efficiency.
This is the problem:
Oh, no! You have just completed a lengthy document when you have an unfortunate Find/Replace mishap. You have accidentally removed all spaces, punctuation, and capitalization in the document. A sentence like "I reset the computer. It still didn't boot!" would become "iresetthecomputeritstilldidntboot". You figure that you can add back in the punctation and capitalization later, once you get the individual words properly separated. Most of the words will be in a dictionary, but some strings, like proper names, will not.
Given a dictionary (a list of words), design an algorithm to find the optimal way of "unconcatenating" a sequence of words. In this case, "optimal" is defined to be the parsing which minimizes the number of unrecognized sequences of characters.
For example, the string "jesslookedjustliketimherbrother" would be optimally parsed as "JESS looked just like TIM her brother". This parsing has seven unrecognized characters, which we have capitalized for clarity.
For each index, n, into the string, compute the cost C(n) of the optimal solution (ie: the number of unrecognised characters in the optimal parsing) starting at that index.
Then, the solution to your problem is C(0).
There's a recurrence relation for C. At each n, either you match a word of i characters, or you skip over character n, incurring a cost of 1, and then parse the rest optimally. You just need to find which of those choices incurs the lowest cost.
Let N be the length of the string, and let W(n) be a set containing the lengths of all words starting at index n in your string. Then:
C(N) = 0
C(n) = min({C(n+1) + 1} union {C(n+i) for i in W(n)})
This can be implemented using dynamic programming by constructing a table of C(n) starting from the end backwards.
If the length of the longest word in your dictionary is L, then the algorithm runs in O(NL) time in the worst case and can be implemented to use O(L) memory if you're careful.
You could use rolling hashes of different lengths to speed up the search.
You can try a partial pattern matcher for example aho-corasick algorithm. Basically it's a special space optimized version of a suffix tree.

Looking for ideas: lexicographically sorted suffix array of many different strings compute efficiently an LCP array

I don't want a direct solution to the problem that's the source of this question but it's this one link:
So I take in the strings and add them to a suffix array which is implemented as a sorted set internally, what I obtain then is a lexicographically sorted list of the two given strings.
S1 = "banana"
S2 = "panama"
SuffixArray.add S1, S2
To make searching for the k-th smallest substring efficient I preprocess this sorted set to add in information about the longest common prefix between a suffix and it's predecessor as well as keeping tabs on a cumulative substrings count. So I know that for a given k greater than the cumulative substrings count of the last item, it's an invalid query.
This works really well for small inputs as well as random large inputs of the constraints given in the problem definition, which is at most 50 strings of length 2000. I am able to pass the 4 out of 7 cases and was pretty surprised I didn't get them all.
So I went searching for the bottleneck and it hit me. Given large number of inputs like these
The queries for k-th smallest substrings are still fast as expected but not the way I preprocess the sorted set... The way I calculate the longest common prefix between the elements of the set is not efficient and linear O(m), like this, I did the most naïve thing expecting it to be good enough:
m = anananan
n = anananana
Start at 0 and find the point where `m[i] != n[i]`
It is like this because a suffix and his predecessor might no be related (i.e. coming from different input strings) and so I thought I couldn't help but using brute force.
Here is the question then and where I ended up reducing the problem as. Given a list of lexicographically sorted suffix like in the manner I described above (made up of multiple strings):
What is an efficient way of computing the longest common prefix array?.
The subquestion would then be, am I completely off the mark in my approach? Please propose further avenues of investigation if that's the case.
Foot note, I do not want to be shown implemented algorithm and I don't mind to be told to go read so and so book or resource on the subject as that is what I do anyway while attempting these challenges.
Accepted answer will be something that guides me on the right path or in the case that that fails; something that teaches me how to solve these types of problem in a broader sense, a book or something
I would recommend this tutorial pdf from Stanford.
This tutorial explains a simple O(nlog^2n) algorithm with O(nlogn) space to compute suffix array and a matrix of intermediate results. The matrix of intermediate results can be used to compute the longest common prefix between two suffixes in O(logn).
If you wish to try to develop the algorithm yourself, the key is to sort the strings based on their 2^k long prefixes.
From the tutorial:
Let's denote by A(i,k) be the subsequence of A of length 2^k starting at position i.
The position of A(i,k) in the sorted array of A(j,k) subsequences (j=1,n) is kept in P(k,i).
Using matrix P, one can iterate descending from the biggest k down to 0 and check whether A(i,k) = A(j,k). If the two prefixes are equal, a common prefix of length 2^k had been found. We only have left to update i and j, increasing them both by 2^k and check again if there are any more common prefixes.

Is there a formal definition of character difference across a string and if so how is it calculated?

I'm looking to analyse the difference between two characters as part of a password strength checking process.
I'll explain what I'm trying to achieve and why and would like to know if what I'm looking to do is formally defined and whether there are any recommended algorithms for achieving this.
What I'm looking to do
Across a whole string, I'm looking to compare the current character with the previous character and determine how different they are.
As this relates to password strength checking, the difference between one character and it's predecessor in a string might be defined as being how predictable character N is from knowing character N - 1. There might be a formal definition for this of which I'm not aware.
A password of abc123 could be arguably less secure than azu590. Both contain three letters followed by three numbers, however in the case of the former the sequence is more predictable.
I'm assuming that a password guesser might try some obvious sequences such that abc123 would be tried much before azu590.
Considering the decimal ASCII values for the characters in these strings, and given that b is 1 different from a and c is 1 different again from b, we could derive a simplistic difference calculation.
Ignoring cases where two consecutive characters are not in the same character class, we could say that abc123 has an overall character to character difference of 4 whereas azu590 has a similar difference of 25 + 5 + 4 + 9 = 43.
Does this exist?
This notion of character to character difference across a string might be defined, similar to the Levenshtein distance between two strings. I don't know if this concept is defined or what it might be called. Is it defined and if so what is it called?
My example approach to calculating the character to character difference across a string is a simple and obvious approach. It may be flawed, it may be ineffective. Are there any known algorithms for calculating this character to character difference effectively?
It sounds like you want a Markov Chain model for passwords. A Markov Chain has a number of states and a probability of transitioning between the states. In your case the states are the characters in the allowed character set and the probability of a transition is proportional to the frequency that those two letters appear consecutively. You can construct the Markov Chain by looking at the frequency of the transitions in an existing text, for example a freely available word list or password database.
It is also possible to use variations on this technique (Markov chain of order m) where you for example consider the previous two characters instead of just one.
Once you have created the model you can use the probability of generating the password from the model as a measure of its strength. This is the product of the probabilities of each state transition.
For general signals/time-series data, this is known as Autocorrelation.
You could try adapting the Durbin–Watson statistic and test for positive auto-correlation between the characters. A naïve way may be to use the unicode code-points of each character, but I'm sure that will not be good enough.
