standalone sdk manager in Android Studio - android-studio

Tools => Android => SDK Manager to open SDK manager, and then check the "Show Package Details" to see the the list of installed and not installed components.
I try to find "Sample" folder under individual Android version, but I just unable to find the "Sample" component. I am very upset because I want to install Gesture builder that is inside the "Sample" folder.
By accident, I click the "Launch Standalone SDK" to launch the screen that looks similar to the SDK manager on eclipse, and I find the Sample folder.
Anyone can tell me what the reason I am unable to find the Sample folder on opened SDK manager (there are 3 tabs: SDK Platforms, SDK Tools and SDK update Sites)

You need to download the samples for the particular sdk you're targeting. Furthermore, samples change from sdk to sdk.
So first find out which sdk, did the Gestures Builder sample come from, and then download that samples for that sdk.
After that, use the Android Studio wizard to create a project from the sample. Just be sure to target the same sdk (you can always change that target sdk later, once you have the sample).
Using Android Studio is best way to do it. There is no need to go to the folder itself and do things manually.
Actually, GesturesBuilder seems to be very old, it's api level 4 (Android 1.6). No wonder you have trouble finding it. My suggestion would be not to bother with it and try to find a more recent project example directly from


Standalone SDK Manager option in Android Studio 2.3

I have recently updated Android Studio from 2.2.3 to 2.3. Now can't see the option "Launch Standalone SDK Manager", which is useful to check for updates, google play services, etc.
It is a deprecated feature: There is an option in Android Studio to "Show Package Details".
For manual SDK and AVD management, please use Android Studio.
For command-line tools, use tools/bin/sdkmanager and tools/bin/avdmanager
See also:
Even I had this issue when I updated to Android Studio 2.3
Click on Configure on the bottom left side
Select the Check Box to Show Package Details on the bottom left side
Move between the different tabs as per your requirements.
Can't working on Android Studio 2.3.3
On Mac :
click android, you'll see standalone SDK manager
On Windows :
double click on android.bat, standalone SDK Manger will be launched (see image below).
As the standalone sdk manager has been deprecated in favor of studio builtin sdk manager, there's a workaround to get back the standalone sdk manager.
Download command line sdk tools for your platform:
the links refer to an old distribution intentionally (see note below).
Copy the SDK Manager.exe, tools/android.bat and tools/lib/archquery.jar into your existing sdk to which android studio is currently being pointed.
Run SDK Manager or tools/android.bat and you will get back your beloved standalone sdk manager while having latest android studio > 2.3
if you download latest command line tools for sdk, you wont be able to find the archquery.jar which is required to run the standalone sdk utility.
In this latest version (2.3.1 and 2.3.1+), after some digging, I found a faster way to open AVD and SDK: In the welcome interface of Android Studio, after pressing CTRL+SHIFT+A, a search box will jump out, then you can input "AVD", the AVD manager will come out. To open SDK is the same way.
However, AVD does not work in the welcome interface but SDK works. If you want to use CTRL+SHIFT+A to quickly open AVD you must create a new project and open AVD in the project interface.
If you are a Xamarin user, you can install the Xamarin Android SDK Manager, available on the Visual Studio Marketplace which will give you an interface like this:
NOTE: The Xamarin SDK manager has to be accessed from visual studio, but it will (should) work on both windows and mac
You can open it from your SDK path which in my case is
Double click on SDK Manager.exe and it will open standalone SDK manager, refer attached Screenshot.

How to get the list of installed/non-installed dependencies in Android Studio

I am currently using some libraries (e.b. material design lib) to create apps.
I want to set the minimum SDK to 5.0, but it cannot be done because the version of that library is higher.
My question is how can I know the list of installed/non-installed dependencies(e.g. provided by Google in android studio(like SDK manager) or not?
Honestly, I was using the Eclipse IDE for developing android apps, and now I switch to Android Studio. It is difficult to me to use Android Studio. Is there any resources to learn more detailed about the usage of Android Studio?
My question is how can I know the list of installed/non-installed
dependencies provided by Google in android studio(like SDK manager) or
At first make sure in the left panel Project is selected.
Then right-click on your appropriate project name and select Open Module Settings
There you will see the Dependencies tab that you were searching for. There you will explore the options to add or remove dependencies or shifting them up or down in the easiest way. Hope you will find Android Studio more interesting then Eclipse gradually.
Is there any resources to learn more detailed about the usage of
Android Studio?
The official android developer site of Google is well enough to learn Android Studio in details. Everything is there. Still you can also go for tutorialspoint tutorial about Android Studio.

SDK Manager in Android Studio

I just installed Android Studio. How do I run SDK Manager in Android Studio? The Android docs say to go to Configure->SDK Manager.
But when I do that, the SDK Manager button is grayed out:
Is there something else I need to do or download?
You will have to link the android sdk to intelliJ. Go to Project Defaults > Project Structure. Give the path to the SDK in the Android SDK location. If this is done, you will be able to run the SDK manager. If you don't have the SDK tools, download them from the website.
Use this link to developer website and download file
You can give link by going to the File--> Project Structure(Ctrl+Alt+shift+s) and you can set the path.
Then Click on the SDK Manager Icon

android studio not working well not displaying packages

hey guys im not new to java but this android studio thing, im definitely not used to it,
so i just want to know what packages/tools i need to download from the sdk manager to get me started (im currently dev' apps to be run on api 2.3 gingerbread devices )
From the sdk manager this is what i did,
i downloaded and installed all the latest android sdk build tools,sdk platiform for 4.4 and 5.0
then i also downloaded the whole 2.3 api 10 since its what i was developing for....
after that when i start android studio,just right in the work space where you see the 'package' menu
i get nothing displaying,i mean even all the api i installed i still get nothing.
anybody who been using this tool can gimme help.thx
kind regards C.B!
When you open SDK manager, right click on the .exe and select
"Run As Administrator".
Don't open it from within android studio, find the exe file on your machine. Worked for me when I ran into that problem.
EDIT: You may need to download the sdk separately form here:
Click VIEW ALL DOWNLOADS and pick the appropriate 'sdk only' download for your machine.

Android Studio says I don't have Android Support Repository, but I do

I updated Android Studio from 0.2 to 0.2.7 and now I can't use it. When I click on "New Project", click few times next, then finish, I get this error:
so I installed it through SDK manager, but I still keep getting that message! How can I fix this?
The SDK you used to download the Android Support Repository is external (F:\Android\sdk).
By default Android Studio uses it's own internal SDK, located in the \sdk sub-folder of the folder where Android Studio is installed.
In order to use your external SDK you have to configure Android Studio to use it.
Go to File -> Other Settings -> Default Project Structure.
Now add your required platform to the Platform Settings -> SDK section, making sure to use your exernal SDK's path (F:\Android\sdk).
Then set the default Project SDK to the added platform under Project Settings -> Project.
If you want to use the bundled SDK manager, check out this answer for a solution.
