how to remove selectize.js "add..." menu when an item is being typed - selectize.js

how to remove selectize.js "add..." menu when an item is being typed?
This image facilitates the meaning:

Set create: false in the Selectize options. This will limit the user to choosing from the existing options, disallowing adding new ones.


How do I define the items in the menu row or even better have the default format menu item appear in the toolbar?

I changed menu to this:
menubar: 'format table tools help'
But what appears in the menu in my editor is just format. Table, tools, and help don't appear. Why is that so?
Also, if I want to get rid of the menubar I know I need to set
menubar: false
but is there a way of getting that nice format item from the menubar into the toolbar?
In order for the item to appear in the menu you also need to load the plugin itself. If (for example) you don't load the help plugin TinyMCE won't show a Help menu because the underlying functionality is not loaded.
is there a way of getting that nice format item from the menubar into
the toolbar?
The short answer is "no". A menu item and a toolbar item are different. That being said, many of the capabilities exposed via the Menubar can also be exposed via the Toolbar.
Here is an example of loading both the Help menu option as well as the toolbar button.

Disable or hide "View Library" menu item

When clicking the "File" menu from the Spotfire Webplayer, there is a menu item called "View Library", is it possible to disable the item or just hide it?
there is currently no way to disable this menu item.
in theory you could use the set-public-address command via the config command line interface and change the URL to some other location, but if that isn't a valid URL it could break things. attempt at your own risk and in a dev environment.

How to disable a whole drop-down menu on Electron?

I am developing a desktop application with Electron. I have added some items to the menu bar.
Sometimes I open some modal forms with bootstrap in the program. When these popups are open I want to disable the menu items.
I have made some research and some people says that the menu bar could be removed. But I do not want to create my own HTML menu.
And there is another option, maybe the best approach. Disabling all the options of each dropdown menu. Each menuitem has an enabled attribute, so it can be changed in runtime.
Is there way to avoid dropping down the menu and disable the drop-down menu?
Dynamic menus are not currently supported. This has something to do with the fact that the menus in Electron use the Chromium menu code which has no dynamic features.
When your File menu is empty, you could replace the entire menu with one that does not have the File menu in it?

Use "Create" command in LiveCode

I use the create command in livecode to dynamically create several objects (graphic, field, button) depending of some conditions. I use "lock screen" and set up all properties: width, height, textSize and many many more... Then "unlock screen".
Here is the problem:
The syntax create btn "Rider1" creates a standard button, but I need an ption menu button. In the project browser, there is also an option menu "Button: Rider2Number", but trying to modify the button that was created by script fails: there is no option menu or popup menu in the list of button types. There are opaque and standard and some variations. It seems like the standard button and the option menu are two different objects. Which prefix (like btn) I should use to create an option menu by script?
You have to first the the style of the button, then set its menuMode:
set the style of last button to "menu"
set the menuMode of last button to "comboBox"
There are two ways to fully set the required properties:
1- If you already have an option button (call it "XYZ"), you can:
create button
set the properties of last button to the properties of btn "XYZ"
You then will need to modify things, like its name and contents.
2- You can set the properties of the "templateButton" as required, perhaps, again, to the properties of btn "XYZ". Then all new buttons will start off that way. You will still have to modify a bit as in the above case.
This is all so that you need not set the many properties that distinguish one type from another; that is tedious. Look up the "templateButton" in the dictionary. This property can be set on the fly, to any number of different types of buttons. Do you see? If you had a suite of button styles, you set the properties of the templateButton to any of those on the fly, and then any newly created button will be of that type.
There is only one button object class. The difference between the many types you are interested in is the "menuMode". Check this out in the dictionary.

Create menus, sub menus and actions

I have been looking for a way to create a menu item, and some sub-menus relative to that menu.
I want this to be the menu the users see when they log in, instead of the "Messaging" Menu.
I want a menu on the top of the page, and it has to be the first one.
This menu needs to be the menu users see when they login.
On the left bar of OpenERP, i just want to add a few external links.
On the body of the page, i just want to write some welcoming text.
How do i do this? Do i need to create a new module? Or is it much simpler?
You must create a new module see here.
And on this module, you must create an XML file to define new menu entries like this :
and if you need a sub-menu (under My Menu):
More explanations on here
