When is blocking code acceptable in node.js? - node.js

I know that blocking code is discouraged in node.js because it is single-threaded. My question is asking whether or not blocking code is acceptable in certain circumstances.
For example, if I was running an Express webserver that requires a MongoDB connection, would it be acceptable to block the event loop until the database connection was established? This is assuming that all pages served by Express require a database query (which would fail if MongoDB was not initialized).
Another example would be an application that requires the contents of a configuration file before being initializing. Is there any benefit in using fs.readFile over fs.readFileSync in this case?
Is there a way to work around this? Is wrapping all the code in a callback or promise the best way to go? How would that be different from using blocking code in the above examples?

It is really up to you to decide what is acceptable. And you would do that by determining what the consequences of blocking would be ... on a case-by-case basis. That analysis would take into account:
how often it occurs,
how long the event loop is likely to be blocked, and
the impact that blocking in that context will have on usability1.
Obviously, there are ways to avoid blocking, but these tend to add complexity to your application. Really, you need to decide ... on a case-by-case basis ... whether that added complexity is warranted.
Bottom line: >>you<< need to decide what is acceptable based on your understanding of your application and your users.
1 - For example, in a game it would be more acceptable to block the UI while switching "levels" than during active play. Or for a general web service, "once off" blocking while a config file is loaded or a DB connection is established during webserver startup is more acceptable that if this happened on every request.

From my experience most tasks should be handled in a callback or by returning a promise. You DO NOT want to block code in a Node application. That's what makes it so nice! Mostly with MongoDB it will crash before it has a chance to connect if there is no connection. It won't' really have an effect on an API call because your server will be dead!
Source: I'm a developer at a bootcamp that teaches MEAN stack.

Your two examples are completely different. The distinction actually answers the question in and of itself.
Grabbing data from a database is dependent on being connected to that database. Any code that is dependent upon that data is then dependent upon that connection. These things have to happen serially for the app to function and be meaningful.
On the other hand, readFileSync will block ALL code, not just code that is reliant on it. You could start reading a csv file while simultaneously establishing a database connection. Once both are done, you could add that csv data to the database.


Is it possible to force Node.js/Express to process requests sequentially?

I took over a project where the developers were not fully aware of how Node.js works, so they created code accessing MongoDB with Mongoose which would leave inconsistent data in the database whenever you had any concurrent request reaching the same endpoint / modifying the same data. The project uses the Express web framework.
I already instructed them to implement a fix for this (basically, to use Mongoose transaction support with automatically managed retriable transactions), but due to the size of the project they will take a lot of time to fix it.
I need to put this in production ASAP, so I thought I could try to do it if I'm able to guarantee sequential processing of the incoming requests. I'm completely aware that this is a bad thing to do, but it would be just a temporary solution (with a low count of concurrent users) until a proper fix is in place.
So is there any way to make Node.js to process incoming requests in a sequential manner? I just basically don't want code from different requests to run interleaved, or putting it another way, I don't want non-blocking operations (.then()/await) to yield to another task and instead block until the asynchronous operation ends, so every request is processed entirely before attending another request.
I have an NPM package that can do this: https://www.npmjs.com/package/async-await-queue
Create a queue limited to 1 concurrent user and enclose the code that calls Mongo in wait()/end()
Or you can also use an async mutex, there are a few NPM packages as well.

When to use synchronous - blocking code in Node.js

I had asked in an interview, are there any cases that may force you to use blocking code in a node.js server?
my answer was: I didn't ever need that in any project but I think it may be useful in some tasks that need much CPU processing like Some Image Processing or video generation.
so experts, can you correct that for me, is there any case that a blocking code would be a must?
First off, you have to distinguish between the different types of programs. A server that you expect to be responsive to many different incoming requests has very different needs than a single user program you write to do some file management or fetch some content and insert it in a database.
So, if you're not a multi-user server, you may be able to use synchronous I/O everywhere it's offered (most specifically for file access). For example, I have several scripts that do file management on my hard disk. These scripts don't have any server component and are run automatically in the middle of the night to trim backups, trim log files, etc... These scripts are perfectly OK to use synchronous I/O for pretty much anything.
If, on the other hand, you are a mutli-user server and you need to be responsive to incoming requests that can arrive at any time, then the only two times you can/should use blocking I/O or blocking crypto are at startup time or in some sort of shut-down scenario. For all other code in service of incoming requests, you have to use non-blocking, asynchronous I/O to avoid locking up your server during a request and making it non-responsive to new incoming requests.
If you have time consuming, CPU-intensive operations such as image processing or video generation, then you will want to offload that processing to another thread or process so that your main server thread is not blocked doing that processing. A typical way of handling that would be to create a worker pool of N processes/threads that can be sent jobs to crunch on. Then, you keep your most CPU-intensive work out of the main nodejs thread, allowing it to stay responsive to incoming requests.
so experts, can you correct that for me, is there any case that a blocking code would be a must?
Synchronous (blocking) I/O vastly simplifies server startup as you can do things like read configurations synchronously. You could write that code asynchronously, but then your module interface often end up having to return promises that indicate when it's actually ready and done with its initialization which complicates using the module.
For example, require() is synchronous and this really, really helps make initialization a lot simpler.
The only place I know of in a server where blocking code might be required is if you're trying to write something to disk right before your program exits when it's already in the process of exiting. You get notified of an exit event and if you try to use asynchronous file I/O, then your program will exit before the I/O finishes. In that case, you may need to use synchronous file I/O (which is not a problem in that circumstance).

NodeJS Performance - Multiple routes vs Single routes

I have created a single endpoint in Node.js.
Following is the end-point:
switch(req.body.functionality) {
case "functionalityName1":
case "functionalityName2":
res.send("Sorry for that");
In each of these functions, calls to APIs are done, then the data is processed, and finally response is sent back.
My questions:
Since Node.js as a default handles requests asynchronously, can we have a single route for all the responses?
Will concurrency be an issue i.e. when parallel hits are happening into the single route will Node.js stall or slow down?
If the answer to question (2) is YES, how will it change when I have separate routes i.e if the same amount of requests come into a specific route then it is going to be the same issue right?
Would be happy if someone could share real-time use cases. Thanks
You technically can have a single route for all the responses, but it's considered "better-practice" to create endpoints which are compact, clear in what the intended function/purpose is, and not too complex; in your example, there could be many possible branches of code that the route could take. This requires unique logic for each branch, which adds to the complexity of your endpoints, and takes away from the clarity of the code. Imagine that when an error occurs, you now have to debug potentially multiple different files and different branches of your endpoint, when you could have created a separate endpoint for each unique "branch".
As your application grows in both size, and complexity, you are going to want an easy way to manage your API. Putting lots of stuff into one endpoint is going to be a nightmare for you to maintain, and debug.
It may be useful for you to look at some tutorials/docs about how to design and implement an API, here is a good article from Scotch.io
Example for question one:
// GET multiple records
//Unique logic for functionality
// GET a record by an 'id' field
//Unique logic for functionality
// POST a new record
//Unique logic for functionality
// PUT (update) a record
//Unique logic for functionality
// DELETE a record
//Unique logic for functionality
//Unique logic for functionality
This gives you a much clearer idea of what is happening for each endpoint, versus having to digest a lot of technically unrelated logic in a single API endpoint. Summing it up, it's better to have endpoints which are clear and concise in their purpose, and scope.
It really depends on how the logic is implemented; obviously Node.js is single-threaded. This means it can only process 1 "stream" of code at a time (no true concurrency or parallelism). However, Node gets around this through its event-loop. The problem that you could see depends on if you wrote asynchronous (non-blocking) code, or synchronous (blocking) code. In Node it's almost always better and recommended to write non-blocking code. This helps to prevent blocking the event loop, meaning your node app can do other things while, for example waiting for a file to finish being read, an API call to finish, or a promise to resolve. Writing blocking code will result in your application bottle-necking/"hanging", which is perceived by your end-users as higher-latency
Having multiple routes, or a single route isn't going to resolve this problem. It's more about how you are utilizing (or not utilizing) the event loop. It's extremely important to use asynchronous code as much as possible.
One thing that you can do if you absolutely must use synchronous code (this is actually a good approach to leverage regardless of code synchronicity)is to implement a microservice architecture, where a service can process your blocking (or resource-intensive) code off of your API Node service. This frees up your API service to handle requests as rapidly as possible, and leave the heavy lifting to other services.
Another possibility is to leverage clustering. This gives you the ability to run node as if it were multi-threaded, by spawning "worker" processes, which are identical to your master process, with the difference in that they are able to process work individually. This type of approach is extremely useful if you expect that you will have a very busy API service.
Some extremely helpful resources:
Node.js Express Best Practices
A GREAT video explaining the event-loop
Parallelism vs. Concurrency in Node.js
Node.js Clustering
API Design

Handling failures in Thrift in general

I read through the official documentation and the official whitepaper, but I couldn't find a satisfying answer to how Thrift handles failures in the following scenario:
Say you have a client sending a method call to a server to insert an entry in some data structure residing in that server (it doesn't really matter what it is). Suppose the server has processed the call and inserted the entry but the client couldn't receive a response due to a network failure. In such a case, how should the client handle this? A simple retry of sending the call would possibly result in a duplicate entry being inserted. Does the Thrift library persist the response somewhere so that it can resend to the client when it is back online? Or is it the application's responsibility to do so?
Would appreciate it if someone could point out the details of how it works, besides directing to its source code.
The question is an interesting one, but it is by no means limited to Thrift. A better name would be
Handling failures in asynchronous or remote calls in general
because that's in essence, what it is. Altough in the specific case of an RPC-style API like, for example, a Thrift service, the client blocks and it seems to be an synchronous call, it really isn't that way.
The whole problem can be rephrased to the more general question about
Designing robust distributed systems
So what is the main problem, that we have to deal with? We have to assume that every call we do may fail. In particular, it can fail in three ways:
request died
request sent, server processing successful, response died
request sent, server processing failed, response died
In some cases, this is not a big deal, regardless of the exact case we have. If the client just wants to retrieve some values, he can simply re-query and will get some results eventually if he tries often enough.
In other cases, especially when the client modifies data on the server, it may become more problematic. The general recommendation in such cases is to make the service calls idempotent, meaning: regardless, how often I do the same call, the end result is always the same. This could be achieved by various means and more or less depends on the use case.
For example, one method is it to send some logical "ticket" values along with each request to filter out doubled or outdated requests on the server. The server keeps track and/or checks these tickets, before the processing starts eventually. But again, if that method suits your needs depends on your use case.
The Command and Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern is another approach to deal with the complexity. It basically breaks the API into setters and getters. I'd recommend to look into that topic, but it is not useful for every scenario. I'd also recommend to look at the Data Consistency Primer article. Last not least the CAP theorem is always a good read.
Good Service/API design is not simple, and the fact, that we have to deal with a distributed parallel system does not make it easier, quite the opposite.
Let me try to give a straight answer.
... is it the application's responsibility to do so?
There're 4 types of Exceptions involved in Thrift RPC, including TTransportException, TProtocolException, TApplicationException, and User-defined exceptions.
Based on the book Programmer's Guide to Apache Thrift, the former 2 are local exceptions, while the latter 2 are not.
As the names imply, TTransportException includes exceptions like NOT_OPEN, TIMED_OUT, and TProtocolException includes INVALID_DATA, BAD_VERSION, etc. These exceptions are not propagated from the server the the client and act much like normal language exceptions.
TApplicationExceptions involve problems such as calling a method that isn’t implemented or failing to provide the necessary arguments to a method.
User-defined Exceptions are defined in IDL files and raised by the user code.
For all of these exceptions, no retry operations are done by Thrift RPC framework itself. Instead, they should be handled properly by the application code.

Arangodb foxx-application poor performance

I have serious issue with custom foxx application.
About the app
The application is customized algorithm for finding path in graph. It's optimized for public transport. On init it loads all necessary data into javascript variable and then it traverse through them. Its faster then accessing the db each time.
The issue
When I access through api the application for first time then it is fast eg. 300ms. But when I do absolutely same request second time it is very slow. eg. 7000ms.
Can you please help me with this? I have no idea where to look for bugs.
Without knowing more about the app & the code, I can only speculate about reasons.
Potential reason #1: development mode.
If you are running ArangoDB in development mode, then the init procedure is run for each Foxx route request, making precalculation of values useless.
You can spot whether or not you're running in development mode by inspecting the arangod logs. If you are in development mode, there will be a log message about that.
Potential reason #2: JavaScript variables are per thread
You can run ArangoDB and thus Foxx with multiple threads, each having thread-local JavaScript variables. If you issue a request to a Foxx route, then the server will pick a random thread to answer the request.
If the JavaScript variable is still empty in this thread, it may need to be populated first (this will be your init call).
For the next request, again a random thread will be picked for execution. If the JavaScript variable is already populated in this thread, then the response will be fast. If the variable needs to be populated, then response will be slow.
After a few requests (at least as many as configured in --server.threads startup option), the JavaScript variables in each thread should have been initialized and the response times should be the same.
