How to model a mixin in UML - uml

What is the best way to represent a "mixin" using UML?
As documented in this article:
In object-oriented programming languages, a mixin refers to a defined
amount of functionality which can be added to a class. An important
aspect of this is that it makes it possible to concentrate more on the
properties of a particular behaviour than on the inheritance
structures during development.
I will give more details about my particular use case.
I have a collection of classes that model different types of objects. Because all of them can be stored on a storage, I want to use a mixin to implement all the functionality related to "being stored".
Of course, I can use abstract classes but I do not like it because these classes should be part of a different hierarchy of classes and the fact that they can be stored is only a secondary property.
Another option can be to use composition and add the "storage node" as a field of this classes. I do not like this option either for the same reason: I do not want to create any dependency between the classes and the storage.
I have already implemented the solution in Java using a mixin based on dynamic proxies and I would like to document the solution with a clear UML class diagram. Is there a standard way to represent this mixin?
I am also wondering whether it is a good idea to model also how the mixin has been implemented (using proxies) or it is better to use a more abstract representation.

Actually there are many ways to model this in UML:
One approach could be to stereotype the operations and properties with <<mixin>> or the like and then use tagged values to describe where you got them from.
Another (I'd prefer) is to actually use a <<mixin>> stereotyped Generalization and attach a note to that telling which operations/properties should be mixed. That would give the implementer a guide to just "lean implementation of the general class".
Eventually you could create <<mixin>> sub-classes with subsets of the ops/props you want to mix in the final class and then Generalize from those.
Probably one could come up with more solutions. Use an approach which suits you best. There is not generic mixin pattern in UML (to my knowledge).


Normalization versus multiple inheritance

I have to model a situation where I would like to use specializations to ensure classes are somewhat normalized, but:
Risk multiple inheritance problems, especially in the long run
Will need to derive an XML-compliant UML model from it (a.o., only one superclass allowed)
The simplified situation is as follows (see also diagram below): we have Parts, like doors, bolts, wheels, etc., and Tools, like drills, ladders, and bigger machinery. All of these may be used in generic processes, like Orders, Shipments, etc. As such, I would like to have one superclass (Powertype, maybe?) that represents them, say Item.
Both Tools and Parts have specialized classes that carry a serial number. As such, I figured that a SerializedItem class with a SerialNumber, which both SerializedPart and SerializedTool inherit, would ensure that all serialized 'things' we have carry at least the same information. However, I also need these Serialized items to carry at least the same information as their more generic parts, and hence I would introduce multiple inheritance.
I have considered making the Item classes interfaces. This would at least mitigate some (many, all?) multiple inheritance problems. This is where another however comes in: aside from an attribute SerialNumber, I would also like to enforce that all Serialized specializations have an aggregation relation with a Manufacturer. Aggregation to an interface is not allowed, so I feel like I cannot with one relation to the superclass enforce this relation.
As such, I have the following considerations/problems:
Have two disjoint 'branches' of Item, with little to no technical governance on content of Serialized specializations
Item classes as Interfaces, but then little governance w.r.t. use of Manufacturer by Serialized specializations
All concrete classes, but then there exist multiple inheritance issues which must be solved when trying to derive XML classes from the model
Which option would you prefer, and why? Did I miss any considerations?
If you want to have a (platform-independent) information design model (similar in spirit to a conceptual model), then you should use multiple-inheritance if this reflects the concepts of your problem domain.
According to such a model-based engineering approach, your model is a pretty good design model that can be used as a basis for making (platform-specific) implementation models such as, e.g., a Java class model or an XML Schema model.
For making an XML Schema model, you would have to choose a certain mapping. In particular, you need to choose a mapping for resolving the multiple inheritance pattern, see also
I just would not make SerializedItem a superclass. Nothing is a serialized thing which generalization would mean. Things can conform to a serialization protocol which is the same as implementing an interface (maybe called Serializable). If you happen to deal with serializable things without bothering about their content you would just deal with Serializable and only know the number.
Basically you should make your SerializedItem an interface (eventually renaming it to Serializable), remove the generalization upwards and make the two horizontal ones realizations.
This is probably not an ultima ratio. But to me this approach sounds more reasonable.

Should access to properties of other classes through association be made explicit or are they implicit?

I'm working on a project where I'm using an SDK that provides things I need via some classes. I've named these ProviderProvider and Provider, that grant access to OneThing that is an IThing.
An example is shown here
My question is: What is the correct (or best) way to show that the Model provides the list of OneThings to the View through those classes?
Do you show this explicitly as in my example, by drawing a dependency arrow from Model to OneThing? That doesn't seem right to me and quickly becomes visually cluttered.
Do you not explicitly define that relationship, but is it simply implicitly defined through the other relationships?
Do you define that relationship semi-explicitly through attributes, notes or some other way?
What relations and attributes should I add/remove specifically and why?
You already have the implicit relationship since you use this class as a type of data returned by Model so you do not need to add that relationship explicitly.
It may be useful though, especially for classes that are core in the system, to add a diagram with dependencies only. Then you don't care about relationships between other classes, you only show on one diagram all classes that depend on the core one (it may be even more than one diagram).
One hint - in Case tool (like EA) even if you don't intend to show the relationship on the diagram since it is indicated implicitly it is still good to create the explicit dependency and just remove the arrow. This will support the traceability through tools like traceability matrix or dependency tree.

UML class diagrams: References to instances?

Some classes in my class diagram need to reference specific instances of other classes or themselves. Should I just model those the same way i would in an object diagram or is there a better option? In general: Can one combine class and object diagrams, since object diagrams are themselves class diagrams?
UML2 introduced Composite Structure Diagram exactly to solve this issue.
In a Composite Structure Diagram you can show classifiers (e.g. Classes) together with theirs internal composition in terms of instances.
This way you can specify exactly which instances are linked to your objects.
See this article for a good explanation.
I agree with #Thomas Killian : you want to mix two different representations.
On the class diagram you will be able to show cardinalities, but not instances relationships. It seems your List class is not a simple list but a chain / linked list.
A ListElement is in fact part of a LinkedList. Two predecessor and successor attributes themselves of type ListElement (or how you wish to call this class, the node role could be noted) will be enough to suggest the behavior. As an attribute has a 1:1 cardinality with the encapsulating class, this respects what you wish to model. Renaming the list class would be a hint for the diagram reader.
Take a look at the Java Linked List source if you want some ideas: this could help you to design a clear class structure, the initial author is not so bad at classes design. In this case, he pushes encapsulation to the excess but the idea is right.

Diagram Type for Service Connections?

Just wondering what's the correct UML Diagram type to show Service Connection? Essentially saying that "Client A needs a function GetFoo that needs to return items whose quantity is bigger than 20" and "Client B needs a function GetFoo that returns all items"?
A Component Diagram looks correct, but already very concrete in terms of types and very vague in terms of single functions. Composite Structure maybe?
Eventually this is used during planning to decide which functions a service actually needs to have (e.g., an inner GetFoo and two outer GetHeavyFoo/GetAllFoo functions)
I think the composite structure diagram will work for you. However, in my opinion you should combine it with sequence or communication diagram or both - whichever works best for you. I also suggest you check all the uml diagrams and compare them and then decide which ones are best suited for you.
Component diagram is a good solution as well as Sequence.
If you are a beginner in UML you can also just create a class diagram and add a constraints on a method. It would do the job and be easy to understand by the developer team.
It used to be OCL in UML 1.X but now with UML2 direct access to the metamodel you can just create any constraints directly in the model without any transformation. I use EclipseUML Omondo and don't want to use OCL because too complex for a very limited return on investment. My workaround is also better because I can write whatever I want and directly put it inside my class diagram without having two different models (e.g. one for UML and one for OCL).

Graphically Modeling Metaprogramming

Are there any tools out there that let you model how a class (or a class hierarchy) can change at runtime? For example, if I have a given number of mixin classes that will be combined at runtime and I don't know which ones will be combined until the program runs, how do you go about diagramming that type of runtime behavior?
Here's a better example. Let's say that I have a base class called IceCream, and I have over 100 possible flavors that all derive from that one IceCream class. Let's also suppose that any instance of the IceCream class can be combined with another instance of the IceCream class to create a completely unique IceCream type altogether. Given this domain, how do you use a graphical model to actually say that any one of these types can be combined at runtime?
It would be inefficient to model all the possible combinations of IceCream types, given that there can be a virtually infinite number of permuations for these 100 IceCream types. So again, here's the question: Are there any graphical modeling languages that let you specify this sort of behavior?
Your design sounds a little disturbing. If two different ice creams have different behavior, then why is it wrong to model all the possibilities? Where are you loading the behaviors from? It very well could be the case, but if so I'd guess that you want to contain the behavior instead...
If they don't have different behaviors, then all you are talking is a class "IceCream" with a "Flavor" member. Never create a second class when the only difference is data--the code must actually differ in the two cases to warrant different classes.
If I totally missed something I apologize.
Edit: Let me be more specific about "Containing behavior". If each of your ice-cream flavors had a "Taste" (which is code) and the taste is different between Vanilla, Strawberry and Chocolate--then you have 3 "Taste" ice-cream classes that are contained in one "Cone" class.
The Cone class would be what I think you are trying to model as "IceCream". Since the cone contains all three, a "Lick" method can combine those three in any way possible. Either you can lick(bottom), lick(middle) or lick(top), or you can just lick() and allow the lick method to combine all three into a single call (to be more real-code, you might pass a single variable to lick() that would be forwarded to all contained flavors).
I wonder if the personal db approach of Bento or DabbleDB could be relevant for the actual modelling part. Then maybe the Django admin's model introspection for the logic part. Sounds like you want to create an interface to a scripting language. A kind of vpl library. So, a beefed up and more reflective Django admin might be a starting point.
In general, if you want to create UML class diagrams you can exploit Generic Types in UML. Also, there is the concept of Template Parameters in UML.
Have a look at this site: Defining Generics with UML Templates
They use the Eclipse Modeling Framework as a tool.
