How `sequenceA` works - haskell

I'm new to Haskell and trying to understand how does this work?
sequenceA [(+3),(+2),(+1)] 3
I have started from the definition
sequenceA :: (Applicative f) => [f a] -> f [a]
sequenceA [] = pure []
sequenceA (x:xs) = (:) <$> x <*> sequenceA xs
And then unfolded recursion into this
(:) <$> (+3) <*> $ (:) <$> (+2) <*> $ (:) <$> (+1) <*> pure []
(:) <$> (+3) <*> $ (:) <$> (+2) <*> $ (:) <$> (+1) <*> []
But here i don't understand for which applicative functor operator <*> will be called, for ((->) r) or for []
(:) <$> (+1) <*> []
Can somebody go step by step and parse sequenceA [(+3),(+2),(+1)] 3 step by step? Thanks.

This can be seen from the type of sequenceA:
sequenceA :: (Applicative f, Traversable t) => t (f a) -> f (t a)
The argument's outer type has to be a Traverable, and its inner type has to be Applicative.
Now, when you give sequenceA a list of functions (Num a) => [a -> a] the list will be the Traversable, and the things inside the list should be Applicative. Therefore, it uses the applicative instance for functions.
So when you apply sequenceA to [(+3),(+2),(+1)], the following computation is built:
sequenceA [(+3),(+2),(+1)] = (:) <$> (+3) <*> sequenceA [(+2),(+1)]
sequenceA [(+2),(+1)] = (:) <$> (+2) <*> sequenceA [(+1)]
sequenceA [(+1)] = (:) <$> (+1) <*> sequenceA []
sequenceA [] = pure []
Let's look at the last line. pure [] takes an empty list and puts it inside some applicative structure. As we've just seen, the applicative structure in this case is ((->) r). Because of this, sequenceA [] = pure [] = const [].
Now, line 3 can be written as:
sequenceA [(+1)] = (:) <$> (+1) <*> const []
Combining functions this way with <$> and <*> results in parallel application. (+1) and const [] are both applied to the same argument, and the results are combined using (:)
Therefore sequenceA [(+1)] returns a function that takes a Num a => a type value, applies (+1) to it, and then prepends the result to an empty list, \x -> (:) ((1+) x) (const [] x) = \x -> [(+1) x].
This concept can be extended further to sequenceA [(+3), (+2), (+1)]. It results in a function that takes one argument, applies all three functions to that argument, and combines the three results with (:) collecting them in a list: \x -> [(+3) x, (+2) x, (+1) x].

it is using instance Applicative ((->) a).
Try this in ghci:
Prelude> :t [(+3),(+2),(+1)]
[(+3),(+2),(+1)] :: Num a => [a -> a]
Prelude> :t sequenceA
sequenceA :: (Applicative f, Traversable t) => t (f a) -> f (t a)
and pattern match the argument type: t = [], f = (->) a
and the Applicative constraint is on f.

For anyone who has trouble accepting that an argument to sequenceA [(+1)] just magically applies itself to BOTH (+1) and const [], this is for you. It was the only sticking point for me after realizing that pure [] = const [].
sequenceA [(+1)] = (:) <$> (+1) <*> const []
Using lambdas (so we can explicitly show and move things around when we start treating function application like a functor and an applicative):
sequenceA [(+1)] = \b c -> ( (:) b c ) <$> ( \a -> (+1) a ) <*> ( \a -> const [] a )
Both (<$>) and (<*>) are infixl 4. Which means we read and evaluate from left to right, i.e. we start with (<$>).
Where (<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b.
The effect of <$> is to pluck (+1) out of it's wrapper ((->) r), OR \a -> from our lambda code, and apply it to \b c -> ( (:) b c ) where it will take the place of b, then re-apply the wrapper (that's the \a that appears after the equals sign on the line below):
sequenceA [(+1)] = \a c -> ( (:) ((+1) a) c ) <*> ( \a -> const [] a )
Notice that (:) is still waiting for an argument c, and (+1) is still waiting for an a. Now, we get to the applicative part.
Remember that: (<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b. Our f here is the function application \a ->.
Both sides now have the same wrapper, namely \a ->. I'm keeping the a's in there to remind us where the a's will be applied later, so it does become a little pseudo-y here. The function application will be connected back up in just a jiffy. Both functions depend on the same a, precisely because they had the same function application wrapper i.e. an applicative. Without their \a -> wrappers (thanks to <*>), it goes like this:
( \c -> ( (:) ((+1) a) c ) ) (const [] a)
= ( (:) ((+1) a) (const [] a) ) -- Ignore those a's, they're placeholders.
Now, the very last thing that <*> does is to pop this result back into it's wrapper \a ->:
sequenceA [(+1)] = \a -> ( (:) ((+1) a) (const [] a) )
Sugaring this up a little bit gives:
sequenceA [(+1)] = \a -> (+1) a : const [] a
See! It makes perfect sense that an argument to sequenceA [(+1)] goes to both (+1) and const. Applying a 2, for instance, gives:
sequenceA [(+1)] 2 = (+1) 2 : const [] 2
Remember that const a b :: a -> b -> a, and therefore just ignores it's input:
sequenceA [(+1)] 2 = 3 : []
OR, more sweetly:
sequenceA [(+1)] 2 = [3]


How to combine two composed applicative functors?

I have two composed applicative functors Maybe [Integer] and want to combine them with <$>/<*> but I am stuck with applying the applicative operation. The following does not typecheck:
(<*>) (<*>) ((<$>) ((+) <$>) $ Just [1,2,3]) $ Just [4,5,6]
Expected result:
Just [5,6,7,6,7,8,7,8,9]
The functor part works, i.e. the intermediate value passed to <*> as the first argument is Just [Integer -> Integer]. I am used to S-expressions so I have a hard time with the Haskell syntax. I know of Compose but I am interested in the mere composition wihtout abstraction.
As Li-yao Xia said, using liftA2 makes it a lot less confusing.
But if you still what to see what it becomes in terms of the underlaying operations, we can expand the definition of liftA2:
liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> f a -> f b -> f c
liftA2 f x y = f <$> x <*> y
so the solution becomes
(liftA2 . liftA2) (+) (Just [1,2,3]) (Just [4,5,6])
= liftA2 (liftA2 (+)) (Just [1,2,3]) (Just [4,5,6])
= (\f x y -> f <$> x <*> y) ((\f x y -> f <$> x <*> y) (+)) (Just [1,2,3]) (Just [4,5,6])
= ((\f x y -> f <$> x <*> y) (+)) <$> Just [1,2,3] <*> Just [4,5,6]
= (\x y -> (+) <$> x <*> y) <$> Just [1,2,3] <*> Just [4,5,6]
Now, this is not in point free style like your example above, and I really don't think it's helpful to convert it into point free, but here's the output from
((<*>) . ((+) <$>)) <$> Just [1, 2, 3] <*> Just [4, 5, 6]
we can see that this is the same by eta-expanding:
(<*>) . ((+) <$>)
= \x y -> ((<*>) . ((+) <$>)) x y
= \x y -> ((<*>) $ ((+) <$>) x) y
= \x y -> ((<*>) ((+) <$> x)) y
= \x y -> (<*>) ((+) <$> x) y
= \x y -> ((+) <$> x) <*> y
= \x y -> (+) <$> x <*> y
liftA2 might be less confusing for this than (<*>).
(+) :: Int -> Int -> Int
liftA2 (+) :: [Int] -> [Int] -> [Int]
liftA2 (liftA2 (+)) :: Maybe [Int] -> Maybe [Int] -> Maybe [Int]
liftA2 (liftA2 (+)) (Just [1,2,3]) (Just [4,5,6])
The composition of two Applicatives is always an Applicative (unlike the case for Monad).
We can use this to our advantage here with the Compose newtype from Data.Functor.Compose:
newtype Compose f g a = Compose { getCompose :: f (g a) }
It requires a bit of wrapping, but this kind of solution could be useful under the right circumstances:
example :: Maybe [Int]
example =
getCompose ((+) <$> Compose (Just [1,2,3]) <*> Compose (Just [4,5,6]))
One other way could be to use the ListT transformer. While it works just fine in this case, for some reason it's a depreciated transformer, marked in red with "Deprecated: This transformer is invalid on most monads".
import Control.Monad.Trans.List
doit :: (Int-> Int -> Int) -> Maybe [Int] -> Maybe [Int] -> Maybe [Int]
doit f mt1 mt2 = runListT $ f <$> (ListT mt1) <*> (ListT mt2)
λ> doit (+) (Just [1,2,3]) (Just [4,5,6])
Just [5,6,7,6,7,8,7,8,9]

Using a pure function in a Haskell monad / left-lifting?

Consider the following function:
foo =
[1,2,3] >>=
return . (*2) . (+1)
For better readability and logic, I would like to move my pure functions (*2) and (+1) to the left of the return. I could achieve this like this:
infixr 9 <.
(<.) :: (a -> b) -> (b -> c) -> (a -> c)
(<.) f g = g . f
bar =
[1,2,3] >>=
(+1) <.
(*2) <.
However, I don't like the right-associativity of (<.).
Let's introduce a function leftLift:
leftLift :: Monad m => (a -> b) -> a -> m b
leftLift f = return . f
baz =
[1,2,3] >>=
leftLift (+1) >>=
leftLift (*2) >>=
I quite like this. Another possibility would be to define a variant of bind:
infixl 1 >>$
(>>$) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> b) -> m b
(>>$) m f = m >>= return . f
qux =
[1,2,3] >>$
(+1) >>$
(*2) >>=
I am not sure whether that is a good idea, since it would not allow me to use do notation should I want that. leftLift I can use with do:
bazDo = do
x <- [1,2,3]
y <- leftLift (+1) x
z <- leftLift (*2) y
return z
I didn't find a function on Hoogle with the signature of leftLift. Does such a function exist, and, if, what is it called? If not, what should I call it? And what would be the most idiomatic way of doing what I am trying to do?
Edit: Here's a version inspired by #dunlop's answer below:
infixl 4 <&>
(<&>) :: Functor f => f a -> (a -> b) -> f b
(<&>) = flip fmap
blah =
[1,2,3] <&>
(+1) <&>
(*2) >>=
I should also add that I was after a bind-variant, because I wanted to write my code in point-free style. For do-notation, I guess I don't need to "pretend" that I'm doing anything monadic, so I can use lets.
Every Monad is a Functor (and an Applicative too). Your (>>$) is (flipped) fmap.
GHCi> :t fmap
fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
GHCi> :t (<$>) -- Infix synonym for 'fmap'
(<$>) -- Infix synonym for 'fmap'
:: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
GHCi> fmap ((*2) . (+1)) [1,2,3]
GHCi> (*2) . (+1) <$> ([1,2,3] >>= \x -> [1..x])
(By the way, a common name for flipped fmap is (<&>). That is, for instance, what lens calls it.)
If you are using do-notation, there is little reason to use any variant of fmap explicitly for this kind of transformation. Just switch your <- monadic bindings for let-bindings:
bazDo = do
x <- [1,2,3]
let y = (+1) x
z = (*2) y
return z
bazDo = do
x <- [1,2,3]
let y = (+1) x
return ((*2) z)
For better readability...
That's going to be subjective as people disagree on what constitutes readable.
That being said, I agree that sometimes it's easier to understand data transformations when they are written left to right. I think your >>$ is overkill, though. The & operator in Data.Function does the job:
import Data.Function
foo = [1,2,3] & fmap (+1) & fmap (*2)
I like that this says exactly what to start with and exactly what to do at each step from left to right. And unlike >>$, you aren't forced to remain in the monad:
bar = [1,2,3] & fmap (+1) & fmap (*2) & sum & negate
Or you can just assemble your transformation beforehand and map it over your monad:
import Control.Category
f = (+1) >>> (*2)
quuz = fmap f [1,2,3]

Precedence Confusion about <$> and <*> in Haskell

Two examples both from,
1). (+) <$> (+3) <*> (*100) $ 5
(+) <$> (+3) <*> (*100) $ 5, the 5 first got applied to (+3) and
(*100), resulting in 8 and 500. Then, + gets called with 8 and 500,
resulting in 508.
From the first example, it seems like <*> has higher precedence than <$>.
2). (++) <$> Just "johntra" <*> Just "volta"
(++) <$> Just "johntra" <*> Just "volta", resulting in a value
that's the same as Just ("johntra"++),and now Just ("johntra"++) <*>
Just "volta" happens, resulting in Just "johntravolta".
From the second example, it seems like <$> has higher precedence than <*>.
So do they have the same precedence? can someone give me some explanations/references?
indeed they both have the same precedence (infixl 4: (<*>) and (<$>)) and you can just read it from left to right -
(+) <$> (+3) <*> (*100) $ 5
= ((+) <$> (+3)) <*> (*100) $ 5
= (\ a b -> (a+3) + b) <*> (\ a -> a*100) $ 5
= (\ a -> (a+3) + (a*100)) $ 5
= 8 + 500 = 508
remember in this case we have f <*> g = \x -> f x (g x)
<$> and <*> has same precedence and left associativity. $ has the lowest precedence of zero. You can use ghci to explore information about them:
λ> :i (<$>)
(<$>) :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- Defined in ‘Data.Functor’
infixl 4 <$>
λ> :i (<*>)
class Functor f => Applicative (f :: * -> *) where
(<*>) :: f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
-- Defined in ‘Control.Applicative’
infixl 4 <*>
Now you can work out the types to see how they typecheck.

Is it possible to fold <*> in haskell?

I want to realize something like
fun1 f a_ziplist
for example
getZipList $ (\x y z -> x*y+z) <$> ZipList [4,7] <*> ZipList [6,9] <*> ZipList [5,10]
f = (\x y z -> x*y+z)
ziplist = [[4,7],[6,9],[5,10]]
To do this, I want to recursively apply <*> like
foldx (h:w) = h <*> foldx w
foldx (w:[]) = w
but it seems impossible to make <*> recursive.
Let's play with the types in ghci, to see where they carry us.
λ import Control.Applicative
The type of (<*>)
λ :t (<*>)
(<*>) :: Applicative f => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
The type of foldr:
λ :t Prelude.foldr
Prelude.foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
Perhaps we could use (<*>) as the function that is passed as the first parameter of foldr. What would be the type?
λ :t Prelude.foldr (<*>)
Prelude.foldr (<*>) :: Applicative f => f a -> [f (a -> a)] -> f a
So it seems that it takes an initial value in an applicative context, and a list of functions in an applicative context, and returns another applicative.
For example, using ZipList as the applicative:
λ getZipList $ Prelude.foldr (<*>) (ZipList [2,3]) [ ZipList [succ,pred], ZipList [(*2)] ]
The result is:
I'm not sure if this is what the question intended, but it seems like a natural way to fold using (<*>).
If the ziplist argument has to be a plain list, it looks impossible. This is because fold f [a1,...,an] must be well typed for every n, hence f must be a function type taking at least n arguments for every n, hence infinitely many.
However, if you use a GADT list type, in which values expose their length as a type-level natural you can achieve something similar to what you want.
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies, GADTs #-}
import Control.Applicative
-- | Type-level naturals
data Nat = Z | S Nat
-- | Type family for n-ary functions
type family Fn (n :: Nat) a b
type instance Fn Z a b = b
type instance Fn (S n) a b = a -> Fn n a b
-- | Lists exposing their length in their type
data List a (n :: Nat) where
Nil :: List a Z
Cons :: a -> List a n -> List a (S n)
-- | General <*> applied to a list of arguments of the right length
class Apply (n :: Nat) where
foldF :: Applicative f => f (Fn n a b) -> List (f a) n -> f b
instance Apply Z where
foldF f0 Nil = f0
instance Apply n => Apply (S n) where
foldF fn (Cons x xs) = foldF (fn <*> x) xs
test :: [(Integer,Integer,Integer)]
test = foldF (pure (,,)) (Cons [10,11] (Cons [20,21] (Cons [30,31] Nil)))
-- Result: [(10,20,30),(10,20,31),(10,21,30),(10,21,31)
-- ,(11,20,30),(11,20,31),(11,21,30),(11,21,31)]
In general folding (<*>) is tricky because of types, as others have mentioned. But for your specific example, where your ziplist elements are all of the same type, you can use a different method and make your calculation work with a small change to f to make it take a list argument instead of single elements:
import Data.Traversable
import Control.Applicative
f = (\[x,y,z] -> x*y+z)
ziplist = [[4,7],[6,9],[5,10]]
fun1 f l = getZipList $ f <$> traverse ZipList l
It's even possible to achieve this with just Data.List and Prelude functions:
fun1 f = map f . transpose
To do this, I want to recursively apply <*> like
foldx (h:w) = h <*> foldx w
foldx (w:[]) = w
but it seems impossible to make <*> recursive.
I think you're getting confused over left- vs. right-associativity. danidiaz reformulates this in terms of foldr (<*>), which is quite useful for this analysis. The documentation gives a useful definition of foldr in terms of expansion:
foldr f z [x1, x2, ..., xn] == x1 `f` (x2 `f` ... (xn `f` z) ...)
So applying that to your case:
foldr (<*>) z [x1, x2, ..., xn] == x1 <*> (x2 <*> ... (xn <*> z) ...)
Note the parens. <*> is left-associative, so the foldr expansion is different from:
x1 <*> x2 <*> ... <*> xn <*> z == ((... (x1 <*> x2) <*> ...) <*> xn) <*> z
Let's think also a bit more about what foldr (<*>) means. Another way of thinking of this is to rewrite it just slightly:
flip (foldr (<*>)) :: Applicative f :: [f (a -> a)] -> f a -> f a
Types of the form (a -> a) are often called endomorphisms, and they form a monoid, with composition as the operation and id as the identity. There's a newtype wrapper in Data.Monoid for these:
newtype Endo a = Endo { appEndo :: a -> a }
instance Monoid (Endo a) where
mempty = id
mappend = (.)
This gives us yet another way to think of foldr (<*>), by formulating it in terms of Endo:
toEndo :: Applicative f => f (a -> a) -> Endo (f a)
toEndo ff = Endo (ff <*>)
And then what foldr (<*>) does, basically, is reduce this monoid:
foldrStar :: Applicative f => [f (a -> a)] -> Endo (f a)
foldrStar fs = mconcat $ map toMonoid fs
what you have is equivalent to zipWith3 (\x y z -> x*y+z) [4,7] [6,9] [5,10].
it's impossible to foldl the <*> (and you do need foldl as <*> associates to the left) because foldl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> a i.e. it's the same a in a -> b -> a, but when you apply your ternary function on first list of numbers, you get a list of binary functions, and then unary functions at the next step, and only finally, numbers (all different types, then):
>> let xs = map ZipList [[4,7],[6,9],[5,10]]
>> getZipList $ pure (\x y z -> x*y+z) <*> (xs!!0) <*> (xs!!1) <*> (xs!!2)
>> foldl (<*>) (pure (\x y z -> x*y+z)) xs
Occurs check: cannot construct the infinite type: b = a -> b
Expected type: f (a -> b)
Inferred type: f b
In the first argument of `foldl', namely `(<*>)'
In the expression: foldl (<*>) (pure (\ x y z -> x * y + z)) xs
>> :t foldl
foldl :: ( a -> b -> a ) -> a -> [b] -> a
>> :t (<*>)
(<*>) :: (Applicative f) => f (a -> b) -> f a -> f b -- f (a -> b) = f b
The answer by chi addresses this, but the arity is fixed (for a particular code). In effect, what that answer really does is defining (a restricted version of) zipWithN (well, here, when used with the ZipList applicative - obviously, it works with any applicative in general) for any N (but just for the a -> a -> a -> ... -> a type of functions), whereas e.g.
zipWith7 :: (a -> b -> c -> d -> e -> f -> g -> h) ->
[a] -> [b] -> [c] -> [d] -> [e] -> [f] -> [g] -> [h]
(in other words, zipWith3 (,,) [10,11] ([20,21]::[Integer]) ([30,31]::[Int]) works).

How does applicative sequencing over a list of functions work?

I'm learning Haskell with the Learn You a Haskell guide, and I'm stuck on an example of applicative sequencing over a list of functions. Chapter 11: Functors, Applicative Functors and Monoids defines sequenceA to be:
sequenceA :: (Applicative f) => [f a] -> f [a]
sequenceA [] = pure []
sequenceA (x:xs) = (:) <$> x <*> sequenceA xs
I'm a bit confounded by this example usage of sequenceA:
> sequenceA [(+3),(+2),(+1)] 3
I've expanded the application manually as far as I could to what I believe is correct:
(:) <$> (+3) <*> sequenceA [(+2), (+1)]
(:) <$> (+3) <*> (:) <$> (+2) <*> (:) <$> (+1) <*> sequenceA []
(:) <$> (+3) <*> (:) <$> (+2) <*> (:) <$> (+1) <*> pure []
(:) <$> (+3) <*> (:) <$> (+2) <*> (:) <$> (+1) <*> const []
What I don't see though, is how the second argument to the original application of sequenceA, 3 gets applied to each of the partially applied functions given in the list. I would appreciate some assistance in trying to wrap my head around what goes on in the evaluation of this statement.
Whenever you're dealing with generic types you need to first determine what the concrete type is. In this case, we have
sequenceA :: Applicative f => [f a] -> f [a]
applied to
[(+3),(+2),(+1)] :: Num a => [a -> a]
In other words, though it's a bit bizarre to see at first, f becomes a -> (properly written (->) a) and so the type of sequenceA, specialized, is
sequenceA :: Num a => [a -> a] -> a -> [a]
Which should already explain where that extra argument came from.
So how does sequenceA work? To understand, we need to understand the Applicative instance for (->) a. In particular
instance Functor ((->) a) where
fmap f g = f . g
instance Applicative ((->) a) where
pure a' = \a -> a'
ff <*> fx = \a -> (ff a) (fx a)
where we see that (<*>) takes two functions and produces a third. The argument from this third function is applied to each of the input functions (here, ff and fx) and then their results are applied to one another.
So application in the (->) a monad means that the ultimate argument a to the result is distributed to all of the compositional functions.
And this is what we see with sequenceA
sequenceA [(+3),(+2),(+1)]
\a -> [(a + 3), (a + 2), (a + 1)]
instance Applicative ((->) a) where
pure = const
(<*>) f g x = f x (g x)
we can derive:
(:) <$> (+3) <*> ( (:) <$> (+2) <*> ( (:) <$> (+1) <*> const [] ))
pure (:) <*> (+3) <*> ( pure (:) <*> (+2) <*> ( pure (:) <*> (+1) <*> const [] ))
const (:) <*> (+3) <*> (const (:) <*> (+2) <*> (const (:) <*> (+1) <*> const [] ))
(const (:) <*> (+3)) <*> ((const (:) <*> (+2)) <*> ((const (:) <*> (+1)) <*> const [] ))
(const (:) <*> (+3)) <*> ((const (:) <*> (+2)) <*> ((\x -> (const (:)) x (x+1)) <*> const [] ))
(const (:) <*> (+3)) <*> ((const (:) <*> (+2)) <*> ((\x -> (:) (x+1)) <*> const [] ))
(const (:) <*> (+3)) <*> ((const (:) <*> (+2)) <*> (\y -> (\x -> (:) (x+1)) y (const [] y) ))
(const (:) <*> (+3)) <*> ((const (:) <*> (+2)) <*> (\y -> (\x -> (:) (x+1)) y [] ))
(const (:) <*> (+3)) <*> ((const (:) <*> (+2)) <*> (\y -> ((y+1):) [] ))
(const (:) <*> (+3)) <*> ((const (:) <*> (+2)) <*> (\y -> [y+1] ))
(const (:) <*> (+3)) <*> (((\x -> (const (:)) x (x+2)) <*> (\y -> [y+1] ))
(const (:) <*> (+3)) <*> (\z -> ((\x -> (const (:)) x (x+2)) z ((\y -> [y+1] )z))
(const (:) <*> (+3)) <*> (\z -> (((const (:)) z (z+2)) ([z+1]))
(const (:) <*> (+3)) <*> (\z -> ((z+2):) [z+1])
(const (:) <*> (+3)) <*> (\z -> [z+2,z+1])
(\x -> (const (:)) x (x+3)) <*> (\z -> [z+2,z+1])
(\x -> const (:) (x+3)) <*> (\z -> [z+2,z+1])
(\x -> ((x+3):)) <*> (\z -> [z+2,z+1])
\w -> (\x -> ((x+3):)) w ((\z -> [z+2,z+1]) w)
\w -> ((w+3):) [w+2,w+1]
\w -> [w+3,w+2,w+1]
I bet I messed up some parentheses
