Visual Studio 2015: Bug setting TestFramework to Mocha for unit test files in NodeJS Project - node.js

I'm working on a Typescript project in Visual Studio (2015 Community edition) build server side unit tests using Mocha.
I however read that NodeJS Tools supports running within the VS Test Runner, and even Typescript unit tests. You have to set the TestFramework property of the file to 'Mocha'. The project I'm working on even already has existing tests which this is set for. However I don't get a dropdown option in the GUI to set it, it's just empty:
I'm using NTVS v1.1 (and Typescript 1.7). Am I missing something in my Visual Studio setup? The build type of the test .ts file is also already set to TypeScriptCompile. Perhaps more of a specific VS question than a programming question, but the environment/tools is so programmer's specific that I thought somebody here can help me.
PS Running tests manually each time is driving me crazy, and I bumped into too many problems with using a HTML spec runner which I tried first, because this server side tests (e.g. CommonJS require and import statements that my browser doesn't get) and also because it's TypeScript.
But alternative solutions are also welcome. I'm using grunt and am also experience using Gulp, I'm just hoping for a full solution, not something that'll cost me half a day to script together, debug and document..
Note: I DO get the dropdown to select Mocha Testframework for .js files (after including in VS project), but NOT for .ts files :S.

Hmm... pretty silly, but it seems indeed a GUI issue:
You simply have to type Mocha into the property field yourself manually.
In the case of Typescript there doesn't appear a dropdown (e.g. caret) on hoover in the 'TestFramework' field. My expectation was really fixed on the dropdown' experience beause it DOES do that for Javascript files and in so many other fields in the 'Properties' window.
So a short overview of things to do:
type yourself and make sure you don't type Mohca or something:).
Install Mocha locally
Make sure the BuildAction of the .ts file is set to TypeScriptCompile
I'm off fixing other issues, this Typescript is nice, but the tools and language are evolving too fast for the 'Google-based development' I have to rely too really work well :S.


How to Unit Test a C++/WinRT Component? Preferably with Code Coverage

I'm in the process of writing some new C++/WinRT based components in order to replace some much older C++/CX code. The goal is to be able to use third-party C++ tools that don't understand CX (static code analyzers, etc).
However the first step in the journey is to ensure I can properly unit test my own code. Unit testing C++/CX code typically used the "C++ Unit Test App" project type, which is C++/CX based and has its own issues (lack of code coverage support, run all required before tests show up in the explorer, stability, etc)
Browsing through the available project types in Visual Studio 2017, I did not see a unit test project template for C++/WinRT based projects. Is my only option to use the "C++ Unit Test App" template with all its failings, or is there another way to build tests for a C++/WinRT library?
Perhaps there is a way to configure either the "Native Unit Test Project" or "Google Test" project templates to support what I'm looking for?
Ideally what I'm looking for is something that doesn't require launching a UI, is pure C++(/WinRT), and supports Visual Studio's Code Coverage Analysis.
There is no unit test project that is specific to C++/WinRT, much like there isn't one for other libraries like STL. I would recommend Catch2 as it supports C++17 (a requirement for C++/WinRT) and works well on Windows. It is also what we use for testing C++/WinRT itself. Catch2 is nice because it helps you create a simple console app that acts as the test driver that includes all of the tests.
For code coverage I don't have a strong recommendation, but if you are using Visual Studio then you might want to try VSInstr. It can be used for code coverage and produces a report that can be viewed with Visual Studio.
Make sure your code is built using the /profile linker option. This will ensure that profile hooks are included in a dedicated section of the PE file. Next, run vsinstr to instrument any of the binaries you're interested in (that were previously built with /profile):
vsinstr /coverage tests.exe
Now run vsperfcmd to begin collecting coverage data:
vsperfcmd /start:coverage /output:report
Run the code as normal. For Catch2, you can simply run the executable at the command line. Then you need to stop the collection as follows:
vsperfcmd /shutdown
And you're done. You can now view the report in Visual Studio:
devenv report.coverage
Hope that helps. Again, this is not specific to C++/WinRT and since C++/WinRT is a header-only library you are liable to get a lot of noise that is unrelated to your specific project. I haven't found a good way to deal with that yet.
Expanding on my comment to #KennyKerr's answer for those that are interested...
If you are planning on using Catch2 as recommended, then the C++/WinRT Windows Console Application template is a great starting point. Pretty much all you have to do is tweak the main() to setup Catch2 and start writing your test cases. My only complaint is that the C++/WinRT templates don't allow you to add Windows Runtime Component project references via the UI (must be done by editing the vcxproj). There is probably a similar problem adding NuGet package references.
As noted in my comment above, there is a Catch2 test adapter for Visual Studio 2017/2019 in the marketplace. Be aware that it requires a .runsettings file to enable the adapter and to tell it which projects are Catch2 test applications (via a regex). Without a properly configured runsettings, it will not find your tests. I also had to increase the discovery timeout, otherwise it "forgot" my tests occasionally.
With regards the code coverage, when using Visual Studio you can configure the code coverage to include/exclude functions in the .runsettings file. See Microsoft's Site for details. For myself I added the following in the CodeCoverage section and it works pretty well so far:
For those that are trying to test a C++/WinRT Windows Runtime Component like me, and have code that is not exposed as part of the WRC interface, here is what I did to make that testable...
Create a C++ Shared Items Project
Move all of the code for your Windows Runtime Component (WRC) project into the shared items project, and out of the WRC project. Going forward, only add/remove files from the shared project. That way you don't have to touch the WRC or Test projects when files are added/removed.
Add a reference to this shared items project in both your original WRC project, and your test project
Make sure your test project and WRC project are configured similarly with respect compile settings and project/NuGet references
Edit the test project and ensure the RootNamespace is configured the same as the WRC project (probably has to be done via your favorite editor). This is required otherwise the generated headers will be prefixed with the namespace, and thus won't be found by the shared code.
(Optional for Code Coverage) In the test project, enable profiling (Linker > Advanced > Profile > Yes)
You should now be able to write tests that exercise the private code. As to whether or not this is the best approach, I leave to the reader. It works for me, and the code I'm testing is simple enough that I'm not overly concerned with the project definitions not aligning perfectly. Your mileage may vary.
I will note that the above can also be used to make the "Native Unit Test Project" work with C++/WinRT, you just have the extra steps of integrating the C++/WinRT bits into the test project first.

dotCover not showing all of the projects in a solution

Let me start by saying I'm new to both ReSharper and dotCover and that I'm using v10.0.2 of both.
The attached screenshot shows solution explorer in VS and the coverage tree for a set of tests.
Whenever I run coverage, it always shows the same subset of assemblies in the coverage tree. Importantly, all of the tests shown are for code in either the Services or Infrastructure assemblies, neither of which show in the coverage tree.
Clearly, the product is not doing something right or I'm not.
Why are only some of the assemblies shown in the coverage tree?
Why aren't any of the assemblies covered by the tests I'm running
shown in the coverage tree?
How do I make it work properly?
If it makes any difference, I'm using xUnit and have the xUnit running extension installed in ReSharper and the tests themselves run just fine.
This is due to shadow copying - when enabled, dotCover expects .pdb files to be copied too, and the standard shadow copy that xunit performs doesn't do this. If you disable shadow copy in the Unit Testing options page, it'll work fine. I think the xunit runner can be updated to fix this.
The YouTrack issue that describes what's going on is here: DCVR-7976
In my case the *.pdb files where deleted by a post-build event. After changing that, coverage-analysis worked again.
This post from the support forum of jetbrains helped me

TypeScript is not combing javascript to single file with a Node.js TS app in VS 2015

Please correct me if I am doing something wrong, or misunderstanding any concepts here.
As far as I was aware, and by the fixed status of this Connect bug report ( you should be able to compile the TypeScript output into a single file by using the "Combine JavaScript output into file" option in the project properties of your TypeScript project.
This problem is reproducible on a brand new project in Visual Studio 2015 Update 1 Community Edition via File -> New project -> TypeScript -> "Blank Node.js Web Application", I am running TypeScript 1.7.6 which is the latest at time of writing, and it is not doing this. It is still outputting individual .js files side-by-side to the .ts counterparts.
I have also tried typing in an entire file path into that field, also tried an entire file path into the "Redirect JavaScript output to directory" option too to no avail.
The reason I want to be able to do this, is because I initiate my TypeScript compiler outside Visual Studio via Grunt task runner.
you should be able to compile the TypeScript output into a single file by using the "Combine JavaScript output into file" option in the project properties of your TypeScript project.
Not if you are using external modules. Which is what you should be doing in a NodeJS project.
Here is a 10 minute video on the subject :
NodeJS config quickstart :
Don't use --out

How to debug tests with karma.js + require.js

I have a setup basically described here -
Problem is that I can't see source files of my tests in Chrome dev tools. So I can't debug it. Adding debugger; works but it is very uncomfortable, almost unusable since I can't browse any other file except the one with debugger; currently fired
Seems like karma load files, parse them, wrap each test and then unload files before run.
ng-boilerplate has a grunt build that will put all your plain js files into a build directory for testing and debugging.
Take a look at the Gruntfile and karma/karma-unit.tpl.js for how this is done.
Running grunt watch will leave your browser in a state where you can debug all your tests. Just click the debug button, set your break point(s) and reload the page.
Suddenly, you are debugging any or all your js files.
If you need to debug your test deeply, this is generally an indicator of badly organized code or badly made unit test. If you follow a TDD workflow, taking small step will help you prevent any major issue with your code. I warmly recommend you watch this video: (it doesn't use Karma, but you should watch it for the workflow/the principles presented)
Then, if you really want to debug your test code, nothing beat the browser. As so, you should set up your test in a manner it can be runned both in Karma and the browser. We implemented this for QUnit, Jasmine and Mocha on the Backbone-Boilerplate. Feel free to base yourself on these settings to set up your own environment.

Chutzpah Test Adapter not displaying results

I cannot get the Visual Studio 2012 Adapter to work. I'm only posting this question after several unsuccessful hours trying to get it to work. The .html file is being generated correctly but the results don't show. The context menu runner works - it displays results correctly in the Output window.
I notice when I look in the source of the generated .html file the references are to the jasmine files (and others) in the extensions directory. When I ran the page using chrome dev tools and stepped through the code there was an error because the JavaScript could not access the file path (which is what I would expect).
I'm planning a full JavaScript app for my next major project (node backend) and I would like to use Visual Studio for its testing tools and this would have been very useful but I don't want to spend any more time on this hence the reason for posting here. My question is similar to this one ...
Chutzpah in Visual Studio 2012 Not Scanning HTML Test Harnesses
The reason I've posted again is because I am not using an html page and I thought the other question was for something slightly different (although I may be wrong). I was following these instructions initially ...
