Streaming a file off a server - cmusphinx

I am trying to stream the recorded audio from my raspberry pis to my desktop computer which handles pocketsphinx phenomenally. I can pipe the audio using
arecord -D plughw:1,0 -r 16000 -f S16_LE | ssh -C user# sox - test.wav
And then run it using
pocketsphinx_continuous -dict ~/4568.dic -lm ~/4568.lm -infile ~/test.wav
But once it reaches the end of the file, it stops, even though the file is still writing. Is there a way to keep it open?

Use named pipe instead of a regular file. Also you can file an issue at requesting that pocketsphinx_continious should be able to read from stdin. And of course you're welcome to submit such a patch.

To anyone else finding this,
arecord -D plughw:1,0 -r 16000 -f S16_LE | ssh -C user# pocketsphinx_continuous -infile /dev/stdin
is how to do it


Merge multiple .raw file into single wav file using Sox

Does any one know how to merge multiple raw audio file into single wav file. I am using Sox but any other tools also fine.
I am trying below commands, but i know something wrong here
sox -r 16000 -b 16 -c 1 -e signed-integer file1.raw file2.raw out.wav
I am missing something ?
You need to specify all input file parameters per file (as RAW obviously does not have a header). Your initial guess was same as mine: that -r 16000 -b 16 -c 1 -e signed-integer applies to both file1.raw and file2.raw. It doesn't.
Here's how it should be done:
sox -r 16000 -b 16 -c 1 -e signed-integer file1.raw -r 16000 -b 16 -c 1 -e signed-integer file2.raw out.wav
You might want to add option -m for merge.

Play an MP3 file as it's being written

I'm saving an fm station to an mp3 file using rtl_fm and sox.
rtl_fm to capture the signal and sox to transcode it to mp3.
rtl_fm -M wbfm -f 88.1M -d 0 -s 22050k -l 310 | sox -traw -r8k -es -b16 -c1 -V1 - -tmp3 - | sox -tmp3 - some_file.mp3
Then I'm trying to play that file in a second terminal, as the mp3 is being written using:
play -t mp3 some_file.mp3
The problem is that it only plays up until the time the mp3 had at the time the play command was invoked.
How do I get it to play the appended mp3 over time, while it's being written?
Running on Raspberry Pi 3 (Raspian Jessie), NooElec R820T SDR
There are a couple of things here. I don't think sox supports "tailing" a file, but I know mplayer does. However, in order to have better control over the pipeline, using gstreamer might be the way to go, as it has a parallel event stream built into its effects pipeline.
If you want to stick with sox, I would first get rid of the redundant second invocation of sox, e.g.:
rtl_fm -M wbfm -f 88.1M -d 0 -s 22050k -l 310 |
sox -ts16 -r8k -c1 -V1 - some_file.mp3
And in order to play the stream while transcoding it, you could multiplex it with tee, e.g.:
rtl_fm -M wbfm -f 88.1M -d 0 -s 22050k -l 310 |
tee >(sox -ts16 -r8k -c1 -V1 - some_file.mp3) |
play -ts16 -r8k -c1 -
Or if you want them to be separate processes:
# Save stream to a file
rtl_fm -M wbfm -f 88.1M -d 0 -s 22050k -l 310 > some_file.s16
# Encode stream
sox -ts16 -r8k -c1 -V1 some_file.s16 some_file.mp3
# Start playing the file at 10 seconds in
tail -c+$((8000 * 10)) -f some_file.s16 |
play -ts16 -r8k -c1 -

Check if a video file has subtitles

Is it possible to check if a video file has a subtitle using bash and get a simple answer like "yes" or "no". I don't need to know any details about the subtitles.
Maybe using ffmpeg?
This should display a 0 if subtitles are found, and 1 if not found.
ffmpeg -i video -c copy -map 0:s:0 -frames:s 1 -f null - -v 0 -hide_banner; echo $?
ffmpeg -i $filename 2>&1 | grep "Subtitle:"
ffmpeg -i $filename 2>&1 | select-string "Subtitle:"
The ffmpeg command fails if no output file is provided, but the error message contains all information about the input file. The expression 2>&1 redirects error stream to standard output so it can be piped into grep/select-string command.

Recording with arecord stops after 1h 33m Under Fedora 23

I'm using this command to record audio in Linux Fedora 23
/usr/bin/arecord -d 11400 -D hw:1,0 -f S32_LE -c2 -r48000 -t wav | lame -b 192 - longrec.mp3 >> output.txt 2>&1 & echo $!
Basically I want an mp3 record of 3 hours and 10 minutes (11400 seconds) from the input soundcard. Everything works fine when started, but it always stops after 1h33m12s. File output.txt shows nothing of any interest:
LAME 3.99.5 64bits (
Using polyphase lowpass filter, transition band: 18774 Hz - 19355 Hz
Encoding <stdin> to longrec.mp3
Encoding as 48 kHz j-stereo MPEG-1 Layer III (8x) 192 kbps qval=3
Any clue of what the problem is?
[SOLVED] instead of using arecord I have switched to ffmpeg, command:
ffmpeg -f pulse -i alsa_input.usb-Focusrite_Scarlett_Solo_USB-00.analog-stereo -t 11400 -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 192k longrec.mp3
Has the same effect as arecord one and it also doesn't block sound-card resource (I can run multiple ffmpeg record instance from the same source, while with arecord I can do only one).

hide output of aplay shell command

Is there a way to hide the output of the aplay command when play a sound?
I tried this without success
$ aplay ~/.zsh/sounds/done.wav >> /dev/null
Playing WAVE '/home/oscar/.zsh/sounds/done.wav' : Unsigned 8 bit, Rate 11025 Hz, Mono
I'll appreciate your help.
Simply add the -q option:
aplay -q ~/.zsh/sounds/done.wav
No need to redirect stdout to /dev/null there.
Another note: aplay actuall sends messages to /dev/stderr (fd 2). You can also nullify the output by sending it to /dev/null:
aplay ~/.zsh/sounds/done.wav 2>/dev/null
You can see more options with aplay --help. This line is about -q:
-q, --quiet quiet mode
