Marking an Excel Spreadsheet with a value range - excel

I teach a budgeting course for my professional association. As part of that course, students are required to submit a draft budget as part of their marks. The budget template that I have to use is kindof set in stone. The association offers it's courses at various college locations and I can't just arbitrarily change it's contents.
That being said, marking this assignment is a pain in the neck! I'm looking for an easy way to be able to compare the values in a cell, and then mark it correct or incorrect, if it is within an expected range..
For example, students are required to estimate the expenses for the current year. If their estimate is within $200 +/- of what the answer key states, then I would mark their answer correct.
I am not a coder by trade, but rather an armchair coder who will search out and self teach what I need to solve my problem, so I'm not afraid of a bit of homework myself. I have not been able to find any solution so far. Right now, my students submit their assignment hardcopy, and I manually mark their spreadsheets. Tedious to say the least. Any searches I try to perform for academic marking of an Excel spreadsheet only return solutions to use Excel as a tracking tool for student marks, which is not what I'm looking for.
My college uses Desire2Learn as their online platform for content delivery, and students can submit their material electronically, I want an easy way to determine if they have completed the spreadsheet correctly.
Any help, or pointers in the right direction would be greatly appreciated!

There are probably several ways to tackle this problem but this might be something simple if the layout of the sheets doesn't change. You could create a worksheet with 3 sheets.
1. a sheet to copy their work into
2. "Master" sheet with the correct answers
3. "Grading" sheet that has formulas that calculate the difference (possibly within a range). For example IF(ABS(Sheet 1!B20 - Sheet 2!B20)>200,"Correct","Incorrect"). Calculates the absolute value of the difference between the same cell address on 2 different sheets then compares to the expected answer and returns Correct or Incorrect.
You would still have to copy their work into your master worksheet one at a time. Remember this only works if their worksheet layout doesn't change.
Post a rely along with a sample of the data if you need something more flexible.


How to make formula results static [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Or perhaps another way to look at it would be how to make a formula result static...
The problem: I have created an invoicing/booking solution for my business using excel sheets, I have many sheets such as delivery addresses, client data and addresses, bookings, jobs, invoices and so on. There are many many formulas which do different things at different times, for example, if a client books a service for an address the sheet will auto calculate the cost of the service through a series of formulas and IF statements. But if I change any of the data a pricing formula relies on it will recalculate all formulas relating to that data change, an example a customer books today at $100, on their next booking I give that customer a permanent discount of $25 on all future bookings, once I add the discount against the customer, the pricing formulas recalculate all the formulas which could cause obvious accounting issues.
I know wrapping time and date stamps in an if statement can stop a similar issue occuring and that their is also macros that can be written to time stamp on an event, can anything be done with the formulas or is there another workaround to this issue, ive almost got all the functionality I need without using any macros which in itself is an achievement but on the other hand if a macro is the only way, any options it would be great.
In short can anyone offer any solutions to making formula results static to those cells, ie rewrite the formula with the result itself so the result is permanent and therefor only editable manually.
I havent included any screenshots as I couldnt really see what would be relevant, but if there are any bits you'd like to see or have more info on to help answer feel free to ask
It's hard to give you specific advise to implement a non-trivial change on a complex workbook-based pricing application that we have no knowledge of. But here goes...
Make up a new table called CustomerDiscount. That table should have three columns: CustomerID, Date, and Discount. Then rewrite your formulas in your 'transactional' sheet where you are taking booking or whatever, so that they match the CustomerID and Date against the CustomerDiscount table and so pull out the relevant discount that applies after date x.
You can likely find generic examples on Google. The concepts involved here are 'Approximate VLOOKUP' or 'Approximate INDEX/MATCH' so try those search terms in google, and perhaps add something like 'look up next highest date' or similar. I can't give you any more specific advice than that without you having a go at implementing this new 'CustomerDiscount' structure, having a crack at it yourself, and then posting back a much more specific question if you get stuck.
Relying on some trigger to either calculate or not calculate a result is NOT the way to go, because you will always have a nagging fear that something might have been recalculated when it shouldn't have been, and vice versa. You need a audit trail. Without one, you're a sitting duck.
There are 2 potential solutions: 1. You can go to your formula tab, to the calculation section, and select to "manual calculation" on/off. It's default is on. But if you turn it off, you can change anything and keep the values you have. However, you will have to hit "calculate now" every time you make a change and need it updated, this is very easy to forget to do.
Secondly, you can right click on any of the work book tabs at the bottom and select "Move or copy", and you can make a copy to a blank workbook. You can then save that workbook as their invoice/book.
Also, you can copy a cell, or range of cells, then right click and "paste values" in which the formulas are replaced with the values you are currently seeing. You wouldn't want to do this on your master workbook.
Contact me if you think a macro automating this would be useful. Hopefully some or all of these ideas are useful to you! Please leave a comment if you need further explanation.

Calculating Multiple Averages

It's my first time posting a question to this forum. Though I have found answers here many times before, I have been unable to find a solution to my current predicament.
I work in a call center and each week I need to analyze data from the thousands of call that took place over the week. I'm new to programming in Excel-VBA but I've been able to get pretty far.
The data is produced by a third party program and the format is nigh unreadable. Much of the programming I've done so far has been geared towards making the data more organized. Now, I'd like to get into more analysis.
The data is arranged by employee number (NOT in order, though). Each employee takes several calls over the course of the week, some for which the customer takes a survey. It's the survey scores I want. I want to take the average of all the surveys for each employee and then display that average in the same row as each of the entries.
The yellow highlighted area is what I want to add. Any ideas? Thanks for any help in advance!
No need for VBA. If you have the supported version of Excel you can use AVERAGEIF. If not you can use below formula.
Enter as an array formula by pressing Ctrl+Shift+Enter when exiting cell edit mode (instead of just enter).
Then copy down for all rows.

Dividing people in to groups based on strength and rank

after using Solver which Saulo Suggested I have managed to get excel sorting them in to groups up to 8 groups of 3. though am approaching troubles when going further ideally at this time I need to be able to do 18 groups of 3. but even with the same settings obviously adjusting for the increase in groups excel seems to belly up on the process and fails, any suggestions to adapt to this?
I am trying to figure out an easy and as accurate as possible without going too crazy with the math and formulas as I am basic with my excel coding (coding in general) to calculate the ideal groups of 3 based on rank and strength for a video game.
I want to pair the strongest with the weakest and then fill the gaps evenly for the 3rd person. so, that each team’s overall strength is the same roughly.
factors I have is a designated leader(rank) and an overall power level(strength).
doing this manually isn't too hard but trying to automate it is. any thoughts or suggestions would be amazing!?
something like this but automated which is where I am getting stuck, as I want to be able to add more players and adjust strengths as they come along.
Hope this makes sense.
Jordan, you have a classic situation to use "Solver". First of all, you have to make "Solver available in your Excel. Select Home -> Option -> Supplements -> Solver. Then, the solver button´s will be at the "Data" menu.
Solver is about solving a problem with especific conditions, changing specific cell, with specifc purpose. In your case, your purpose is creat teams with the minimal strength diference. A condition of your problem is that teams should have the same number of players. See how I organized the sheet.
When do you open solver, the first field is "Seat Goal". Our goal (or purpose) is reduce the diference between teams as minimal as possible. So we selected the cell with the diference between teams. Then we have to tell to excel that our purpose is that cell have the minimal value (chossing "min").
Then we have to tell excel wich cells they can change values to achieve our goal. In this case, Excel can change the teams of player, so we select the cells with the teams.
Last we have to tell excel whats condition (or restrictions) of this problem. The first restction is that the total of player of team 1 is tree. The total of players of team 2 is, both, 3. Then we have to tell to excel what are the limits (superior and inferior) of values of variable cells. In this case, we chose superior or equal to 1, AND (other restrction) inferior or equal to 2.
Ok. Now we have a problem with specif goal, changing the value of specifc cells, with specif restriction. Now solver can work. Then choose the method of soluction "Evolutionary", Honestly, I do know the diference between the methods, but my experience is that evolutionary method works better than the others.
I recomend reading the excel tutorial on solver. At first, all of us think that is too dificult, but believe that is simpler than it seems.

Dynamic Excel 2007 Dashboard Without VBA

Morning guys,
I'm hoping that one (or more) of you can help me.
I have been tasked with creating a dashboard which needs to display trends and have a dynamic frontsheet, preferably with drop-down or data forms so as to update a chart / graph.
The information itself is incredibly limited - the scope of the document is tracking a value (0-4) assigned to a staff member's ability to fulfill a task, e.g. 'Quotes - 4', 'Cancellation - 2' and so on. So the metrics are limited to:
Month (a worksheet for each month of the year and one front for the dashboard)
Team (Presently 6 teams, but this is likely to increase over time, so hopefully the solution facilitates relatively easy incorporation of new teams)
Employee (Self explanatory)
Task (Presently 25, but as above - subject to change)
Score (the 0-4 value referred to above)
So as you can see, it's a very simple dataset. The sheets are presently set out with six grids with data validation lists for determining Team and Score (dropdowns for easy data input), with the Task being pre-written and the employee entered manually by the user.
What I'm hoping to do is have a frontsheet with dynamic tables that update accordingly when a dropdown and/or data form is changed. The key focus is on getting the staff members up to 4s for all tasks, so ultimately, the charts will display trends for the individual teams (one chart for each team - 6 charts) on a month-on-month basis and also a dynamic table which can reflect specific information (e.g. employee performance on a specific month, or number of '3s' achieved by a specific team to date).
I've read a reasonable amount on this, but seem to have overwhelmed myself with the sheer amount of options. However, the options can be narrowed given that I'm working on a large corporate network that doesn't really facilitate downloads (so add-ins or anything extraneous to Excel 2007 'out-the-box' isn't an option) and preferably without the use of VBA (1. I'm quite a novice insofar as VBA, 2. Easy distribution and maintainence of the document might be marred by VBA?), though I appreciate that my requirements may dictate VBA to be essential.
Does anyone have any suggestions around how best to proceed creation of this dashboard?
Any and all help is appreciated and I apologise as a newbie if I've contravened any conventions around forum etiquette.
Thank you all for your time,
There are a couple of things that you need to consider in a task such as this:
a) what sort of output do you require?
b) how are you going to manage the data?
For a) I'd separate it further into the basics of what's required (time series charts of employee and/or team performances [how will team performance be measured? average, % achieving 4, or ?]) and then the bells and whistles of drop-downs. Focus on the basics, the other stuff first the whizzy stuff can come later. Getting b) right is vital - you are going to be extracting subsets of the data to build the charts you want to display. Get b) wrong and you'll just create a horrible task for yourself.
In your position I would consider re-organising the data into the form of a table. Excel's help defines what is meant by a table, but in essence it is a list of your observations where each observation simply comprises the score for a particular month/team/employee/task combination (so each observation comprises 5 values). The observations are arranged as successive rows of the table with the first row being the header row which will contain suitable labels such as "Month", "Team", "Employee", "Task", "Score". The real advantage of using a table such as this is that Excel provides a heap of in-built facilities for manipulating them - look up the help for Sort and Filter on the Data tab. In your case there is an even more compelling reason for using a table - you can use the Pivot Table and Pivot Chart facilities for analysing and displaying the data. If you have not used these before some time and effort spent learning about them will pay dividends. Once your data is organised and you know how to use Pivot Tables and Charts you should be able to prototype sum output very quickly.
If you do decide to organise your data as a table you can still keep a nice friendly looking grid of 6 team "tables" (different from Excel's use of the word) as a data entry facility to enter each month's scores by employee and task. You will need to find a way of getting each month's data from the data entry "tables" to the main data table. (Easiest way would be to use a bit of spare worksheet under the data entry tables to reproduce the entered data as a series of observation rows and then use Paste Special Values to append these rows to the end of the main table of observations. You can use VBA to automate the copy/paste operation if you want, you just need to figure out a way of identifying how may observations are currently in the main table and precisely where you want the paste to end up - COUNT() or COUNTA() is a useful friend here). Main problem to avoid (whether automated or not) is to avoid appending same entered data more than once to main data table.
Have a look at for a simple example of some of the above thoughts

Best short examples of the need for Excel VBA [closed]

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center.
Closed 10 years ago.
Here's one for Joel...
I am looking for ways to demonstrate to an Excel user (with no programming experience) how learning some Excel VBA can make their life working with Excel a little easier.
First thoughts are to use an example that replicates manual tweaking of a spreadsheet, such as one click conditional formatting of all the data. For example: highlighting all the numbers red, orange or green according to user input thresholds coupled with some other derived data such as current business week.
I am hoping that such a short VBA example should not be too difficult to grasp for someone who has never written a line of code before, and hopefully make a case for trying to learn a bit of Excel VBA.
However, with this example the time taken to code it is not significantly quicker than applying the conditional formatting manually in Excel. So I would be interested to know if anyone in the community has any more elegant examples that demonstrate the advantages of using Excel VBA.
Ideal examples would have the following characteristics:
Significant time savings (large T, where T = time for manual procedure / time to code).
Non-abstract, everyday spreadsheet examples.
End results that can not be easily achieved manually.
Achievable with short, basic VBA code.
Bear in mind that the target audience is taking their first steps into programming.
If you can, watch them use Excel for a 1/2 hour and you'll find the perfect opportunity. When they open that one spreadsheet, autofit all the columns, format col A as a date, right justify col J, delete rows 2 through 5, and change the print orientation to landscape then you've found a winner. Have them do it again, but with the macro recorder on. Then replay the macro recorder.
By working with something they use in real life, it will have more impact.
You don't have to save them 1/2 hour a day with the first shot. Save them 30 seconds of drudgery on something they'll use and they'll start thinking of all the things they want automated. In my experience, they'll go overboard rather quickly. In no time, they'll want Excel to go fill out a web form, import the information, and get them a coffee.
Create your own "function" with VBA that you can use like another function from within the sheet.
You can do things that are not possible in plain Excel, or very hard to implement or reuse.
An example:
In VBA create a new module, add code like this:
Public Function SizeOfFile(a As String)
SizeOfFile = VBA.FileLen(a)
End Function
And you can now use SizeOfFile in a formula in a cell.
If cell A1 contains the name of a file, B1 fill with =SizeOfFile(A1) to get the size.
You can show recording (and editing) a macro, to repeat steps that you do often.
Are the people in the target audience power users?
If so, how about combining data from multiple workbooks using external references? I'm not sure if external references are the best way to do this, and I'm not sure how difficult this would be for someone new to VBA, but that's what I ended up doing in the past.
Example 1
There are many excel files following a naming convention:
I wanted to be able to enter the ID numbers in one column and have a VBA to get the data for me for all the other columns. I chose to do this with external references because then I didn't need to worry about opening and closing files and worrying about whether or not those files existed.
I wanted the result to look like this:
id data hyperlink
1 extRefA1 c:\data1.xls
3 extRefA1 c:\data3.xls
500 extRefA1 c:\data500.xls
I didn't need VBA to make the hyperlink, but I couldn't find an easy way to make external references without VBA. I tried using INDIRECT, but the referenced workbook had to be opened for INDIRECT to work. So, I used VBA to create the external references.
Example 2
This one is similar to Example 1, but I had to combine different chart data.
The data in each excel file were in columns:
1 5
2 10
3 5
4 60
I wanted the combined chart data in rows:
1 2 3 4
data1 5 10 5 60
data3 30 60 4 2
data500 25 45 20 5
So I made a VBA that put a formula array containing an external reference in a TRANSPOSE.
The data1 formula array looked something like this:
I don't know how others use Excel and VBA, but these proved to be extremely useful to me.
My first tentative steps into VBA were taken after I joined a company and saw one of my new team spending 30 minutes each morning compiling a report from a list of about 1,000 items that needed auto-filtered in different ways to produce the required counts. A few hours mucking about with VBA had the task down to a button click and about a second.
Anything like this that involves a loop is going to satisfy your first criteria of a significant time saving. Perhaps a task that involves extracting the area codes or house numbers from a list of 200 phone numbers or addresses?
Here is an awesome msdn link for this question.
has everything you need for a short preso.
