Windows Azure - migration questions - azure

After global overview about Windows Azure platform i still have some questions in my mind i would like you to kindly answer. Hope it will be also usefull for some people besides me.
One of my application uses sql server db for text data and second db which is just simply images db (folder structure own db) where
images are stored and by using ftp my aplication can download/upload
there. The question is: a) If i would go azure does "sql azure" is
place where can i place my sql server db? b) What about my folder
structure database - is there some place on azure storage i could put
my folders containing images and configure ftp to it? I heard about
BLOBS but can i ftp to it?
Is there possibility to place Windows forms application to Azure that it could work as remote application which specific users could
access instead of installing on every client machine?
Regarding Worker role - is there possibility to just simply move Windows service application to azure as worker role or there are some
things which has to be rebuilt to work in azure?

If i would go azure does "sql azure" is place where can i place my sql
server db.
You could definitely use SQL Azure to host your SQL database. Other alternative would be to use a SQL Server inside a Virtual Machine.
What about my folder structure database - is there some place on azure
storage i could put my folders containing images and configure ftp to
it? I heard about BLOBS but can i ftp to it?
Blobs is definitely the place to store files and folders though they don't support FTP. However there are many storage explorers available (both free and paid), using which you can upload files and folders from your local computer into Azure Blob Storage. Another alternative would be Azure File Storage.
Is there possibility to place Windows forms application to Azure that
it could work as remote application which specific users could access
instead of installing on every client machine?
Yes, it is possible. Please look into Azure Remote App Service.
Regarding Worker role - is there possibility to just simply move
Windows service application to azure as worker role or there are some
things which has to be rebuilt to work in azure?
You can't deploy a Windows Service application as is into a Worker role. You have to tweak your code a bit. Other alternatives that you may want to look into is hosting your Windows Service in a Virtual Machine (to the best of my knowledge, it should be without any code changes) or converting your Windows Service into a WebJob.

In addition to everything that Gaurav mentions and as he alludes to, you can also investigate Azure Files. You can mount file shares from any onprem application. Since Azure Files supports the SMB protocol, you can use standard file system API to interact with it.


Save files on Azure App Services and make them accesible from the outside

I am new to Web-Development and have therefor maybe a beginner question.
So I am having a Web-App with an Angular Frontend und .Net backend, deployed on Azure.
Now users should be able to upload files (pdf, etc.) to the server which sould be stored permanetly. I would prefer to store them on a normal filesystem, so I don't want to use a database. Futhermore the files should be accessible for external services for futher processing.
I am not sure if that is possible with Azure App Services or if I need some other components. The only way I found to store files on the server is in the "wwwroot" folder. But I found no way to download them from the outside. Should I create a Web-API for that or do I think to complicated? Should I deploy my App somewhere else? What could be a way to implement this?
Thanks for any help.
You should use Azure Storage.
In Azure storage you can find mainly two options in your case. Blob and File Storage.
Blob is "more advanced" in a sense that it serves files on the browser, streaming video and audio etc.
File storage is a replacement of an on-premises file server.
Both options support file access by external services, and in addition to authorization, both are supported with Azure AD and shared access token.

Use Azure data sync with localdb

How can I use Azure Data Sync with localdb?
Please note: I am not asking about using it with a "Local Database" as in an on-prem database. I am speaking specifically about the technology (particular Sql Server Edition) known as localdb. As in (localdb)\MSSQLLocalDB.
The issue is adding the localdb instance to SQL Data Sync Agent. The agent must be run under an entity (windows login) that has permission to run as a service. It can not be run using a windows live identity which is what the users are usually logged in as. Yet it also needs to have permissions to the database in localdb.
Use Case:
I have a central database running in Azure. With multiple users with laptops and limited internet connection, running local apps (some built in Access). Connecting directly from the apps to Azure is too slow or otherwise impractical. Therefore I install the lightweight localdb as a cache for the users data. Which will be merged using Azure Data Sync.
I am currently using a solution built directly on Microsoft Sync Framework. However there is a maintenance overhead on that solution. So I would like to migrate to the Microsoft maintained Azure Data Sync.
Thank you
Ok, it was actually a silly mistake.
You actually can run the SQL Data Sync Agent using a windows live identity. You just need to use the local user name. Which is the name of the folder for that user in the Users folder. You must also use the name of the computer in the format MyComputer\localUserName.
Once I was running the SQL Data Sync Agent under the currently logged in user - who also has access to the DB - everything else ran smoothly.

Azure web apps with user uploaded content

I'm building an app involves user uploaded content (images, docs, pdfs) and would like to consider azure web apps for the hosting solution. Of particular interest is the deployment slot feature.
I understand that using the deployment slots prevents me from storing the user content in the filesystem.
I'm not excited about using blob storage for the user uploaded content because that really ties my app to Azure and would make it difficult to move to another host or implement a vendor redundant DR site. Database storage isn't all that exciting to me either.
Ideally the web app would have a virtual directory mapped to that blob storage but I understand that isn't a possibility.
Are there any good solutions to this issue?
You can add web apps to a virtual network that allow you to store content on file shares on other machines in the vnet. Doing so allows the webapp to communicate with other machines on the network where you can configure a file share.
You could point the website to the share via the web.config/application settings section of the portal to point deployment slots to different shares, etc.
Here's an official link:

Basic Azure Storage getting started. Create Scheduled File back up

This is probably a basic question but all I am looking for in Azure is the ability to back up files on my Windows Server at a scheduled time. MS SQL, MySQL and Web Site Files.
I have created a Trial account and a Storage plan but need a pointer to which section of the Dashboard I should be visiting - it isn't immediately apparent!
I assume you are asking about backing up your Windows server running as a VM instance on Azure.
Below is the latest Azure VM backup guide from Microsoft.
Hope it helps!
Azure virtual machine back up

Azure file storage

I have hosted a MVC application on Azure using Cloud App service. The application has a document management module. Currently, I am storing the Documents uploaded by the user from application in Cloud App server. I have created a virtual directory which points to the Documents physical directory. The documents are stored in D drive. Whenever Azure machine reboots, my documents stored in the machine are lost.
What the better way of storing/retrieving files in an Azure hosted web application? Should I move my document management to Azure File Storage?
If you want to use normal Win32 API's for writing the file to storage then Azure Files is a great option - especially as it seems that you already have a working application. If instead you have control over how the files are written and don't mind updating to use Blob API's then you can also use Blobs.
Should I move my document management to Azure File Storage?
Yes. Or to Blob Storage or SQL, whatever suits your needs.
