Resources/Explanations on Current Web Architecture & Technologies across the stack? - web

I am building a new web app but i feel i don't have the big picture representation that I wish to have before building it so I am looking for resources to really understanding the web as whole throughout the full stack.
I've been a self-taught web developer since 2006 but I took a long break during university in 2010 and finished in 2014 and came out and the whole picture of web had changed.
I was familiar with the LAMP architecture and back then as long as you understood PHP, JavaScript, JQuery, MySQL, HTML & CSS you were fine; now MEAN is making a lot of noise and i just took a look at what Facebook is built with and it talks of HipHop which I have never heard of before and i feel quite lost with frameworks and languages popping out every other week.
I basically am looking for resources to understand the web as a whole, not just to create web pages so I can make informed decisions about building this and any other web app in the future. I want to know how all these new technologies are fitting into the picture.
Thank you

The big picture is you need a database, a data access layer that talks to that database, something to route the requests and something to display the result to the page.
There are lots of frameworks / technologies. IMO the LAMP stack is a bit old school. Not that it's not fit for purpose, it's just there are faster, better, easier stacks than that.
In terms of development languages and frameworks I would check out
Spring-boot (with MVC, JPA, freemarker + mysql),
For databases mysql is always really popular because it's free. H2 is a free in memory database, I thinks it's a nice db to get up and running real fast.
Generally these days data access Is done through some sort of 'Object Relational Mapper' framework like Hibernate (if ur using Java), Linq (if ur using ASP.NET) or whatever ruby on rails uses.
For the view technology html, css is obviously standard but lately Bootstrap3 is really popular as a front end UI framework to make things a lot easier. In terms of Javascript, jQuery is basically a defacto standard these days. Something like Knockout.js or Angular.js provides nice data binding between your model and your view to make things a lot easier.
Not to mention as an extra layer these days people are also putting their apps inside Docker containers and deploying them that way for maximum portability. So that is something that is new and to you won't have seen before if you've been away from the game for a while.
Anyway, my favourite is the spring-boot stack. It has an embedded instance of the Tomcat web server and it comes all auto configured.

I believe the main changes that affected the course of current web development scenariois related to cloud based services, like Amazon AWS, Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Virtual Private Servers (VPS).
Now is cheaper and possible to plan and develop a distributed environment to achieve a massive numbers of users. Servers are adapting their technologies to this new scenario and to providing easy webservices endpoints for mobile clients via REST APIs (like Google, Facebook, Soundcloud and almost every other service provider) using JSON for small data transfers between server ans clients.
This is the present and near future of web development. And we can no more close our eyes to mobile. Te mobile first era is comming.
You can use LAMP stack for webdevelopment, with or without frameworks like zend, cakephp and others, but the end product will be a REST or RESTfull service provider and a client to consume the services and integrate with many 3rdParties like Google, Yahoo, Facebook, Amazon services to build modern applications.
As for databases, there are now distributed non relacional noSQL hadoop, mongodb, mariadb bring more options to plan robust infra-structure and flexible ajustable for all needs.
To create a great web platform is necessary to know the existence of all this tools and possibilities, but specialize and deep learn only the tools you will choose to develop, because it is impossĂ­vel learn everything, our brain cant handle :) and all se em to update very fast in this area.
Choose right one is difficult, there is a lot of options, but the main concept will be always the same, there will be a provider and consumer fronts, distributed or non-distributed, and a multi layered development involving UI, integration, business and data (big data) manipulation. But now on the Cloud.
You can find good official material for Php, amazon webservices, nonSQL databases, common 3rdparty APIs like Google Apps, Facebook...REST clients end framework, JSON...and there is a lot of good alternative sources too...get some open-source project example on Github (GIT is another mandatory tool to learn).
I particulary develop in Java now, Linux/MySQL/Tomcat on amazon AWS infra-structure, using Java-JSP for server and web client, and Java for Android..I just have to deal with Java environments and one language for Server (webserver and SO programs) and clients (web and mobile) development.
Well I hope I could help, I dont know if this is exactly the answer also if I made it clear cause my english is basic...
Well, have a nice weekend.


How to choose the best tech stack for an application

I wanted to start a full stack project, with all the tech stacks in the market i am confused to which one should i pick. I know reactjs in frontend, nodejs and a little bit of django in backend.
First should i use Reactjs or any other frontend framework which is a single page application so all the JS code will execute from frontend or should i use that or Nextjs which does the server side rendering so in the browser we reduce the execution of js. If i stick with Nextjs then suppose i wanted to create a mobile app for my project can i use the nextjs for that or should i shift the code entirely
2)Does backend language really matter, if matters which language should i use and If it doesn’t matter then in nodejs which server framework should i pick(ex: expressjs)
Should I go with server or serverless while creating the api then it does not matter with the framework(because lately I have seen many realtime apps backend code is entirely wrriten by serverless functions using cloud)
4)tell me some of the important things i should use in a realtime app like docker, Kubernetes, load balancer, and any other things you might think this should be present in the full stack app
if you know any blogs or articles about choosing the architecture for ur project comment down.
This is a very opinion and experience based question that cannot be answered as you are asking it (and is technically out of scope in stackoverflow). I will try to help as much as possible anyway.
In general many different stacks are viable and in order to be productive it is more important that you are experienced in what you decide to use. This is because most technologies have pitfalls that can only be avoided by knowing them / experience.
Besides the frontend technologies/frameworks you listed there are many others. Having some experience with React-Native as well, my personal current favorites would be Angular and Flutter (both Google technologies) for web/apps.
It does and it doesn't matter. Without knowing your specific requirements no recommendation can be given though. As a general hint I recommend to use a language that your developers love - There is usually a reason for it. See the 2021 Stackoverflow Developer Survey.
Server vs. Serverless is mostly a business decision and you have to model your costs including hosting / development / maintenance efforts vs. usage models. Another aspect in this decision is time-to-market pressure since Serverless may be a bit faster to finish in some scenarios.
This cannot be answered without knowing the details and requirements of your project. Recommendations could be from hosting a static single web page in a S3 bucket to running your own fleet of (cloud-)-bare-metal clusters or buying a supercomputer.

What is absolutely necessary to have a website running on the web?

After a couple hours of searching top lists of free "web servers" and "web frameworks" on google, I realized I'm not sure what I'm looking at.
Let's take a couple of example softwares I have come across :
Apache HTTP server
Apache Tomcat
Questions :
Do all these work on the same scope/do the same thing?
If not, what is absolutely necessary to have my "helloworld.html" acessible from anywhere with internet? Let's consider I already have a dedicated server and a domain
Also if not, how do these work together/compliment eachother?
Each of this software has a different description on their website for what it does, what it is, who should use it, it really gets confusing when you're trying to find what is "fresh", what the cool kids are using
IIS and Apache are web servers that support a variety of different technologies for plugging code into the web servers. So, if you were using one of these web servers, you would also use some other framework and language runtime to plug into them.
Apache Tomcat is a Java-based server framework for web applications. From the wikipedia page: "Apache Tomcat, often referred to as Tomcat, is an open-source Java Servlet Container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF). Tomcat implements several Java EE specifications including Java Servlet, JavaServer Pages (JSP), Java EL, and WebSocket, and provides a "pure Java" HTTP web server environment in which Java code can run." It may be used independently of the Apache Web Server. The "Apache" in the name has to do with it being part of the Apache open-source organization. So, if you want to program your server in Java, this is one of your options.
node.js is a Javascript-based framework that is both a framework and it's own web server. So, if you want to program your web server in Javascript, this is your main option. There are additional frameworks you might use with node.js such as Express to make programming your web server simpler.
Django is a python-based framework. If you want to program your web server in Python, this is one of your choices. is really not like any of the others. is a layer on top of webSockets that gives you a whole bunch of additional features over webSockets. This would run in whatever server-side language and framework you were already using and you would have to select a library that was compatible with your server technology. You can see a list of features that adds on top of a webSocket here: Moving from to raw websockets?. webSockets themselves are used for continuous communication between server and client (more efficient than repeated Ajax calls) and for push notification from server to client.
So, if you were looking to select a technology from scratch, there are a number of different ways you could start your selection process.
If you have a preferred language (Java, Python, Javascript, Ruby, C#, etc...) you either know already or want to learn, then you can look at the frameworks that support your language and start there. The framework will indicate whether you need a companion web server or whether than is already part of the framework.
If you have an existing hosting company that you want to use, you may need to understand which technologies they support so you don't select something that would require you to change hosting companies. Not all hosting companies support all technologies and some are better specialists in some technologies.
If you have specific 3rd party code or libraries you want to use, you may want to investigate which languages/frameworks it can more easily be used with.
What is fresh and what the cool kids are using changes pretty regularly. I would suggest that's a crummy criteria. What makes more sense is to understand which technologies and frameworks are doing well with accelerating growth and a rich development community behind them vs. which ones may be falling out of favor. I haven't myself done any sort of overall survey to offer any sort of list of what's on the upswing and doing well vs. what is more stagnant.
I'm personally partial to node.js and the huge NPM library of open-source and compatible code you can draw from and the ability to use one language for both front-end and back-end. It is certainly one of the choices that is growing rapidly and has a vibrant development community behind it. But, it is not the only choice that would meet those qualifications.

What are the present technologies used to develop web applications for faster development

I would like to build a web application from scratch. How do i choose the technologies? It should be easier and faster.
The application have to develop for my own use. How do i make decision.
Please help me?
Back-end developers should develop and maintain functional logic and operations of a website or a software. You should have programming skills in languages such as Java, Python, PHP, Ruby or another high-level programming language used for back end.
Database creation, integration and managing with tools such as MySQL, MongoDB, SQLite etc. Some knowledge on back-end frameworks would definitely help (Laravel, Django, Ruby on Rails).
Your role would be to create and maintain application logic, databases, API integrations, content management system (CMS) development. You should know a thing or two about security and hack prevents as well.
You would also perform testing and debugging of back-end.

How to effectively work with front-end web development adapted for back-end developers?

This is quite a debate we have at the moment between colleagues and I'm looking for fresh news ideas or suggestions. Where better than StackOverflow to ask!
We have web developers and back-end developers (PHP for Drupal or JSP for other platforms) and we used to develop a working static HTML/CSS/JS prototype and handed it to back-end developers to integrate.
However, we end up having issues where they have to split the static prototype to fit their different JSP/PHP pages and some bugs surfaces. We then have to double check their integration and squash the bugs.
I'm wondering if there's a way to create, deconstruct the static prototype to be easier to integrate for back-end developers? Maybe a way to split files and use SHTML includes to map the back-end? I'm just throwing ideas...
What do you think?
The terms web developer and backend developer are not clearly defined. This is partly due, in my opinion, to the templating technologies used (PHP, JSP, etc.) which encourage this problem. We talk of front-end and back-end developers but don't consider front-end and back-end applications.
I'm wondering if there's a way to create, deconstruct the static
prototype to be easier to integrate for back-end developers?
I think the better solution is to have back-end developers be just that, back-end developers. Why are you giving a presentation template to a back-end developer (I know, it's because you're using a templating technology such as PHP, JSP, etc.)?
If you really want to fix this problem you've got to separate these rolls by ditching the templating technologies and adopt a RESTful approach. Allow your back-end developers to only develop server-side code. Allow your front-end developers to only develop client-side code. Let the user interface designers provide a static prototype to the client developer who will make rest api calls to get the data needed to populate the static prototype. Then the back-end developer won't ever have to touch a piece of the client-side presentation.
Doing this will allow you to have multiple clients (web, mobile, etc.) using the same RESTful services.
See this SO Question/Answer for more on RESTful web services.

What are the best development tools to use in this project?

I am currently devising 3 database desktop applications for different users in a manufacturing company (one for the accounting department, sales department, production department). All applications have different functions but they should be able to access the data of the other department to reflect business transactions. What is the best programming language and database to use for this kind project? The three computers are not physically connected so I was thinking of having them to access a remote database. The language I am most familiar with is Java but I am very open to learning others if it would be more beneficial to the company. I was also thinking of having to use Adobe Air as I am adept with web programming but could still run as a desktop app but I can't seem to find sufficient resources of distributed systems using Adobe air. Any ideas would be very much appreciated. Thanks!
Lots of languages will do this just fine, including Java. You're familiar with that so my advice is stick to it with one caveat: depending on your requirements I would seriously suggest examining the possibility of making it a Web app instead. Desktop database apps are somewhat... old-fashioned. More to the point they'll create a bunch of headaches for you such as installation, Swing is annoying and tedious, etc.
As for what database, barring requirements you haven't specified, anything will do so pick something free like MySQL.
So for a desktop Java app I would:
Put the database on a remote server;
Put an application server or Web container on that same server;
Create a Webapp on the app server for handling RPC;
Pick a method of RPC, be it Web services or whatever, and use Spring to implement it;
Create a desktop Java app in Swing and distribute it to clients from the app server via Webstart (JNLP).
If it's a Web app:
Put the database and appserver or Web container on one server;
Pick a Java Web framework and create a bunch of Web pages that do what you want.
In all cases, have it be the same app but just act differently on the user type. This is much better than maintaining three different apps.
Also if you do a Web app, you might want to consider using PHP as it's a fast and proven way of knocking up Web pages and probably sufficient for the kind of internal application that you're doing.
