Passing google identity from chrome extension to my node.js app - google-chrome-extension

Overview: I am trying to understand the interactions between OAuth security in my server and in my chrome extension. I think I have 90% of the answer working, but I'm missing a bit. I'd like to find the cleanest way to finish my implementation using existing tools, rather than reinventing any wheels.
Background: I have a node.js app that uses passport, passport-google-auth, and express-session to authenticate users. I save per-user information, keyed by the user's Google identity. This works fine. My web pages can exchange data with the app, and the Google login screen pops up correctly in exactly the cases I'd expect.
I also have a chrome extension, which includes a browser_action popup that needs to write data to my node.js app and a content_script that needs to read data from my app.
My extension already uses chrome.identity.getAuthToken to get the user identity.
For testing, if I ignore security, I can pass this id to my node.js app, and access the info I need.
But, this is no good, of course. I want my node.js API to be locked down, only letting in clients that have the cookie generated for me by passport.
Side note: I imagine, instead, that I could do some song-and-dance wheel reinvention and pass the id securely to my server via https. But this seems completely wrong, right?
Question: I assume that my chrome extension really should be doing the OAuth2 dance directly with my node.js app. But, I don't know what piece I should be using, or how to cleanly play with chrome.identity. I suspect that I'm just missing a small bit of wisdom, but I don't know what it is.
Side comment: Because cookies are shared between browser tabs, I can (clumsily) achieve what I want by simply connecting to my node.js app from another tab in the browser. So, I guess I just need to get the same behavior from my extension background page.

It looks like the easiest answer for me was to use the Stormpath APIs for this. It took some effort, but was reasonably straightforward.


How should I set up the auth flow when handling drive files of a user server side?

The gist of it all is that I'm trying to fetch audio metadata from a user's google drive files to store them into firebase.
At first I intended to do this locally, entirely client-sided, because my front-facing web/iOS/Android app is in flutter;
but as it turns out, there's almost no library handling audio metadata properly, and after dabbling with it, I realized I could probably get some formats (say, .wav & most RIFF-type audio files) to work, but doing an entire library to handle all kinds of audio metadata was a task significantly bigger than my original plans. Another option would be to create interfaces between C++ code and/or JS code into my Flutter application, but I'd have almost no control over that, it's not the easiest of process, and there would be possible inconsistencies between platforms.
I might make that library eventually, but in order to facilitate my work, I decided to use a server as a middleman that'd run with node and handle the file requests and metadata treatment, & also facilitate the interactions with firebase for me by making them handled by a service account.
Now, this makes me run into one issue : how to handle the google Auth.
When my user logs into my app, I get all the required auth scopes (google drive files access and write, contacts, email, etc) for my app; it goes through the consent screen and I get authenticated.
I'm still a little confused with the recommendations from google and best practices in this case, since my app, in itself, did not require an auth system outside of getting access to the google drive files through google identification, and I therefore do not have Firebase/Firestore users; I can simply store them in my (firestore) database for identification purposes (or maybe tie in the frontend flow to my firestore app to also create a user when logging in through google if that is possible. I'm currently using the google sign in
flutter package.)
To come back to my actual problem now that the situation is laid out :
Should I just transfer the auth tokens (and maybe reverify them in some ways to avoid impersonation) from my frontend app to the server through a HTTPS post request or through headers, and use them to directly query the Google Drive API (I wouldn't even need to store them outside of memory, which would be relatively safe against any attacks on the server itself), handle the files and the possibly expired token ?
Should I modify my frontend workflow so it directly grants access to my server who would handle the session rather than getting the tokens locally ?
In the first case, I would most likely simply use the users UID as identifiers for the firestore data (none of it is sensitive anyway, it would simply be playlists and some metadata). In the second case, I could probably implement a stronger security on firestore using the firestore rules,but it'd require a significant amount of refactoring and logic changes in my frontend.
In case that wasn't clear, I wish my server to make all the Drive related requests (after getting the proper authorizations from the user of course) and handle these without having to request the files locally in frontend. Both solutions (and others if available) should work, but I'm wondering what the best practice would be in the context of the Oauth2 system used by google and the fact that the authorization is transitioning between client and server and could be subject to security issues.
I'll add code/visual representations if this isn't clear enough. It is to me, but I obviously designed the mess.

What is the best way to authenticate users with auth0 (oauth2) in a chrome extension that runs content scripts across multiple origins?

I've seen a few posts on this but I want to highlight some specific questions I have yet to see properly answered.
My current chrome extension contains the following:
background service worker
html pages to handle login / logout (although doing this in a popup would be great)
content scripts that run a SPA on certain domains
What I would like is for a user to be able to authenticate with auth0, and then any content script running on any domain can then use an access token to hit my API.
The current challenges I've been seeing that I'm not sure how to tackle:
Ideally each running content script has its own token. This involves using the auth0 session to silently get an access token. However, since auth0 checks the origin when hitting /authorize it would mean registering every domain as an "allowed origin" which is not possible for me due to volume. Currently if I try just setting the redirectURI to my chrome extension URL, it ends up timing out. I have seen some users report this approach working, so I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong or not, but this approach feels unsafe in retrospect.
If I instead funnel my requests through the background script, so all running content scripts effectively use a single access token, how do I refresh that access token? The documentation recommends making a call to /oauth/token which involves the client secret. My guess is this is not something I should be putting into my javascript as all of that is visible to anyone who inspects the bundle. Is that a valid concern? If so, what other approach do I have?
If I do use a manually stored refresh_token, what is the best way to keep that available? The chrome storage API says not to use it for sensitive information. Is it preferred then to keep it in local storage?
If the best option is to have the background script make all the requests on behalf of the content scripts, what is the safest way for the content scripts to make a request through the background script? I would rely on chrome.runtime.sendMessage but it seems like the API supports arbitrarily sending messages to any extension, which means other code that isn't part of the extension could also funnel requests through the background script.
More generally, I would love to hear some guidance on a safe architecture to authenticate users for a multi-domain extension.
I am also not adverse to using another service, but from what I've seen so far, auth0 offers relatively good UX/DX.

How to secure server API in order to reject fake-client calls?

I'm developing both server and client side of a web application and it is almost finish. Now, it is time to secure it.
I read lots of articles and Q-A sites to understand the principles of the concept. But there are still question marks on my mind.
There is a similar question here:
How do I secure REST API calls?
They suggested to use token-based security system, which is very common and practical way. Also services like Firebase, Auth0 are providing this security system.
And this is about "how and where to store token":
If so, how can token protect server from fake-calls while we are storing it in the browsers local storage?
Explaining it with an example in order to be clear:
My client-side code has a form with options. One of the option can be selected via drop down option and there are only "1,2,3,4" in those options. So that, client can never send a form with "5" value to the server. But what if someone use a API tool (for example postman) to send a form with a value of 5? Attacker still can add a token to that request. First login to system as normal user. Than open the developer console of the browser, copy your token and paste to the header of your fake-request.
Not allowing the cross origin calls may solve the problem. But I am not sure if this means server and client should run on the same domain (or host)?
Bonus from stackoverflow: Stackoverflow's use of localstorage for Authorization seems unsafe. Is this correct else how do we strengthen it?
They are also discussing the similar question from another aspect. (Not for the server security but for the user's security.)
Not related but in case of need: front-end is developed with Angular 5, server is developed with Java and Spring Framework.

Security for React front-end and Node back-end

I'm relatively new to the modern JavaScript web development world. I've built a very simple Node/Express back-end and a separate React front-end. My vague plan is to have users that will have permission to access certain areas of the front-end, and then have the front-end make requests to the back-end. Can the front-end and back-end share the same authentication/authorization scheme? Can they both use something like Auth0? How can I make these two secure?
I'm a little stuck and would appreciate any advice or a nudge in the right direction. I'm mostly stuck because these are two separate applications but the same "user" would technically have permissions to certain React views as well as certain Express endpoints - how they moosh together?
Although seems not directly related to your topic, but I would actually suggest you try Meteor if you are not planning to immediately start working on large projects (not pressing too hard on scalability).
Meteor has a builtin support for Accounts and interacts with MongoDB nicely, and it also has its own DDP protocol that simplifies API call massively. It also interacts nicely with React.
If you think Meteor might not be a good choice for yourself, you could still learn from its design policies of authorization, etc. It has quite a bit package source code that are not too difficult to understand, and should be helpful for you to learn the basic idea. (Actually, Meteor's Accounts package already implements the basic idea mentioned by another answerer, you can learn from its design principles)
When users log in to your site, issue them with an access token that they keep client side. On front-end, check if user has token and correct permissions before rendering components. On back-end, send the token as request headers to the endpoints.
I have implemented a similar case, but with the spring boot kotlin at the backend instead. My solution is using JWT token to validate the authentication and authorization.
User logins by input login form and send POST method to backend via a REST API.Backend validates credential and returns the JWT token including encrypted user_role, expiration date, etc... if valid or 403 exception
Front-end decodes the JWT (using jwt-decode lib or something else),
save it to validate the access permission to specific page in the
website based on user_role. Eg: role='ADMIN' can access to admin dashboard page, role='USER' can access user profile page, etc.
If you use express as the backend, I suggest to use the feathersjs. It has backend solutions for this and an optional front end version. Refer:
Secure Front end (React.js) and Back end (Node.js/Express Rest API) with Keycloak follow this

Node js Cross-domain session

Here I will describe the requirement for my project.
Basically I want to build a chat application which I can embed to different websites for example , site build using wordpress, magento, drupal, custom frameworks ... etc . What I actually need is to embed JavaScript for handling socket chat using ( on some of the website(wordpress, magento, drupal ....), so what I finally have is a set of javascript code (client side), and a server running in nodejs (with
The problem I faced is to manage session for registered users after login. Since my code is embedded on different websites and the node server resides on other server , On each page refresh I faced difficult to validate user session session. Could you please help me how I can manage session in a best way for this application.
If you feel difficulty to understand my need , I can explain in detail with examples
Thanking You
If I understand your problem, you just need to handle user sessions? More specifically on the client side?
Based on the information you give, I will just assume you either return a unique string representing the session on the server to the client. The format of this can either be a cookie, a normal string/token, etc.
For cookies, you shouldn't have much problems, since the browser deals with this. Although you might need to set it up correctly on the server.
For tokens/strings that needs to be returned to the server for each request requiring authentication, you should store it in the session-storage/local storage of the browser, depending on your need. Then you should embed it in every requests back to the server and authenticate it.
