Numbering LaTeX bibliography with APA-like formatting - styles

How can I number a LaTeX bibliography with APA-like formatting?
I have tried
but this does not render numbers in the bibliography.

There's a package called apa6 on CTAN. See
The page reads:
The class for­mats doc­u­ments in APA style (6th Edi­tion). It pro­vides a full set of fa­cil­i­ties in three dif­fer­ent out­put modes (jour­nal-like ap­pear­ance, dou­ble-spaced manuscript, LATEX-like doc­u­ment), in con­trast to the ear­lier apa6e, which only for­mats dou­ble-spaced manuscripts in APA style. The class can mask au­thor iden­tity for copies for use in masked peer re­view.


Numbered bibliographies for each section

I am compiling my theses, but I am struggling to get the individual bibliographies number for each chapter. I manged to generate seperate bibliograpies and include them int he table of contents, but they remain unnummbered. Any adivse would be apprecieted.
Kind regards,
Packaginges currenltly used:
\usepackage[skip=0pt plus0pt, indent=0pt]{parskip}
I also notices thaat when I use the standard:
code, the referneces work fine. However, when change the style, e.g. to
a ? is displayed woth an error. Any advise?

Fails to parse Hebrew text from pdf using iText 7 with .net

I am trying to read a PDF file with several pages, using iText 7 on a .NET CORE 2.1
The following is my code:
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1100, 1100);
LocationTextExtractionStrategy strategy = new LocationTextExtractionStrategy();
inputStr = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(pdfDocument.GetPage(i), strategy);
inputStr gets the following string:
"\u0011\v\u000e\u0012\u0011\v\f)(*).=*%'\f*).5?5.5*.\a \u0011\u0002\u001b\u0001!\u0016\u0012\u001a!\u0001\u0015\u001a \u0014\n\u0015\u0017\u0001(\u001b)\u0001)\u0016\u001c*\u0012\u0001\u001d\u001a \u0016* \u0015\u0001\u0017\u0016\u001b\u001a(\n,\u0002>&\u00...
and in the Text Visualizer, it looks like that:
)(*).=*%'*).5?5.5*. !!
())* * (
,>&2*06) 2.-=9 )=&,

 (& >(*,1=0>>*1?

it looks like I am unable to resolve the encoding or there is a specific, custom encoding at the PDF level I cannot read/parse.
Looking at the Document Properties, under Fonts it says the following:
Any ideas how can I parse the document correctly?
Thank you
Analysis of the shared files
The font definitions here have an invalid ToUnicode entry:
The ToUnicode value is specified as
A stream containing a CMap file that maps character codes to Unicode values
(ISO 32000-2, Table 119 — Entries in a Type 0 font dictionary)
Identity-H is a name, not a stream.
Nonetheless, Adobe Reader interprets this name, and for apparently any name starting with Identity- assumes the text encoding for the font to be UCS-2 (essentially UTF-16). As this indeed is the case for the character codes used in the document, copy&paste works, even if for the wrong reasons. (Without this ToUnicode value, Adobe Reader also returns nonsense.)
iText 7, on the other hand, for mapping to Unicode first follows the Encoding value with unexpected results.
Thus, in this case Adobe Reader arrives at a better result by interpreting meaning into an invalid piece of data (and without that also returns nonsense).
The font definitions here have valid but incomplete ToUnicode maps which only contain entries for the used Western European characters but not for Hebrew ones. They don't have Encoding entries.
Both Adobe Reader and iText 7 here trust the ToUnicode map and, therefore, cannot map the Hebrew glyphs.
How to parse
In case of this file the "problem" is that iText 7 applies the Encoding map. Thus, for decoding the text one can temporarily replace the Encoding map with an identity map:
for (int i = 1; i <= pdfDocument.GetNumberOfPages(); i++)
PdfPage page = pdfDocument.GetPage(i);
PdfDictionary fontResources = page.GetResources().GetResource(PdfName.Font);
foreach (PdfObject font in fontResources.Values(true))
if (font is PdfDictionary fontDict)
fontDict.Put(PdfName.Encoding, PdfName.IdentityH);
string output = PdfTextExtractor.GetTextFromPage(page);
// ... process output ...
This code shows the Hebrew characters for your file 1.
Here I don't have a quick work-around. You may want to analyze multiple PDFs of that kind. If they all encode the Hebrew characters the same way, you can create your own ToUnicode map from that and inject it into the fonts like above.

Netsuite Custom Field with REGEXP_REPLACE to strip HTML code except carriage return

I have a custom field with some HTML code in it:
<h1>A H1 Heading</h1>
<h2>A H2 Heading</h2>
<b>Rich Text</b><br>
fsdfafsdaf df fsda f asdfa f asdfsa fa sfd<br>
<ol><li>numbered list</li><li>fgdsfsd f sa</li></ol>Another List<br>
I also have another non-stored field where I want to display the plain text version of the above using REGEXP_REPLACE, while preserving the carriage returns/line breaks, maybe even converting <br> and <br/> to \r\n
However the patterns etc... seem to be different in NetSuite fields compared to using ?replace(...) in freemarker... and I'm terrible with remembering regexp patterns :)
Assuming the html text is stored in custitem_htmltext what expression could i use as the default value of the NetSuite Text Area custom field to display the html code above as:
A H1 Heading
A H2 Heading
Rich Text
fsdfafsdaf df fsda f asdfa f asdfsa fa sfd
I understand the bulleted or numbered lists will look crap.
My current non-working formula is:
I've also tried:
REGEXP_REPLACE({custitem_htmltext},'<[^>]+>','') - didn't work
When you use a Text Area type of custom field and input HTML, NetSuite seems to change the control characters ('<' and '>') to HTML entities ('<' and '>'). You can see this if you input the HTML and then change the field type to Long Text.
If you change both fields to Long Text, and re-input the data and formula, the REGEXP_REPLACE() should work as expected.
From what I have learned recently, Netsuite encodes data by default to URL format, so from < to < and > to >.
Try using triple handlebars e.g. {{{custitem_htmltext}}}
This should stop the default behaviour and allow you to use in a formula/saved search.

Latex: How to encapsulate text in an amsmath block

My first stackoverflow question. I take the easy way out and directly ask the following. How is it possible to produce an output in LaTeX, like the one pictured below?
More holistic, what are the best ways to encapsulate text in an amsmath eg. equation, align, block?
You should use a tabular environment. This code:
$ID_V$ & = identifier of $V$\\
$P_C$ & = password of user on $C$\\
$AD_C$ & = network address of $C$\\
$K_V$ & = secret encryption key shared by $AS$ and $V$
Then you can indent or align the tabular as you prefer.
Only a hint about the second part of your question. Keep in mind which environments, like tabular, have text as default content (hence math must be included in $...$) and which ones, like array, align, equation, etc., have math as default (so that text must be included in a box or in \text{...}).
You can use the \text{} command to write text in amsmath blocks:
ID_V &= \text{identifier of $V$} \\
P_C &= \text{password of user on $C$}
&ID_V &&= \text{identifier of $V$} \\
&P_C &&= \text{password of user on $C$}

String replacement in latex

I'd like to know how to replace parts of a string in latex. Specifically I'm given a measurement (like 3pt, 10mm, etc) and I'd like to remove the units of that measurement (so 3pt-->3, 10mm-->10, etc).
The reason why I'd like a command to do this is in the following piece of code:
\sbox{\mybox}{Hello World!}
Basically I create a savebox called mybox. I insert the words "Hello World" into mybox. I create a new length/width, called myboxw/h. I then get the width/height of mybox, and store this in myboxw/h. Then I set up a picture environment whose dimensions correspond to myboxw/h. The trouble is that myboxw is returning something of the form "132.56pt", while the input to the picture environment has to be dimensionless: "\begin{picture}{132.56, 132.56}".
So, I need a command which will strip the units of measurement from a string.
Use the following trick:
\catcode`p=12 \catcode`t=12
Then write:
Consider the xstring package at
The LaTeX kernel - latex.ltx - already provides \strip#pt, which you can use to strip away any reference to a length. Additionally, there's no need to create a length for the width and/or height of a box; \wd<box> returns the width, while \ht<box> returns the height:
\let\stripdim\strip#pt % User interface for \strip#pt
\savebox{\mybox}{Hello World!}
\put(0,0){Hello world}
