So i'm making a Wordle clone and i keep getting a "indexerror: string is out of range" and i dont know what to do and every time i do the second guess it will say indexerrror string is out off range
at line 30
import random
def Wordle():
position = 0
clue = ""
print("Welcome to Wordle, in this game your're going to be guessing a random word of 5 letters, if the word have a a correct letters it will tell you, if the letter is in the word but isn't at the place that it's supposed to be it will say that the letter is in the word but ins't at the correct place, and if it ins't at the word it will say nothing.And you only have 6 tries")
user_name = input("Enter your name:")
valid_words = ['sweet','shark','about','maybe','tweet','shard','pleat','elder','table','birds','among','share','label','frame','water','earth','winds','empty','audio','pilot','radio','steel','words','chair','drips','mouse','moose','beach','cloud','yours','house','holes','short','small','large','glass','ruler','boxes','charm','tools']
TheAnswer = random.choice(valid_words)
number_of_guesses = 1
guessed_correct = False
while number_of_guesses < 7 and not guessed_correct:
print(' ')
TheGuess = input('Enter your guess (it have to be a 5-letter word and not captalied letters):')
if len(TheGuess) > 5:
print('word is not acceptable')
print(' ')
for letter in TheGuess:
if letter == TheAnswer[position]:
clue += ' V'
elif letter in TheAnswer:
clue += ' O'
clue += ' F'
position += 1
if TheGuess == TheAnswer:
guessed_correct = True
guessed_correct = False
number_of_guesses += 1
clue = ""
if guessed_correct:
print('Congradulations', user_name,', you won and only used', number_of_guesses,'guesses, :D')
print(user_name,'Unfortunatealy you usead all your guesses and lost :( . the word was', TheAnswer)
You are indexing TheAnswer[position] which basically means if TheAnswer is x length long, then the position should be,
But since the position variable is a local variable of the function, it continuously increases on each guess. Does not get reset on each guess.
Try moving the
position = 0
Into top of the while loop.
import random
def Wordle():
clue = ""
print("Welcome to Wordle, in this game your're going to be guessing a random word of 5 letters, if the word have a a correct letters it will tell you, if the letter is in the word but isn't at the place that it's supposed to be it will say that the letter is in the word but ins't at the correct place, and if it ins't at the word it will say nothing.And you only have 6 tries")
user_name = input("Enter your name:")
valid_words = ['sweet', 'shark', 'about', 'maybe', 'tweet', 'shard', 'pleat', 'elder', 'table', 'birds', 'among', 'share', 'label', 'frame', 'water', 'earth', 'winds', 'empty', 'audio',
'pilot', 'radio', 'steel', 'words', 'chair', 'drips', 'mouse', 'moose', 'beach', 'cloud', 'yours', 'house', 'holes', 'short', 'small', 'large', 'glass', 'ruler', 'boxes', 'charm', 'tools']
TheAnswer = random.choice(valid_words)
number_of_guesses = 1
guessed_correct = False
while number_of_guesses < 7 and not guessed_correct:
position = 0
print(' ')
TheGuess = input(
'Enter your guess (it have to be a 5-letter word and not captalied letters):')
if len(TheGuess) > 5:
print('word is not acceptable')
print(' ')
for letter in TheGuess:
if letter == TheAnswer[position]:
clue += ' V'
elif letter in TheAnswer:
clue += ' O'
clue += ' F'
position += 1
if TheGuess == TheAnswer:
guessed_correct = True
guessed_correct = False
number_of_guesses += 1
clue = ""
if guessed_correct:
print('Congradulations', user_name, ', you won and only used',
number_of_guesses, 'guesses, :D')
user_name, 'Unfortunatealy you usead all your guesses and lost :( . the word was', TheAnswer)
A snake game was created using Pygame and I tried to solve it using an AI. Initially I didn't increase the body length to check if the snake head moves towards the food. Grid size is 5*5. DDQN network was used. Most of time the head moves towards the wall or gets struck in a continuous loop.The maximum score attained was 4 even if I train it for 5000 episodes.
State: It is an array of size 16. The first 8 values has the distance between the head and wall at 8 directions(left , left top, top, right top, right , right bottom, bottom, left bottom). Next 8 values has the distance between head and food at 8 directions. All the values are in the range 0 to 1. 1 means the object is near and 0 means it is very far.
Action : There are 3 actions 0,1,2. 0- Head moves in same direction. 1- Head turns left. 2- Head turns right.
Reward: Reward of +50 if it collects the food and reward of -200 if it touches the wall.
I am not able to understand why my neural network learns in the wrong way. Please do help me solve this issue. I have attached the code here.
import pygame
import time
import random
import numpy as np
from math import hypot
from collections import deque
from keras.models import Sequential
from keras.layers import Dense
from keras.optimizers import Adam
import tensorflow as tf
import os
seeds = 1001
batch = 16
class Food:
def __init__(self,width,n):
self.width = width
self.n = n
self.size = width //n
self.blocks = self.blocks_total()
def blocks_total(self):# Total available positions
x = y = 0
for i in range(self.n):
for j in range(self.n):
y += self.size
x += self.size
y = 0
return s
def food_pos(self,s):# Random food position
food_blocks = self.blocks_total()
for i in self.blocks:
for j in s:
if i[0] == j[0] and i[1] == j[1]:
a = random.choice(food_blocks)
return a
return 0.1,0.1
class Agent:
def __init__(self,width,n,state_size,action_size=3,gamma = 0.98):
self.width = width
self.n = n
self.size = width //n
self.state_size = state_size
self.action_size = action_size
self.gamma = gamma
self.epsilon = 1
self.epsilon_min = 0
self.epsilon_decay = 0.99
self.memory = deque(maxlen=5000)
self.model = self.build_model()
self.train_model = self.build_model()
def reshape(self,state):# Reshaping state for input in nueral network
return np.reshape(state,[1,state.shape[0]])
def build_model(self):# Nueral network
model = Sequential()
return model
def get_action(self,state):
if np.random.rand() <= self.epsilon:
return random.randint(0,2)
a = self.reshape(state)
p = self.model.predict(a)
return np.argmax(p[0])
def remember(self,state,action,reward,new_state,done): # Saving in memory
def replay(self): # Training of nueral network
minibatch = random.sample(self.memory,batch)
for state,action,reward,new_state,done in minibatch:
target = reward
state = self.reshape(state)
new_state = self.reshape(new_state)
if not done:
target = reward +(self.gamma*(np.max(self.train_model.predict(new_state)[0])))
target_f = self.model.predict(state)
target_f[0][action] = target,target_f,epochs =1, verbose = 0)
if self.epsilon > self.epsilon_min:
self.epsilon *= self.epsilon_decay
def save_model(self):
def load_model(self):
class Game:
def __init__(self,width=500,n=5):
self.width = width
self.n = n
self.size = width//n
self.display = pygame.display.set_mode((width,width))
pygame.display.set_caption('A') = Food(width,n)
self.agent = Agent(width, n, state_size=16)
self.game_over = False
self.dirc = 'r'# starting direction of snake
self.snake_list = []
self.snake_length = 1
self.wall_touch = False
def display_player(self,disp,s_list,dirc):# displaying the snake head and its eyes
l = len(s_list)
if l > self.snake_length:
del s_list[0]
l -=1
for idx,i in enumerate(s_list):
if idx == l-1:
a = s_list.copy()
x,y = a.pop()
rad = 10
if dirc == 'u':,(0,0,0),(x+50,y+30),rad)
elif dirc == 'd':,(0,0,0),(x+50,y+70),rad)
elif dirc == 'r':,(0,0,0),(x+70,y+49),rad)
elif dirc == 'l':,(0,0,0),(x+30,y+49),rad)
def move(self,dirc,s_list):# Constantly moving the snake on that particular direction
x,y = s_list.pop()
if dirc == 'l':
x -= self.size
if x <0:
x = 0
self.wall_touch = True
elif dirc == 'r':
x += self.size
if x > self.width - self.size:
x = self.width - self.size
self.wall_touch = True
elif dirc == 'u':
y -= self.size
if y <0:
y = 0
self.wall_touch = True
elif dirc == 'd':
y += self.size
if y > self.width - self.size:
y = self.width - self.size
self.wall_touch = True
def check_food_collect(self,fx,fy,s_list):# Check if head position and food position are same
x,y =s_list.pop()
if x == fx and y == fy:
return True
return False
def display_msg(self,msg,font='freesansbold.ttf',size=15,color=(255,255,255),loc=(410,15)):
mymsg = pygame.font.Font(font,size).render(msg,True,color)
def get_direction(self,change):# Changing the direction of snake based on the current direction
if self.dirc == 'r':
if change == 'r':
self.dirc= 'd'
elif change == 'l':
self.dirc= 'u'
elif self.dirc == 'l':
if change == 'r':
self.dirc= 'u'
elif change == 'l':
self.dirc= 'd'
elif self.dirc == 'd' :
if change == 'r':
self.dirc= 'l'
elif change == 'l':
self.dirc= 'r'
elif self.dirc == 'u':
if change == 'r':
self.dirc= 'r'
elif change == 'l':
self.dirc= 'l'
def near_wall(self,n,s_list): # Distance of nearby wall
a,b = n
x,y = s_list.pop()
i =0
while True:
xx = x +(self.size * i * a)
yy = y +(self.size * i * b)
dis = abs(xx-x)/self.size,abs(yy-y)/self.size
i +=1
if xx <0 or yy <0 or xx > self.width - self.size or yy > self.width - self.size:
return 1/ hypot(dis[0],dis[1])
def get_wall_dis(self,s_list): # Wall distance at 8 direction
j = [[-1,0],[-1,-1],[0,-1],[1,-1],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1],[-1,1]]
s = []
for i in j:
s.append(self.near_wall(i, s_list.copy()))
s = np.asarray(s)
return s
def near_food(self,fx,fy,n,s_list):# Head looks at 8 direction for the food
a,b = n
x,y = s_list.pop()
i =0
while True:
xx = x +(self.size * i * a)
yy = y +(self.size * i * b)
dis = abs(x-fx)/self.size,abs(fy-y)/self.size
i +=1
if xx <0 or yy <0 or xx > self.width - self.size or yy > self.width - self.size:
return 0
if xx == fx and yy == fy:
if dis[0] ==0 and dis[1] ==0:
return 0
return 1/hypot(dis[0],dis[1])
def get_state(self,fx,fy,s_list,w): # Array of size 16
j = [[-1,0],[-1,-1],[0,-1],[1,-1],[1,0],[1,1],[0,1],[-1,1]]
s = []
for i in j:
s.append(self.near_food(fx,fy,i, s_list.copy()))
s = np.asarray(s)
a = np.append(w,s)
return a
def reset(self): # Initialising the value when a new game is started
self.game_over = False
self.wall_touch = False
self.dirc = 'r'
self.snake_length = 1
self.snake_list = []
def startgame(self,e):
sx,sy = 0,0 # Starting position of snake
fx,fy = 200,200 # Initial position of food
step = 0
action = 0
score = 0
change = None
wall = self.get_wall_dis(self.snake_list.copy())
state = self.get_state(fx, fy, self.snake_list.copy(), wall)
reward = 0
t = 0
save = False
j = 0
while not self.game_over:
j +=1
if j >500: # If snake struck in continuous loop
action = 0
action = self.agent.get_action(state)
if action ==1:
change = 'l'
step = 1
elif action ==2:
change = 'r'
step = 1
action = 0
change = None
if step == 0:
step = 1
t +=1
save = True
change = None
wall = self.get_wall_dis(self.snake_list.copy())
new_state = self.get_state(fx, fy, self.snake_list.copy(), wall)
if self.wall_touch:
reward = -200
self.agent.remember(state, action, reward, new_state, True)
food_collect = self.check_food_collect(fx, fy, self.snake_list.copy())
if food_collect:
reward += 50
self.agent.remember(state, action, reward, new_state, False)
save = False
score +=1
step = 0
t = 0
reward = 0
fx,fy =
if fx == 0.1 and fy ==0.1:
if save:
save = False
self.agent.remember(state, action, reward, new_state, False)
self.display_msg('Score :'+str(score))
self.display_player(self.display, self.snake_list,self.dirc)
state = new_state
if e > 2500:
print('E : {} , Epsilon :{:.2} , Score : {}'.format(e,np.float32(self.agent.epsilon),score))
if e%10 ==0:
if len(self.agent.memory) > batch:
game = Game()
for e in range(10000):
A few things you could try:
The way you have defined your state looks a little complicated. Won't top and bottom give the same information, one being negative of the other? Also if your snake head is at (1,1) and your fruit at (3,4), well then the fruit won't show up in the state at all. There will be very limited times when the snake agent can actually see the fruit. Maybe you can try defining the state another way?
In RL, things go south very frequently so it often makes sense to start with basic agents and basic games and move up the ladder. Try using the same agent for a simple openai gym environment like mountaincar, to check if the agent class works as intended.
I am currently creating a tic-tac-toe game for a course. It has been going great, however, I have hit a roadblock. I am having trouble with the part when I want to check if a player has won or not, it is a function (called "game_over"). When I run the game, and if the "if" statement is met, it says "game_on = False". However, once the player while loop begins, it reverts back to True. Thus the game never stops.
game_on = True
player_ready = False
game_finish = False
turn = "Player1"
line1 = ["|", "___" , "|", "___", "|","___","|"]
line2 = ["|", "___" , "|", "___", "|","___","|"]
line3 = ["|", "___" , "|", "___", "|","___","|"]
list1 = ''.join(line1)
list2 = ''.join(line2)
list3 = ''.join(line3)
Player1_character = "x"
def game_over(player,character):
if line1[1] == (f"_{character}_") and line1[3] == (f"_{character}_") and line1[5] == (f"_{character}_"):
game_on = False
print(f"Game Over, {player} won!game_on = {game_on}")
def print_character(numbers,char):
if numbers == 1:
line1[1] = (f"_{char}_")
if numbers == 2:
line1[3] = (f"_{char}_")
if numbers == 3:
line1[5] = (f"_{char}_")
if numbers == 4:
line2[1] = (f"_{char}_")
if numbers == 5:
line2[3] = (f"_{char}_")
if numbers == 6:
line2[5] = (f"_{char}_")
if numbers == 7:
line3[1] = (f"_{char}_")
if numbers == 8:
line3[3] = (f"_{char}_")
if numbers == 9:
line3[5] = (f"_{char}_")
list1 = ''.join(line1)
list2 = ''.join(line2)
list3 = ''.join(line3)
section = 0
# Tutorial Goes Here
while game_on == True:
# Selecting Players
while player_ready == False:
Player1_character = ""
Player1_character = input("Player1 choose your character 'x' or 'o': ")
Player2_character = "|"
if Player1_character == "x":
Player2_character = "o"
elif Player1_character == "o":
Player2_character = "x"
print(f"Player1 = {Player1_character} ||| Player2 = {Player2_character}")
print("LETS BEGIN!!!\n")
player_ready = True
#Starting game:
while turn == "Player1":
section = int(input(f"Player1's Turn: \nSelect where you want to put your '{Player1_character}'(1-9){game_on}: "))
print_character(section, Player1_character)
if game_on == False:
turn = "Player2"
while turn == "Player2":
section = int(input(f"Player2's Turn: \nSelect where you want to put your '{Player2_character}'(1-9){game_on}: "))
print_character(section, Player2_character)
if game_on == False:
turn = "Player1"
See the Python Programming FAQ on the rules for using global variables in functions.
In Python, variables that are only referenced inside a function are implicitly global. If a variable is assigned a value anywhere within the function’s body, it’s assumed to be a local unless explicitly declared as global.
I am going to write a guessing game with the computer.
I choose one number in my head and the Computer is going to find it out, and it can guess between a range.
The problem is I don’t know how can I update this range during the program run.
import random
x = 1
y = 99
guess= random.randint(x,y)
while play=='true':
results = input()
if results == 'd':
if results == 'b':
print('My number is bigger!')
newguess= random.randint(a,b)
print (newguess)
elif results == 'k':
print('My number is smaller!')
newguess= random.randint(a,b)
print (newguess)
print ('Wooow , computer you did it! ')
Sorry about all the explanations in the code but this is a version of the game that I did a while ago. What I did was I wanted to shrink the guessing range each time the user said high or low. e.g. if the computer chooses 50, and the user says 'High' then the program will not chose a number greater than 50, the same applies for 'Low". Enjoy
import random
count = 0 #Number of attemps. how many times while loop runs.
guess = random.randint(1,100)#The guess generator
(l,u) = (0,100)
lower_guess = l
upper_guess = u
n = 0
print('Chose a number between ', l, ' and ', u , '.' )
#The game. These are outside the function so that they don't print in every loop because they are unwanted for some Y inputs.
print('Is it ' + str(guess))
Y = input('Low = L, High = H and Yes = Y:')#User states
#The function
while n != 'guess':
count +=1 #adds 1 to count each time loop runs
if Y == 'L':
lower_guess = guess+1
guess = random.randint(lower_guess , upper_guess)#Redifining guess to eliminate irrelevant guesses from the range
print('Is it ' + str(guess))
Y = input('Low = L, High = H and Yes = Y:')
elif Y == 'H':
upper_guess = guess - 1
guess = random.randint(lower_guess, upper_guess)#Redifining guess to eliminate irrelevant guesses from the range
print('Is it ' + str(guess))
Y = input('Low = L, High = H and Yes = Y:')
elif Y == 'Y':
print('I guessed it in ' + str(count) + ' attempts')
count = 0
lower_guess = l
upper_guess = u
guess = random.randint(1,100)
print('That input was invalid. The game has restarted.')
print('You can chose a new number or keep your old one.')
print('Is it ' + str(guess))
Y = input('Low = L, High = H and Yes = Y:')
I can't figure out what I am doing wrong. I have tried using a break, and tried setting what the variable !=, I am doing this on cengage and it is very finnicky.
""" - This program calculates the total number of left-handed and right-handed students in a class. Input: L for left-handed; R for right handed; X to quit. Output: Prints the number of left-handed students and the number of right-handed students."""
rightTotal = 0 # Number of right-handed students.
leftTotal = 0 # Number of left-handed students.
leftOrRight = input("Enter an L if you are left-handed,a R if you are right-handed or X to quit.")
while leftOrRight != "X":
print (leftOrRight)
if leftOrRight == "L":
leftTotal = (leftTotal + 1)
elif leftOrRight == "R":
rightTotal = (rightTotal + 1)
print("Number of left-handed students: " + str(leftTotal))
print("Number of right-handed students: " + str(rightTotal))
your input() is outside the while loop, so leftOrRight never changes, never get to X so it will not exit the loop:
leftOrRight = None
while leftOrRight != "X":
leftOrRight = input("Enter an L if you are left-handed,a R if you are right-handed or X to quit.")
print (leftOrRight)
if leftOrRight == "L":
leftTotal = (leftTotal + 1)
elif leftOrRight == "R":
rightTotal = (rightTotal + 1)
According to your code you are not changing the value for leftOrRight after entering the loop so the condition for your while loop is never false I would suggest the following edit:
""" - This program calculates the total number of left-handed and right-handed students in a class. Input: L for left-handed; R for right handed; X to quit. Output: Prints the number of left-handed students and the number of right-handed students."""
rightTotal = 0 # Number of right-handed students.
leftTotal = 0 # Number of left-handed students.
leftOrRight = '' #anything random
while leftOrRight != "X":
leftOrRight = input("Enter an L if you are left-handed,a R if you are right-handed or X to quit.")
print (leftOrRight)
if leftOrRight == "L":
leftTotal = (leftTotal + 1)
elif leftOrRight == "R":
rightTotal = (rightTotal + 1)
print("Number of left-handed students: " + str(leftTotal))
print("Number of right-handed students: " + str(rightTotal))
so that you get a prompt every time the loop is executed and you can click X to exit
Your program just got the character that had the largest id in the ascii table.
And only doing the first string as the longString = max(n) wasn't even in the while loop.
also max returns the largest value, so in this case it was just converting the text into an ascii number.
instead you should use len(string) which returns the length of the string.
Unlike max() which is used like:
11 == max(11,10,1,2) as 11 is the largest character.
n = (input("Input: ")) #get initial input
longest = 0 #define the varible which we will keep the length of the longest string in
longest_str = "" #define the varible which stores the value of the longest string.
while n: #you don't need that other stuff, while n does the same as while n != ''
n = str(input("Input: ")) #get input
length = len(n) #gets the length of the input
if length > longest: #if the length of our input is larger than the last largest string
longest = length #set the longest length to current string length
longest_str = n #set the longest string to current string
#once the user hits enter (typing "") we exit the while loop, and this code runs afterwards.
print("Longest input was", longest_str, "at", longest, "characters long")
Because there are two specific counts we are accumulating for, and the outlying char is at the end of our input, we can set our while to True to break when we hit a char other that "L" or "R".
leftOrRight = ""
# Write your loop here.
while True:
leftOrRight = input("Enter an L if you are left-handed,a R if you are right-handed or X to quit.")
if leftOrRight == "L":
leftTotal = leftTotal + 1
elif leftOrRight == "R":
rightTotal = rightTotal + 1
# Output number of left or right-handed students.
print("Number of left-handed students: " + str(leftTotal))
print("Number of right-handed students: " + str(rightTotal))