Fixing the error: Access to instance member `GLib.FileStream.puts' denied - genie

I've been trying to open a .html file and print some information in it, however there is a compilation error, that I can't find a solution online. Perhaps I can find some pointers here at SO.
The code looks like:
def PrintOut(db: Database, which:string)
var fi ="recipeprint.html", "w+")
stmt:Statement = PreparedStatements.select_recipe( db, which )
cols:int = stmt.column_count ()
var row = new dict of string, string
item:int = 1
while stmt.step() == ROW
for i:int = 0 to (cols - 1)
row[ stmt.column_name( i ) ] = stmt.column_text( i )
FileStream.puts( "<H1>%s</H1>", row[ "name" ])
FileStream.puts( "<H2>Source: %s</H2>", row[ "source" ])
FileStream.puts( "<H2>Servings: %s</H2>", row[ "servings" ])
FileStream.puts( "<H3>Ingredient List: </H3>" )
I am compiling it with:
valac "%f" --pkg sdl --pkg sqlite3 --pkg gee-0.8
However, I keep getting the error:
valac "" --pkg sdl --pkg sqlite3 --pkg gee-0.8 (no diretório: /home/luis/Dropbox/Documentos/Coding/Genie Programming Language) error: Access to instance member `GLib.FileStream.puts' denied
FileStream.puts( "<H1>%s</H1>", row[ "name" ])
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Access to instance member `GLib.FileStream.puts' denied
FileStream.puts( "<H2>Source: %s</H2>", row[ "source" ])
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ error: Access to instance member `GLib.FileStream.puts' denied
FileStream.puts( "<H2>Servings: %s</H2>", row[ "servings" ])
Is it to do with the version of gee that I got installed in my system?

My syntax is wrong. Filestream is a class that is instantiated in the variable fi. So the problem there is that I should be writing:
var entry = "<li>"+row[ "ingredients" ]+"</li>"
fi.puts( entry )
Nothing to do with the version of Gee.
The source that helped me understand the issue: here


Trouble running ORC JIT llvm-hs examples

Dear StackOverflow Haskellers:
I tried asking this same question in reddit r/haskell but sadly I got no answers at all. I hope it does better here.
Maybe the answer is that llvm-hs isn't used that much. If you have experience using llvm with haskell, but don't use llvm-hs, I'd love to see how you use it.
I'm trying to run basic llvm-hs ORC JIT functionality, which has taken me to try and run the orc example of llvm-hs-examples. So far I've been unsuccessful in multiple ways (out of the four examples only the first one, basic, runs):
Trying to run examples with the shell.nix in
$ git clone
$ git clone
$ cd llvm-hs
$ nix-shell shell.nix
$ cd ../llvm-hs-examples
$ cabal new-build
$ cabal run orc
which produces:
$ cabal run orc
Up to date
; ModuleID = 'basic'
source_filename = "<string>"
define i32 #add() {
ret i32 42
JITSymbolError ""
Eager JIT Result:
doing a default.nix a la haskell.nix and running with nix-build
examplesOverlays = [ (self: super: {
llvm-config = self.llvm_9;
}) ];
{ # Fetch the latest haskell.nix and import its default.nix
haskellNix ? import (builtins.fetchTarball "") {}
# haskellNix ? import (builtins.fetchTarball "") {}
# haskellNix ? import (builtins.fetchTarball "") {}
# haskell.nix provides access to the nixpkgs pins which are used by our CI,
# hence you will be more likely to get cache hits when using these.
# But you can also just use your own, e.g. '<nixpkgs>'.
, nixpkgsSrc ? haskellNix.sources.nixpkgs-2003
# haskell.nix provides some arguments to be passed to nixpkgs, including some
# patches and also the haskell.nix functionality itself as an overlay.
, nixpkgsArgs ? haskellNix.nixpkgsArgs
# import nixpkgs with overlays
, pkgs ? (import nixpkgsSrc (nixpkgsArgs // { overlays = nixpkgsArgs.overlays ++ examplesOverlays;}))
# , pkgs ? import nixpkgsSrc nixpkgsArgs
}: pkgs.haskell-nix.project {
# 'cleanGit' cleans a source directory based on the files known by git
src = pkgs.haskell-nix.haskellLib.cleanGit {
name = "examples";
src = ./.;
# For `cabal.project` based projects specify the GHC version to use.
# compiler-nix-name = "ghc884"; # Not used for `stack.yaml` based projects.
in llvm-hs-examples's directory ran:
$ nix-build -A examples.components.exes.orc
$ ./result/bin/orc
; ModuleID = 'basic'
source_filename = "<string>"
define i32 #add() {
ret i32 42
JITSymbolError ""
Eager JIT Result:
which is the same output as before.
I believe the last (2) approach uses stack to build, but also tried manually with stack:
a) first failed approach:
In a nix-shell with llvm-config (I used the one in llvm-hs and the one I created with haskell.nix, but same result):
$ llvm-config --version
$ stack build examples:orc
No packages found in snapshot which provide a "llvm-config" executable, which is a build-tool dependency of llvm-hs
llvm-hs > configure
llvm-hs > [1 of 2] Compiling Main ( /run/user/1000/stack-2e6b46f4d38b8260/llvm-hs-9.0.1/Setup.hs, /run/user/1000/stack-2e6b46f4d38b8260/llvm-hs-9.0.1/.stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux-nix/Cabal- )
llvm-hs > [2 of 2] Compiling StackSetupShim ( /home/hhefesto/.stack/setup-exe-src/setup-shim-mPHDZzAJ.hs, /run/user/1000/stack-2e6b46f4d38b8260/llvm-hs-9.0.1/.stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux-nix/Cabal- )
llvm-hs > Linking /run/user/1000/stack-2e6b46f4d38b8260/llvm-hs-9.0.1/.stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux-nix/Cabal- ...
llvm-hs > setup: The program 'llvm-config' version ==9.0.* is required but it could not
llvm-hs > be found.
llvm-hs >
b) build-successful stack approach I also tried with stack's nix integration explicitly specifying llvm-config as part of buildInputs:
# resolver: nightly-2020-01-30
resolver: lts-14.0
- '.'
- llvm-hs-9.0.1
- llvm-hs-pure-9.0.0
- llvm-hs-pretty-
shared-llvm: true
enable: true
shell-file: stackShell.nix
examplesOverlays = [ (self: super: {
llvm-config = self.llvm_9;
}) ];
{ haskellNix ? import (builtins.fetchTarball "") {}
, nixpkgsSrc ? haskellNix.sources.nixpkgs-2003
, nixpkgsArgs ? haskellNix.nixpkgsArgs
, pkgs ? (import nixpkgsSrc (nixpkgsArgs // { overlays = nixpkgsArgs.overlays ++ examplesOverlays;}))
with pkgs;
haskell.lib.buildStackProject {
name = "llvm-hs";
buildInputs = [ llvm-config
inherit ghc;
Which was able to build successfully, but same error:
$ stack build examples:orc ghc-shell-for-examples
examples> configure (exe)
Configuring examples-
examples> build (exe)
Preprocessing executable 'orc' for examples-
Building executable 'orc' for examples-
examples> copy/register
Installing executable orc in /home/hhefesto/src/llvm-hs-examples/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nix/2bab12248a943811dbc5aa23a88b887ce7aef1939551d21b69d96e3f64bfcbd7/8.6.5/bin
Installing executable basic in /home/hhefesto/src/llvm-hs-examples/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nix/2bab12248a943811dbc5aa23a88b887ce7aef1939551d21b69d96e3f64bfcbd7/8.6.5/bin
Installing executable arith in /home/hhefesto/src/llvm-hs-examples/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nix/2bab12248a943811dbc5aa23a88b887ce7aef1939551d21b69d96e3f64bfcbd7/8.6.5/bin
Installing executable irbuilder in /home/hhefesto/src/llvm-hs-examples/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nix/2bab12248a943811dbc5aa23a88b887ce7aef1939551d21b69d96e3f64bfcbd7/8.6.5/bin
$ /home/hhefesto/src/llvm-hs-examples/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nix/2bab12248a943811dbc5aa23a88b887ce7aef1939551d21b69d96e3f64bfcbd7/8.6.5/bin/orc ghc-shell-for-examples
; ModuleID = 'basic'
source_filename = "<string>"
define i32 #add() {
ret i32 42
JITSymbolError ""
Eager JIT Result:
A weird thing worth noting is that stack was unable to find what it had just built with stack exec examples:orc:
$ stack exec examples:orc
Executable named examples:orc not found on path: ["/home/hhefesto/src/llvm-hs-examples/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nix/2bab12248a943811dbc5aa23a88b887ce7aef1939551d21b69d96e3f64bfcbd7/8.6.5/bin","/home/hhefesto/.stack/snapshots/x86_64-linux-nix/2bab12248a943811dbc5aa23a88b887ce7aef1939551d21b69d96e3f64bfcbd7/8.6.5/bin","/home/hhefesto/.stack/compiler-tools/x86_64-linux-nix/ghc-8.6.5/bin","/nix/store/9wvsbqr57k9n6d8vv6b10d04j51f9ims-ghc-8.6.5/bin","/nix/store/4xb9z8vvk3fk2ciwqh53hzp72d0hx1da-bash-interactive-4.4-p23/bin","/nix/store/9wvsbqr57k9n6d8vv6b10d04j51f9ims-ghc-8.6.5/bin","/nix/store/m6h7zh8w6s52clnyskffj5lbkakqgywn-gcc-wrapper-9.2.0/bin","/nix/store/b3zsk4ihlpiimv3vff86bb5bxghgdzb9-gcc-9.2.0/bin","/nix/store/0k65d30z9xsixil10yw3bwajbdk4yskv-glibc-2.30-bin/bin","/nix/store/x0jla3hpxrwz76hy9yckg1iyc9hns81k-coreutils-8.31/bin","/nix/store/n48b8n251dwwb04q7f3fwxdmirsakllz-binutils-wrapper-2.31.1/bin","/nix/store/hrkc2sf2883l16d5yq3zg0y339kfw4xv-binutils-2.31.1/bin","/nix/store/0k65d30z9xsixil10yw3bwajbdk4yskv-glibc-2.30-bin/bin","/nix/store/x0jla3hpxrwz76hy9yckg1iyc9hns81k-coreutils-8.31/bin","/nix/store/6dacwd7ldb2jazc218d11v2w2g55hba8-pkg-config-0.29.2/bin","/nix/store/lb61dshvvqy1rgjhhlzaiiv2fv157lr5-stack-","/nix/store/71n1xcigc00w3z7yc836jqcx9cb2dys8-patchelf-0.9/bin","/nix/store/xhhkr936b9q5sz88jp4l29wljbbcg39k-ncurses-6.1-20190112/bin","/nix/store/khqyxflp8wbq038wdyv5sr8sjsfwlr72-llvm-9.0.1/bin","/nix/store/84g84bg47xxg01ba3nv0h418v5v3969n-ncurses-6.1-20190112-dev/bin","/nix/store/xhhkr936b9q5sz88jp4l29wljbbcg39k-ncurses-6.1-20190112/bin","/nix/store/x0jla3hpxrwz76hy9yckg1iyc9hns81k-coreutils-8.31/bin","/nix/store/97vambzyvpvrd9wgrrw7i7svi0s8vny5-findutils-4.7.0/bin","/nix/store/dqq1bvpi3g0h4v05111b3i0ymqj4v5x1-diffutils-3.7/bin","/nix/store/p34p7ysy84579lndk7rbrz6zsfr03y71-gnused-4.8/bin","/nix/store/b0vjq4r4sp9z4l2gbkc5dyyw5qfgyi3r-gnugrep-3.4/bin","/nix/store/c8balm59sxfkw9ik1fqbkadsvjqhmbx4-gawk-5.0.1/bin","/nix/store/g7dr83wnkx4gxa5ykcljc5jg04416z60-gnutar-1.32/bin","/nix/store/kkvgr3avpp7yd5hzmc4syh43jqj03sgb-gzip-1.10/bin","/nix/store/rw96psqzgyqrcd12qr6ivk9yiskjm3ab-bzip2-","/nix/store/dp6y0n9cba79wwc54n1brg7xbjsq5hka-gnumake-4.2.1/bin","/nix/store/hrpvwkjz04s9i4nmli843hyw9z4pwhww-bash-4.4-p23/bin","/nix/store/xac1zfclx1xxgcd84vqb6hy3apl171n8-patch-2.7.6/bin","/nix/store/mm0w8jc58rn01c4kz2n9jvwd6bibcihs-xz-5.2.4-bin/bin"]
Other things worth noting: I tried everything stack related with two resolvers: lts-14.0 which was already there and nightly-2020-01-30 which was recently added in a commit to llvm-hs, but same result.
Also tried changing llvm-hs version restrictions to include the latest 9.0.1 in llvm-hs-examples' cabal file, but same result.
I'm on NixOS channel 20.03
If you want me to share or try something else, please let me know, and thank you for your help.
Lastly, thank you very much for your time!

Nix GLFW Haskell bindings missing library?

I'm trying to compile a Haskell program (
However I'm running into the following error:
<command line>: can't load .so/.DLL for: /nix/store/f2730k4icw6biaaw3k81x853sch2ig8k-bindings-GLFW- (/nix/store/wx1vk75bpdr65g6xwxbj4rw0pk04v5j3-glibc-2.27/lib/ version `GLIBC_2.29' not found (required by /nix/store/f2730k4icw6biaaw3k81x853sch2ig8k-bindings-GLFW-
cabal: repl failed for exe:xmonad from my-xmonad-
How could I resolve this dependency?
What I've tried:
Adding the bindings-GLFW haskell package but this did not make any
Adding the glibc package via the following:
#(myHaskellPackages.callCabal2nix "HaskellNixCabalStarter" (./.) {}).overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
#buildInputs = (oldAttrs.buildInputs or []) ++ [ pkgs.glibc ];
This seems to give me another error of:
nix build
builder for '/nix/store/kp5m6kfwjfr4w59ypcnqqqn9812q6vpy-my-xmonad-'
failed with exit code 1; last 10 log lines:
No pkg-config found Using runghc version 8.6.5 found on system at:
Using strip version 2.31 found on system at:
Using tar found on system at:
/nix/store/aawf0q16ql39w2gwv52qyjfzgbg5f22r-gnutar-1.32/bin/tar No
uhc found
*** abort because of serious configure-time warning from Cabal [1 built (1 failed), 0.0 MiB DL] error: build of
failed ```
My entire nix expression:
nixpkgs ? import <nixpkgs> {}
, compiler ? "ghc865"
, sources ? import ./nix/sources.nix
} :
niv = import sources.nixpkgs {
overlays = [
(_ : _ : { niv = import sources.niv {}; })
] ;
config = {};
pkgs = niv.pkgs;
myHaskellPackages = pkgs.haskell.packages.${compiler}.override {
overrides = self: super: rec {
gloss-export = pkgs.haskell.lib.dontCheck (import /home/chris/NewProjects/gloss-export/default.nix {});
(myHaskellPackages.callCabal2nix "HaskellNixCabalStarter" (./.) {}).overrideAttrs (oldAttrs: {
buildInputs = (oldAttrs.buildInputs or []) ++ [ pkgs.glibc ];

Create Stack Instances Parameter Issue

I'm creating stack instance, using python boto3 SDK. According to the documentation I should be able to use ParameterOverrides but I'm getting following error..
botocore.exceptions.ParamValidationError: Parameter validation failed:
Unknown parameter in input: "ParameterOverrides", must be one of: StackSetName, Accounts, Regions, OperationPreferences, OperationId
Environment :
aws-cli/1.11.172 Python/2.7.14 botocore/1.7.30
imports used
import boto3
import botocore
Following is the code
stackset_instance_response = stackset_client.create_stack_instances(
'RegionOrder': [
'FailureToleranceCount': 0,
'MaxConcurrentCount': 1
'ParameterKey': 'CloudtrailBucket',
'ParameterValue': 'test-bucket'
'ParameterKey': 'Environment',
'ParameterValue': 'SANDBOX'
'ParameterKey': 'IsCloudTrailEnabled',
'ParameterValue': 'NO'
print("Stackset create Response : " + str(stackset_instance_response))
operation_id = stackset_instance_response['OperationId']
print (operation_id)
except botocore.exceptions.ClientError as e:
print("Stackset creation error : " + str(e))
I'm not sure where I'm doing wrong, any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.
1.8.0 is the first version of Botocore that has parameteroverrides defined.
1.7.30 doesn't have that defined.

error 2059 with getgaborkernel() in openCV2.3.1 on visual studio C++ 2010 express

void IPyraNet2DSourceLayer<OutType>::preprocessImage(const cv::Mat& src, cv::Mat& dest)
// initialize the gabor filter (just once)
if (gaborKernel.cols == 0 || gaborKernel.rows == 0)
cv::Mat unflippedKernel = cv::getGaborKernel(
gaborSigma, gaborTheta,
gaborLambda, gaborGamma, 0.0, /*psi*/);
// flip the kernel both orizontally and vertically (as required by cv::flip2D)
cv::flip(unflippedKernel, gaborKernel, -1);
// the generated values are very small. Scale them.
gaborKernel /= 2.0 * cv::sum(gaborKernel).val[0];
// apply Histogram Equalization
cv::equalizeHist(src, dest);
// convert the image from 0-255 to [-1.0 +1.0] and apply the gabor filter
cv::Mat scaledTo1;
dest.convertTo(scaledTo1, CV_64F, 2.0 / 255.0, -1.0); // (maxVal - minVal) / 255.0, minVal);
if (gaborEnabled) {
cv::Mat gaboredData;
cv::filter2D(scaledTo1, dest, CV_64F, gaborKernel);
} else {
dest = scaledTo1;
When i compile it, it give me the below errors, Can any body help in removing these, will be thankful
\ipyranet2dsourcelayer.cxx(200): error C2059: syntax error : ')'
\ipyranet2dsourcelayer.cxx(196) : while compiling class template member function 'void IPyraNet2DSourceLayer::preprocessImage(const cv::Mat &,cv::Mat &)'
\source\ipyranet2dsourcelayer.cxx(224) : see reference to class template instantiation 'IPyraNet2DSourceLayer' being compiled
\ipyranet2dsourcelayer.cxx(200): error C2059: syntax error : ')'
\ipyranet2dsourcelayer.cxx(196) : while compiling class template member function 'void IPyraNet2DSourceLayer::preprocessImage(const cv::Mat &,cv::Mat &)
\ipyranet2dsourcelayer.cxx(225) : see reference to class template instantiation 'IPyraNet2DSourceLayer' being compile
========== Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped ==========
you commented out psi, but forgot to remove the comma !
cv::Mat unflippedKernel = cv::getGaborKernel(cv::Size(gaborKernelSize,gaborKernelSize) , gaborSigma, gaborTheta, gaborLambda, gaborGamma, 0.0, /*psi*/); // the comma has to go, too !
btw, the error only showed after formatting the code correctly, so learn to love the "{}" button !

Failing scripts in groovy using Grab

The following groovy scripts fail using command line
println "test"
unexpected token: println # line 2, column 1.
println "test"
1 error
Removing the Grab, it works!
Anything I missed?
$>groovy -v
Groovy Version: 2.1.7 JVM: 1.7.0_25 Vendor: Oracle Corporation OS: Linux
Annotations can only be applied to certain targets. See SO: Why can't I do a method call after a #Grab declaration in a Groovy script?
dummy = null
println "test"
Alternatively you can use grab as a method call:
import static groovy.grape.Grape.grab
grab(group: "org.apache.poi", module: "poi", version: "3.9")
println "test"
For more information refer to Groovy Language Documentation > Dependency management with Grape.
File 'Grabber.groovy'
package org.taste
import groovy.grape.Grape
//List<List[]> artifacts => [[<group>,<module>,<version>,[<Maven-URL>]],..]
static def grab (List<List[]> artifacts) {
ClassLoader classLoader = new groovy.lang.GroovyClassLoader()
def eal = Grape.getEnableAutoDownload()
artifacts.each { artifact -> {
Map param = [
classLoader: classLoader,
group : artifact.get(0),
module : artifact.get(1),
version : artifact.get(2),
classifier : (artifact.size() < 4) ? null : artifact.get(3)
println param
Usage :
package org.taste
import org.taste.Grabber
[ "org.codehaus.groovy.modules.http-builder", "http-builder", '0.7.1'],
[ "org.postgresql", "postgresql", '42.3.1', null ],
[ "", "ojdbc8", '', null]
