"pre" and "post" remove Middleware not firing - node.js

I have implemented two different ways to remove a user and not one of them fires the "pre" and "post" remove Middleware.
As I understand
Below are my two different implementations in my model file:
Method One:
var User = module.exports = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
userSchema.pre('remove', function(next) {
// 'this' is the client being removed. Provide callbacks here if you want
// to be notified of the calls' result.
//Vouchers.remove({user_id: this._id}).exec();
console.log("pre test");
userSchema.post('remove', function(next) {
// 'this' is the client being removed. Provide callbacks here if you want
// to be notified of the calls' result.
//Vouchers.remove({user_id: this._id}).exec();
console.log("post test");
// Remove User
module.exports.removeUser = function(id, callback){
var query = {_id: id};
//User.remove(query, callback);
Method Two:
var User = module.exports = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
userSchema.pre('remove', function(next) {
// 'this' is the client being removed. Provide callbacks here if you want
// to be notified of the calls' result.
//Vouchers.remove({user_id: this._id}).exec();
console.log("pre test");
userSchema.post('remove', function(next) {
// 'this' is the client being removed. Provide callbacks here if you want
// to be notified of the calls' result.
//Vouchers.remove({user_id: this._id}).exec();
console.log("post test");
// Remove User
module.exports.removeUser = function(id, callback){
var query = {_id: id};
User.remove(query, callback);

This is how I got everything working:
// Remove User
module.exports.removeUser = function(id, callback){
User.findById(id, function (err, doc) {
if (err) {
//Remove vouchers related to users
userSchema.pre('remove', function(next) {
this.model('Voucher').remove({ user: this._id }, next);

Please refer to the documentation. By design the middleware hook for remove is not fired for Model.remove, only for ModelDocument.remove function.

Anyone else searching for the same. deleteOne and deleteMany middlewares can be used with pre and post middlewares. Remove has been deprecated from the latest mongo release.
The code below got things working for me.
ModelSchema.pre("deleteOne", { document: true }, function(next) {
let id = this.getQuery()["_id"];
mongoose.model("Model_two").deleteMany({ property: id }, function(err, result) {
if (err) {
} else {

For anyone having the issue in future, check that you defined your hooks before calling mongoose.model().
Define Middleware Before Compiling Models
Calling pre() or post() after compiling a model does not work in Mongoose in general. For example, the below pre('save') middleware will not fire.

You need to add
parameter to userSchema('remove',callback) middleware for Query.remove(). It is also important to understand difference between query middleware and document middleware.
Query middleware and Query.remove()
UserSchema.pre('remove',callback) will not be fired by default if it is a query middleware. As a solution
var User = module.exports = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
userSchema.pre('remove',{document:false,query:true}, callback);
module.exports.removeUser = function(id, callback){
We pass {document:false,query:true} parameter to middleware.
will not return a document from database.It will execute a remove operation and it will not call doc.remove(). It will call Query.remove().
Document middleware and doc.remove()
userSchema.pre('remove',callback) is registered as a document middleware by default.
The code snippet below will run smoothly without additional parameters.
var User = module.exports = mongoose.model('User', userSchema);
userSchema.pre('remove', callback);
module.exports.removeUser = function(id, callback){
userSchema.pre('remove',callback) will be fired because User.find(query) returns a mongoose document from database and User.find(query).remove(callback) will call doc.remove()

Only document middleware
// query document and delete
schema.findOne({ _id: id}).then((doc) => {
doc.remove().then(() => {
console.log(`it works!`)
// schema
schema.pre('remove', { document: true, query: false }, function() {
console.log('Removing doc!')
The delete was deprecated, try to use deleteOne instead.
Only query middleware. This will get called when you do Model.deleteOne() but not doc.remove().
// delete from model
schema.deleteOne({ _id: id }).then((removed) => {
console.log(`it works!`)
// schema
schema.pre('deleteOne', { query: true, document: false }, function() {
let id = this.getQuery()['_id']
console.log(`${id} was Removing!`)

Make sure you're using the exact functions that you're calling, eg pre('save') and pre('updateOne') do not get called for model.findOneAndUpdate()


Mongoose Cascade Delete from array that contains array of ids [duplicate]

Is there a way to delete all children of an parent in Mongoose, similar to using MySQLs foreign keys?
For example, in MySQL I'd assign a foreign key and set it to cascade on delete. Thus, if I were to delete a client, all applications and associated users would be removed as well.
From a top level:
Delete Client
Delete Sweepstakes
Delete Submissions
Sweepstakes and submissions both have a field for client_id. Submissions has a field for both sweepstakes_id, and client_id.
Right now, I'm using the following code and I feel that there has to be a better way.
Client.findById(req.params.client_id, function(err, client) {
if (err)
return next(new restify.InternalError(err));
else if (!client)
return next(new restify.ResourceNotFoundError('The resource you requested could not be found.'));
// find and remove all associated sweepstakes
Sweepstakes.find({client_id: client._id}).remove();
// find and remove all submissions
Submission.find({client_id: client._id}).remove();
res.send({id: req.params.client_id});
This is one of the primary use cases of Mongoose's 'remove' middleware.
clientSchema.pre('remove', function(next) {
// 'this' is the client being removed. Provide callbacks here if you want
// to be notified of the calls' result.
Sweepstakes.remove({client_id: this._id}).exec();
Submission.remove({client_id: this._id}).exec();
This way, when you call client.remove() this middleware is automatically invoked to clean up dependencies.
In case your references are stored other way around, say, client has an array of submission_ids, then in a similar way as accepted answer you can define the following on submissionSchema:
submissionSchema.pre('remove', function(next) {
{ submission_ids : this._id},
{ $pull: { submission_ids: this._id } },
{ multi: true }) //if reference exists in multiple documents
which will remove the submission's id from the clients' reference arrays on submission.remove().
Here's an other way I found
submissionSchema.pre('remove', function(next) {
this.model('Client').remove({ submission_ids: this._id }, next);
I noticed that all of answers here have a pre assigned to the schema and not post.
my solution would be this: (using mongoose 6+)
ClientSchema.post("remove", async function(res, next) {
await Sweepstakes.deleteMany({ client_id: this._id });
await Submission.deleteMany({ client_id: this._id });
By definition post gets executed after the process ends pre => process => post.
Now, you're probably wondering how is this different than the other solutions provided here.
What if a server error or the id of that client was not found?
On pre, it would delete all sweeptakes and submissions before the deleting process start for client. Thus, in case of an error, it would be better to cascade delete the other documents once client or the main document gets deleted.
async and await are optional here. However, it matters on large data. so that the user wouldn't get those "going to be deleted" cascade documents data if the delete progress is still on.
At the end, I could be wrong, hopefully this helps someone in their code.
const orderSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
// Множество экземпляров --> []
orderItems: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'OrderItem',
required: true
asyncHandler (optional)
const asyncHandler = fn => (req, res, next) =>
.resolve(fn(req, res, next))
module.exports = asyncHandler;
const asyncHandler = require("../middleware/asyncErrHandler.middleware");
// **Models**
const Order = require('../models/order.mongo');
const OrderItem = require('../models/order-item.mongo');
// #desc Delete order
// #route DELETE /api/v1/orders/:id
// #access Private
exports.deleteOrder = asyncHandler(async (req, res, next) => {
let order = await Order.findById(req.params.id)
if (!order) return next(
res.status(404).json({ success: false, data: null })
await order.remove().then( items => {
// Cascade delete -OrderItem-
items.orderItems.forEach( el => OrderItem.findById(el).remove().exec())
}).catch(e => { res.status(400).json({ success: false, data: e }) });
res.status(201).json({ success: true, data: null });

Delete all documents/records when deleting user [duplicate]

Is there a way to delete all children of an parent in Mongoose, similar to using MySQLs foreign keys?
For example, in MySQL I'd assign a foreign key and set it to cascade on delete. Thus, if I were to delete a client, all applications and associated users would be removed as well.
From a top level:
Delete Client
Delete Sweepstakes
Delete Submissions
Sweepstakes and submissions both have a field for client_id. Submissions has a field for both sweepstakes_id, and client_id.
Right now, I'm using the following code and I feel that there has to be a better way.
Client.findById(req.params.client_id, function(err, client) {
if (err)
return next(new restify.InternalError(err));
else if (!client)
return next(new restify.ResourceNotFoundError('The resource you requested could not be found.'));
// find and remove all associated sweepstakes
Sweepstakes.find({client_id: client._id}).remove();
// find and remove all submissions
Submission.find({client_id: client._id}).remove();
res.send({id: req.params.client_id});
This is one of the primary use cases of Mongoose's 'remove' middleware.
clientSchema.pre('remove', function(next) {
// 'this' is the client being removed. Provide callbacks here if you want
// to be notified of the calls' result.
Sweepstakes.remove({client_id: this._id}).exec();
Submission.remove({client_id: this._id}).exec();
This way, when you call client.remove() this middleware is automatically invoked to clean up dependencies.
In case your references are stored other way around, say, client has an array of submission_ids, then in a similar way as accepted answer you can define the following on submissionSchema:
submissionSchema.pre('remove', function(next) {
{ submission_ids : this._id},
{ $pull: { submission_ids: this._id } },
{ multi: true }) //if reference exists in multiple documents
which will remove the submission's id from the clients' reference arrays on submission.remove().
Here's an other way I found
submissionSchema.pre('remove', function(next) {
this.model('Client').remove({ submission_ids: this._id }, next);
I noticed that all of answers here have a pre assigned to the schema and not post.
my solution would be this: (using mongoose 6+)
ClientSchema.post("remove", async function(res, next) {
await Sweepstakes.deleteMany({ client_id: this._id });
await Submission.deleteMany({ client_id: this._id });
By definition post gets executed after the process ends pre => process => post.
Now, you're probably wondering how is this different than the other solutions provided here.
What if a server error or the id of that client was not found?
On pre, it would delete all sweeptakes and submissions before the deleting process start for client. Thus, in case of an error, it would be better to cascade delete the other documents once client or the main document gets deleted.
async and await are optional here. However, it matters on large data. so that the user wouldn't get those "going to be deleted" cascade documents data if the delete progress is still on.
At the end, I could be wrong, hopefully this helps someone in their code.
const orderSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
// Множество экземпляров --> []
orderItems: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'OrderItem',
required: true
asyncHandler (optional)
const asyncHandler = fn => (req, res, next) =>
.resolve(fn(req, res, next))
module.exports = asyncHandler;
const asyncHandler = require("../middleware/asyncErrHandler.middleware");
// **Models**
const Order = require('../models/order.mongo');
const OrderItem = require('../models/order-item.mongo');
// #desc Delete order
// #route DELETE /api/v1/orders/:id
// #access Private
exports.deleteOrder = asyncHandler(async (req, res, next) => {
let order = await Order.findById(req.params.id)
if (!order) return next(
res.status(404).json({ success: false, data: null })
await order.remove().then( items => {
// Cascade delete -OrderItem-
items.orderItems.forEach( el => OrderItem.findById(el).remove().exec())
}).catch(e => { res.status(400).json({ success: false, data: e }) });
res.status(201).json({ success: true, data: null });

How do you remove the related object from a mongoose document array [duplicate]

Is there a way to delete all children of an parent in Mongoose, similar to using MySQLs foreign keys?
For example, in MySQL I'd assign a foreign key and set it to cascade on delete. Thus, if I were to delete a client, all applications and associated users would be removed as well.
From a top level:
Delete Client
Delete Sweepstakes
Delete Submissions
Sweepstakes and submissions both have a field for client_id. Submissions has a field for both sweepstakes_id, and client_id.
Right now, I'm using the following code and I feel that there has to be a better way.
Client.findById(req.params.client_id, function(err, client) {
if (err)
return next(new restify.InternalError(err));
else if (!client)
return next(new restify.ResourceNotFoundError('The resource you requested could not be found.'));
// find and remove all associated sweepstakes
Sweepstakes.find({client_id: client._id}).remove();
// find and remove all submissions
Submission.find({client_id: client._id}).remove();
res.send({id: req.params.client_id});
This is one of the primary use cases of Mongoose's 'remove' middleware.
clientSchema.pre('remove', function(next) {
// 'this' is the client being removed. Provide callbacks here if you want
// to be notified of the calls' result.
Sweepstakes.remove({client_id: this._id}).exec();
Submission.remove({client_id: this._id}).exec();
This way, when you call client.remove() this middleware is automatically invoked to clean up dependencies.
In case your references are stored other way around, say, client has an array of submission_ids, then in a similar way as accepted answer you can define the following on submissionSchema:
submissionSchema.pre('remove', function(next) {
{ submission_ids : this._id},
{ $pull: { submission_ids: this._id } },
{ multi: true }) //if reference exists in multiple documents
which will remove the submission's id from the clients' reference arrays on submission.remove().
Here's an other way I found
submissionSchema.pre('remove', function(next) {
this.model('Client').remove({ submission_ids: this._id }, next);
I noticed that all of answers here have a pre assigned to the schema and not post.
my solution would be this: (using mongoose 6+)
ClientSchema.post("remove", async function(res, next) {
await Sweepstakes.deleteMany({ client_id: this._id });
await Submission.deleteMany({ client_id: this._id });
By definition post gets executed after the process ends pre => process => post.
Now, you're probably wondering how is this different than the other solutions provided here.
What if a server error or the id of that client was not found?
On pre, it would delete all sweeptakes and submissions before the deleting process start for client. Thus, in case of an error, it would be better to cascade delete the other documents once client or the main document gets deleted.
async and await are optional here. However, it matters on large data. so that the user wouldn't get those "going to be deleted" cascade documents data if the delete progress is still on.
At the end, I could be wrong, hopefully this helps someone in their code.
const orderSchema = new mongoose.Schema({
// Множество экземпляров --> []
orderItems: [{
type: mongoose.Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'OrderItem',
required: true
asyncHandler (optional)
const asyncHandler = fn => (req, res, next) =>
.resolve(fn(req, res, next))
module.exports = asyncHandler;
const asyncHandler = require("../middleware/asyncErrHandler.middleware");
// **Models**
const Order = require('../models/order.mongo');
const OrderItem = require('../models/order-item.mongo');
// #desc Delete order
// #route DELETE /api/v1/orders/:id
// #access Private
exports.deleteOrder = asyncHandler(async (req, res, next) => {
let order = await Order.findById(req.params.id)
if (!order) return next(
res.status(404).json({ success: false, data: null })
await order.remove().then( items => {
// Cascade delete -OrderItem-
items.orderItems.forEach( el => OrderItem.findById(el).remove().exec())
}).catch(e => { res.status(400).json({ success: false, data: e }) });
res.status(201).json({ success: true, data: null });

Mongoose.js: isModified flag for attribute with default value

I have a model with a default generated value that doesn't change throughout the document lifetime except in one special case.
A document may get marked as deleted using doc.update({_id: doc._id, deleted_at: new Date()}, {overwrite: true})
In a very special case the document may be "revived" - looked up by it's id and being worked with again afterwards.
In a pre-save hook I need to perform some action (for example store a document in another collection) whenever the document is created or revived.
Consider following simplified code:
'use strict';
var mongoose = require('mongoose');
var someSchema = mongoose.Schema({
immutable: {
type: String,
default: function () {
return 'SomeVeryRandomValue';
someSchema.pre('save', function (next) {
if (this.isNew || this.isModified('immutable')) {
console.log('Processing pre-save hook!');
var SomeModel = mongoose.model('SomeModel', someSchema, 'test');
mongoose.connection.once('open', function (err) {
var testDoc = new SomeModel({});
console.log('New: %j', testDoc.toObject());
testDoc.save(function(err) {
console.log('Initial saved: %j', testDoc.toObject());
testDoc.update({_id: testDoc._id}, {overwrite: true}, function (err) {
// at this point using mongo console:
// > db.test.findOne()
// { "_id" : ObjectId("5617b028bf84f0a93687cf67") }
SomeModel.findById(testDoc.id, function(err, reloadedDoc) {
console.log('Reloaded: %j', reloadedDoc.toObject());
console.log('reloaded isModified(\'immutable\'): %j', reloadedDoc.isModified('immutable'));
reloadedDoc.save(function(err) {
console.log('Re-saved: %j', reloadedDoc);
And the script runtime output:
$ node mongoose-modified-test.js
New: {"_id":"5617b64c5376737b46f6bb98","immutable":"SomeVeryRandomValue"}
Processing pre-save hook!
Initial saved: {"__v":0,"_id":"5617b64c5376737b46f6bb98","immutable":"SomeVeryRandomValue"}
Reloaded: {"_id":"5617b64c5376737b46f6bb98","immutable":"SomeVeryRandomValue"}
reloaded isModified('immutable'): false
Re-saved: {"_id":"5617b64c5376737b46f6bb98","immutable":"SomeVeryRandomValue"}
The immutable is not marked as modified and IMHO it should - original document had no value for that attribute.
A work-around solution is to remove the default value for immutable attribute and define pre-validate hook like this one:
someSchema.pre('validate', function (next) {
if (this.isNew || !this.immutable) {
this.immutable = 'SomeVeryRandomValue';
This is not exactly what I need because the value won't be generated until I try to validate/save the document. The pre/post-init hooks are not executed on new SomeModel({}) so I can't use those.
Should I open an issue for mongoose.js?
this.$isDefault('immutable') can be used instead.
someSchema.pre('save', function (next) {
if (this.isNew || this.$isDefault('immutable')) {
console.log('Processing pre-save hook!');
Output of the script with updated pre-save hook:
$ node --harmony mongoose-modified-test.js
New: {"_id":"56276f0c1a2f17ae7e0a03f7","immutable":"SomeVeryRandomValue"}
Processing pre-save hook!
Initial saved: {"__v":0,"_id":"56276f0c1a2f17ae7e0a03f7","immutable":"SomeVeryRandomValue"}
Reloaded: {"_id":"56276f0c1a2f17ae7e0a03f7","immutable":"SomeVeryRandomValue"}
Processing pre-save hook!
Re-saved: {"_id":"56276f0c1a2f17ae7e0a03f7","immutable":"SomeVeryRandomValue"}
Thanks to #vkarpov15 for clarification.

How to check values against the DB when using the pre-save hook?

On a User schema, I'd like to check if the specified email already exists for the specified shop, before saving.
var UserSchema = new Schema({
_shop: {
type: Schema.Types.ObjectId,
ref: 'Shop',
required: true
email: String,
UserSchema.pre('save', function(next) {
if (!this.isNew) return next();
// How to do use the static method isThatEmailFreeForThisShop here?
UserSchema.statics.isThatEmailFreeForThisShop = function(email, shop_id, cb) {
this.find({email: email, _shop: shop_id}, function(err, users) {
// ...
There could be different users with the same email as long as they are from different shops.
I do not know how to use the static method in the pre-save hook...
You've created a User Model instance somewhere (I'll call it User):
var User = mongoose.model('user', UserSchema);
So, the isThatEmailFreeForThisShop function is available on the User model:
From your save hook:
UserSchema.pre('save', function(next) {
if (!this.isNew) return next();
User.isThatEmailFreeForThisShop(this.email, this._shop,
function(err, result) {
if (result) { // found
// do something
return next({ error: "duplicate found" });
return next();
You may also want to switch to using the pre-validate rather than save.
I'd expect in your function, isThatEmailFreeForThisShop that you'd call the cb parameter when the results have been "found".
You probably would use findOne (reference) rather than find. Given that there's still a race condition, you'd want to add an index as a compound index email and shop_id and set the unique attribute to true to prevent duplicates from sneaking in (then, you'll need to handle the fact that a save on a model instance may throw an error.)
UserSchema.statics.isThatEmailFreeForThisShop = function(email, shop_id, cb) {
this.findOne({email: email, _shop: shop_id}, function(err, user) {
// ...
cb(err, user != null);
