Win 8 App cant connect to web service but the exe file is connected - winrt-xaml

My Application is Win8App , It was working in All our PCs win 8.0/8.1 , now some of these PCs giving Error Msg, and the other is working :
Error Msg : There was no endpoint listening at that could accept the message. this is often caused by an incorrect
If i connect this web service from windows Application (EXE) it will work .
If we run Fiddler the application will work.
If we shutdown the firewall from the services list , the App will work .
If we remove the PC from the domain and work as workgroup the application will work .
If we activate Firewall outbound logs we can see that firewall was deny to send request to web service , even if we add a role to allow this port .

Now i resolved , Just tick on Private Networks (Client & Server) in cabibilities


.net Core service accessing serialport from remotedesktop session

I have a .net core 3.1 service running that is using a custom Com dll that is talking to a machine connected on a serial port(serial to usb cable). The service is hosted on a windows 2012 server.
A user is then opening a remote desktop session to the server and forwarding the local serial port where the machine is connected to. When we run the service as a service the custom Com dll cant talk to the forwarded port, but if we run the service as a standalone, not as a service, (kestrel) session inside the remote desktop session it works fine.
Cant a windows service(or IIS service) communicate with a serialport that is forwarded using remote desktop port forward? is the port only available in that "session" and not accessable from the service context?
We have tried to run the service as the current users, local system, network system etc.. we have tried to run the service hosted in IIS and regular window service, we also tried to run it as a scheduled task but with same result.
Anyone have any idea on this?
Thanks in advance! app deployed on IIS server hosted on DMZ NIC, unable to get response from service fabric application

A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
The error occurs when Application hosted on a on-premises IIS server tries to hit an API in Azure Service fabric cluster. We even allowed Any-Any connections on firewall to confirm if firewall is blocking but we got the same error. How can this be solved?
impossible to know with the information provided, but applications on service fabric can be called from outside, so you need to check your setup

Web Deploy connection timed out

I've previously had Web Deploy up and running without any issues. Following a company wide installation of Bitdefender, Web Deploy has stopped working. I've tried the following without any success
Added the following rule to Bitdefender firewall
Local Address: Any
Remote Address: our server IP port 8172
Protocol: TCP
Direction: Both
IP: Any
Network: Home / Office
Permission: Allow
Using the following telnet command, telnet [IP address] 8172, I get a blank screen.
Navigating to the URL for the publishing server connection, I'm prompted with a login and then a blank screen.
I don't have Fiddler, or anything similar, running.
I've tried on other machines in our office yet I get the same response.
Re-installed Web Deploy via Web Platform Installer Recommended Server Configuration for Web Hosting Providers and using command prompt I've restarted the agent services with the following commands
net stop msdepsvc & net start msdepsvc
net stop wmsvc & net start wmsvc
I've added IIS Manager Permissions to the appropriate site in IIS, using the server administrator account (which worked in the past) and configured web deploy publishing.
I'm running out of ideas of what to try so I'd appreciate any suggestions.
When attempting to validate the connection in Visual Studio I see the failed notification, "The operation has timed out".
The problem is in the Policies for Content Control. Exceptions need to be added for the sites you would like to web deploy to.
Click on policies, then go to the policy that applies to your development system. In my case this was "IT Policy." If you don't know, you can go to Network and drill down through Active Directory to find what policy applies.
Next, go to Content Control => Traffic. Check the boxes for Web (HTTP traffic) and Traffic Scan exclusions. Then add the URL or IP address for whatever system you are trying to deploy to (We used IP).
Hope that helps!

'us-ascii' is not a supported encoding name on Windows Phone 8/Azure

I'm trying to test the Microsoft Azure's Mobile Services. I've created a Mobile Service on the Azure portal and downloaded the "getting started" project with the Todo demo application.
I was able to deploy the service on the cloud and to run the app with the simulator but when a I try to host the service on my local IIS and run the mobile app, I've got the following exception on the client side:
System.ArgumentException: 'us-ascii' is not a supported encoding name.
Parameter name: name
at System.Globalization.EncodingTable.internalGetCodePageFromName(String name)
at System.Globalization.EncodingTable.GetCodePageFromName(String name)
at System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding(String name)
at System.Net.Http.HttpContent.<>c__DisplayClass1.<ReadAsStringAsync>b__0(Task task)
My Windows's language is English and my keyboard's language is French. I tried to configure the encoding of the HTTP requests on both client side and service side but nothing worked.
Any help would be greatly appreciated :)
This is a side effect of now allowing your WP8.X Emulator (VM) to connect to your local Service that runs under IIS.
When you create a WCF web service in Visual Studio, by default the service is hosted in IIS Express and only accepts connections at localhost
The Windows Phone 8 Emulator, however, configures itself as a separate device on the network. As a result, an app running on the Windows Phone 8 Emulator can’t connect to the development computer as localhost.
Before you can connect successfully from the emulator to the local web service, you have to follow these steps
In short :
Go to %USERPROFILE%\Documents\IISExpress\config\
Open applicationhost.config
Add a new Binding with the IP of your WPEmulator VM
Restart VS as Admin

Hosted wcf service in IIS dont response to other computers?

I develop the wcf service for hosting in IIS. test service in computer(which is service host in itself IIS) and as result this service work fine.
But When I try use that service from other Computer, service not responding and service cant be find!!!
This could be:
A security problem, what are the security settings on IIS?
The port is blocked, what firewall settings do you have?
Or that you have an address with localhost (as already answered)
