Custom Page in cPanel - hook

It is possible to add coustom page to cPanle ?
cPanel url : // cPanel default login Page
and I wanna create custom page like:
Or if not how can I hook into default login page ?

Yes, You can create your custom cPanel login page but you will have to edit your cPanel theme.
Please check following cPanel documentation.


Cookies are enabled but website says they're not

I am trying to use node with Puppeteer to log in to a website but it doesn't let me navigate to the login page. Instead I am re-directed to a page that says that I need to enable cookies in my Chromium browser. When I navigate to the login page manually, I'm not re-directed and my cookies are enabled so I don't know how to fix this.
This problem has been solved by using a different login URL.

Hiding entire website to visitors on Kentico?

Is it possible to hide an entire website behind a log-in screen? Making the visitor login to see the content. I know there are plugins like this on Wordpress but I am unable to find something for Kentico.
Yes. At the root of the website (master page) select it. Then go to Properties>Security and in the Access section of that page, select yes for the "Requires authentication" attribute and save the page. This will force the user to the login page you have defined in your web.config OR in your Settings to authenticate first. This will be inherited by default through the rest of the child pages.

How to stop the link from redirecting in Kentico CMS when the user log in as admin/CMS editor?

Is it possible / how to stop the link from redirecting in Kentico CMS when the user log in as admin/CMS editor?
If you want to prevent the logging to CMS (from /CMSPages/logon.aspx) you can create a custom login page and redirect user where you want.
Use the Logon Form web part to achive this. In the properties of that web part you can setup Default target URL, which leads users to approporiate page You want

Disable login via wp-login.php but allow through custom login page

I have a free custom login/register sidebar widget and I wants that all users must login or register through this custom login widget. So, I tried to disable wp-login.php by denying IP address except mine via .htaccess.
But, this is not working. When I tried to login (by using proxy) through custom login widget, it simply didn't logged in.
Is there any way to solve this issue?
Many thanks in advance.
Note: This question is related to wordpress login. I tried to search similar question here but found only one without any solution.

how do i set the first page of my site in drupal 6?

I am new to drupal.
I started ctreaing site but facing problem in
how do set my first page in drupal
when user type
he should redirect to first page....
In Drupal admin.
Go to Site config -> Site Information
here you can tell Drupal what page to use as the home page.
You may want to setup a specific node before you do this so that that node is your home page.
