How to swipe pdf pages horizontally in android using MuPDF library - horizontal-scrolling

I have built mupdf from source following these steps I have integrated it in my app and it is working fine.
But in that page is scroll vertically but i want to scroll horizontally. Please help me is it possible or not And if possible give me hint or if any other solution Thanks.

You can use the MuPDFPageView instead of the MuPDFReaderView and manage the horizontal scroll manually.

in ReaderView.class from
android mupdf library
, you must HORIZONTAL_SCROLLING="false"

Good news that I created new repo implement method called
swipeHorizontal(boolean isHorizontal) till create Nuget


File Android.png does not exist in Android Studio when create image asset

When I try to create action icon in Image Asset of Android Studio I saw the error log: Android.png does not exist and I can not create action icon. Anyone can help me?
This issue can be resolved by:
Select Launcher Icons, definitely, there will be the previous linked file which was removed from the system. Just go there and choose some other file and the issue will be resolved automatically.
In my case it was an image wizard issue. Image asset wizard caches path to ic_launcher icon and can't find it.
To resolve it you need repick ic_launcher image file for background layer and/or/maybe foreground layer.
Also you can use such command line tool like ack to find all strings 'burma_launcher.png' and manually edit finded files
recommend that you use the material design style for action bar and tab icons, even if you support older Android versions. Use appcompat and other support libraries to deliver your material design UI to older platform versions.
As an alternative to Image Asset Studio, you can use Vector Asset Studio to create action bar and tab icons. Vector drawables are appropriate for simple icons and can reduce the size of your APK.

Can't see preview of android studio

I recently installed android studio but can't see the preview of the app.
When you switch in the Layout.xml, on the bottom you will see two options: -Design -Text. Chose Text and then on the top right you will see Preview appears and so you can click Preview.
Go to Res->values->styles and change the name of your theme to base.theme. ex-> Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar to Base.Theme.AppCompat.Light.DarkActionBar
Please notice the value on the right of the small android icon, just above where the "preview" should be.
There you should pick the API in wish the representation is made. If theres nothing to select there, you will need to install the necessary API packages.

what is the best template to use if scrolling required in app

I wish to create an app in android studio which will require scrolling. Which template should I select when I begin?
The template doesn't matter; add it manually:
But then, you have to use a ScrollView(See this). It is very simple, you just have to add an element and add everything you want to scroll through in it.
I hope I helped.

When I drag and drop my user control onto the design surface, it is showing up as a LINK?

Has anyone seen this. Ive done this before and its not been a problem, but now I am trying to drag and drop and it keep showing the files location in a link... ?
In Visual Studio, I have seen this happen when you drag a UserControl onto the Source view of an ASP.Net .aspx page. Be sure you are dragging the UserControl onto the Design surface.
Edit: This fellow was able to solve his problem by reinstalling Visual Studio. Not a happy thought, but if you're using a recently-installed version, it might be worth a try.

Problem displaying Icon in a button in windows xp(SP2) (MFC)!

I had a problem in displaying icon in button along with the Text in MFC application.. after reading lot of arctilces I got a solution for that and it worked great.But when I tested my application in win xp(SP2) suprised me by not showing the icon..Check the below code which i used to display the icon along with a test in button..Please let me know if there are any fix for this issue..waiting for your replies
HICON addIcon = (HICON)LoadImage(AfxGetApp()->m_hInstance,MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDI_ICON4),
If you're using VS2008 (you should), use CMFCButton from the Feature Pack. It has much better support for bitmapped buttons.
I can confirm that i can't get it to work (on Win2003, my primary development machine) and a brief search on the web found many complaints but no viable answers.
My only suggestion would be to do an ownerdraw button - handling the WM_DRAWITEM message is not difficult and may resolve this issue for you across the board.
see "Native Win32 Theme aware Owner-draw Controls without MFC"
