How to stub a nodejs "required" constructor using sinon? - node.js

I'm writing unit tests for a method that uses the email-templates module like this:
var EmailTemplate = require('email-templates').EmailTemplate;
module.exports = {
sendTemplateEmail: function (emailName, data, subject, to, from) {
var template = new EmailTemplate(__dirname + "/../emails/" + emailName);
data.from = FROM; =;
return template.render(data)
.then(function (result) {
return mailer.sendEmail(subject, to, from, result.html, result.text);
.then(function () {"Sent %s email to %s. data=%s", emailName, to, JSON.stringify(data)));
return Promise.resolve();
.catch(function (err) {
return Promise.reject(new InternalError(err, "Error sending %s email to %s. data=%s", emailName, to, JSON.stringify(data)));
The unit test looks like this:
var assert = require("assert"),
sinon = require("sinon"),
Promise = require("bluebird"),
proxyquire = require("proxyquire");
describe('mailer#sendTemplateEmail', function () {
var templates,
beforeEach(function() {
templates = {
EmailTemplate: function(path) {}
template = {
render: function(data) {}
sinon.stub(templates, "EmailTemplate").returns(template);
it("should reject immediately if template.render fails", function () {
const TO = {email: "", first: "User"};
const FROM = {email: "", first: "User"};
const EMAIL_NAME = "results";
const SUBJECT = "Results are in!";
const DATA = {
week: 10,
season: "2015"
var err = new Error("error");
var mailer = proxyquire("../src/mailer", {
"email-templates": templates
sinon.stub(template, "render").returns(Promise.reject(err));
return mailer.sendTemplateEmail(EMAIL_NAME, DATA, SUBJECT, TO, FROM)
.then(function () {"Expected a rejected promise.");
.catch(function (err) {
assert(err.message === "error");
The problem I'm encountering is on the first line of the sendTemplateEmail function which instantiates a new EmailTemplate object. The EmailTemplate constructor being called points to the non-stub EmailTemplate function defined in the beforeEach, rather than the sinon stub created on the last line of the beforeEach. If I evaluate the require('email-templates').EmailTemplate statement, however, it correctly points to the sinon stub. I'd prefer not to have to change my code to call the require statement inline like:
var template = new require('email-templates').EmailTemplate(__dirname + "/../emails/" + emailName);
Is there any way to accomplish the stub the way I'm intending?

You can inject your dependency when you construct your mailer - exp:
function mailer(options) {
options = options || {};
this.email_template = options.email_template;
Then in the sendTemplateEmail function - use the email_template member.
Also - not sure about your mailer code - but if you need your mailer to act as a singleton in your code (and it isn't already) - you can add this to your mailer:
module.exports = {
getInstance: function(emailTemplate) {
if(this.instance === null){
this.instance = new mailer(emailTemplate);
return this.instance;
Then when you require your mailer you can use the syntax:
var template = new require('email-templates').EmailTemplate(__dirname + "/../emails/" + emailName);
var mail = mailer.getInstance(template);
This way your application (unit test framework or your actual/real-world application) will determine the type of mailer that will be used for the lifetime of the process.


Best way to pass data to a Mocha test that's run programmatically?

Trying to solve a problem where I can't seem to pass dynamically gathered data to Mocha tests.
Here is the logic of my application:
Client submits their Github url. Request is made to Express/Node application.
Express/Node application takes repo and username and makes request to Github API for data and adds the content of the files to an object as base64.
The object with the files are passed to the relevant test files and then executed.
The results are processed and preliminary grades are created. These are then sent back to the client.
Here is what a test file can look like:
const chai = require('chai');
const chaiSubset = require('chai-subset');
const expect = chai.expect;
const base64 = require('base-64');
const HTML_CONTENT = require('../../00-sandbox-files/basic-portfolio-solution.json').html;
const CSS_CONTENT = require('../../00-sandbox-files/basic-portfolio-solution.json').css;
const decodedCSS = base64.decode(CSS_CONTENT[1].content);
const cheerio = require('cheerio');
const juice = require('juice');
let decodedHTMLcontact;
let decodedHTMLindex;
let decodedHTMLportfolio;
for (const obj in HTML_CONTENT) {
if (HTML_CONTENT[obj].path == "contact.html") {
decodedHTMLcontact = base64.decode(HTML_CONTENT[obj].content);
} else if (HTML_CONTENT[obj].path == "index.html") {
decodedHTMLindex = base64.decode(HTML_CONTENT[obj].content);
} else if (HTML_CONTENT[obj].path == "portfolio.html") {
decodedHTMLportfolio = base64.decode(HTML_CONTENT[obj].content);
tests = function (html, css) {
describe('HTML Elements tests that should pass for contact.html', function () {
let $ = cheerio.load(decodedHTMLcontact);
describe('HTML Elements that should exist in contact.html', function () {
it('should contain a header element', function () {
it('should contain a section element', function () {
it('should contain several anchor elements', function () {
expect($('nav').find('a').length), 'You need an additional anchor elements for your navigation elements');
it('should contain an h1 element', function () {
it('should contain a form element', function () {
it('should contain a footer element', function () {
Here is the execution file for the Mocha tests:
const Mocha = require('mocha');
// Instantiate a Mocha instance.
const mocha = new Mocha();
const HW_PORTFOLIO_PATH = './server/05-run-testing-suite/HW-Week1-portfolio-wireframe/HW-1-portfolio.js';
function homeworkRouter(contentObj, repo) {
switch (repo) {
case "Basic-Portfolio":
case "HW-Wireframe":
console.log("No homework provided");
module.exports = {
// Run the tests and have info about what can be returned
runTests: function(contentObj, repo) {
homeworkRouter(contentObj, repo);
console.log("Content Object", contentObj);
console.log("Repo", repo);
.on('fail', function (test, err) {
console.log('Test fail');
.on('end', function () {
console.log('All done');
Solutions we've come up with involve using vm(), setting data into globals, and/or building up and tearing down files. I'd like a solution that it's much more efficient and doesn't pollute global.

sinon stub fails for promise functions if not exported within class

I'm trying to get sinon.stub to work for async function. I have created promiseFunction.js:
let functionToBeStubbed = async function() {
return ("Text to be replaced by stub.");
let promiseFunction = async function() {
return(await functionToBeStubbed());
module.exports = {
promiseFunction: promiseFunction,
functionToBeStubbed: functionToBeStubbed
and test promiseFunction.spec.js:
let functionstobestested = require('./promiseFunction.js');
describe('Sinon Stub Test', function () {
var sandbox;
it('should return --Text to be replaced by stub.--', async function () {
let responsevalue = "The replaced text.";
sandbox = sinon.sandbox.create();
sandbox.stub(functionstobestested, 'functionToBeStubbed').resolves(responsevalue);
//sandbox.stub(functionstobestested, 'functionToBeStubbed').returns(responsevalue);
let result = "Empty";
console.log(`BEFORE: originaldata = ${result}, value = ${responsevalue}`);
result = await functionstobestested.promiseFunction();
console.log(`AFTER: originaldata = ${result}, value = ${responsevalue}`);
console.log("AFTER2: Return value after restoring stub: " + await functionstobestested.promiseFunction());
when running the test, I will get
test failure
If I modify export slightly, it still fails:
var functionsForTesting = {
promiseFunction: promiseFunction,
functionToBeStubbed: functionToBeStubbed
module.exports = functionsForTesting;
I do not understand why this test fails, as it should pass. If I change the way I export functions from promiseFunction.js - module, the test pass correctly. Revised promiseFunction.js:
const functionsForTesting = {
functionToBeStubbed: async function() {
return ("Text to be replaced by stub.");
promiseFunction: async function() {
return(await functionsForTesting.functionToBeStubbed());
module.exports = functionsForTesting;
Test pass
What's wrong in my original and modified way to export functions?

How can i write a mocha test for the following function?

I want to write a test for this node.js funcion,This has two arguments request and response. I set the request variable . But dont know how to set response variable.
function addCustomerData(request, response) {
common.getCustomerByMobile(request.param('mobile_phone'), function (customerdata) {
if (!customerdata) {
var areaInterest = request.param('area_interest');
var customerInfo = {userType: request.param('userType'),
firstName : request.param('first_name'),
middleName : request.param('middle_name'),
lastName : request.param('last_name'),
email : request.param('email'),
mobilePhone : request.param('mobile_phone'),
uniqueName : request.param('user_name'),
company : request.param('company')
if({ =;
customerInfo.uniqueName = customerInfo.uniqueName.toLowerCase();
if(areaInterest) {
customerInfo.areaInterest = '{' + areaInterest + '}';
areaInterest = null;
addCustomer(request, response, customerInfo, function (data) {
request.session.userId = data;
return response.send({success: true, message: 'Inserted successfully'});
} else {
return response.send({success: false, message: 'User with this mobile number already exists'});
I wrote the test as follows
describe('signup', function(){
describe('#addCustomer()', function(){
before(function (done) {
request = {}; = {};
request.session = {};['userType'] = '3';['first_name'] = 'Shiji';['middle_name'] = '';['last_name'] = 'George';['email'] = '';['mobile_phone'] = '5544332333';['user_name'] = 'shiji';
request.session['imageArray'] = [];
// Look up key in data
request1 = {}; = {};
request1.session = {};['area_interest']=["aluva","ernakulam"];['userType'] = '1';['first_name'] = 'Hari';['middle_name'] = 'G';['last_name'] = 'Ganesh';['email'] = '';['mobile_phone'] = '5544332321';['user_name'] = 'hariganesh';['company'] = 'HG Realestate';
request1.session['imageArray'] = [];
// Look up key in data
it('It should list the matching properties', function(done){
function(callback) {
signup.addCustomerData(request, response, function (result, err) {
function(callback) {
signup.addCustomerData(request1, response, function (result, err) {
But i got the error as response has no method send()
Thanks in Advance.
Your addCustomerData function does not have a callback, it just calls respond.send(). You need to mock the response object, as well as the send method, and put your tests inside of it, but you won't be able to use async.parallel() as, like I already mentioned, your function does not have a callback parameter. If you're testing request/response functions, I suggest you look into Supertest which is widely used for cases like this.

How to use requires to return constructor functions that have dependencies

How do you correctly use Require.js to load a module that returns a constructor function that has require dependencies?
My problem seems to be a scope issue, I have seen some modules that are available within the returned constructor like "durandal/app" and I dont see how they are scoped any different than the modules I have defined.
This example is modified from Durandal Creating a Module docs
define([**someothermodule**, "durandal/app"], function(**someothermodule**, app){
var backend = function(username, password){
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
someothermodule.whatever(); <--someothermodule is not defined
app.whatever(); <-- this is in scope
backend.prototype.getCustomers = function(){
//do some ajax and return a promise
return backend;
define([backend], function(backend){
return {
var that = this;
var service = new backend('username', 'password');
return service.getCustomers().then(function(results){
define([], function(){
var whatever = function(){
return {
whatever: whatever
index in the example above has two issues. a) in define [backend] is used instead of ['backend'] and b) ko is used without defining it. Both probably copy/paste errors.
Assuming that someothermodule lives in the same directory as index.js it's sufficient to define it like
define(['./someothermodule', ...], function( someothermodule, ... )
Here's the complete example:
/*globals define*/
define(['./someothermodule', 'durandal/app', 'jquery'], function( someothermodule, app, $ ) {
"use strict";
var backend = function( username, password ) {
this.username = username;
this.password = password;
this.whatever = someothermodule.whatever();
app.trigger('whatever', this.whatever);
backend.prototype.getCustomers = function() {
//do some ajax and return a promise
return $.getJSON('app/so/19551060/fixtures/customer.json');
return backend;
/*globals define*/
"use strict";
var whatever = function(){
return 'whatever return value';
return {
whatever: whatever
/*globals define*/
define(['./backend', 'knockout'], function(backend, ko){
"use strict";
return {
var that = this;
var service = new backend('username', 'password');
return service.getCustomers().then(function(results){
Live version available at:

How to spy on a property that is not exported

I have a module "sitescollection" like this:
var site = require('./site'); // <- this should be stubbed
var sitesCollection = function(spec) {
var that = {};
that.sites = {};
that.findOrCreateById = function(id) {
if (typeof(that.sites[id]) == "undefined") {
that.sites[id] = site({id: id}); // <- its used here
return that.sites[id];
return that;
module.exports = sitesCollection;
so within sitescollection, site is a module that is not exported. But inside the code, i use it. Now i'm writing jasmine specs for #findOrCreateById().
I want to spec my the findOrCreateBy() function. But i want to stub the site() function, because the spec should be independent from the implementation. Where do i have to create the spyed method on?
var sitescollection = require('../../lib/sitescollection');
describe("#findOrCreateById", function() {
it("should return the site", function() {
var sites = sitescollection();
mysite = { id: "bla" };
// Here i want to stub the site() method inside the sitescollection module.
// spyOn(???,"site").andRetur(mysite);
You can achieve this using https: //
var proxyquire = require('proxyquire');
describe("#findOrCreateById", function() {
it("should return the site", function() {
// the path '../../lib/sitescollection' is relative to this test file
var sitesCollection = proxyquire('../../lib/sitescollection', {
// the path './site' is relative to sitescollection, it basically
// should be an exact match for the path passed to require in the
// file you want to test
'./site': function() {
console.log('fake version of "./site" is called');
// now call your sitesCollection, which is using your fake './site'
var sites = sitesCollection();
var mysite = {
id: "bla"
