How to end a process in another linux terminal - linux

Background Info:
I'm trying to set up a remote display using a raspberry pi.
Currently I'm using fbi (frame buffer image viewer) to display the image.
The device is going to be controlled via ssh or web interface - not sure which, but definitely not from the actual device.
The Problem is I cant seem to find an easy way to "clean" quit the process remotely, clear the screen & generate no errors. The fbi program will exit if the q button is pressed but that seems to do no good over ssh. Ideally I'd prefer a less messy solution then having to look up the pid each time before killing it. I am open to the idea of using another program, however I can't run it in Xorg.
I've tried:
Grep-ing the pid and sending kill -sigterm but it either doesn't quit or doesnt clear the screen
echo "q" > /proc/[pid]/fd/0 - all the iterations i try I either get an access denied or nothing happens
Any Ideas?

How to kill a process without a message?
In one terminal, I started a process:
# sleep 100
Now to kill the process, without a message and without knowing the pid:
# kill -13 (pgrep sleep)
How to remotely clear the screen of a terminal?
First, get the tty # of the terminal you want to clear:
# tty
Now from a different terminal:
# printf '\033c' > /dev/pts/1

Without seeing your code, a solution could be to use fbi to just display an image on fb0 from another terminal:
fbi -T 1 -noverbose -d /dev/fb0 image.png
Then just clear the entire framebuffer (fb0):
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/fb0
Or better yet, just write a "blank" image to fb0 to "clear" it.


How to find the PID of a running command in bash?

I've googled this question, but never found anything useful for my particular case.
So, what I'm trying to figure out is the PID of a certain command that is running so I can kill it if necessary. I know it's possible to get the PID of a command by typing echo $! So supposedly
my_command & echo $!
should give me the PID. But this isn't the case, and I think I know why:
My command is as follows:
screen -d -m -S Radio /path/to/folder -f frequency -r path/to/song
which opens a detached screen first and then types the command so that it gets executed and keeps on running in the background. This way the PID that echo shows me is the wrong one. I'm guessing it shows me PID of screen -d -m -S Radio /path/to/folder -f frequency -r path/to/song instead of the PID of the command run in the new terminal created by screen.
But there's another problem to it: when I run screen -ls in the terminal, the command that is running in the background doesn't show up! I'm fairly certain it's running because the Pi is constantly at 25% CPU usage (instead of the 0% or 1% usually) and when I type ps au I can actually see the command and the PID.
So now I'm calling the community: any idea on how I could find the PID of that certain command in the new terminal? I'm writing a bash script, so it has to be possible to obtain the PID through code. Perfect would be a command that stores the PID in a variable!
Thanks to #glennjackman I managed to get the PID I wanted with a simple pgrep search_word. At first it wasn't working, but somehow I made it work after some trial and error. For those wanting the PID on a variable, just type
pid=$(pgrep search_word)
Regarding the problem with screen -ls not showing my detached session, it's still not solved, but I'm not bothered with it. Thanks again for solving my problem #glennjackman !
Second problem solved, check the comments on berends answer.
You can easily find out all the running process and their PID by writing (for example):
ps aux
The process is run by screen so you can probably find it easier by writing:
ps aux | grep screen
For more info about ps and the parameters I used check (quick google) ->
EDIT: You can use this command with bash scripting as well.

Killing ssh session kills running process

I'm connecting to my ubuntu server using ssh. I start an encoding program using a command. However, it seems that when my ssh session closes (because I started it on a laptop which went to sleep). Is there a way to avoid this (of course preventing my laptop from sleeping is not a permanent solution).
Run your command with nohup or use screen
nohup is better when your program generate some loging output because it's forward to file and then you can check it, but with screen you can detach ssh session and when you log again you can restore your work-space. For encoding I'll use nohup. It is easier and you probably run it in background, so you really don't need detaching
Screen is the best for you.
screen -S some_name
than run it. Detach it with: ctrl+a d
Next time, attach it with:
screen -rd some_name
You can have more runnning screens. To show the list of them:
screen -ls
Install "screen" on your ubuntu server, that way you can start any program in your session, disconnect the output of the program from your current session and exit.
Later when you connect again to your server, you can restore the program which will continue running and see its progress.

How can I keep my Linux program running after I exit ssh of my non-root user?

I've searched, googled, sat in IRC for a week and even talked to a friend who is devoutly aligned with linux but I haven't yet received a solid answer.
I have written a shell script that runs as soon as I log into my non-root user and runs basically just does "./myprogram &" without quotation. When I exit shh my program times out and I am unable to connect to it until I log back in. How can I keep my program running after I exit SSH of my non-root user?
I am curious if this has to be done on the program level or what? My apologizes if this does not belong here, I am not sure where it goes to be perfectly honest.
Beside using nohup, you can run your program in terminal multiplexer like screen or tmux. With them, you can reattach to sessions, which is for example quite helpful if you need to run terminal-based interactive programs or long time running scripts over a unstable ssh connections.
boybu is a nice enhancement of screen.
Try nohup:
Likely your program receives a SIGHUP signal when you exit your ssh session.
There's two signals that can cause your program to die after your ssh session ends: SIGHUP and SIGPIPE.
SIGHUP will be sent to your program because the parent process (ssh) has died. You can get around this either by using the program nohup (i.e. nohup ./myprogram &) or by using the shell builtin disown (./myprogram& disown)
SIGPIPE will be sent to your program if it tries to write to stdout or stderr after the ssh session has been disconnected. To get around this, redirect them to a file or /dev/null, i.e. nohup ./myprogram >/dev/null 2>/dev/null &
You might also want to use the batch (or at) command, in addition to the other answers (nohup, screen, ...). And ssh has a -f option which might interest you.

How to stop ffmpeg remotely?

I'm running ffmpeg on another machine for screen capture. I'd like to be able to stop it recording remotely. FFMPEG requires that q is pressed to stop encoding as it has to do some finalization to finish the file cleanly. I know I could kill it with kill/killall however this can lead to corrupt videos.
Press [q] to stop encoding
I can't find anything on google specifically for this, but some there is suggestion that echoing into /proc//fd/0 will work.
I've tried this but it does not stop ffmpeg. The q is however shown in the terminal in which ffmpeg is running.
echo -n q > /proc/16837/fd/0
So how can I send a character to another existing process in such a way it is as if it were typed locally? Or is there another way of remotely stopping ffmpeg cleanly.
Here's a neat trick I discovered when I was faced with this problem: Make an empty file (it doesn't have to be a named pipe or anything), then write 'q' to it when it's time to stop recording.
$ touch stop
$ <./stop ffmpeg -i ... output.ext >/dev/null 2>>Capture.log &
$ wait for stopping time
$ echo 'q' > stop
FFmpeg stops as though it got 'q' from the terminal STDIN.
Newer versions of ffmpeg don't use 'q' anymore, at least on Ubuntu Oneiric, instead they say to press Ctrl+C to stop them. So with a newer version you can simply use 'killall -INT' to send them SIGINT instead of SIGTERM, and they should exit cleanly.
Elaborating on the answer from sashoalm, i have tested both scenarios, and here are the results:
My experiments shows that doing
killall --user $USER --ignore-case --signal INT ffmpeg
Produces the following on the console where ffmpeg was running
Exiting normally, received signal 2.
While doing
killall --user $USER --ignore-case --signal SIGTERM ffmpeg
Exiting normally, received signal 15.
So it looks that ffmpeg is fine with both signals.
System: Debian GNU/Linux 9 (stretch), 2020-02-28
You can also try to use "expect" to automate the execution and stop of the program. You would have to start it using some virtual shell like screen, tmux or byobu and then start the ffmpeg inside of it. This way you would be able to get again the virtual shell screen and give the "q" option.
Locally or remotely start a virtual shell session, lets say with "screen". Name the session with -S option, like screen -S recvideo Then you can start the ffmpeg as you like. You can, optionally, detach from this session with a Ctrl+a + d.
Connect to the machine where the ffmpeg is running inside the screen (or tmux or whatever) and reconnect to it: screen -d -RR recvideo and then send the "q"
To do that from inside a script you can then use expect, like:
prompt="> "
expect << EOF
set timeout 20
spawn screen -S recvideo
expect "$prompt"
send -- "ffmpeg xxxxx\r"
set timeout 1
expect eof
Then, in another moment or script point or in another script you recover it:
expect << EOF
set timeout 30
spawn screen -d -RR recvideo
expect "$prompt"
send -- "q"
expect "$prompt"
send -- "exit\r"
expect eof
You can also automate the whole ssh session with expect, passing a sequence of commands and "expects" to do what you want.
The question has already been answered for Linux, but it came up when I was looking for the windows equivalent, so I'm gonna add that to the answers:
On powershell, you start the process like this:
$((Start-Process ffmpeg -passthru -argument "FFMPEG_ARGS").ID)
This sends back the PID of the FFMPEG process that you can store in a variable, or echo, and then you send the windows equivalent of sigint (Ctrl + C) using taskkill
taskkill /pid FFMPEG_PID
I tried with Stop-Process (which is what comes up when looking how to do this on Google) but it actually kills the process. (And yes, taskkill doesn't kill it, it gently asks the process to stop... good naming :D)

linux - running process background

I want to run a process in a remote linux server and keep that process alive after close the putty terminal,
what is the correct command?
You have two options:
Use GNU screen, which will allow you to run the command and detach it from your terminal, and later re-attach it to a different session. I use it for long-running processes whose output I want to be able to monitor at any time. Screen is a truly powerful tool and I would highly recommend spending some time to learn it.
Run the command as nohup some-command &, which will run the command in the background, detach it from the console, and redirect its output into nohup.out. It will swallow SIGHUPs that are sent to the process. (When you close the terminal or log out, SIGHUP is sent to all processes that were started by the login shell, and the default action the kernel will take is to kill the process off. This is why appending & to put the process in the background is not enough for it to survive a logout.)
don't use that nohup junk, i hate seeing that on servers; screen is a wasting pile of bits and rot -- use tmux.
if you want to background a process, double fork like every other daemon since the beginning of time:
# ((exec sleep 30)&)
# grep PPid /proc/`pgrep sleep`/status
PPid: 1
# jobs
# disown
bash: disown: current: no such job
The modern and easy to use approach that allows managing multiple processes and has a nice terminal UI is hapless utility.
Install with pip install hapless (or python3 -m pip install hapless) and just run
$ hap run my-command # e.g. hap run python
$ hap status # check all the launched processes
See docs for more info.
A command launched enclosed in parenthesis
(command &)
will survive the death of the originating shell.
