spring with ehcache, cache missing in non-cacheable function calls - spring-cache

This question is really hard to describe clearly just in text.
shortly, if call a function marked with #Cacheable directly,
all as expected. however, if call this #Cacheable function in another
function without #Cacheable, cache hits is not as expected.
please see the code:
Thank you very much!

The documentation is pretty explicit about that
In proxy mode (which is the default), only external method calls coming in through the proxy are intercepted. This means that self-invocation, in effect, a method within the target object calling another method of the target object, will not lead to an actual caching at runtime even if the invoked method is marked with #Cacheable - considering using the aspectj mode in this case.
Your internal method call completely bypass the proxy. query2 should have the #Cacheable as well. If you don't want that, you need to use the AspectJ mode instead.


Does node-cache uses locks

I'm trying to understand if the node-cache package uses locks for the cache object and can't find anything.
I tried to look at the source code and it doesn't look like it, but this answer suggests otherwise with the quote:
So there is Redis and node-cache for memory locks.
This cache is used in a CRUD server and I want to make sure that GET/UPDATE requests will not create a race condition on the data.
I don't see any evidence of locking in the code.
If two requests for the same key which is not in the cache are made one after the other, then it will launch two separate fetch() operations and whichever request comes back last is the one that will remain in the cache. This is probably not normally a problem, but an improved implementation could make only one request for that same key and have the second request just wait for the first request to provide the value that was already in flight.
Since the cache itself is all in-memory, all access to the cache is synchronous and thus regulated by Javascript's single threaded nature. So, the only place concurrency issues could affect things in the cache code itself are when they launch an asynchronous fetch() operation.
There are, of course, race conditions waiting to happen in how one uses the code that accesses the data just like there are with a database interface so the calling code has to be smart about how it uses the interface to avoid creating race conditions because of how it calls things.
Unfortunately no, you can write a unit test to confirm it.
I have written a library to fix that and also added read through method to easy the code usage:

RPG program error: Error MCH3601 was detected in file

We have been facing a very strange issue with one of our RPGLE programs that bombs intermittently with the subjected error.
This happens specifically at a line where a write operation is performed to a subfile record format. I have debugged and checked all the values assigned to variables during runtime and could not find absolutely no issues. As per the https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/node/644069 IBM page, I can only assume that this might be related to the parameter definitions of the programs called within the RPG. But I have checked the parameters of each and every prototyped program call and everything seems to be in sync.
Can some one please guide on the direction to go to find out the root cause of this problem?
But I have checked the parameters of each and every prototyped program
Assuming you're using prototypes properly, ie. there is one prototype defined in a separate source member and it is /INCLUDE into BOTH the caller and the callee...
Then prototype calls aren't the problem, as long as you're properly handling any *OMIT and *NOPASS parameters.
Look at any old style CALL or CALLB calls and anyplace you're not using prototypes properly...meaning there's a explicit PR coded in both caller & callee.
Note that you it's not just old-style calls made by the program that bombs, it's calls made anywhere down the call chain.
And if the program is repeatedly called with LR=*OFF or without reclaiming resources, then it could be any old style calls up the call chain also.
Lastly, old style calls include any made by CL or CLLE programs.
Good luck!

How to call custom asnyc code to initialize a Node.io Job once (before successive calls to input())?

Just discovered Node.io, gone though the docs, api, etc. and it looks great. However, building my first job exports.job = new nodeio.Job(..), with methods like input, run,output, reduce, complete I'm in need of some kind of initialize() method which is called once, before successive calls to input() are done. (Similar how complete is called once just before the job is finished)
Any such method around?
For completeness:
This code imho has to be part of the node.io flow (through some dedicated method) since initializing my async code outside of the node.io scope doesn't guarentee the data is already there before the node.io job is executed.
I don't know if there is such a method, have you browsed through the source? It looks like there is an 'init' method that is called by the processor if it is on the job. If you try that and it isn't what you're looking for, you could suggest this as a feature on the node.io github site.
Otherwise, this would be a very simple thing to add for yourself. Just add an 'initialize' method to your object, and then put the following lines at the top of your 'input' or 'run' method (which I think would probably work better if you need the data to be ready already):
if (!this.initialized) {
this.initialized = true;
Note that there is a tiny performance hit here, of course. But in most cases, it's only the amount of time it takes to check the value of one variable, which is probably quite minimal compared to the amount of processing you actually need.

ASIO strand::wrap does it not have to serialize in order?

I'm lost on the distinction between posting using strand::wrap and a strand::post? Seems like both guarantee serialization yet how can you serialize with wrap and not get consistent order? Seems like they both would have to do the same thing. When would I use one over the other?
Here is a little more detail pseudo code:
this guarantees my two handlers are serialized and executed in order even in a thread pool.
Now, how is that different from below?
Seems like they do the same thing?
Why use one over the other? I see both used and am trying to figure out when
one makes more sense than the other.
wrap creates a callable object which, when called, will call dispatch on a strand. If you don't call the object returned by wrap, nothing much will happen at all. So, calling the result of wrap is like calling dispatch. Now how does that compare to post? According to the documentation, post differs from dispatch in that it does not allow the passed function to be invoked right away, within the same context (stack frame) where post is called.
So wrap and post differ in two ways: the immediacy of their action, and their ability to use the caller's own context to execute the given function.
I got all this by reading the documentation.
This way
myhandler1 is guaranteed by mystrand to be executed before myhandler2
the execution order is the order of executing wrapped handlers, which io_service::post does not guarantee.

Is object.__del__(self) the most appropriate place to flush a logging class?

I have a custom logging class for my Python script with a flush() method which print()s the contents of a list.
I would like to include flush() in the special __del__() method in case the program ends without the log being flushed. However a note in the documentation states:
[...] when del() is invoked in response to a module being deleted (e.g., when execution of the program is done), other globals referenced by the del() method may already have been deleted or in the process of being torn down (e.g. the import machinery shutting down).
Would anyone recommend a different way of doing this, and if so, why?
You might want to look into making this logger a context manager. That still will not flush in the case of abnormal termination, but few things will. But __del__ might not be called on objects even in normal termination.
Loggers might be one of the things that doesn't fit well when using the with statement, as they are quite global, so it's not sure context manager is a good fit.
