Linux Local Server for offline 1 application - linux

I have an idea to build a web-app. I would like to run this web-app offline on 1 PC. But I would like a DB with it to store data.
So, I would like to make it so, you just boot up the PC (running on Linux), and it just boots the webapp and the server (maybe make it so you can't get out of the browser if that's possible).
So, I was thinking about taking an old PC, install Ubuntu server on it, and then modify it, so it directly boots the browser (going to the web-app) and the server on booting up the PC.
Can this work? Do I need ubuntu Server? Or can I just run a normal Linux Destro with a LAMP on it and let that boot when booting up.
Thanks for the insight!

No need for some special OS. Choose any distro you like, install XAMMP on it and put all the files your web page has inside htdocs folder. XAMPP is all ready to manage databases and FTP. Once set up, go to your browser at Hope that works for you!


How to open rust-rocket server to LAN?

I tried rocket, cargo run, access to http://localhost:8000 and looks well.
However, I failed to access to http://192.168.developing.pc:8000 from other PC in LAN.
I tried http://192.168.developing.pc:8000 in developing PC but was not able to access.
At first I thought it is related to firewall but I was confused because it was not able to access from own machine.
How can I do?
I'm completely not familiar with networking so that I'm not sure if only the executable I built is enough or need other service such as nginx or IIS or something.
I'm developing in windows 10 and want to deploy on ubuntu finally. (ubuntu machine is not ready)
Thank you.
export ROCKET_ENV=stage ;cargo run

How to set up a development environment for React when IT won't allow you to install anything on your Windows workstation

I am working for a client that does not allow setting up anything on the native Windows workstation.
I am, however, allowed to set up a virtual machine on which I can install anything I want.
So, I've set up a Linux VM and installed the React environment.
However, I would like to be able to use the native Windows tools that are allowed for development, since installing and using them on the VM is painfully slow.
I'm currently modifying the code with a native Windows IDE, then pushing the changes to a Git repository, then pulling the changes down to the Linux VM to see them work. However, for debugging, where changes are added, removed, modified, etc... this is also painfully slow.
I tried to set up a shared folder to work on the code locally and having it update on the Linux VM dynamically, but that doesn't work because "npx create-react-app" does a bunch of things, like set up symlinks, that either don't work on a shared folder or aren't allowed by IT. I'm guessing it's the shared Windows folder that's limiting this. I also tried to set up a Samba share of the Linux folder, but I think this is blocked by IT, because I just can't see it from my Windows machine, and network discovery is turned on.
So, now that you know my pain, what would be the best way to set up a React development environment in this situation? Help...
I almost understands nothing about linux and VM, but here is something you can do.
When creating a react application with create-react-app, when you run npm start, your application will be hosted in localhost:3000.
So to do what you want, you need to set up the enviroment in the VM (e.g. create-react-app) and then configure (this is the part I don't understand how to do) your VM in a way you can access the VM's localhost and the files of your project.
This way you can edit the files of the VM and also see the app changing in the windows browser.
How to share VM's folder with host
How access VM's localhost

Automatically sync to a web server?

I have a web server with websites on it and I was just wondering if there is anyway of me being able to develop the websites on my Linux (Ubuntu) desktop PC and whenever I hit save it uploads it to the web server?
I hope you understand what I am trying to do.
Yes, you can do this, using an advanced IDE.
For example a free and powerful one is NetBeans.
Essentially you need an FTP server on your host machine, then in NB you need to create a new project from external source, set up your FTP connection and that's about it, now every time you hit that ctrl+s, changes will be saved on your server as well.
What you're asking about is called continuous delivery. Jenkins is a popular tool that can automatically test and deploy anything you save (or commit to svn or git).

Multiple environments using WAMP server

wondering if you can help me with the following.
I have a new server in my office, with Windows Server 2008 R2, i have 2 developers working here now, i have just installed WAMP on the server and running, i would like that each of the devs to have their own instance in the wamp, i mean if within www i have N quantity of Projects.
Programmer A gets access to some projects only, also the Databases.
At this point i know how to setup the wamp to be accessed in the LAN using Vhosts, but i have no clue how to setup specific privileges.
Could not find anything on the web on that issue.
Can I suggest another method.
As WAMPServer is intended as a developers tool anyway, you install WAMPServer on each developers PC. You make sure the config on all PC's is the same as the Server version.
For an existing project i.e maintenance/upgrade you give them the source and a database backup. They develop this locally and when its ready you take the source and a database backup to your WAMPServer on the Server.
For a new project, they develop it locally and then when its ready you move the project to the Server.
This would be much simpler and would leave the Server version for UAT or LIVE, whatever you are using it for.
Of course there are better solutions involving source management etc, but as a fairly simple and low maintenance solution, this would work.

How to revise the route format when transfer files from WIN to LINUX?

I used to use win2003 as my server,my web applicaion file has some files like \image\forum\1.jpg.
now, i plan to use CENTOS as my server. i notice that the route in linux is /image/forum/1.jpg.
question1: is the win route format is different with linux as i recognized?
question2: how to revise the route format before move to CENTOS? any advice is welcome.
I build my code on a windows 2k3 machine and then roll out live to centos servers. It's always worked either way without changing a thing :-) It's never caused me an issue.
You should have no need to change your code
