Separate date and time in Excel - excel

I need to separate the date and time for a large list of data in Excel, the format is 12/23 1600 (i.e. 23 December 16:00).
I tried the function =DATE(YEAR(serial_number),MONTH(serial_number),DAY(serial_number)), but it couldn't read that format.
Could you please tell me how to do that without change the format?

This works for me as I see your data
=TIME(INT(MID(A2,FIND(" ",A2)+1,9)/100),MOD(MID(A2,FIND(" ",A2)+1,9)/100,1)*100,0)

If the data is a string, AND IF your windows short date regional format is MDY, then try:
If the data is a "real" date, formatted to appear as you show, then try:
In either case, be sure to format the result as you desire.
If your Windows regional settings are other than MDY, then you can use this more complex formula:
=DATE(YEAR(TODAY()), LEFT(A1,FIND("/",A1)-1),MID(LEFT(A1,FIND(" ",A1)-1),FIND("/",A1)+1,2))
For the time portion, you can try
If the above does not work, then provide more information about exactly what is in the cell, your regional format, etc.


How to make Excel recognise Dukascopy date time format

I'm working with a date and time format from the Dukascopy csv download format. It looks like this:
01.03.2018 07:00:00.000 GMT-0000.
Is there a formula to convert this to a format that could be sorted chronologically? I don't need the -0000, just the date and time. Thank you.
Please try:
with formatting to suit.
Switch around the second and third parameters of DATE (the 4 and the 1) to suit the date convention of your source, if required.
try this:
Then format as desired.
This only works if the input and the local settings agree as to order of MM/DD or DD/MM.

Excel 2010 Convert text string to Full date & 24 hr time

Program: Excel 2010
Issue: External report gives me a text string, I want to convert it to Date & 24 hour time.
141221205535 needs to be:
14/12/21 20:55:35
I have tried text to columns making the result show: YMD
I have then tried using the format cells option: (custom) yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
* I receive a string of ######## in the Sample field in the formatting box.
I have tried also just using the date/time version, no seconds
1412212055 needs to be:
14/12/21 20:55
ideally, if possible:
20141421 2055 or 2014/14/21 20:55 I will accept
I can not alter the report as it comes through a 3rd party and I am pulling the date from a 'reference' field. The report, when downloaded, is in CSV and there is no existing formatting on the data.
I need to convert this as my sales report then needs to be sorted by date order.
Note: If I do use the seconds in the string, I get the weird looking scientific number. So i've had to reduce the digits, this isn't ideal, is there a way to avoid the scientific number whilst the process of changing 'text to date' is happening?
Thanks in advance.
I used this formula to convert:
=TEXT(A1,"2000-00-00 00\:00\:00")+0
format result cell in required format, e.g. yyyy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss
If you don't want the seconds in the underlying value you can use this version
=TEXT(LEFT(A1,10),"2000-00-00 00\:00")+0
These formulas work because TEXT function converts your value 141221205535 to a text value 2014-12-21 20:55:35, then, because that is a valid date/time format in Excel the +0 "co-erces" the text value to a serial number representing the correct date/time in you can then simply format the result to display any way you want.
Note that I'm assuming all dates will be in the current (21st) century.....
A formula like this would work -
=TEXT(DATE(LEFT(A1,2),MID(A1,3,2),MID(A1,5,2))+TIME(MID(A1,7,2),MID(A1,9,2),MID(A1,11,2)),"yy/mm/dd hh:mm:ss")
If your format always has 12 digits
You'll need to add the datevalue with the timevalue to get also the HMS
for example (suppose the text is in D5 cell):

How to convert a date in Excel to ISO 8601 format

I am trying to save a date format in YYYY-MM-DD, for example, 2014-09-01 as a CSV file, but the format reverts back to the M/D/YYYY format when I do.
I tried converting the date as a string in Excel, but every time I open up the CSV file, it's back to the M/D/YYYY format. I need the ISO 8601 date format to be saved in a CSV file. How do I go about doing so?
The basic function is:
Use this to convert your Excel date columns to separate ISO 8601 date columns. Next, copy the ISO 8601 columns onto the originals (paste special: paste values only).
Delete the calculated ISO 8601 columns which now have garbage in them because Excel sucks at ISO 8601 dates.
You now have a transformed CSV or TSV or whatnot. Just save as the original format and ignore the stupid Excel whining about it not being its native file format and how you are going to "lose out" somehow by saving as CSV file and try not to think about the hours of your life Microsoft has stolen with that dumb dialog.
You can set up a cell, example :
Right click on cell > Cell format > Category > Custom > Type > write this :
aaaa-mm-jjThh:mm:ss (french format here)
yyyy-mm-ddThh:MM:ss (english format)
As a note of caution for non-English users. It just took me a while to figure out, that the format string is sensitive to your regional settings / locale. E.g. with my formatting settings to German:
(Although the OS and Excel are set to English.)
You could just jump straight to the nuclear option: Change your computer’s "Region and Language" settings to use the "yyyy-MM-dd" short date format.
I copied and pasted #Dirk Bester's formula above:
but it wouldn't work, Excel 2010 complaining high and low. That is, until I changed the quote marks from some kind of "smart quote" to plain old ASCII 0x22 quote marks:
And now it works like a charm.
I believe you may well have created the right format in the .csv file.
But that Excel is automatically coercing that into a date value of the format you mention when you open the .csv file. A solution may be to import the .csv file rather than open it, and at step 3 of Get External Data, From Text, ensure that Text is selected for Column data format, where appropriate.
FWIW, none of the above worked for me in an Excel with 16th century dates, e.g. 26-08-1558 for the 26th of August 1558. So in order to convert that to an ISO date, I used:
I used that

Some but not all Excel numbers show as a date

I have a big .xls file. Some numbers show as a date.
31.08 shows as 31.aug
31.13 shows as 31.13 (that is what i want all columns to be)
When I reformat 31.aug to number it shows as 40768,00
I have found no ways to convert 31.aug to 31.08 as a number. All I am able to do is to reformat 31.aug as and then it shows as 31.08 and when I try to reformat it from 31.08 to number it shows as 40768,00. No way to cheat Excel using different types of cell formats.
How's your regional settings? There are some Regions where the short date is identified by (Estonian, for instance). Maybe if you change the regional settings for US / UK and paste the data again it won't be changed.
Worked in a small test I did here. Hope it helps.
Internally Excel stores Dates as integer. 1 is January 1. 1900. If you entered something that Excel interprets as a date then it will be converted into an integer. I think from this point on there is no way back.
There is an setting in Options on the tab "international" where you can define your decimal separator. If you set this to ".", then your Excel should accept 30.12 as decimal number and not as date.
As pointed out by others, Excel interprets some of your data as a date instead of a number, which depends on your regional settings. To avoid this happening try Tiago's and stema's responses, they will work depending on your regional settings.
To repair your problem in a large file after it has happened without re-entering/re-importing your data, you can use something like
to convert a "date" back to a number. Excel will still display it as a date when you first enter this, but when you reformat it as "Number" now it will display the value you originally entered.
Since your column seems to contain a mix between correct numbers and dates, you need to add an if() construct to separate the two cases. If you haven't changed the display format yet (i.e. it still displays 31.Aug) you can use
which checks if the format is a "D"ate format. If you have already changed the format to Number, but know all your correct data is below 40000, you can use
As suggested above, go to Control Panel - Region and Language - Advanced Settings - Numbers - and change the Decimal Symbol from "," to "."
Good luck!
The data you are pasting, is it by any chance a pivot table.
For example, like you, I am copying a lot of data into a large spreadsheet. The data I am copying is from another sheet and it is a pivot table.
If I paste normally, half will show up as numbers, which they are in the source file and half will show up as dates, for no reason, which drives me insane.
If I Paste->Values however, they will all show up as numbers, and as I don't need the pivot functionality in the destination file this solution is fine.
All you have to do is format cell.
1-right click on the cell where you want to insert the number.
2-then click on Number and select 'General' from the number menu.
Hope this will help future people with the same issue.

Best timestamp format for CSV/Excel?

I'm writing a CSV file. I need to write timestamps that are accurate at least to the second, and preferably to the millisecond. What's the best format for timestamps in a CSV file such that they can be parsed accurately and unambiguously by Excel with minimal user intervention?
For second accuracy, yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss should do the trick.
I believe Excel is not very good with fractions of a second (loses them when interacting with COM object IIRC).
The earlier suggestion to use "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" is fine, though I believe Excel has much finer time resolution than that. I find this post rather credible (follow the thread and you'll see lots of arithmetic and experimenting with Excel), and if it's correct, you'll have your milliseconds. You can just tack on decimal places at the end, i.e. "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000".
You should be aware that Excel may not necessarily format the data (without human intervention) in such a way that you will see all of that precision. On my computer at work, when I set up a CSV with "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000" data (by hand using Notepad), I get "mm:ss.0" in the cell and "m/d/yyyy hh:mm:ss AM/PM" in the formula bar.
For maximum information[1] conveyed in the cells without human intervention, you may want to split up your timestamp into a date portion and a time portion, with the time portion only to the second. It looks to me like Excel wants to give you at most three visible "levels" (where fractions of a second are their own level) in any given cell, and you want seven: years, months, days, hours, minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second.
Or, if you don't need the timestamp to be human-readable but you want it to be as accurate as possible, you might prefer just to store a big number (internally, Excel is just using the number of days, including fractional days, since an "epoch" date).
[1]That is, numeric information. If you want to see as much information as possible but don't care about doing calculations with it, you could make up some format which Excel will definitely parse as a string, and thus leave alone; e.g. "yyyymmdd.hhmmss.000".
"yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss.000" format does not work in all locales. For some (at least Danish) "yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm:ss,000" will work better.
I believe if you used the double data type, the re-calculation in Excel would work just fine.
Go to the language settings in the Control Panel, then Format Options, select a locale and see the actual date format for the chosen locale used by Windows by default. Yes, that timestamp format is locale-sensitive. Excel uses those formats when parsing CSV.
Even further, if the locale uses characters beyond ASCII, you'll have to emit CSV in the corresponding pre-Unicode Windows "ANSI" codepage, e.g. CP1251. Excel won't accept UTF-8.
"yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000" format does not work in all locales. For
some (at least Danish) "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss,000" will work better.
as replied by user662894.
I want to add: Don't try to get the microseconds from, say, SQL Server's datetime2 datatype: Excel can't handle more than 3 fractional seconds (i.e. milliseconds).
So "yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.000000" won't work, and when Excel is fed this kind of string (from the CSV file), it will perform rounding rather than truncation.
This may be fine except when microsecond precision matters, in which case you are better off by NOT triggering an automatic datatype recognition but just keep the string as string...
So, weirdly excel imports a csv date in different ways. And, displays them differently depending on the format used in the csv file. Unfortunately the ISO 8061 format comes in as a string. Which prevents you from possibly reformatting the date yourself.
All the ones the do come in as a date... contain the entire information... but they format differently... if you don't like it you can choose a new format for the column in excel and it will work. (Note: you can tell it came in as a valid date/time as it will right justify... if it comes in as a string it will left justify)
Here are formats I tested:
"yyyy-MM-dd" shows up as a date of course when opened in excel. (also "MM/dd/yyyy" works)
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" default display format is "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm" (date and time w/out seconds)
"yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff" default display format is "HH:mm:ss" (time only w/ seconds)
As for timezones. I have to store the UTC offset as seconds from UTC that way formulas in Excel/OpenOffice can eventually localize datetimes. I found this to be easier than storing any number that has a 0 in front of it. -0900 didn't parse well in any spreadsheet system and importing it was nearly impossible to train people to do.
Try MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a format.
Java code to create XML file.
"MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss a")).append("");
public String formatDate(Date date, String format)
String dateString = "";
if(null != date)
SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(format);
dateString = dateFormat.format(date);
return dateString;
I wrote my timestamps to the CSV file as yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.
In Excel 365 I create a blank workbook, go to the Data tab and choose "From Text/CSV.
A dialog opens with a preview, which weirdly leaves the first column of timestamps alone, but shows it is going to convert the second column.
You can either "Load" the data, or "Transform Data", which is what I choose.
Now you're in the "Power Query Editor" and you can massage how Excel will bring the columns in.
In my case I undo any automatic changes it made, and tell it both columns are Data Type "Date/Time" using a little button on the ribbon.
Pressing Close & Load brings it into Excel as a data source that you can sort etc.
Given a csv file with a datetime column in this format: yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss
Excel shows it in this format: dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm
e.g. 2020-05-22 16:40:55 shows as 22/05/2020 16:40
This is evidently determined by the Short date and Short time format selected in Windows; for example, if I change the Short date format in Windows to yyyy-mm-dd, Excel shows 2020-05-22 16:40.
Annoyingly, I can't find any way to make Excel show the seconds automatically (I have to manually format the column in Excel). But if the csv file includes a time column in hh:mm:ss format (e.g. 16:40:55), that's what shows in Excel, including the seconds.
I would guess that ISO-format is a good idea. (Wikipedia article, also with time info)
