Change the default active version showing in dnvm list - dnvm

When I run dnvm list at the command prompt I see my default active version is rc1-update1 clr x86.
How do I change it to x64?
dnvm help shows that there is a command named "alias" which lists and manages aliases but it does not show how to set the default.
[Update] I tried

You can execute
dnvm alias default 1.0.0-rc1-update1 -arch x64 -r clr
to change the default alias. You can examine the content of the file %USERPROFILE%\.dnx\alias\default.txt. Probably you would like to execute
dnvm use 1.0.0-rc1-update1 -r clr arch x64 -p
later to change the path too. You can use
dnvm upgrade -r clr -arch x64
to do all above plus downloading the latest released version.


Where is the executable to invoke the GNOME failed dialog on Fedora?

For the debugging purpose, I want to invoke the GTK failed dialog.
In Ubuntu, I can find the binary at /usb/lib/gnome-session/gnome-session-failed. Is the same function executable available in Fedora? I tried to search around but could not find it in the system.
Fedora version: 18 (Spherical Cow)
GNOME version: 3.6
You can check files in a rpm package this way:
$ rpm -ql gnome-session | grep failed
Seems for the version you are using there was not such executable and the fail dialog would run by doing : gnome-session whale.
gnome-session-failed is not available in the version you mentioned.
you need to use gnome-session instead and specify with -whale.

How to set environment variables on remote linux host in a visual studio crossplatform cmake project

I'm using Visual Studio 2017 to edit a cmake project according to this tutorial
However, my environment is of 64bit, and I need to build a 32bit program. And yes I have all the i386 dev libs on my machine.
I can achieve this on linux simply by typing CC="gcc -m32" CXX="g++ -m32" cmake .. But I just cannot find how to specify remote environment variables in vs' CMakeSettings.json or any other way.
I have tried exporting environment variables on linux .profile, but this won't work on vs. Running the same command directly on ssh works fine.
Also have tried setting cmakeExecutable variable in CMakeSettings.json with prefixed CC=..., and got rejected by vs.
Okay, not familiar with cmake, it seems just set cmakeCommandArgs would work.
In CMakeSettings.json, "cmakeCommandArgs": "-D CMAKE_C_FLAGS=\"-m32\" -D CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS=\"-m32\""

How to fix "could not compile dependency :bcrypt_elixir" error on Windows?

I'm on Windows and I am trying to install the bcrypt_elixir module.
I get the following error:
$ mix phx.server
==> bcrypt_elixir
could not compile dependency :bcrypt_elixir, "mix compile" failed. You can recompile this dependency with "mix deps.compile bcrypt_elixir", update it with "mix deps.update bcrypt_elixir" or clean it with "mix deps.clean bcrypt_elixir"
** (Mix) "nmake" not found in the path. If you have set the MAKE environment variable,
please make sure it is correct.
Here is a terminal screenshot of the error:
Here is my deps function from mix.exs:
defp deps do
{:phoenix, "~> 1.3.0"},
{:phoenix_pubsub, "~> 1.0"},
{:phoenix_ecto, "~> 3.2"},
{:postgrex, ">= 0.0.0"},
{:phoenix_html, "~> 2.10"},
{:phoenix_live_reload, "~> 1.0", only: :dev},
{:gettext, "~> 0.11"},
{:cowboy, "~> 1.0"},
{:comeonin, "~> 4.0"},
{:elixir_make, "~> 0.4.1"},
{:bcrypt_elixir, "~> 1.0"}
I faced same problem during distillery setup with my elixir project.
Installing package resolve issue as shown below.
I found bcrypt_elixir need to install make and build-essential from Elixir Forum.
platform:- ubuntu
$ sudo apt install make
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
For Visual Studio 2019 (VS2019) :
cmd /K "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
bcrypt_elixir uses Windows' NMake (cf. bcrypt_elixir's
It seems like you don't have NMake installed.
From NMake's documentation:
NMAKE is included when you install Visual Studio or the Visual C++ command-line build tools. It's not available separately.
So you need to download Visual Studio in order to get NMake. Then you should be able to compile bcrypt_elixir.
If you already have NMake, make sure nmake.exe is located under a directory from your path.
In windows 10, you must add NMAKE to your path
After that you can run mix deps.compile until see message like this:
After that you must run cmd as suggest from nmake:
cmd /K "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\vcvarsall.bat" amd64
Run this command on cmd and run mix deps.compile normarly.
Actually looking at this a bit closer, since you're running Cygwin and trying to build bcrypt under Cygwin, nmake doesn't even enter into the question. You need to install make into Cygwin. Re-run the cygwin installer, select the Devel category and then under Devel look for make.
Ok, so if I had to guess I'd say either you need to
a.) Stop trying to build everything under the Cygwin prompt--if bcrypt_elixir is detecting that it's on Windows, it's going to look for nmake and nmake isn't part of Cygwin.
You didn't specify how you're looking for nmake but if I were you I'd try this from the C:\Program Files (x86) directory.
dir /s nmake.exe
Mind you run that from a Windows cmd prompt--it won't work from the Cygwin shell!
b.) Somehow set bcrypt_elixir to think it's on Linux so it looks for make (which is not the same as nmake).
Basically I think the simplest answer would be to try to run mix phx.server from a normal Windows cmd prompt and then go from there. Or if you need Linux, then install virtual box and put a Linux VM on the machine and proceed that way.
I found that, running on Windows, it was the latest version of erlang OTP, version 21,
that was causing the problem. I uninstalled this version and went for version 20 (which installs erlang 9.3 and latest version of Elixir then looks for this version when being compiled) and then bcrypt_elixir compiled al
This answer is for anyone running elixir directly on Windows, and using VS Code with the ElixirLS extension. These instructions should work for other Visual Studio versions besides 2022, just change the path to vcvars64.bat.
Install Visual Studio 2022.
Use the Visual Studio Installer to install the optional Desktop Development with C++ workload. This contains native C/C++ build tools, including nmake.exe.
Create a script in your home directory (C:\Users\UserName) ExVsCode.bat with the following (%1 is how you access the first command line argument, which will be the project directory):
cd %1
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat
code .
When you want to work on an elixir project in VS Code, open a command prompt (CMD.exe), move to your home directory if you're not there already, and run ExVsCode.bat C:\Users\Username\PathToProject to open VS Code with all the build tools available to ElixirLS and the integrated terminal.
Credit to exqlite documentation for some of this.
Note: the original question may concern Cygwin, but many people will find this answer who are running elixir directly on Windows, and a closed question that doesn't mention Cygwin or WSL already points here.

Cygwin - Installing a specific package version using the commandline installer

Using the commandline installer, one can easily install Cygwin with a list of wanted packages like so
setup-x86.exe -q -p='tar,sed,<more packages>'
Is it also possible to fix the version of the packages, something like
setup-x86.exe -q -p='tar:1.2.3,sed,<more packages>'
(this obviously doesn't work)?
The short answer to your query is, No. Cygwin's setup -x86.exe does not give you the flexibility to specify version names along with package names. As per the official doc :
The basic reason for not having a more full-featured package manager is that such a program would need full access to all of Cygwin's POSIX functionality. That is, however, difficult to provide in a Cygwin-free environment, such as exists on first installation. Additionally, Windows does not easily allow overwriting of in-use executables so installing a new version of the Cygwin DLL while a package manager is using the DLL is problematic
There are however a couple of workarounds if you want to download a specific package:
Locate a cygwin mirror that hosts the specific version. Google for your version, and if you find a mirror hosting that version, simply use that mirror before running setup -x86.exe. [source]
Maintain a local pacakge repository and use the commandline options -q -L -l x:\cygwin-local\, where your downloaded package tree is in x:\cygwin-local\ [source] . You can learn how to build and maitain packages here
Compile and install the package after you've set up cygwin using make.
This is function that Cygwin's installer now provides. By default, when running from the command line, it will install the latest version of each package, but you can specify a version with =. For example:
setup-x86_64.exe -P git=2.35.0-1,vim
will install the latest version of Vim, and version 2.35.0-1 of Git.

Error in installing oracle forms in ubuntu 13

Everyone i'm trying to install oracle forms into ubuntu (installing in a virtual machine).but i have an error when i run it during the installation in the prerequisite check stape.I have 2 warning in checking recommended operating system packages and checking kernel parameters
i already installed weblogic
Firstly i a Create directory for Middleware home
$ cd /u01/app
$ mkdir Middleware
then i set JAVA_HOME/PATH by adding the 2 lines in the .bash_profile file
export JAVA_HOME=/usr/bin/java
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/bin/java
and activate the new path settings immediately:
$ source ~/.bash_profile
after that i run the weblogic via the command:
java -jar wls1036_generic.jar
the weblogic was installed successfully.
in the end i run the forms by going to the Disk1 directory and
Start the installer:
but in the step :prerequisite check i had these 2 warnings(status)
checking recommended operating system packages
and checking kernel parameters
thank you for help
