Apache Spark Random Forest slow performance - apache-spark

It would be good to get some tips on tuning Apache Spark for Random Forest classification.
Currently, we have a model that looks like:
featureSubsetStrategy all
impurity gini
maxBins 32
maxDepth 11
numberOfClasses 2
numberOfTrees 100
We are running Spark 1.5.1 as a standalone cluster.
1 Master and 2 Worker nodes.
The amount of RAM is 32GB on each node with 4 Cores.
The classification takes 440ms.
When we increase the number of trees to 500, it takes 8 sec already.
We tried to reduce the depth but then error rate is higher. We have around 246 attributes.
Probably we are doing something wrong. Any ideas how we could improve the performance ?

Increasing the number of decision trees will definitely increase the prediction time, as the problem instance has to traverse through all the trees. But reducing it is no good for prediction accuracy. You have to vary this parameter (number of decision trees) and find an optimal value. That is why it is called hyper-parameter. Hyper parameters are highly dependent on the nature of your data and attributes. You may need to vary other hyper-parameters as well, one by one, and achieve global optimum.
Also, when you say prediction time, are you including the time to load the model as well ! If so, I guess the model time should not be considered for prediction time. This is only an overhead for loading your model and preparing the application for prediction.


Less features, longer model training time

I use machine learning algorithm in Malware analysis. When I input some features, I get strange training time. For example:
4 feature(A,B,C,D), model training time is 3 seconds.
3 Features(A,B,C), training time is 5 seconds.
2 features(A, B), training time is 8 seconds.
1 feature(A), training time is 4 seconds.
This kind of result happens on both MLP and Random Forest. In my opinion, the training time should be faster if I use less features, but the result is complete different.
In KNN, the result will be like these:
If I using 6,5,4,3 features(A,B,C,D,E,F), model testing time is about 1.1 seconds, almost the same.
2 features(A,B), model testing time is 3 seconds.
1 feature (A), model testing time is 5 seconds.
My dataset has 17K records and using 10-Fold cross-validation. The feature is sort by their entropy, feature A have highest entropy and feature F is lowest. Using Google Colab with sklearn for the testing. I tried several times in different date, and the trend is the same.
The feature of my dataset has total 79 features, the appearance only happens with few features.
Thanks for anyone who reply me, I have no idea about it.
It does seem at first glance that having fewer features will result in lower training times. However, depending on which algorithm is being used, this may not be the case. In training, an objective function (loss function) is being minimized by the algorithm. Taking the case of the MLP neural network, if you change the features (especially depending on whether they're informative or not), you're changing the feature space (or "error surface") over which the optimization occurs and possibly the minima of the function will be harder to find, resulting in more steps and longer training in order to satisfy the convergence criteria.

How to avoid Kmean local optima when using sklearn Kmeans

I want to use use scikit kmean in production deployment and would want to use the default setting for kmean.init = k-means++. The question I have is that what are the chances that kmeans will fall into a local optima when it initializes cluster centroids?.
Notes says that "‘k-means++’ : selects initial cluster centers for k-mean clustering in a smart way to speed up convergence. See section Notes in k_init for more details".
Is there a data on the probability of getting a local optima ?.
If so, should I iterate to get the minimal cost function ?.
Probability of getting trapped into local optima, majorly depends on the nature of your data. If its explicitly grouped, then initial cluster might not have much of an impact on the final clusters results. May be of use for you.
Inspite of above point, for high dimensional dataset, it is preferable to try 10 or more iterations with different initial clusters and choose the one with best performance (one of performance metric could be silhouette-coefficient)

Deep learning on massive datasets

Theoretical question here. I understand that when dealing with datasets that cannot fit into memory on a single machine, spark + EMR is a great way to go.
However, I would also like to use tensorflow instead of spark's ml lib algorithms to perform deep learning on these large datasets.
From my research I see that I could potentially use a combination of pyspark, elephas and EMR to achieve this. Alternatively there is BigDL and sparkdl.
Am I going about this the wrong way? What is best practice for deep learning on data that cannot fit into memory? Should I use online learning or batch training instead? This post seems to say that "most high-performance deep learning implementations are single-node only"
Any help to point me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.
In TensorFlow, you can use tf.data.Dataset.from_generator so you can generate your dataset at runtime without any storage hassles.
See link for example https://www.codespeedy.com/what-is-tf-data-dataset-from_generator-in-tensorflow/
As you mention "fitting massive dataset to memory", I understand that you are trying to load all data to memory at once and start training. Hence, I give the reply based on this assumption.
General mentality is that if you cannot fit the data to your resources, divide data into smaller chunks and train in an iterative way.
1- Load data one by one instead of trying to load all at once. If you create an execution workflow as "Load Data -> Train -> Release Data (This can be done automatically by garbage collectors) -> Restart" , you can understand how much resource is needed to train single data.
2- Use mini-batches. As soon as you get the resource information from #1, you can make an easy calculation to estimate the mini-batch size. For example, if training single data consumes 1.5 GB of RAM, and your GPU has 8 GB of RAM, theoretically you may train mini-batches with size 5 at once.
3- If the resources are not enough to train even 1-sized single batch, in this case, you may think about increasing your PC capacity or decreasing your model capacity / layers / features. Alternatively, you can go for cloud computing solutions.

General principles behind Spark MLlib parallelism

I'm new to Spark (and to cluster computing framework) and I'm wondering about the general principles followed by the parallel algorithms used for machine learning (MLlib). Are they essentially faster because Spark distributes training data over multiple nodes? If yes, I suppose that all nodes share the same set of parameters right? And that they have to combine (ex: summing) the intermediate calculations (ex: the gradients) on a regular basis, am I wrong?
Secondly, suppose I want to fit my data with an ensemble of models (ex: 10). Wouldn't it be simpler in this particular context to run my good old machine-learning program independently on 10 machines instead of having to write complicated code (for me at least!) for training in a Spark cluster?
Corollary question: is Spark (or other cluster computing framework) useful only for big data applications for which we could not afford training more than one model and for which training time would be too much long on a single machine?
You correct about the general principle. Typical MLlib algorithm is a an iterative procedure with local phase and data exchange.
MLlib algorithms are not necessarily faster. They try to solve two problems:
disk latency.
memory limitations on a single machine.
If you can process data on a single node this can be orders of magnitude faster than using ML / MLlib.
The last question is hard to answer but:
It is not complicated to train ensembles:
def train_model(iter):
items = np.array(list(iter))
model = ...
return model
There are projects which already do that (https://github.com/databricks/spark-sklearn)

Comparing parallel k-means batch vs mini-batch speed

I am trying to cluster 1000 dimension, 250k vectors using k-means. The machine that I am working on has 80 dual-cores.
Just confirming, if anyone has compared the run-time of k-means default batch parallel version against k-means mini-batch version? The example comparison page on sklean documents doesn't provide much info as the dataset is quite small.
Much appreciate your help.
Conventional wisdom holds that Mini-Batch K-Means should be faster and more efficient for greater than 10,000 samples. Since you have 250,000 samples, you should probably use mini-batch if you don't want to test it out on your own.
Note that the example you referenced can very easily be changed to a 5000, 10,000 or 20,000 point example by changing n_samples in this line:
X, labels_true = make_blobs(n_samples=3000, centers=centers, cluster_std=0.7)
I agree that this won't necessarily scale the same for 1000 dimensional vectors, but since you are constructing the example and are using either k-means or mini batch k-means and it only takes a second to switch between them... You should just do a scaling study for your 1000 dimensional vectors for 5k, 10k, 15k, 20k samples.
Theoretically, there is no reason why Mini-Batch K-Means should underperform K-Means due to vector dimensionality and we know that it does better for larger sample sizes, so I would go with mini batch off the cuff e.g. bias for action over research.
